The Will of Gil (Harry Potter)

Chapter 72 [R-18]

At least the next TEN chapters are available on my pat reon. The link is at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to my Hero Patron, Stewart Baird.

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Thank you to my Mystic Hero Patrons Cooldad King, Arkhad, Lord Blood-Campione, Poke and LastNomai. I can't thank you enough for your support.

Thank you all for your support. I truly appreciate it.

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Disclaimer: If you recognise it, surprise, I don't own it.

Chapter 72- Unexpected. [R-18]

So here we were, in February, with most of the school year gone, and I'm still nowhere. Right now, it is the fourteenth, which everybody knows is Valentine's Day. A time for young love to blossom, for chocolates to be sent every which way and for everybody to be humping like bunnies with a handy being done in every corner at every moment. Of course, there was possible death at every corner at every moment in the halls of Hogwarts. Hence, people were very much not getting intimate.

Honestly, I would much rather be pursuing and convincing some young lass to hop into my bed and stay there for a day or two, but I am really stressed out with trying to find this goddamn Diadem. I'd even taken to just randomly walking around the room of lost things in the hopes I'd chance upon it, but I never did. So here we all are, sitting at a Valentine's Day dinner with hushed, worried whispers being the only sound. Not that some people weren't trying their best today, but they wouldn't be getting anywhere soon.

One of those people was Dumbledore. I don't mean he was doing his best to get laid, because ew, but that he was doing his best to get the kids in the mood. He had decorations done and had the food be themed and a bunch of other little things, but that very clearly wasn't working and school morale was very much down. I saw a couple people trying their best to get into people's pants, such as Percy Weasley trying to get into Penny Clearwater's pants, and I can see why; I'd be there in a heartbeat trying to do the same, but I'm just not in the mood.

I know, I can't believe it either. I never thought the day would come, and if it did come, I'd be dead or dickless, probably both because I'd kill myself if I lost my little buddy. But I know from earlier in the year that this was a slippery road for me, and I could drop down the rabbit hole and find myself drowning in debauchery and sexual deviancy to the point that I put the urgent things to the side and end up getting eaten by a Basilisk. So, short term, yeah, all for it, but long term, and how I hate the long term, I need to focus on my first priority. Finding the Diadem.

Sighing, I push my fork with a vengeance through another roasted potato and bring it up to my mouth so my teeth can angrily get into it. I really am frustrated with the lack of progress I have been making. Sure, the spellbook is helping me with a couple of the problems, but until I find the Diadem, I am going to be pissed. Too much time is passing without anything happening, and it is worrying me. The more time passes, the more worse I feel it will be when things finally come to a head.

"Gilderoy?" Hearing the sudden voice in front of me, I move from where I am, looking despondently down at my plate and looking up to see Professor Minerva McGonagall in front of me, looking at me. "Yes?" I question, feeling something is a bit off. First of all, she doesn't have the notorious stern, no-nonsense look on her face, her face being quite neutral, which was practically the happiest I have ever seen her. And two, this woman didn't start conversations with me unless she had to, which didn't happen very often, and it was always me annoying her. She approached me first; this must be a serious situation.

"I have something to discuss with you, and it is quite serious. Come by my classroom at ten tonight. I cannot stress the importance of this, Gildeory. Do not fail to attend." And with that, she turns around, not even waiting for a reply, leaving the great hall entirely. Damn, she called me by my first name and talked to me directly, but I somehow felt like a student, especially when she told me to attend. I won't lie; that sort of thing can push my buttons a bit as I am a man with a lot of fetishes, I would go as far as to say there is nothing I wouldn't give a go, but she really is too old looking for me. It must be something serious she wants to discuss, maybe about the Heir of Slytherin. Perhaps information that could help me.

I return to eating my dinner, but the meeting scheduled for later tonight sticks around in my head. Hopefully, it is something with some actual substance and not just her wanting to discuss a student or lesson plans.

I might actually mind magic her to think we had the discussion if it is something stupid like this.

With a quick Tempus, I check the time, the smoke wafting up off my wand to form the number 21:58. I wonder for a moment if only my tempus shows itself as this, as a digital clock time. Is it because that was the time I was most familiar with digital clocks? I don't think digital clocks are around yet. Are they? I don't know. I wonder if people who use other languages see Tempus differently, or if somebody thought of time in Roman numerals, would it show as that for them. Anyway, I am just distracting myself and wasting time before this boring meeting.

Looking at the Tempus now displaying 21:59, I decided to knock on the door to the Transfiguration Professor's room as it is better to be early than late, and I am not going to enter directly on time as Minerva is the stern type of woman that expects everyone to be ready and on time before they are supposed to be. She is a very strict woman, but that's what makes her fun to mess with. Anyway, I knocked on the door and waited for a response. I hear some clattering and movement inside the classroom, and a few moments later, I hear a voice.

"Enter." The familiar voice calls, and I promptly enter, finding Professor McGonagall sitting behind her desk, what looks to be a cluttered desk filled with a stack of papers and, quite noticeably, two potions placed front and centre. I guess even she needed some help juice to get through marking all of the kids' assignments. Before I can say anything, she waves her wand and the door slams shut behind me before locking, and I quickly put my hand in the pocket of my robe, fingering my wand as I wonder what the hell she is doing. Maybe she found the book.

"Take a seat, Gilerdoy; we have something to discuss." Eyeing the woman sitting behind her seat, I gingerly make my way over and take the seat opposite her, my hand still on my wand. Something is weird here. I can't quite pinpoint it, but something is definitely off. Starting with the fact that she has locked this room down, and even though she has all these papers in front of her, she isn't working on any of them. Very weird. Usually, she would always be working on something, only stopping to talk or deal with something else that needed her attention. Instead, she is just sitting in her chair, reclining back and watching me.

"So, what is it that you want to talk about?" I finally ask, not knowing what else to do. The topic for discussion must really be something if she is acting so out of the ordinary. I am even more unnerved as McGonagall just sits there, silently judging me and then, having found whatever she was looking for, she nods her head. "I wished to discuss something you offered to me a while ago. An offer which I would like to take you up on." She says, a smile on her crinkly face. I merely sat there, confused as to what she was talking about. Since when did I make her an offer? What kind of offer?

"An offer? Forgive me, Minerva, but I don't recall such a thing. Perhaps you can enlighten me." I let go of the wand in my hand, instead bringing my hands to rest in front of me, clasped together on my lap as I regard her with interest. An offer I made? I don't make offers that often, and to not even remember it? Either I accidentally messed up my mind, somebody else messed up my mind, or the offer was so insignificant that I don't even remember it. Two of those options would actually be concerning, so I listen with interest as to what she wants to talk about.

"Well then, Let me enlighten you, Professor Lockhart. I'll be sure to not leave anything out." Saying so, she reaches forward, picks up one of the potions, and pops the top off before leaning back and downing it all in one. I watch, shocked at her sudden movement as she puts that potion down and as her skin begins to bubble and move she picks up the other and downs that one as well, and then. Her whole body begins to shift and change and noticeably... soften. Lines and wrinkles are disappearing, no, receding until they aren't even there anymore. I notice her body grow in some places under her green robe, while in other places, she gets bigger and tighter.

I watched, mesmerised, as her robe filled out in all the right places, and I was so taken in by the sight that I didn't even realise when the transformation had stopped. I only look up when she suddenly stands, allowing me to see her in all of her glory. Buxom breasts, a thin waist, big hips and a round ass all fit in one Scottish teacher package. And then my eyes wander to her face, and I have to take a moment to wonder if this is the same woman that was sat before me a moment ago as this is the face of... a higher being that I just can't find the words to describe. Thin nose, big eyes, full lips, lovely cheeks. Just everything is gorgeous. And I can see locks of dark black hair peeking out from under her big witch's hat, complimenting her bright green eyes reminiscent of a cats.

"...What was that?" These are the only words that come out of my mouth, not knowing what the hell is going on. Admittedly, there were a lot of thoughts going through my head and a lot of words I was about to say there, which would have taken things in the direction I think she wants to go anyway, but my mind decided on that. "That, was two potions that returned to me my youth and made me even more ready for the activities ahead, Professor." She says as she rounds the desk, forcing me to turn to my left in my chair just to keep my eyes on her. Right now, she only has a witch's hat, her half-rim silver-framed glasses, which sit on the bridge of her nose, and a long dark green robe that touches the floor, not showing anything beneath. She shrugs it off, letting the robe hit the ground.


"Now, are you going to keep asking stupid questions? Or are you going to fuck me?" Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, Gryffindor house Head and Transfiguration teacher, asks me with that characteristic stern look on her face, which has terrified students for decades. I even have memories of this exact being used on me and sending shivers down my spine, and I have to say, I have shivers down my spine at this precise moment but in a completely different manner.

I don't properly register what she even said, so taken by the sight in front of me. My eyes inevitably start from the bottom, purely because of the bright red colour popping amongst the dreariness of the rest of the room. She is wearing bright red high heels that really pop and contrast against the paleness of her skin and the freckles laced sporadically on her body. The high heels have even more of an effect as she doesn't have a lick of other clothing on her body except for her dark green witch hat. Besides the red high heels and the witch hat, she is completely bare before my eyes.

My eyes trail up over her smooth hairless skin, her delicate ankles, the tautness of her calves and leg muscles, the muscle in her thighs and her wide childbearing hips. And then her waist, which is so thin compared to her ample hips, I just feel like I could put my two hands around it and lift her up with just that. Her dainty navel and thin stomach showed some light musculature underneath, and then her big heavy breasts with light brown freckles going across, juicy and hefty and topped with delicious pink nipples that stick just a little out, enough to get a good hold of and pull.

Her arms are thin but not unhealthily so, with enough meat but easy enough for me to wrap my hand around. Her shoulders and neck are slim, and my eyes, for some reason, focus on her collarbone and have the intense need to lick each and every freckle on it. My eyes trail up her taught neck, no longer the saggy neck of an old lady, and over her beautiful face again. It's at that point that I realise I haven't answered her question as she stares imperiously down at me, waiting for an answer. I still don't reply. And then she coughs that cough that she uses to hurry children up, and with an ahem, my mind starts again, and I hurry to answer.

"Ah- The second one?" I can't quite find the words, facing someone that I have memories of being in such a superior position to me and having authority over me, and so my words come out stupidly like that. Come on, man! That wasn't even you; you just have those memories. Don't let them dictate you going forward, and try to show some fucking control. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I can't waste it by being passive. "Then what in the bloody fuck are you waiting for?" I don't waste a single second and jump out of my chair, launching myself at her, my hunger undeniable.

Reaching her, I grab her by the back of the neck and pull her into me, my lips attacking hers. At this moment, I don't care about gentleness or foreplay, and given the passion with which she is responding, I don't think she does either. Honestly, I have been so stressed over the last couple of months, so busy with what I was doing and refraining from other enjoyable activities that I didn't realise how much I needed this. My tongue pries open her mouth and delves inside, attacking her own tongue with a fury.

Surprisingly, my tongue dominates hers, something I didn't expect as Minerva was such a strong woman who likes to be in control, and she is way older than me, which I take to mean she has a lot more experience than I do, but I am dominating her right now, her own tongue submitting to mine. I don't think further on it, continuing to swish my tongue around the inside of her mouth as one of my hands reaches forward and mauls at her big tits while, at the same time, the other lets go of her neck and slides down the side of her body until it reaches her ass which a grip so tightly that she grunts in my mouth but then the moan afterwards gives me all the incentive I need to keep squeezing.

Having had enough, I push her away from me, to which she looks confused, but I don't care; getting my wand out, I use Accio to pull a student chair towards me, which I promptly take a seat in before spreading my robes and fishing my hand into my pants to draw out my cock which is already as hard obsidian, and I wave it towards her. "Get on your knees and suck my fucking cock." I say, feeling equal parts nervous and excited. Excited because the thought of this stern teacher getting on her knees and submitting to me made me even harder, but also nervous because she was a Scottish spitfire, and there was a chance this could turn her off and end this encounter entirely, but It's a chance I am willing to risk.

I feel the most enormous grin my mouth has ever made on my face as Professor McGonagall lowers herself to her knees in front of me, and her hand lightly grabs hold of my cock.

The new season of The Boys is here! I just watched episode 4, and man, that was a doozy. I wasn't really bothered by the Firecracker scandal like others were. It was quite a minor section, but others went crazy about the two-minute scene. I'm not talking about the fight but the blackmail. I was more interested in the Homelander stuff... squirt.

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That is all for now. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I will see you in the next one!

Stay safe, and have fun!

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