The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 1: Best friend’s Transmigration

'Where did it all go wrong?'

A youth was lying down on his bed as he stared at the ceiling of his room, his eyes was lifeless as a dead fish. It was further accentuated by the heavy bags on his eyes and the ruffled state of his school uniform.

Trash was strewn around all over the room as numerous flies flew here and there. Unbearable stench was spreading but that didn't even bother the youth whatsoever.

'What did I do to deserve this?'

(Stay away from me!) a young girl voice bellowed out on the boy's mind

'...It wasn't me..'

(Hey...isn't that the guy. Heh I can't believe he has the gull to even come to school)

(He's one shameless bastard)

(I can't believe we are even in the same class)

'...Please stop...' the voices of his classmates' whispers resounded clearly.

(..Brother why, why did you do it?)

'I didn't! Please believe me!' the eyes of disgust his sister gave him made his stomach churn.

(Reflect on yourself. I have to deal with your mess...f*ck, you bother me now when I'm so busy. I should've have known, are her son after all)

'Dad, don't turn your back on me...please' the disappointment in his father's eyes pierced through his being.

(You, don't ever associate yourself with me anymore. It just hurts more the more I see you)

'..Why are you crying, weren't you on my side?' the sight of her tear stained face kept appearing.

(....I'm sorry..)

'Why are you apologizing?' his guilt could be heard behind his apology and that made the boy's rage burn ever more.

(I'm sorry)

'Don't say that to my face!' his apology kept repeating.

(..I'm sorry. I never meant it to end up like this. I'm really sorry)

"...If I knew it was going to be like this, I would have never have been your friend.."

His hoarse voice finally came out as tears flowed down his swollen cheeks. He rolled over his bed as he covered himself with his blanket, feeling his body becoming a little too cold.

He looked over one more time to see a novel titled "Destiny's Play" spread open by the side of his pillow. A novel that he once enjoyed sharing and raving about with his friends like no tomorrow even if it wasn't that great objectively speaking, what made it special is that it became the center of 'their' bond but now it was a detestable thing to lay his tired eyes on.

"...Destiny...what a load of bull"

'To think I used to believe in that sh*t"

He mumbled grudgingly as he felt his eyes close gradually. Eventually darkness enveloped his sight and his mind as he fell into a deep peaceful slumber, one that he felt he hadn't had ever since that day.


*Ring Ring

The noise of an alarm clock repeatedly rang as rays of sunlight peered through the curtains, it's light shone on the figure of a sleeping youth.

'...Damn it, at least let me sleep in peace'

"Stupid alarm.."


"...Wait I don't have an alarm.."

I slowly opened my eyes, wanting to bring sense into my earlier confusion. However what greeted me was an entirely different ceiling than my room because-

"When did my bed have a canopy?"

I stood up and looked over the room. From my observation, this clearly wasn't my room. The trash, the flies, the stench, and the cramped space.

Everything was different. I was in a large room with a canopied bed, large windows with luxurious curtains, a large closet and a large body mirror. The room almost felt empty when I looked more carefully.

'Sh*t...did I get kidnapped....they wouldn't do that right?'

I tried to reassure myself that possibility wouldn't happen at all but somewhere inside I genuinely thought that it was the case.

"Where the hell am I?" I questioned out loud out of frustration but something felt off when I spoke.

'My voice...what the-"

"It's...this isn't my voice.." I said as sweat flowed down my cheeks.

"And my cheeks aren't swollen anymore.."

The more I became aware of the peculiar situation, the more confused and scared I became.

I wanted to check out my face in the mirror just to check wether what I was feeling wasn't just my mind playing tricks on me. For all I knew, someone drugged me or something.

And so I looked up at the body mirror and I immediately widened my eyes at what I saw.

"Who is this?!" I got surprised by my reflection.

I place my hands over my face. Pink hair, fair skin, and sky blue eyes. A complete stranger was reflected in the mirror but what's more confusing was this guy's face seemed familiar to me.

"Don't tell're-?!"

My eyes suddenly glowed pink, two circular lines were glowing brightly in my iris. One circle was outlined on my eyes while there was a smaller one on the center of my iris.

A sudden pain and feeling of vertigo immediately assaulted my head. It felt like my brain was getting crushed by something as loud noises and abrupt images kept revolving in mind.

(Big Brother let's go!) A little girl happily smiled at me

(..Son, venture out and find your dream. Happy birthday...) An old man with red hair patted my head as he gave me a pair of goggles.

(...You are now a part of this family, do not disappoint us and smear this name with your dirt) Another old man appeared but this one had a very cold look directed at me.

(...You've awakened the eyes...but.) a priest awkwardly said.

(...Train till your head falls off!)

(I believe in you)




The voices and images gradually died down as my headache faded. I was crouched down on the marble floor because of the earlier pain. When I had collected myself enough to not make a panic, I breathed out a large sigh as I readied myself to confirm what I just experienced.

'I hope it's not real.....I still had business with those pricks'


A transparent blue panel appeared before me, it showed-


Name: Ray Irisville

Mystic Tier: 2

Profession: Pathfinder

Class: N/A

Nature: Null

Innate Skill: Penetrating Gaze-Gift of Lust

Skills Slots [2/5]: Basic Mana Operation (F) , Magic Bullet (F),

Personal Distribution [2/4]: Precision (Lvl 2), Sense (Lvl 2)


I looked over the panel with a scrutinizing gaze. Everything inside the panel was very familiar with me and that fact almost gave me a heart attack because of the name in the status. I slapped myself hard enough to almost knock someone out in order to make sure I wasn't tripping alas the room was still the freaking same.

"Ray Irisville, this f*cker"

Now that I had made sure that this was real, I had no choice but to accept the fact that I had transmigrated as a character in the novel, Destiny's Play.

I didn't know what, how or why it happened but here I am. It was an undeniable fact considering that I inherited this person's memories a while ago.

It was a weird feeling, I still knew who I was in the real world but I had an eerie realization that I'm also Ray that had lived up to this point. Every feeling and experience he had gone through, I know and consider as my own which was weird.

It felt I was still me but with a bit of Ray mixed within, something like that.

"But still why this guy of all people.."

My complaint was directed at myself but having knowledge of the immediate future, it made me realize that he and I had a very unfortunate fate.

Destiny's Play was a very generic power fantasy novel where the world is basically in a modern setting, having technology that had mixed the presence of mana in its advancement. Many familiar races live together in harmony such as humans, elves, demons, beastkin, dwarves and such.

That's all fine and dandy up to that point but that peace all comes crashing down when the Ancient Gods grew tired of taking care of the freaking planet. One day, they had enough and just said, screw it.

The apocalypse started, monsters were born and beast became rogue as they laid waste to the world. It was basically a never-ending wave of monsters that spawned from the very ground. Life as we knew it came to the brink of destruction.

Fortunately those assholes made a compromise, they erected 15 labyrinths that made a barrier that kept out the monsters but there was a catch, there's always a catch. Those labyrinths have limited time use basically for about a hundred years, so they requested that all the races must clear those if they want to end the apocalypse.

That's the background of the story but the main focus would be years later as it follows the adventure of the protagonist as he trains in an academy where he hones his power, get the girls, defeats villains, uncover mysteries and conquer the 15 labyrinths.

It's that type of story.

'I'm fine with what the main character does with his life, I couldn't care less since he would eventually save the world but-'

"This guy is needed to befriend the protagonist if I want to ensure he freaking lives because along the lines, this character, Ray comes in to save him multiple times just to get killed at some labyrinth in the middle arcs"

This meant that I had to become the 'Wingman' of the protagonist, which means I was getting the end of the stick-

"Once again...but if it's to save the world, isn't it fine" I mumbled

*Ring Ring

The alarm clock kept ringing.

"It's fine right.."

*Ring Ring


*Ring Ring




"Screw that sh*t!" I smashed the alarm clock as it stopped ringing.

I clenched my hands as my eyes showed a resolute look in the body mirror.

"I'm doing this thing myself, To hell with being a wingman"

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