The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 30: Rush Dive [3]

Hiding behind in the corner of a wall, Amana scanned her surroundings.

Just like the first layer, the terrain was still a enclosed space with walls that have blue flamed torches placed in the area.

Amana had already expected that the area would be like this even before the test had started because the terrain up to the 5th layer is recorded in the archives of the academy.

Most likely, every student who was taking the test right now also knew of this fact. 

The academy also deliberately conducted such a test because they were aware that the terrain after the 1st layer isn't as complex as the 5th layer and below.

Even if the labyrinth rearranges it's layers each time delvers challenges a new layer which becomes more prevalent in the lower layers, the academy knew it wouldn't be that difficult for the freshman to navigate through the following layers.

The labyrinth also isn't able to rearrange layers where delvers are still currently occupying so it wasn't a a huge concern since there were so many students taking the test at the same time.

Looking once again to the front, Amana confirmed the presence of two kobold barbarians.

A variant of a kobold that boast berserker like tenacity and strength, if one does not go for it's head or instantly kill it, it would only grow ever much stronger.

She then looked behind her to find her party members. One was an elf knight while the other was a beastman rogue.

As Amana gave a nod as a signal, both of them ran out of hiding as the knight got their attention with her shout while the rogue stealthily dashed from the side.

The two kobold barbarians immediately became enraged, brandishing their mallets. They rushed to the knight with bloodshot eyes.

The elven knight almost backed away in fear when she saw the glowing orbs behind her back.

"[Spell Enhance], Ember and Orb lightning!"

Sophia revealed herself at the backlines as she released two magic spells at once without incantations.

The flaming and lightning orbs quickly met their targets as both the kobold screamed in pain while the other one got paralyzed.

Without waiting, Amana released her fully charged arrow straight towards the burned kobold.

It's wails of pain dissapeared after it's head was blown to tiny bits. 

The rogue also didn't let the chance escape as she beheaded the other in a clean cut with her dagger.

Breathing a sigh of relief, the elven knight, Eliya, thanked both the backliners.

"Hmmph, it was as I said in the plan. As long as everybody follows my instructions we will conquer more layers than expected" 

Amana had an annoyed look while Eliya had a wry smile, the rogue on the other hand nodded vigorously at Sophia.

Sophia adjusted her glasses as she explained, she also emphasized her role as the party leader.

Although it didn't sit right with the elf princess to follow someone, she was the one that wanted to join the party.

Luckily Eliya was there to invite her instead, being royalty, the elven knight desperately wanted their princess to be in the care of their own people.

"...Stand your ground next time" she warned.

"I-I'm sorry princess Amana!" Eliya immediately kneeled, shamed from backing down earlier.

"...Just stick with..her plan. We need to beat the ones at the front right now"

Amana's eyes narrowed, thinking that they were falling behind.

"Be patient, we're almost at the end of the second layer. At most, Silvious and his two lackeys are at the third layer already"

"We could catch up to then real soon and based on what I saw, some of our classmates have already been transported out by Professor Ulden earlier"

She paused as she remembered another group who she knows is still in the test.

"That abomination and that pervert are behind us. We need to move out now before they catch up to us"

The party then proceeded to navigate through the second layer while Amana thought of a pink haired boy.

He was also the reason why she opted to join a party because if the one who defeated her joined a party for the test, how would she fare if she did it alone.

Even when he didn't say anything to her prior the test, Amana could imagine his mocking smile if she ever failed to finish the test.

It was the only thing that Amana didn't want to happen even if she needs to compromise for the sake of her own sanity and pride.

"....I won't let you beat me again...Ray..Irisville" Amana muttered as if swearing to herself.


In an area where only glowing moss were the source of light, three students were stepping lightly as they traversed the hard floor, or so it was supposed to be.

"Shivan are you sure those tiles will trigger a pitfall?" Donovan asked while stepping on another tile which Shivan had pointed out to be a safe tile.

"Yeah, when I scanned that place with [Echo] earlier, the ground below was hollow. Only a few tiles were solid" Shivan said as he threaded carefully.

It didn't help that the light was so dim now that they were in the third layer.

While they were discussing such things, Brian who was ahead of them stopped in place as he narrowed his eyes to see the figure closing in on them.

"You two. You need to run ahead, we have company" 

As soon as he said that, Brian leaped all the way to the safe zone as Shivan and Donovan frantically tried to clear the trap.

Ignoring his party members, Brian brandished his silver spear. 

A howl came out as two feralz came out to pounce on him.

"...So they're here as well.." he mumbled as he dodged both of their strikes.

Brian then spun his spear to clear some space between them and right after, he activated a spearmaster skill.


He swung his spear as if trying to slice their head apart but his spear was lengths away from them after he had spun his spear second ago.

The two feralz was about to attack when their head fell to the cold ground, the look on their hideous faces showed how clueless they were of their deaths.

As that was going on, both Brian's lackey was finally able to cross the safe zone. 

In that time, Brian was holding off three feralz as he killed one by piercing his spear through it's chest.

"..Even if I did break through the 2nd tier, it seems handling this much isn't ideal. Donovan!" Brian yelled out as he pushed back the feralz.


"Make the pitfall!"  he shouted as he unleashed a thrust skill.


"Now you fool!"

"Yes?!" Donovan them qucikly stepped on a near tile which made the whole floor dissapear.

As the howls of frenzied feralz became nearer, Brian backed away to the edge.

"Shivan use your [Shadow Dive] when I say so"

"Yes!" Shivan then crouched down as he readied himself.

Looking at the charging feralz, Brian grinned. As soon as a swipe was coming for their faces, he gave the signal.


"[Shadow Dive]"

Shivan was swallowed by his own shadow as Donovan and Brian was also sucked into it.

With their targets missing, the feralz all came swooping down the pitfall without stopping since all of them was charging ahead.

The wails of mad hounds ringed out the third layer while the shadow moving silently moved forward.

The progression of Brian's party was halfway in the third layer.


Running around the cramped walls, I dodged the thrown spear of a kobold spearman.

A variant that sported long arms and as the name suggested, was proficient in spear arts.

There were two of them who was targeting me, the other one howled as he thrusted his spear to my back.

I didn't panic and calmly shot down his spear with Sixth at point blank.

I leaped some distance away from the two of them while I shot out my three remaining bullets at them.

The kobold who threw his spear died as his chest was pierced through by a bullet while the other one spun his spear to deflect the other two shots.

"...You're good but I'm not your only opponent"

As soon as those word left my mouth, a flaming rapier pierced through his heart from behind.

Lily swiped her rapier clean of the kobolds blood.

"Good work. Your eyes are really useful in finding them hidden inside those walls" Lily then pointed to a hollow wall where a bunch of kobold came out.

It was supposed to be a surprise attack but since I detected them with my eyes beforehand, we were able to counter them perfectly.

Looking at Lily's hand briefly, I confirmed that she was wearing the Scale Ring that I requested Alice to sell to her, anynomous of where it came from.

Alice had already given me the payment last night in exchange for a right to come anytime to the villa.

I reluctantly agreed to the deal but I worry if she ever gave Lily the appraisal data.

'...I just hope she had practiced using it. I haven't even seen her activate it once. Well with how she moves, it seems she doesn't need to though. She might have already broken through Mystic Tier 2 just like I did..' I thought.

I just nodded back at Lily after clearing my worries away while I observed Emily and Jun fighting off two kobold barbarians.

Emily was holding one off by enclosing the monster in a cubed barrier. 

Although it was starting to break the barrier, it was enough time for Alice from the backline to charge up her skill.

She was using her damaged white rifle and she reasoned to me in my villa that she wanted to at least use it one more time before it breaks since her main weapon was already completed by Delan a day ago.

As the barrier broke, the kobold barbarian tried to attack Emily who was calmly staring at the kobold.

Putting her trust in Alice, a concentrated exlposion bore through it's chest.

Additionally, the loud sound of the explosion startled the other kobold barbarian as Jun took the oppurtunity to finish it off.


Jun instantly dissapeared from his spot, the kobold quickly looked around his target but it was already too late as two swords from above sliced his body apart.

Sighing in relief, Jun looked at the hollow space to find no more enemies in the vicinity.

Having finished the fight, Emily healed Jun's cut. Right after that, she tried to heal me and Lily.

"I'm fine, I don't have a scratch on me" I said as an excuse.

"Me too Emily, but thank you anyway. We need to conserve as much as your mana pool since you're our lifeline" Lily added.

Emily nodded as she showed a faint smile, she then pointed to us both.

"I understand but when you do get wounded or at least when you're not even feeling great, please don't try to keep it from me. That's one thing I won't tolerate, specially...both of you" she pointed at me and Lily.

'....Is she talking about the last incident?..' I mused while scratching my cheeks.

Lily and I nodded in confirmation. 

Satisfied with our response, she called out to me once again to lead the way.

Since we're already near the end of the 2nd layer, it would be a matter of time before all the cast converge.

It would also mean that those assassins will start to make their move once it does happen.

'[Penetrating Gaze]' I turned my gaze towards the front, avoiding looking at my party members.

My eyes glowed through the goggles, the path becoming clear to me.

Though it would have been better if I could clearly see the outcome of what's waiting on the next gate.

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