The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 35: Cold Blood [2]

Inside the barrier that Emily erected, Jun and Lily were making sure that they could guard their sole support from any possible attack from the assassin.

Although their opponent could also destroy the barrier if she wanted to avoid dealing with the saint, she would also risk being intercepted by the two fighters.

Their battlefield was also a little cramped and such barrier size would be burdensome to maintain so Emily could not afford to assist them at all.

It was also annoying that the weird skill [Sound Room] was still active and that they have no idea where the assassin is.

Gripping his two swords tightly, Jun observed his surroundings more carefully but even then, he could not find any anomaly or track of the bunny beastman even in this space.

Lily also did the same but she knew that her sensitivity wasn't even close to that of their pathfinder.

With those thoughts running through their minds, they failed to notice the dark shroud coming from above.

With a quick swipe, Julie's chakram neared Lily's head in a clean line.

The instant Lily felt her bloodlust appear, she turned her body way too late. Luckily, Jun never left his attention towards to Lily when he was scanning the area.


Pushing Lily instantly from her spot, Jun parried the strike with his sword. 

Not taking any chances, Jun counterattacked with his other sword but the assassin was able to dodge that easily.

Leaping away, Julie followed up by throwing her chackram at Jun.

Regaining her stance, Lily parried her thrown chakram in the air only to once again lose sight of the assassin.

The chakram also dissapeared in sight when Lily parried her attack.

Julie's eyes only had one target in mind and the two people in front of her were just nuisances.

"[Void Bind]"

Dark ropes from the ground sprouted as it binded both Jun and Lily in place.

Lily however retaliated quickly by enchanting her rapier in flames, it quickly burned through her bindings.

As the flame element was a direct counter to darkness, it was possible for Lily to escape easily but unfortunately, Jun doesn't have fire nature.

And in that time, Julie had slipped past by Jun who was still binded in place.

Going straight at Emily, Lily dashed towards Emily as well and failed to unbind Jun since she had a higher priority.

"[Ice Enchant]!" 

Ice tried to capture Julie's feet but since she was the only one able to hear their voices inside her [Sound Room], she was able to leap for safety.

Although by dodging the attack, Lily was the first to come by Emily's side who was at her wit's end from keeping the barrier in place.

With only one obstacle in her way, Julie obliged to take out Lily in the process.

Rotating her body, her chakram aimed to slice Lily

However Lily was not one to back down from a fight even when their tiers were apart by one level.

Blocking her strike, Lily felt her hand become numb as another strike came for her.

Julie didn't give her opponent any time to rest, she was continuosly aiming for Lily's vitals without stop while Lily couldn't do anything but defend.

The assassin's strike were very precise and strong and it weared Lily down in no time.

It would be preferable if she had Jun's help but it wasn't possible since he had bad compatibility with those bindings.

Feeling pushed into a corner, Lily decided to unleash her skill she had unlocked after awakening to Tier 3.

"[Spell Resonance: Ignite]"

In an instant, Lily's hair turned crimson as bits of ember and flame flickered but the most drastic change was her state.

If she was weakened from a moment ago, right now she was someone brimmed with fiery will.

Julie even felt the heat from her body but she couldn't care less and attacked to finish her off.

However Lily countered her with renewed fervor, she was even able to come to the level of Julie's speed.

It was a sudden change that Julie was caught off guard and got wounded slightly on her cheeks.

Lily was relentless, she kept thrusting her rapier while also keeping any gaps closed towards Emily.

She even added [Flame Enchant] to her rapier in the process which made her strike twice more harder to deal with.

Even Julie was being wounded gradually after clashing for about two minutes, unable to keep up with her abnormal strength.

It seemed like the tables have turned for Lily as she put faith on her trump card.

However Lily should have ended the fight after two minutes had passed by.

"You probably can't keep this up can you?" Julie said knowing they can't hear her.

Julie smirked, noticing that the sudden power hike was eating away at her opponent based on the desperate look on Lily's face.

Her eyes were becoming unfocused, she was basically relying on her instincts and the duration of her skill.

As if answering her hunch, a few seconds later, Lily's aggressive assault slowed down and then her crimson hair turned to plain red right after.

Her body screamed for her to rest and stop, tons of sweat flowed from her face and her blurry eyes tried to focus on Julie.

It was like as if her energy from before was an illusion, Lily had become much more weaker. It was like she was at death's door at any minute.

But even so, she still raised her rapier as Lily knew she can't back down now knowing that her loss would mean not only her death but also of her dear friend.

Lily thought in her mind that if she can't even protect Emily now. She failed once and she's determied to not fail again on this front.

Maybe through ignorant stubborness or unwavering courage, Lily kept on fighting. Parrying and never stopping to look for a gap in Julie's defense.

Seeing her fight, Emily and Jun screamed Lily's name out in vain. Emily couldn't help her out as opening up the barrier would make the battlefield more chaotic again.

She was also at the end of her limits, the mana she was constantly preserving to maintain the barrier was almost depleted.

Jun also gritted his teeth hard as he tried to escape from his bonds. His soul screamed out that wish to escape from the schackles binding him.

His grip on his two swords had blood flowing on it as his hands bled from his desperation.

Then one of his swords with chains on it's end suddenly rattled. The chains of Gratis wrapped around Jun's arm as if it were alive.

Jun screamed out without any sound coming out of his mouth but his face says all that he was feeling.

Sudden pain came from his arms as the chains squeezed with extreme force. Veins bulged out as mana from his arms were also sucked out.

Jun was confused and in a panic from the abrupt action of his own sword. The pain was also becoming unbearable as his body became weakened while mana was being sucked out.

In Jun's mind, it felt like the pain would continue forever however it just stopped a few seconds after.

The chains had already let go of his arms but the thing that Jun had realized that his sword was shining white light in contrast to it's black body.

It further puzzled Jun when the black bindings on his body had started to dissipate gradually.

There were only two ways for Jun to get out of Julie's skill and that is by literally cutting through it.

Which is impossible in Jun's situation since his weapon and hands were also tied up.

That only leaves the use of flame or light natured mana but both were also not an alternative since Jun had only Null and Earth nature.

But his own understanding of his mana nature seems to be false now that he literally sees himself radiating light nature mana.

Jun wanted to check his status due to the weird changes happening to his body but his mind was preoccupied with their dire situation.

Forcing out emission of a new type of mana in his veins, Jun eventually broke out of his bindings and quickly turned to where Lily was.

Hoping to help help her out, Jun set his eyes on Lily only to see the assassin about to land the final blow.

Eminating a dark red hue, Julie's chakram was about to come in contact a few inches away from Lily's defenceless chest.

Screaming out her name at the top of his lungs, Jun never looked away from the scene.

"LILY!!" his shout was unheard.


[(Lily's POV)]

'....Don't stop. I can't afford to stop now. Move your hands, thrust your rapier. Don't let your eyes off her'

Although I kept forcing those orders on myself,  my body knew that I was at my limit already.

Using [Spell Resonace: Ignite] probably depleted all the mana I have left, it even pushed my body to ruin and fatique.

I haven't even had enough practice with that particular skill which brings me into a state of fusion with my mana nature.

Fire was the first thing that came into mind when I was in need of more power. Although that came with a steep price.

My eyes can't see properly anymore, everything is a big blur. My hands feel like stones, it's so heavy to the point that every time I parry her strike, it feels like my blood runs cold.

It was hell, more so than the training I always experience at the household.

I wanted to think to myself that I was used to the pain but it seems that I shouldn't overestimate my own tolerance.

Despite the condition of my body, my mind still keeps on urging me to fight. Not only can I hear nothing, I can't even see or feel the vibration of my own weapon through my hands when I clash with her chakram.

'...So why am I still...' 

A silly question ran through my mind for a second. 

It was silly because I already knew why I'm this desperate. Even when I wasn't even aware of my surroundings anymore, I knew they were there looking at me.

Emily was looking at me.

Emily was always trying her best when it comes to everything and even then she always managed to show kindness to her every action.

But I felt that she was always carrying something heavy, I felt sure about that because we were the same.

For her, it was everyone's expectations. For me, it was my own wish that became something I gad carried through the years.

In that sense, we were the same even when we were complete opposites. 

Although I have noticed that she has been thinking about herself more nowadays. She now tends to focus on her own interest as of late.

In that sense, I'm happy for her but-

'..I wonder why though...'

Well I can't say the same for myself. Even I have been acting weird these past few weeks if I have to admit to myself.

Moreso because of a certain idiot.

He was looking at me too right now.

To think I would allow myself to bring him into  the estate and teach him myself, how low could I go?

I looked down on him and even felt disgusted of his being but when he saved me, I realized that I was just being the kind of person I hated the most.

To judge people based on their background, to look down on them without even fully knowing who they really are.

I felt disgusted with myself.

Maybe because I was trying to atone for my behavior or maybe I just find it frustrating to see the person who saved my life to be weaker than me or....

I sighed inside.

Those people were looking at me, right here right now.

That's enough for me to break myself to pieces.

'..But until then I won't let them see me crumble'

I promised inside my heart but as I brought down my rapier, it was parried off my hand.

Even then, I tried to catch her chackram with my hands even when it was futile.

And as I did, the ring on my finger shone for the first time.

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