The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 38: The Visit

Feeling the cool winds brush past my face, I continued to peel the orange on the small table beside me.

Wearing a patient's gown, I looked outside the window. 

'...Don't they get tired coming here?..'

I sighed as the figures of mutiple people, specially the press were waiting outside the premises of the Clerical Church.

Some were even foolish enough to go over the barricades as a loud commotion erupted once again.

This was the third time it has happened which was also the 3rd day the victims of the incident dubbed as 'Uvelia Class Assassination' were admitted in this place.

This place wasn't solely a hospital because priest and all types of healing class were gathered in this place.

Although the equipment found in the Clerical Church were from typical hospitals, the architecture and the overall vibe of the place was that of a churh.

Just like the room I was in, there were pillars and motifs that decorated the room while there were also essential heatlhcare equipments.

After finishing peeling the orange, I looked around the room once again to see that I was the only one in this place.

The other patients were vacated to another room due to possible risk after the incident.

Speaking of the incident, right after we got transported by Ulden to the hub, we were immediately rushed by Vivian who was seething in rage.

She was also accompanied by Garret who was likely notified by Ulden right after sensing the intruders.

It was chaos, both the teaching staff and students were in a panic seeing all of us in such grave conditions.

It also was a pain to stop Vivian from rushing inside the labyrinth to pursue the cultist assassins.

Ulden and Garret had a huge headache from dealing with her. Not long after, it was decided that all of us were to be admitted in the Clerical Church.

The nurse already treated us with her first aid healing and Emily also did her best only to pass out from mana depletion.

Even with their combined efforts, it wasn't enough to heal our life threathening wounds and such they transffered us out immediately.

Also at that point, I had already passed out out too after Emily did since she was healing me at the time.

By the time I regained conciousness, I was already partially healed in the Clerical Church.

I was confused at first but after being briefed by the priest on standby, I gained an understanding of the situation.

And by the second day, I was fully healed already but I still couldn't leave the church because they still needed me to be examined.

And the press were adamant on not leaving until they got to see and interview every single victim of the incident.

It was planned by the academy that they would escort us once each and everyone of us were in full capacity.

I agreed with their decision since I also didn't want to deal with those people myself but the transfer was delayed by two parties.

Some of the parents and guardians of the victims wanted answers from the academy.

And officials from the Alliance wanted answers from us directly about the cultist and the Order's plan.

"...These people just can't let us heal in peace.." I complained as I ate an orange slice.

"...It's healed already.."

Looking down, I checked the four holes that the ice claw made on my back.

Seeing the smooth and unblemished skin made me realize that healing skills in this world was insane.

Although Emily's skill was really top notch if compared to other healing class skills in terms of effectiveness and speed.

Other than that, It made me look back on how I dealt with Marie in that labyrinth. 

I hate to admit it but I really hesitated in fighting her.

It was a fatal mistake on my part, If I didn't hesitate maybe I wouldn't have been reduced to such a state.

But when I look at those lifeless eyes, I just can't help myself. 

Even at those last moments when she was transported as I stared at her, I still felt that I couldn't fight her seriously because-

"...Those eyes.."

"Damn it..I shouldn't be thinking about this type of stuff.." I shook my head and ate another orange slice.

I already failed in fighting her properly and not only that, I became conceited that I had to hold off using Silver against her.

I wanted to use it to launch a surprise attack on Malik because it would have pierced his tough skin and immolated berserker body.

"..Well it wouldn't have been enough in the end.., even Ulden couldn't finish him off either...Status"


Mystic Tier: 3

Class: Gunslinger

Class Skill: Gunslinging Arts lvl 2

*The art of gunfighting both in mid and close quarters. Boasts high mobility and lethality at both range.


First Level of Mastery: Reload Belt 


Second Level of Mastery: Alter Burst

*Launch a bullet with two possible alternating effects based on proximity.

+Close Point: The launched bullet will have high knockback effect and wide area damage.  

+Far Point: The launched bullet will have no damage but instead, will have high armor break effect on the affected area for 10 seconds.


Seeing the new unlocked skill, I smiled wryly thinking that it would work on Marie's hardened claws at that time.

Since she was immobile while protecting the orb, I was sure she would defend it all cost. By taking advantage of her situation, I was able to make her confused in those few moments.

However even with the armor break in effect, I doubted my normal bullets would break through her defense.

I really didn't have any comparisons on how effective it's effect was other than what I knew from the novel when Soren used it and from practicing on robot dummies.

Such is why I needed Delan to finish Silver and have the available effect before that fiasco so I could test it out but I didn't have enough time when the rush test had started.

'...Without <Critical Trigger> I wouldn't have been able to break through her claws'

<Critical Trigger> was an item effect from my second magic gun, Silver or more specifically on my item series.

After Delan had finished making my item commission, I had immediately made him name the thing on the spot.

(Delan, name it)

(N-name it....but big bro...)

(Hey can I name it instead! How about Popper!)

(Big sis...I don't think...that's..)

(...I'll kick you out of my villa Alice)

(Now now Ray, you just can't kick me out, I'm basically a resident here after we made the deal)

(..I still won't let you name it, it's my gun)

(Booo, you're no fun. I let you suggest the name for my cannon so why can't I do the same)

(Cause you suck)

(.....You...even though Popper is cute...)

(Anyway don't listen to this idiot, just name it like you did with Sixth)

(..Just like with Sixth....Ok....then how about-)

Right after he had named it, I quickly noticed both Sixth and Silver vibrate in my hands. 

It then glowed golden right after. It was a surprising phenomenon to see an item series appear real time.

It was really hectic after that since Alice and Delan was panicking whilst I just looked at the blue panel in front of my eyes at that time.

[An Item Series has been created]

[Creator and User shall be notified]

[Sixth:Silver is therefore named]

[10 LP is awarded to the creator, Delan Stillspire, for peeking through the mystical with his creation]

It was the first time I had a system notification and so was the same with Delan, a look of shock in his face was plastered.

System notification was a rare phenomenon when an achievement beyond normal is gained by a profession.

In the case of Delan, it was a production achievement while mine was a pathfinder achievement.

I didn't have a notification when I earned my first LP since it was deemed as minor by the system.

In a sense, Delan was one of the rare geniuses to make an achievement recognized by the system as exemplar while it also indicated that Sixth:Silver is an item with tremendous potential.

Alice was then later informed of what happened and she was surprised since her cannon wasn't even that evaluated highly by the system even though practically, her Golden Rose is a top notch item in of itself.

I then had it appraised on a near appraisal shop the day it was created.

"...Still what is this thing?"

After eating another orange slice, I opened the appraisal data on Sixth:Silver.



Grade: Item Series- Magic Gun


 <Critical Trigger>

*Activates after an attack based active skill is used. The bullet that will be shot will have a damage buff, increasing it's speed and power by twofolds.

*Effect could only be used twice in a day.

*Effect is interchangeable with Sixth and Silver

<**** ******>



The effect of <Critical Trigger> was a gamechanger in critical moments since it covers my lack of firepower.

Although it's a shame that I could only use it twice a day but that was enough for me who only had two class skills in hand.

However what puzzles me is the second item effect of Sixth:Silver.

It was locked but that wasn't the point I was curious about.

"...From what I remember, Soren never had another effect other than <Critical Trigger>, so what is this thing?..." I mumbled.

I racked my brain to make sense of it but an information outside from the novel is something I can't possibly figure out.

All I could do now moving forward was to master both my class and Sixth Silver. If I did have that power, I would have been able to prevent Malik from escaping.

Although everything had gone to waste since more than one variable was out of place the moment the test had started.

"..Nothing really changed at all, all of them still got away like in the story..." I realized as I tried to get another orange slice.

*Knock Knock

"Sir Ray, someone is asking for you. May I come in?"

A old lady's voice came from the door, most likely one of the nuns that took care of me in the past three days.

They normally wouldn't ask for permission to come inside a patient's room but due to the request of the academy, extra measures like these were needed.

"Yes, you can come in"

Opening the door, the old nun smiled at me. I sat at the edge of the bed since I was being called.

"So who's asking for me? The press? or the Alliance officials?" I guessed because most likely it was them.

"Fortunately it's not"

"Hmm so who is it sister?"

"Rejoice sir Ray, your uncle has come to see you" she said with a joyous smile without a hint of malice.

Although in contrast, it sounded like the message came from the devil. Sweat started to form on my forehead once I heard her words.

"Sister, please tell him I'm dead"

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