The Wingman’s Rebellion

Chapter 44: Library [2]

She was really quiet for someone who had a nasty glare that seems to be able to bore through someone.

Her round glasses couldn't hide the shine from her golden eyes as I also noticed that her fox tails were curiously supporting the weight of the books on her hands.

" long are you going to stare at me?.."

Prompted by her warning, I noticed that I was staring at her face for like a straight minute or so.

Maybe because it was the first time that I had a real close good look on her, I had unconsciously looked at her face with observant eyes.

Although I was already aware that she's one of the heroines with one of the most dangerous level of attraction, I couldn't be bothered until now.

Indeed she was a beauty, just like that elf princess, it's something else when you lay eyes upon a person with such fantasy characteristics up close.

Alas I was quite used with beautiful people such as her and the other girls since I essentially forced myself to keep up with women like them in my previous life.

Taking my eyes off her per request as if I couldn't care less, I walked past by her to get what I suspected to be the [Memorize] skill book.

I still wasn't if my eyes were accurate or not nor was it really the skill book I was looking for but still, I had to grasp every hint I could get.

"...Hey...why are you even in this section? Don't tell me..."

Sophia asked with her brows raised, noticing that my presence in the area was weird for her. 

She also stared at my goggles for quite a while as she asked her question. I didn't even need to think hard on what she was thinking right now.

It was like a template to her that I was up to something no good.

Although this time she was actually right, I was up to no good. One, I was using my kind of skill in this library. Two, I was trying to find a skill book.

But the latter can be seen as a last ditch effort from students, it's still a behavior frowned upon if they are found successful in their endeavors in finding it.

'...This fox doesn't know when to stop being  annoying..'

"...Studying..what else?" I stated bluntly.

I had no reservation nor any positive impression on this girl with how blatant she is in showing her disgust towards me.

In my opinion, if you don't even have the decency to at least keep it to yourself then I don't have to go out of my way to do the same.

"What did you say? is it not weird for someone like you to be snooping around in here? You're not even a mage" she pointed out.

"And besides, there's no way you're here to study, this subject isn't even on the midterms.."

Laying out her suspicions, she revealed two factors for someone to look around in this area.

'...She's clever..but she's missing an important point here..'

"That may be true but how do you know my class isn't a magic related class. Quite an assumption to make there, for someone as smart as a sorcerer" I said with a shrug.

Playing with how my class is a variant, any information on it's nature and characteristics is completely unknown even though I'm quite sure that it's not deeply related to the mage class at all.

"...Are you serious? Don't joke around. A crude  class like yours isn't sophisticated enough for the magical arts.."

Sophia was clearly becoming more angered as we talked, shown by how her fox ears were perking up now and then after what I said.

It was far from being intimidating, it was more adorable in a sense which defeats the display of emotions she's trying to do.

Seems like she's staying true to herself. Showing disdain for anything outside of magical arts or magic itself.

For her, it was kind of an insult for me to compare my class to mages but the irony here is that I was supposed to be a mage myself.

I knew that she didn't like me but I didn't ubderstand exactly why up to this extent, I haven't even done anything to her.

Technically this was the first time we ever held a proper conversation with each other although I doubt an arguement counts as conversation.

'We were in the wrong foot before we even made one single step..'

Shrugging my shoulders, I replied.

"Are you in any state or manner to have the qualifications to tell me off. Unlike you, I already have achieved something"

"..Just because of that!?...." holding off her own complaints, my bragging isn't something she can't deny.

Everyone knew I was the only one with tangible results at the start of this semester, it's impossible that she doen't know.

'If you can't shut them up through logic, break them down with authority or in this case bragging rights...'

Not backing out if someone is talking me down right at my face isn't something I'm not going to tolerate like in the past.

"..Jeez all this fuss just because I'm inside a library. Mind your own business" I added as I looked down on her trembling figure.

My eyes showed an indifferent look as if all of this wasn't worth my time because I didn't really have all the time in the world.

I would have liked if she just backed off there and then but Sophia's a person who doesn't let things go so easily.

"..That look, those eyes, you're all the same"

"Don't look at me with those eyes..." 

She was suddenly starting to emit mana from her hands as she looked at me.

In the midst of her frustration, she had even dropped all the books that she was carrying.

As it all dropped to the ground, I also became wary.

"...Calm down will you..."

"....." she just intensified her mana as she didn't reply.

I wasn't going to let her throw a tantrum in a place like this.

Before I could even try to do that though, a meek voice came in between the two of us as if the person would shrink from the preassure.

"...U-Umm g-guys..."

A girl with braided brown hair stood between us as she held one book into her chest, clutching it tightly with her tiny hands.

"N-no fighting is allowed in the"

Mustering up any courage she has inside her, she spoke loudly while her eyes were closed.

"..Please leave!?.."

Hearing her shout, Sophia stopped with whatever she was trying to do just now. 

I also relaxed a little, loosening the the slight fighting stance I had because I had already prepared to retaliate if she did anything to me.

I doubt she would have succeeded anyway with how close we were with each other. If it was long range, it would have been a different story though.

Still glaring at me, Sophia looked down after letting out a heavy sigh.

She then picked up all the books she had dropped and she was about to leave but was stopped once again by the librarian.

"...What? Sorry ok, but I'm already leaving..."

"..No it's not that, you just can't borrow those...books..because-"


"...Because  y-you're banned.."

"Banned!? why would you ban me?"

Startled by the aggresive behavior of Sophia, the librarian cowered and held her book to cover her scared face.

"..Oh...sorry, but why am I banned exactly?" calming down, she asked once again.

"...Well it' policy, the security cameras have already registered you on the list after that f-fight"


With a face that says she couldn't believe what had just transpired, Sophia just looked at the librarian meekly take away the books she had gathered from her hands.

"...It's just t-ten days so please cheer up!.."

Leaving such a positive comment only further drove in the fact that she had just got banned because she lost control for a moment.

Sophia then left without anymore trouble, It was obvious that it was such a dissapointment to her that she weakly walked  away.

In my opinion though, it isn't that big of a loss for her because I already knew she would top this academic part of the midterms with Brian, Lily, Emily and Amana following right after in rank respectively.

She must have only come here to strengthen her comprehension about mana flow which was mixed in this section of the second floor.

'...Maybe I'm quite lucky that I didn't let myself lose control like her, she just gets on my nerves like hell..'

After confirming she had left, I let out a sigh of relief thinking that it was really getting late all because of this rather unpleasant encounter.

l looked at the librarian standing in front of me.

'This girl might have crazy levels of mana sensitivity if she detected Sophia's mana from the first floor...or it might be the work of a skill...' I mused while I turned towards the high shelf where the skill book was hidden by another book.

Reaching out to it, a hand then tugged my shirt.


Looking down, I saw the librarian having difficulties looking up at me. After a few seconds, she said something I didn't want to hear.

"...You're also b-banned..."


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