The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 112

Chapter 112: Tamed shrew 7

Of course, if a prince is lost, it cannot be silent.

The next day, it was discovered that King An was gone.

King An is not an idle king. He has a position in charge of the royal business. He also formed an alliance with brothers other than the king to do things, and took the lead in strengthening the sea ban to reduce the military power of the king.

A lot of things were waiting for him to deal with, but the others disappeared inexplicably.

No one really cared at first. Since An Wang was fifteen years old, it was customary to disappear for a few days every quarter. He would leave without a guard and come back happily, and he would be particularly good-natured for a long time after that. The disappearance time varies, as short as one or two days, as long as five days. No one knew what he had done and dared not ask.

Jingfu has been used to the mystery of King An for many years, so he calmly waited for the prince to appear again.

However, let alone five days, ten days and a half months have passed, and King An has not come back.

Jing Fu was in a hurry to get angry, and sent soldiers from the palace to look around, and also sent a letter of distress to King Ning, King Yong, and King Heng.

What’s the truth about the royal brothers? I wish all my brothers were dead, and the people who were sent out to help were naturally not wholehearted.

Moreover, it is impossible for An Wang to expose his perversions to his brothers. Therefore, even if you want to check, you don’t know where to start.

However, when An Wang was missing, he lacked an early bird who could snipe at Cheng Wang.

But the three kings also changed their minds, thinking that this was a good opportunity to become a king, and started to operate very actively.

As a result, King Cheng was unlucky.

He was accused of murdering his brother, and he was sent to the imperial front. He really took the blame for Shen Jun’s heart.

The emperor was naturally worried when he heard that a son was missing, and it was the people of King Ning that made him even more angry.

These guys didn’t think about sibling relationship and didn’t hurry to find someone, but instead made trouble and framed another brother.

Babaili hurriedly recalled several of his sons to the capital, and the emperor was furious and directly sacked the official positions of King Ning, King Heng, and King Yong. King Cheng also received a training session, and his head was smashed by his father’s imperial jade seal.

The emperor originally wanted to leave the search for King An to the most reliable and calm King Cheng, but King Cheng took the opportunity to meet the sage and presented the map of the pirate ship drawn by Shen Junxin to the emperor.

The current emperor is not a foolish monarch, he is just a little conservative in his behavior. But he still has an excellent foresight, and the moment he saw the picture of the ship, he was aware of the possible danger.

“Just pirates?” the Emperor asked.

The emperor is not blind. Compared with the big ships in the picture, the ships of the Dayan Navy are invincible.

If this is just a group of pirates armed, where did the pirate ship come from?

The emperor suspected that the pirates were just a cover, and they were actually warships for overseas armies. Their purpose is to spy on intelligence, and they have bad intentions against Dayan.

He couldn’t calm down when he thought that the unfamiliar and backward countries overseas were developing rapidly, and they were already eyeing Dayan.

The problem of the pirates in Goryeo and Japan has not been resolved, and there are more troops of unknown origin.

The emperor looked back at the memorial of King An’s efforts to strengthen the sea ban and restrict the navy in the Longshu case, and it became more and more unpleasant to the eye.

The emperor asked, “How did this picture come from?”

King Cheng replied: “This is a drawing made by Shen Junxin, the owner of the Shen family merchant in Xiangcheng, based on the confessions of sailors and stewards who encountered pirates. My son is preparing to investigate.”

“Absurd! The emperor was so angry that he wanted to hit people: “As a prince, how can you take risks! What are your subordinates doing to eat! ”

King Cheng was not convinced. He behaved differently from his father, and he liked to do it himself. Of course, he didn’t dare to talk back, he just listened to the instructions honestly. But he wasn’t going to give up the idea of witnessing the big ship with his own eyes.

The emperor knew from his stubborn appearance that he would not listen to the persuasion, but he was not in the mood to train his son and continued to question him.

Cheng Wang immediately informed the emperor about the promise of Shen Junxin’s escort, and the emperor nodded in agreement.

Using the disguise of the caravan to let the navy go to the South China Sea to inquire about the enemy’s information, this business can certainly be done!

With the emperor’s approval, the **** action that was originally considered to be the king’s private life has also passed the road.

The emperor’s attention was completely distracted by the new information from the sea.

As for King An, he left it to the other three sons to find it. His position is handed over to trusted officials.

The three kings failed in their calculations, stealing chickens would not lose rice. They were full of resentment against the disappearing King An, and even gave birth to the culprit who ran away and let them take the blame.

They couldn’t do their best to find King An.


After Shen Junxin combed herself, she also began to organize the second sister’s wedding.

Official media are expensive, but they are very reliable. According to Shen Junxin’s request, the official media selected a few men from well-to-do families who were kind and honest.

It’s no problem to look at the information, and Shen Junxin asked the trustee to inquire about his character.

She helped her cheap sister to screen out those who had powerful parents, and also did not want the scholars who were still taking the exam. In the end, there were only three left, and the conditions were similar. Shen Junxin waved his hand and set up a blind date banquet in Juxianglou, which was chosen by the second sister, Shen Junrou.

She can fake whoever she likes.

Shen Junrou said in her mouth, “It’s not reasonable” and “you shouldn’t show your face”, but the wooden face, which has always been expressionless, was still slightly red, revealing a hint of joy.

These days, Shen Junxin asked Xiu Niang to take Shen Junrou out for a walk.

The wooden beauty is a little more cheerful. There is also more vitality, and it is more pleasing than before.

The blind date banquet was held three times, and the object that Shen Junrou and Xiu Niang liked was also an honest boy.

He looks very good, he is an apprentice in a medical center, and most importantly, his family is well-off. There are a few acres of fertile land in the family that are rented to tenants, and Shen Junrou will live well in the past. If it wasn’t for the fact that his parents had been filial piety for six years after successive deaths, it would not have been Shen Junrou’s turn to choose.

If both sides look right, then go through the process to complete the marriage. Shen Junxin added money to let the official media host the whole understanding.

A month after Shen Junxin combed herself, the Shen family held another wedding.

The well-known second lady married with a rich dowry, but the one who got the blessing to marry the beautiful girl was actually just an apprentice in a medical school.

Some people say that Shen Junxin is the master of this marriage. It is a very happy and real marriage in terms of the identity of the second young lady. Some people also said that Shen Junxin suppressed her sister, and because of her sister’s talent, she could have married a scholar, maybe she could become a Shangguan wife.

Shen Laoxiu was very dissatisfied with this marriage, and felt more and more that Shen Jun was cruel.

His well-raised daughter, a standard lady, should marry a scholar, or directly marry an official to enjoy the glory.

But no one listened to his words, Xiu Niang ignored him, Shen Junxin…

Since that night, when he saw Shen Jun, his heart sank.

Shen Laoxiu didn’t cause any trouble at the wedding, and Shen Jun was very satisfied.

After the wedding, Shen Laoxiu Cai didn’t walk out of the gate, hiding in his own yard and not seeing anyone. Before his marriage with Shen Junrou, he was generally well behaved.

Xiu Niang was worried that his body would not be able to hold up, and persuaded him to go out for a walk, but where did Shen Laoxiu dare to go out? !

It would be shameful to have a self-combed girl at home, and Shen Jun’s innocence was also a problem. When his second daughter married, he had no right to speak at all, and he completely lost face.

Whenever he has the idea of stepping out of the door, he can feel the strange sunshine of others and hear the ridicule of others.

His whole life’s reputation was ruined by his daughter, and he could only stay out of the house like this.

All day long, I live in pain and shame.


Without Shen Junxin’s actions, Shen Laoxiu tortured himself.

Shen Junxin didn’t know anything about it, and she didn’t have time to control him now.

The trip to Nanyang is imminent, and everything that needs to be prepared must be prepared properly. She now goes to the military camp every day to discuss routes and itineraries. Caravan captains and army captains and sailors also need to discuss and learn a new set of semaphores to facilitate signal transmission. This is a big project.

Shen Junxin is ready to go out to the South China Sea in person to see what new business opportunities there are. His Royal Highness King Cheng and his military advisers are going to go there, so she, the culprit who pulled people into the water, is naturally not good at hiding in Xiangcheng.

During her time at sea, the operation and management of the shops will be delegated to various stewards. What is absolutely impossible to do, what needs to be discussed and voted by all the stewards, and which stewards have the right to deal with them, all these are explained and sorted out, and every aspect is taken into account.

After all this is over, Shen Junxin will feed An Wang with water, food and brainwashing every few days when he goes home.

An Wang knelt down faster than he thought. The darkness and hunger completely crushed his spine. He knelt on the ground and kowtowed to her, begging her to let him go.

In two months, he obediently explained how many women he had harmed.

Before leaving the palace, they harmed palace maids, and even unfavorable concubines. After leaving the palace and building a mansion, they harmed women of good families. He likes strong-tempered women, and he picks these women out for him. Step on the spot during the day, sneak into the boudoir at night, take away the ones you like and lock them up.

The number of victims was close to a hundred, and most of them died.

Shen Jun said in his heart: “You are a thief, you are still dreaming about spring and autumn. Today, I met His Royal Highness Prince An at the Nanjiang Merchant Fair. He is fine. You are a liar to believe!”

King An has begun to doubt whether he is King An, because another King An has appeared.

It was undoubtedly a stand-in, using the fake An Wang to stimulate the real one. Or some people found a cover up in order not to be discovered that the prince was missing.

Whatever the purpose of the people behind the scenes, it certainly helped her a lot.

This news caused An Wang, who was already confused, to fall into self-doubt.

“You are a shameless flower-picker!” Shen Jun thought to himself, and she forced An Wang to keep repeating.

As he talked, one day he would believe it himself.


The day we sailed, the weather was fine.

His Royal Highness King Cheng sent four ships to guard the Shen family merchant ships.

At first glance, it appears that this is a caravan composed of nine large ships, with great momentum and momentum. The crowd watching on the shore couldn’t help cheering and seeing them off.

The bigger the fleet, the bigger the target.

This was of course deliberate, just to attract the attention of the pirates.

But the journey to Nanyang is safe and secure.

All the way south, Shen Junxin went down to do business every time he went to a port city. Business is booming and in full swing. The silk of the five boats was sold out, and many top-quality goods and raw materials were also found.

Although no pirates have been encountered for the time being, the purpose of this trip has been achieved.

They saw three-masted dry-deck ships, more than one or two. Ships larger and taller than this type of ship have also been seen, and they are all commercial ships used by Westerners. All of these ships can be instantly equipped with artillery and turned into battleships.

Overseas, such ships have become mainstream, and Dayan has fallen far behind.

Cheng Wang was in a bad mood.

The Nanyang transaction has been busy for half a month, and Shen Junxin has made a lot of money and returned with a reward.

Not so lucky on the way back.

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