The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 127

Chapter 127: Vase beauty fake daughter 11 finished

Is it difficult for foreigners to become Chinese nationals?

The legal provisions are not difficult, and there is a willingness to naturalize, but the actual operation is quite difficult.

The key point is that not many people are willing to join the Chinese nationality, but there are a lot of people who are fooled by intermediaries to go abroad to immigrate.

Lu Qingan and Nancheng negotiated an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, of which 2 million was invested in the name of Lu Junxin.

With the deputy mayor of Nancheng City and Zhao Yingdong, director of the Public Security Bureau staring at him, the procedure was also quicker.

Naturalization is being done here, and Lu Junxin has to go to the US embassy to fill out an application for renunciation of nationality. China does not recognize dual citizenship, so she wants to cancel her U.S. citizenship.

The US embassy is still making things difficult for people.

“Do you have a problem with your brain?” the other party asked.

A Chinese who finally stepped into the upper class of the United States actually gave up his superior position and joined a completely different backward third world country.

Lu Junxin’s reason is very good. She was abducted and sold from China, so she recognized her ancestors and returned to her family, and determined to join the judicial system of this land and join the action against illegal human trafficking.

Americans, however, disagree. They suspect that Lu Junxin’s naturalization of Huaguo is to facilitate the transfer of the Lu family’s assets.

After a long investigation, they passed Lu Junxin’s application for renunciation of nationality.

After Lu Junxin paid the national abandonment tax, Lu Junxin truly became a citizen of China.


While dealing with the nationality issue, Lu Junxin was of course not idle.

Zhao Yingdong wanted to recruit people directly into the Public Security Bureau, and then he asked the competent police officers under him to take them personally. But after thinking about it, Lu Jun still thinks it is better to study first.

Holding a bachelor’s degree in law from a famous American university in her hand, if she goes to work in a foreign-related law firm, she will be very popular, but if she wants to enter the judicial system, this degree is not hard enough. The legal systems of the two countries are different, and many things have to be learned from scratch.

With the recommendation of the vice mayor and Zhao Yingdong, Lu Junxin obtained excellent results in the postgraduate examination, and entered the law department of Huaguo Public Security University to study criminology.

“Lu Junxin, I have your letter. It’s from the United States.” Lu Junxin’s roommate was very enthusiastic, and the three pairs of smart black eyes flashed with the brilliance of gossip.

“Boy friend?”

“Your partner?”

They are very curious.

“You think too much!” Lu Junxin shook his head.

She quickly took the letter and knocked on her roommate’s forehead again. A group of girls laughed and huddled together.

Who would have thought that the roommates who get along so well would be cynical and tit-for-tat to Lu Junxin when they first met.

Capitalists, Miss Qianjin, Americans…

This is the nickname they gave her behind her back.

The nature of these girls is really not bad, but just after the reform and opening up, the particularity of the times has allowed them to retain their vigilance against class enemies. In their eyes, they are the class enemy that needs to be defeated.

An embarrassing situation.

Lu Junxin didn’t even think about building a good relationship with roommates. There were too many things to learn, and there was no time for socializing.

She didn’t know what was wrong, but the strong antagonism of the roommates disappeared in the long time together. They also took the initiative to apologize to her, and then everyone’s relationship gradually improved.

Although Lu Junxin felt inexplicable, he was happy to see this change happen.

What Lu Junxin didn’t know was that these roommates with strong antagonistic emotions really suspected that she was a spy, and they investigated her behind various relationships in order to catch her pigtail.

Of course, the black material was not investigated, but several major things she did were found.

First of all, she went to the Longtan Tiger Den alone to rescue the abducted women and children and helped the police to destroy a human trafficker group. This feat completely compares them.

After Lu Junxin was naturalized, he also invested money to establish a charitable foundation called “Searching Relatives” to provide financial assistance to families whose children have been abducted. Her foundation also spent a lot of money to introduce the most advanced genetic testing technology equipment and talents to help families who have lost their children to build genetic files. This project is in close cooperation with the Public Security Bureau. The funds invested by Lu Junxin can not only facilitate the fight against abduction and search for relatives, but also promote the development of domestic criminal investigation technology.

The hostility slowly resolved after getting to know Lu Junxin. Lu Junxin’s contribution is beyond their reach, and they can only redouble their efforts, hoping to be as good as her.

“A letter from the California Police Department.” Lu Junxin said lightly, “It’s a letter from Inspector Jonathan.”

Two years later, with the help of the system, the former Inspector Jonathan was finally promoted and became a police inspector. He holds the power in his hand, but he has not forgotten the long S-level chain quest. After Lu Junxin naturalized in China, he insisted on the investigation. They kept in touch all the time, and some of the information they could talk about was exchanged by letter.

“Any clues?” the roommates asked excitedly.

After getting along for a long time, they all know Lu Junxin’s life experience. The Family Search Foundation has helped many separated families reunite, but Lu Junxin has not found her biological parents.

There are no clues in China, let alone in the United States.

“No.” Lu Junxin said: “Inspector Jonathan is asking Interpol to come forward to coordinate and prepare to cooperate with the police in our country to jointly crack down on human trafficking.”

Interpol, the significance of their existence is mainly to coordinate the police forces of various countries and jointly fight against transnational criminal organizations. The illegal human trafficking that has prevailed in China and the United States for many years should not be completely eliminated by Lu Junxin and Jonathan. Only through cooperation between the two countries and coordinated joint actions can the two countries defeat the enemy and solve the problem completely.

“Then I don’t know the year of the monkey and the month of the horse.” The roommate shrugged.

Countries cooperate to break down a chain of international criminal interests, which is easy to say but difficult to do.

There are many issues involved here, political issues, which are difficult to resolve.

Inspector Jonathan has good wishes, but he may not be able to decide whether to allow Interpol to intervene in the United States.

Lu Junxin is very optimistic: “As long as the three parties work hard, there will always be an agreement. Before that, we have done a good job and completely cut off the domestic human traffickers. Jonathan is doing his best to weaken the gangs in the United States. Both of us can prevent illegal people as much as possible. trade.”


Two years later, Lu Junxin graduated with a master’s degree in law and criminology and officially became a member of the Nancheng Public Security Bureau.

Zhao Yingdong knew that Lu Junxin was a talent, but just because he wanted to promote her and reuse her, Lu Junxin needed merits to prove himself. She needs practical and serious training.

Of course, Lu Junxin did not live up to Zhao Yingdong’s expectations. She has proven herself in the criminal police force with her achievements time and time again.

In this era, law and order is not good.

The job of a police officer is really a matter of guns and knives. It is common to fight gangsters to the death, and occasionally even encounter gang members with more ferocious firepower than the police.

The merits of the police are basically to fight with their lives and blood, and Lu Junxin is no exception.

The cases she participated in were not without danger, and she was injured several times. Also in danger, Lu Junxin solved the case several times, made meritorious deeds, and successfully promoted.

On the day that Lu Junxin officially took office as the director of the Anti-Trafficking Office of the Nancheng Criminal Police Detachment, she went to bed early, changed into a grass-green police uniform, and adjusted her makeup in front of the mirror.

Lu Qingan was standing beside Lu Junxin, looking at his daughter, he couldn’t recall how she looked like a famous lady in the past.

“Are you handsome?” Lu Junxin asked.

Lu Qingan said with relief: “Handsome! Very good-looking.”

Today’s Lu Junxin’s spirit is much better than before.

The job of a police officer is too dangerous, and his old father is worried every day, and can’t wait to send a few bodyguards to protect him.

“Dad, then I’m leaving.” Lu Junxin said goodbye to Lu Qingan.

“Go! Be careful yourself.” Lu Qingan urged.

Lu Junxin became a Chinese, and he simply settled in China.

The Lu family in the United States has very little annual interest, and his business and development focus have all shifted to Nancheng.

It is not as rich as the United States, but it has more opportunities for development. There is nothing wrong with staying in China.


Lu Junxin, the director of the Anti-Trafficking Office, was in her ninth month when she was contacted by Interpol through the Ministry of Public Security.

I didn’t expect that the reunion and cooperation with Dana Jonathan would be so fast. The other party is very hardworking and very cooperative.

“Ms. Lu, long time no see.” Director Jonathan smiled and shook hands with Lu Junxin.

“Mr. Jonathan!” Lu Junxin said hello.

Time, it has only been five years since the last time the two met. With the help of the system, Jonathan took the position of director, and Lu Junxin was promoted smoothly.

[Ding – The S-level serial side quest “Lu Junxin’s identity truth investigation” has entered the final stage. Please maintain a friendly and cooperative attitude, negotiate harmoniously, and ensure an agreement. 】

【clear! ] Jonathan Road.

After hearing the sound of the system for a long time, Lu Junxin called out in his heart [System? 】

【Hello! Lu Junxin. Your career is developing very well, and your spiritual power is also growing. congratulations! Please keep up the good work! ] The system responds.

Jonathan didn’t hear the conversation.

This is a tripartite cooperation meeting.

Led by Interpol, the California Police Department of the United States cooperated with the South China City Criminal Police Team. The three parties broke through various obstacles and reached cooperation.


A year later, a good news spread all over the country and the world through newspapers and television.

The world’s largest transnational illegal human trafficking crime was solved, nearly 500 criminals were arrested, and this chain of interests led by the Jiang family was completely destroyed under the alliance.

“I’m sorry, I couldn’t find any clues about your background,” Jonathan said.

The S-level serial side quests have been completed, but the truth of Lu Junxin’s life experience is still a mystery, and the investigation cannot be continued. He had regrets and insisted on continuing, but his heart (system) reminded himself soberly that all the clues had been investigated and he could not continue.

“Thank you for everything you’ve done for me, that’s enough.” Lu Jun said in his heart, “Whether you can reunite with them depends on fate.”

Jonathan and she did everything they could.

No one was found, and the trail was interrupted, which is really a pity. However, it was not necessary for her to find her biological parents.

Compared to himself, Lu Junxin focuses on helping others and fulfilling his responsibilities.

Let the criminals have nowhere to hide and rescue the abducted. Help families who have lost children and reunite them.

Lu Junxin adjusted the brim of her hat and saluted each other with Jonathan.

“Goodbye, Director Lu.” Jonathan said.

【Goodbye, Lu Junxin. 】The system bids farewell politely.

Against the sun, Lu Junxin evoked a smile: “Goodbye!”


The small world is over~~

The next world is the world of martial arts, women’s clothing bosses warn

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated the nutrient solution for me during the period of 2019-12-1522:18:11~2019-12-1622:10:03~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 perch;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: lion tea, Xijun, 2810985110 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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