The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 132

Chapter 132: The waste material son of the martial arts leader 5

Nie Qingfeng has a way to cure He Junxin.

It is not modest to say that she should be the only person in the world who can not only cure He Junxin, but also make him live and dance healthier than ordinary people.

It was just such a coincidence, because of curiosity and the 100,000 taels of silver, she just delivered it to the door.

In Nie Qingfeng’s mind, all kinds of karma, the cycle of heaven’s law, and destiny are now in the mind.

God likes to joke, fate is really so interesting.

She Nie Qingfeng had a grudge against He Zhao, but she became the only savior of He Zhao’s son. What’s even more amazing is that He Zhao doesn’t like this son, on the contrary, she is very rare and has a good impression of the enemy’s son.

Sixteen years ago, Nie Qingfeng was a young and famous, ambitious and arrogant girl.

With her unparalleled swordsmanship, unfathomable inner strength, and profound heritage of the Xuanji faction, she wants to end the troubled world and rule the rivers and lakes.

The result was very tragic. The once sweet girl of the sky became the female devil, and the Xuanji faction became the demon sect.

Nie Qingfeng often reflected on the days when he was seriously injured, and found that the reason for the failure was that she took too big steps and finally got into trouble.

Her every move has prompted the unity of the enemy, making herself a villain and drawing hatred. She made a wedding dress for the sinister and cunning person He Zhao.

She fell, and He Zhao achieved what she wanted, in a practical sense, to unify the rivers and lakes.

Thinking of He Zhao, Nie Qingfeng’s face was full of disdain.

If this guy finally defeats her by strategy or force, she might admire this old fox. But He Zhao was a despicable, shameless and hypocritical villain, since he was playing tricks during the duel.

Back then, Nie Qingfeng was too arrogant and too confident. The destruction of the Xuanji faction and the experience of going to **** were the price she paid. She paid for her immaturity.

But as He Junxin said to her son, the tyrants are fighting for hegemony, and the winner is the king and the loser is the bandit.

No matter how the opponent wins, she loses if she loses.

Nie Qingfeng didn’t have much resentment towards the whole result, and he didn’t fall down.

After recovering from the injury, he rebuilt the Xuanji faction.

She is extremely shameless and disliked by He Zhao, who is currently leading the world. She has planned for many years to think of him to step down, and for this reason, her men ran away with anger.

But since seeing He Junxin, she has given birth to new ideas.

Between people, it is a matter of fate.

Nie Qingfeng felt that she really had a relationship with He Junxin.

He Junxin bumped into her stupid son. She became interested and curious because of He Junxin’s words, and it became even rarer after meeting.

He Zhao’s son, he is not rare and does not teach. She was rare, she grabbed it back, raised it and went back to hit He Zhao’s face.

This can relieve the anger and slap the face to find the scene, and also satisfy the running husband.

Nie Qingfeng sighed. Years have passed, and ambitions are just around the corner.

But she is no longer the daring and unscrupulous girl she used to be.

She has a family, a man, a son, and she is not so interested in the stupid middle-two thing of being the enemy of the world.


“He Junxin, the easiest way to treat your illness is to prescribe the right medicine—detoxification.” Nie Qingfeng said in a detailed manner, “I haven’t studied poison art, but my husband couldn’t find a way to detoxify it back then, so it must be extremely poisonous. Difficult to understand, or no solution at all.”

Nie Qingfeng has double confidence in her husband’s medical skills and morals.

If this poison can be solved, Zhu Tong will not choose to use his inner strength to protect He Junxin to live a few more years. Moreover, even if there is a way to detoxify, He Zhao and Liu Mengyao should not be so easy to give up their son.

“If you don’t accept the conditions I offer, you can visit the sect of poison sects and find experts in this field.” Nie Qingfeng said, “For the poison that my husband can’t crack, they may be able to fight it with poison. But you must know that you Your body may not be able to withstand a domineering solution.”

Nie Qingfeng first pointed He Junxin a way back. Of course, if he is a smart person, he should not give up her best choice and ask for trouble.

Fighting poison with poison, if you can’t survive it, you will die immediately. If you can survive it, you will be alive, but your physical condition may become worse, and life is not as good as death.

He Junxin thought so too, he asked, “Madam, dare to ask your method?”

Nie Qingfeng smiled sweetly, and she said, “My method is to disperse the merits of your Heavenly Will Villa and worship me as your teacher, and focus on my practice of new exercises to refine your body of toxins.”

He Jun was at a loss, and he didn’t quite understand what Nie Qingfeng said.

Is there such a practice? It’s incredible!

Can toxins be refined in the body? What is the principle? He Junxin couldn’t help thinking.

This is the first time he has entered a world that cannot be explained by science. Many non-scientific things are a little difficult to understand and need to be digested well.

Nie Qingfeng was very unhappy when he saw his suspicious look on his face. She said, “You don’t believe me?”

The world attaches great importance to the teacher’s sect, and Nie Qingfeng thought that He Junxin would be entangled in the two issues of loosing the power and worshipping her as a teacher. Although He Junxin left the He family, he was still from He after all.

Unexpectedly, He Junxin would not believe her words. The dazed look on his face was really irritating!

It’s rare for her to have a big heart and want to accept him as a disciple regardless of her background, but this person is still suspicious? !

This made Nie Qingfeng want to accept him even more!

“Senior atonement.” He Junxin said calmly: “Senior said the practice is too miraculous, it was unbelievable for a while.”

“I’m ignorant, there are even more amazing things in this world.” Nie Qingfeng criticized and asked, “Then are you willing to take me as a teacher?”

He Junxin thought carefully, it would be a good thing if there was such a practice that could cure his illness, and he was willing to try it.

Just, who is the other party? He knew that she was Zhu Tong’s wife, but he didn’t know her name.

Don’t blindly worship teachers just because of her words!

Moreover, the price she said was just to disperse the internal power and worship the teacher? This is too cheap for him, right?

“You don’t want to?” Nie Qingfeng frowned, full of dissatisfaction and impatience.

If He Junxin really said she didn’t want to, she would just **** the person away!

Under the pressure, He Jun asked again: “Dare to ask the seniors, do you think the price I have to pay is to become a teacher? Then I will earn it?”

“How can something be so cheap!” Nie Qingfeng’s mouth curled into a bright smile, “Your price will be paid after you are cured and practiced. I will not embarrass you, you will do one thing for me. That’s it.”

“Excuse me, what’s the matter?” He Junxin wanted to ask clearly.

If this makes him murder and set fire to the world, then forget it. He can’t do it.

Nie Qingfeng said with a smile, “It’s not a big deal. I want you to openly compete with one person to determine the winner.”

He Jun thought to himself, this condition is not harsh.

For the Jianghu people in this world, martial arts are commonplace.

Nie Qingfeng stood up, took He Junxin’s hand, and said carefully, “He Junxin, I want you to compete with Qin Ye, the proud disciple of your father He Zhao. Would you like to compete?”

She is exciting.

Qin Ye, this person, took away everything He Junxin should have.

As long as He Junxin still has a bit of blood in his heart, he shouldn’t give up the opportunity to compete with Qin Ye and win in an open and fair manner!

He Jun’s heart was naturally moved, but he was prudent and cautious and did not immediately agree.

But he also smelled conspiracy. The woman in front of her should have a grudge against He Zhao. Is her purpose just for a competition?

“Dare to ask the senior’s surname?” He Junxin asked, after talking for a long time, she still didn’t know who was in front of her.

“Nie, Qing, Feng!” Her eyes shone brightly: “Good boy, kowtow!”

He Jun murmured in his heart, he hadn’t thought about it yet, but looking at the current form, he couldn’t refuse it.

to make! With one more master, he can still save his life, and he will not lose anything.

His entanglement with Tianyi Villa was resolved through a competition, which is not bad!

He Junxin knelt under the attack of Nie Qingfeng and bowed three times.

“Master!” He Junxin shouted.

“Hey! Get up!” Nie Qingfeng happily agreed.

Thinking of He Zhao’s black face after He Junxin defeated Qin Ye in the future, she felt relieved.

Nie Qingfeng is not particular about people, the ceremony of accepting an apprentice is as simple as that.

After apprenticeship, she returned to Zhu’s house as if she was catching a chicken and twisting He Junxin to perform a feat of flying. She was anxious to recruit shadow guards, cadres and apprentices to get to know each other.

After the meeting, Nie Qingfeng took He Junxin to the secret room.

The exercises she wants to teach are the biggest secret of the Xuanji School. Not even the biological son would know.

“The practice method you want to practice is called “Hua Shen Gong”, which is the secret teaching method of my Xuanji School.” Nie Qingfeng said: “I will teach you the formula first, and you will memorize it. When your master Yunyou returns, I will disperse the practice for you. .You can only practice after dissipating the gong.”

After this day, He Junxin’s physical health and martial arts practice were taken over by her master.

“Disciple understands.” He Junxin agreed.

Nie Qingfeng began to describe the “Hua Shen Gong” method.

Ten volumes and nearly ten thousand words of secret Dafa, when she was learning it, she wanted to hit the wall with her back. Finally, someone could enjoy her pain.


Tomorrow’s annual meeting, dancing “Wild Wolf disco”, it was originally a dance show, but it felt like it would be a funny show, and everyone was out of coordination 2333

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-2022:14:37~2019-12-2122:51:21~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 385225551;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3852255510 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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