The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 142

Chapter 142: Unemployed girl group idol after graduation 4

Hanging up the phone, Bai Jun’s irritable mood finally subsided.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Bai Xiuying’s strong opposition will not make her give up the opportunity to perform, the empress dowager is merciful and gives a little concession, which is undoubtedly a good thing for her.

Greatly reduces her stress.

“Hey, it’s really complicated!” Bai Jun exclaimed.

She wiped her sweat and took a break. Because of Bai Xiuying’s relationship, this day’s rehearsal was a waste.

Bai Junxin’s performance plan needs to be adjusted. As a dance instructor, originally she was only responsible for a burst of hip-hop, but now she has to sing.

The songs have to be re-selected and the dances have to be re-arranged. This is not only her personal matter, but must coordinate with the program staff and performers.

All in all, a bit of a hassle.

Bai Junxin has always been insensitive to complex parent-child relationships and emotional entanglements.

Powerful parents carry out personal control, emotional manipulation, and moral kidnapping of their children in the name of love. The children struggled to escape in pain, but were reluctant to leave their family and did not dare to leave completely. Parents and children torture each other, but they never break the relationship. This relationship is not normal and it is really troublesome.

Bai Junxin is not the original owner, she doesn’t have the kind of attachment that the original owner had for her adoptive mother. If it was according to her temper, then she wouldn’t care about Bai Xiuying at all, she would just cry and cry. In the future, they will each have their own ways, and they will fulfill their legal support obligations, but they will draw a clear line and not communicate with each other.

However, the world is different and cannot be so direct.

Bai Junxin is an artist and an idol.

Everything she shows to the public must be positive, positive, sunny, and the best side. A harmonious and beautiful parent-child relationship is also necessary.

When the mother-daughter disagreement and split came out, she could gain the sympathy and understanding of fans and some young people. However, there are many conservative passers-by and media in this world who make a big fuss with the word “filial piety”.

Bai Xiuying is a respected artist, her fault does not violate the law or morals. It will even be glorified as a small mistake that parents make, and it will be glorified as an expression of love. After all, her strictness and rigor are all for the sake of her daughter, and they are all asking her to take the “right way”.

Bai Junxin is an adopted daughter, and an adopted daughter who has gone the wrong way. In the case that passers-by basically have a negative attitude towards traffic idols, she will easily become the object of condemnation by various media and big V.

Ungrateful, ignorant of good hearts, great masters, young and frivolous…

A lot of scolding will be added to the body. She cannot escape a moral trial.

If you want to public relations, it will definitely cost a lot of money. The company will consider it. Even if she has a promising future and a good relationship with the company, when the cost of maintaining the artist is too high, the company will give up.

This situation will also become a weapon for the enemy hidden behind the scenes to attack him. As long as the other party fanned the fire behind his back and added force, he would be completely cool.

She can even think of how she will be made a fuss:

“We must understand parents, their original intention is for the good of their children. When conflicts with parents arise, we should actively try to communicate and resolve them, rather than cut off the relationship ruthlessly. As idols, we should be role models for teenagers and all fans. Such indifference , immature means, will bring great negative impact.”

The hat of teaching bad teenagers is buckled, and if she is incited by the official media to enter the venue, she will die faster.

It’s not that Bai Jun thinks too much. Similar things happen frequently in the entertainment industry, and the precedents are tragic.

A promising singer in the music circle, Xiao Tianhou draws a clear line with the trash parents who are morally corrupt and violate the law.

Even if she is legally and morally blameless, she still faces overwhelming accusations and even bans.

Bai Junxin has already been targeted, and her career path is currently in difficult mode.

She didn’t want to make it harder. Peacefully resolving the conflict with Bai Xiuying is the best choice.

Moreover, Bai Xiuying is not difficult to deal with, this one is very easy to communicate with.

In Bai Xiuying’s heart, music is the supreme existence.

Communicate with her through the medium of music.

When Bai Xiuying reconciled with the original owner, she agreed to her adopted daughter’s freedom from control. The most important reason was to discover that her adopted daughter was in a difficult situation in music.

Bai Xiuying understands the confusion and pain of not being able to find her own voice, so she is willing to let her daughter go to find herself.

Now that Bai Xiuying wants to settle Bai Xiuying, Bai Junxin must produce results. Let the empress dowager see that she has found herself on the “wrong road”.

As long as it makes progress in music, it will have bargaining chips with its adoptive mother.


After more than an hour of careful selection, Bai Junxin chose the ideal song.

To change the song, she needs to discuss with her senior brother Meng Zhou. Meng Zhou is the initiator and producer of the show. He has the highest decision-making power.

“Change the track?” Meng Zhou lowered his head slowly and said, “It’s the Vocal part, right? It’s quite necessary.”

Meng Zhou is Bai Junxin’s senior brother, and he also has shares in the company. Naturally, he thought more about the future of the younger sister.

Bai Junxin is very popular now, and labels such as “Sweet Devil”, “Daughter of Steel Pipe”, “Guo Yin Xue Shen”, “Vocal Music Class” and so on have been posted. Fans are united as never before, and passers-by are also looking forward to her performance. .

Bai Junxin needs to show his strength with a performance and turn the popularity of traffic into the true love of the audience.

In terms of dancing, the issue of Amway through fans is no longer controversial, and the whole Internet knows how good she dances. The key is to sing. Bai Junxin needs to show himself in music. Of course, this matter has to be carefully measured.

The training camp instructors are not just two brothers and sisters. The other four instructors must be considered, especially the two who specialize in vocal music. Express yourself without stealing their limelight. Bai Jun’s heart is small, so he must be careful not to offend anyone.

“What song did you prepare?” Meng Zhou decided to check for his junior sister.

“A fast-paced dance song, it’s your song, brother.” Bai Jun smiled sweetly. She is asking Meng Zhou for authorization.

The title of the song is “Confused”, a fast song with an explosive rhythm.

Bai Junxin is ready to sing and dance. The dance has been re-arranged, and she has let the dancers learn it.

Meng Zhou asked suspiciously, “This song is faster than the original one, are you okay?”

He couldn’t understand why the younger sister chose this song.

“Confused” is really enjoyable to listen to, and the live performance can easily make the audience high. Meng Zhou himself often uses it to open the scene, which can instantly ignite the emotions of the audience.

But this song is suitable for dancing, not for live singing. The rhythm is too fast, and it is too late to say the lyrics clearly. Anyway, Meng Zhou tried twice, and it was difficult to even breathe, let alone singing. The overall effect was a car accident.

The song has two short high-pitched Huacai paragraphs, but they are quite ordinary. Meng Zhou thinks that it is not enough to highlight the singing skills. But this is a good point, and it won’t steal the limelight of the Vocal department tutor.

“Brother, don’t worry, there’s no problem.” Bai Jun said in his heart, “It’s within my ability.”

Bai Junxin chose this song after a lot of consideration.

The audience doesn’t really need her singing skills, and they couldn’t tell the difference between her singing skills.

The focus is on Prof. Bai Xiuying, a professional judge.

No matter what song she chooses, her singing skills are invisible to Bai Xiuying.

She took the performance as an exam. Song selection is also to promote strengths and avoid paragraphs. Let Bai Xiuying see her more advantages.

Swaying free voice changing skills, stable and long breath. Of course, she is also looking for her own unique timbre.

“Okay, since you’re fine, I’ll ask the arranger teacher to rearrange it.” Meng Zhou was still a little empty.

The performance venues of their shows are all real singing, and they will be broadcast live online simultaneously.

If it was a car accident, it would be a big joke.

Fortunately, there are still three opportunities to rehearse. If you are not satisfied, you will go to an alternative plan.


Bai Xiuying needs to communicate with her agent.

Bai Junxin called Zhou Fang, and she soon came to the training camp to summarize what happened in the past few days.

Bai Junxin’s Weibo popularity is still rising.

Entertainment idols were cracked down on fake academic qualifications and then found out that they had made a mistake in the school. This large-scale reversal incident was included in the annual sand sculpture event.

Reposted by big Vs from all walks of life, Bai Junxin’s name can’t stop spreading rapidly among “hahahaha” and “distressed lady”.

The free heat, the company used the heat to operate well.

Bai Junxin’s name was also figured out, and many magazines and advertisements came to her door.

The process was hilarious, but the result was delightful.

However, the agent Zhou Fang was dissatisfied, because she failed to investigate who was behind the scenes.

The culprit’s self-media account “eat melon” appeared on the scene after the reversal and bowed and apologized. He explained that he is a true fan and has been paying attention to Bai Junxin. It’s just hearsay, that’s why Bai Junxin graduated from the wrong school and caused a disturbance. After the apology, Chi Gugua continued to warmly Amway Bai Junxin. Not only did he take a lot of beautiful pictures, but he also posted live videos. It seems that he really looks like a true love fan who has done something wrong.

The passersby believed it. Fans don’t believe it, and Zhou Fang certainly doesn’t believe it either.

But for the sake of Bai Junxin’s reputation, fans have to control their emotions and not harass, and Bai Junxin’s Weibo account has to repost Guagua’s Weibo to express forgiveness. They must be generous!

Zhou Fang is very angry!

“The company has yet to find out who is behind the scenes. But the ghosts have picked up a few. There is no conclusive evidence. They are all suspects, but they have all been cleaned up. It’s better to kill by mistake and not let it go.” Zhou Fang said.

The company files are leaked, this is a serious matter. So the handling method is very strong.

It’s just that who is in the black and white, there is still no clue.

Their company does not dare to say that they have great powers, but they still have a wide network of contacts, and Zhou Fang has some skills. Before that, she hadn’t been able to find out. And this time it failed.

This made Zhou Fang understand that the person behind the scenes may have a bit of a big position.

There is no reason for a man to explode a female idol, only female stars are left.

Zhou Fang asked Bai Junxin: “Have you offended any traffic florets in TV dramas and variety shows before?”

It will be easier to investigate by starting with people who have had conflicts in the past.

Bai Jun smiled and asked: “I can’t meet a big coffee in my identity? How can I offend?”

She took over the TV series, but it was a web series with a lower configuration. She has appeared in many variety shows, idol circle’s own variety shows, or online variety shows. I met with the big flowers a few times, but there was no intersection.

“Without a target, it will be difficult to investigate.” Zhou Fang sighed: “I will continue here, be careful yourself.”



The trainee’s dance has been studied for three days and will be rehearsed on the stage tomorrow.

Before that, there is one very important thing. The Dream Chasing Training Camp will conduct a mid-term evaluation and select the C players for each team.

Winning the C position will get the most shots of the players in the same group. With the lens, there is hope to stay on the field.

120 people in groups of three perform in front of all the instructors.

It is also a challenge to watch the same performance forty times.

It is also very laborious to select 6 outstanding players from the middle, who have explosive points and the audience likes.

“The students in Class F have performed well and have made great progress.” Rap instructor Ou Chuhao said happily.

Everyone agreed.

Although this group of people has no hope of debut, it is always a joy to see people making progress.

“F Ban Muyi is very good. He is really diligent and has made great progress. When he first came, he couldn’t tear his legs apart, but now he is very flexible.”

“This is all thanks to Teacher Bai.” E.T., the singing instructor, complimented him.

Everyone has seen the clip of Bai Junxin’s cruel crush on Mu Yi, and the whole room was full of laughter.

“The C position of class F is Mu Yi, no problem.” Meng Zhou decided.

“no problem!”

Next, the C positions like B, C, D, and E were also successfully decided.

“Class A, it’s very troublesome. The distance is the same as Mi Yang, the same excellence, and the same diligence. What should I do?” Meng Zhou discussed with the tutors.

When you have two contestants with outstanding appearance, equal singing and dancing skills, and equal popularity, it will be a headache to choose who to be the C position.

“Let’s vote after the test.” Bai Junxin suggested.

The two are indeed tied in every way. This round, everyone scores, and the scores are the same. Then there is another round, and it is good to have two elections and one vote. Instructor Jia Mengzhou has a total of five people, choose one from two, and there will be no equal votes. Results soon.

“Okay, I agree.” Ou Chuhao yawned, the mid-term assessment took too long, and it was now close to 11 o’clock in the evening.

“Okay. But what about tomorrow? Make it an exciting Battle, so that the show will be more interesting.” Vocal instructor Chen Liang said.

Bai Junxin thinks that there is no need to delay, as long as the two of them sing two more stanzas. But Meng Zhou agreed. The show needs exciting highlights. The first Battle at the opening is full of gimmicks.

After saying goodbye to colleagues, Bai Junxin practiced dancing for another two hours.

After one o’clock in the morning, Bai Junxin dragged her tired body back to the dormitory.

The road was dimly lit, and when she walked to the door of the dormitory, Bai Junxin noticed that there seemed to be a person standing at her door.

With a height of 1.83 meters, a slender body, and a fir-flavored aroma on his body, it smells very good.

“Mr. Bai, I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.”

The crisp voice Bai Junxin was very unfamiliar and did not make a deep impression. But as she got closer, the face was familiar.

“The journey? What are you doing here?” Bai Jun frowned.

Candidate C, a charming smile appeared on his delicate and handsome face.

Blocked at the door of the girl’s room in the middle of the night, and her face was rippling, it would not be a good thing.


Today is New Year’s Day, I hope you all had a very happy day o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o~~

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2019-12-30 21:53:38~2020-01-0122:05:23~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Ningshu, 385225551;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Xijun; 25 bottles of Duoduo; 3852255510 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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