The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 148

Chapter 148: Unemployed girl group idol after graduation 10

After the successful conclusion of “Dream Chasing Training Camp”, there are 10 more handsome young men in the idol traffic circle.

Bai Junxin’s work focus shifted to the filming of online dramas.

The name of the online drama is “No. 233, Building 9, Girls’ Dormitory”, which is a low-cost sitcom.

The content of this drama is very simple. Six girls from different backgrounds and different majors live in a small dormitory, and the girls with different personalities have a fierce collision.

Bai Junxin’s heroine is a very cute science girl with many problems. She loves music and wants to form a band to sing and create, but unfortunately music doesn’t love her. Persistently pursuing her dream, she also dragged the whole dormitory to accompany her crazy, making a lot of jokes.

This drama is short and concise, very close to the life of college students. The length of each episode is about 20 minutes, and the first phase is going to shoot 20 episodes to complete the content of one semester.

If the response is good in all aspects, then prepare for the second season.

The cost of “Girls’ Dormitory” is low, and most of the money is given to the screenwriting team. The construction of the three main scenes (No. 233 dormitory in Building 9, study room, and canteen) is done within the safe range. The few pictures released by the official Weibo are rudimentary to the naked eye. Actors’ remuneration is quite low, even the heroine Bai Junxin is no exception.

Fans are complaining for Bai Junxin, and they are also worried about the quality of online dramas. Looking at the shabby appearance of the crew, I am afraid that most of them are shoddy and bad dramas.

This summer, Bai Junxin relied on “Dream Chasing Training Camp” to establish a strong brand, and she was finally seen by everyone.

They are afraid that this sign will be ruined by a bad web drama.

It’s not that Bai Junxin hasn’t made dramas before. Although the smash is blowing in the sky, it’s actually not very good.

[The company let Jun Xin take on this kind of drama is to squeeze her residual value, shortsighted! 】

[Xiaobai should take the music route, with such a good voice, in order to waste the film and television circle? 】

[I know that no entertainment company is a good thing! All a virtue! 】

After the fans’ discussion, they unanimously condemned the company.

But soon came the news that the producer was Zhao Zhipeng, at least the fans were relieved first.

Zhao Zhipeng is the CEO of Dream Realization Entertainment. That is, Bai Junxin’s immediate boss.

The big boss came forward as a producer, which shows that he attaches great importance to this sitcom.

Fans are a little relieved.

[Hehe, what kind of disaster is it for a layman to guide an expert, is it still rare in the entertainment industry? 】

Many people sneered and ridiculed, and Bai Junxin’s fan group began to fight every day.


Before the launch, the official Weibo account of “No. 233, Building 9, Girls’ Dormitory” was openly recruiting viewers online for free.

【? ? ? 】

The first reaction of the media and fans was a series of question marks. Immediately reacted, this is to be recorded live.

Many sitcoms incorporate audience laughter. It would be more comical. Some of them are canned laughter synthesized later, and some are recorded live.

In recent years, there have been few sitcoms in China, and canned laughter is generally not added.

“Girls’ Dormitory” is such a retro web drama, it’s rare and rare. It caused a wave of heated discussions on the Internet and received a small wave of praise.

The official looked at the heat and was silly.

They didn’t spend money on public relations. Really, the cost is too low, the boss is too precise, and he doesn’t have that kind of money.

Bai Junxin’s fan group, as well as fans of several other main actors responded one after another and signed up immediately.

The few 200 tickets were sold out just like that.

On the day of the shoot, they waited in line outside the studio early. Under the guidance of the staff, the audience entered in an orderly manner.

To be honest, they basically don’t have much hope for an online sitcom, as long as they can see the idol lady, they are already very satisfied.

But this drama is really good and full of laughs. Some people burst into tears while others laughed until their stomachs hurt. Even people with a high point of laughter couldn’t help laughing like a pig.

There are also many passers-by who are not fans in the audience, and they speak highly of Bai Junxin and other actresses.

As a live viewer, you cannot reveal the content of the show, but you can make comments. Fan groups are waiting for feedback.

However, currently only get one piece hahaha.

【What’s the benefit of laughing at me 2333】

[No way, this little broken drama is too sandy and too funny. 】

[Xiao Bai is really cute, she is so good at acting and has made great progress. 】

[Good news, good news, we will see “Girls’ Dormitory” online soon. By the way, bad news, this show airs weekly. 】

These words made the hearts of many fans who failed to get tickets itchy, and could only hope that the sitcom would be launched soon.


At the end of the shooting, all the creative staff and the audience held a small start-up celebration.

The main creators all have happy smiles on their faces, and they have more confidence in the future performance of the show.

The laughter of the audience in the sitcom can reflect the quality of the episode to some extent.

Comedy, making people laugh is half the battle.

They laughed so joyously that the show was acceptable to the audience. As long as the operation and publicity are in place, the results should be good.

Bai Junxin chatted and took photos with his fans, but when he left, he was notified that the big boss and producer Zhao Zhipeng wanted to invite everyone in the crew to dinner.

Of course, if the big boss treats guests, he will not be absent. Bai Junxin’s original rehearsal plan was suspended for one day.

This kind of party, the big boss usually does not appear immediately, and his assistant is responsible for entertaining everyone at first.

When Zhao Zhipeng appeared, the atmosphere was lively.

Zhao Zhipeng is a very easy-going person, and he quickly chatted with the screenwriter and director.

It was the first time that Bai Junxin saw the big boss.

Zhao Zhipeng, the boss of Dream Realization Entertainment (Bai Junxin’s company), is a kind-hearted, elegant and kind old man.

He is already in his 60s. In the past, he has made great achievements in other fields. After taking the initiative to retire, he started an entertainment company for the dream of literature and art, specializing in the packaging of talented young people.

Bai Junxin respects and appreciates this boss very much. The male protagonist’s problem was solved by him.

After chatting with the screenwriter and director, Zhao Zhipeng said a few words to the actors.

Someone urged the girl to toast Zhao Zhipeng, but Zhao Zhipeng refused. He does not come to the set of wine table culture.

“Drinking is a mistake, especially if you all have to eat and sing, stay away from alcohol.” Zhao Zhipeng warned.

This made the atmosphere a little nervous, but the girls on the crew were relieved.

Drinking table entertainment is sometimes necessary, but they really don’t like it.

This meal was eaten for more than an hour, and it was considered a pleasure for the host and guests.

After the show, Bai Junxin and assistant Xiaoyue waited at the entrance of the hotel with a Rolls Royce parked in front of her.

The big boss Zhao Zhipeng got out of the car and asked with a puzzled look: “Xiao Bai, you and Ms. Bai Xiuying from Guoyin…”

“Bai Xiuying is my mother.” Bai Junxin answered honestly.

It’s not a secret either, no need to hide it. She never hid it either.

“Mr. Zhao, what’s the matter?” Bai Junxin asked.

If it’s okay, the big boss won’t be okay to stop employees from caring about who her parents are.

“It’s nothing.” A warm smile suddenly appeared on Zhao Zhipeng’s face, and his eyes were full of the elders’ love and appreciation for the younger generation: “Isn’t this a sign up for the Golden Bell Award for you? An acquaintance called me just now, saying that Bai Xiu Ms. Ying has already reported it to you.”

“Can’t different groups participate at the same time?” Bai Junxin asked.

If not, then she chooses one, which is easier.

“That’s not true! You don’t have to worry about the quota, just prepare well, I’ll wait for you to win the award!” Zhao Zhipeng smiled: “Ms. Bai Xiuying also won the Golden Bell Award back then, she is a singing artist loved by the people of the whole country… …Xiao Bai, you are also blue and green…”

Zhao Zhipeng is still very proud.

Bai Junxin: “…”

So, is her boss a fan of her mother? ! This is a bit weird. I don’t know how to talk.

Fortunately, her driver finally appeared, ending the weird scene.

After saying goodbye to Zhao Zhipeng, Bai Junxin and Xiaoyue got into his car.

It was nearly half an hour away from her home. The driver drove smoothly, and Bai Jun felt sleepy.

Seeing that Bai Jun was about to fall asleep, Xiaoyue immediately covered her with a small blanket prepared in the dark.

Bai Jun closed his eyes and rested with confidence. The time an artist can rest is very limited, and she is used to sleeping on the way.

When he was about to fall asleep, Bai Junxin suddenly woke up.

Her heart was in a panic, a strong sense of ominousness, and she felt that something was going to happen.

Bai Junxin looked at the rearview mirror alertly, and there was a car approaching behind. It was a modified off-road vehicle, and there was no layout photo. It was dangerous no matter how you looked at it.

“Accelerate, someone is following, get rid of it!” Bai Jun thought.

The driver looked flustered and almost instinctively followed Bai Junxin’s orders to act.

At first, Xiaoyue thought that Bai Junxin was having a nightmare, but when the driver tried to distance himself three times, he was caught by the car behind him.

Xiao Yue was completely panicked.

“What to do!” Xiao Yue shivered. She was afraid that the car would hit her.

Bai Junxin said, “Call the police.”

“Okay!” Xiaoyue called 110 tremblingly, crying to inform him of the dangerous situation.

Half a minute later, five police cars chased from all directions and stopped the vehicles.

Bai Jun’s heart was out of the danger of life and death, but the ominous premonition sank into his heart and did not completely dissipate.

She looked behind as she answered questions from the police.

A man was dragged down, he couldn’t see his appearance clearly, but he could smell the alcohol on him from a distance.

Ordinary drunk driving? Or was someone instructed behind the scenes?

There are already many spectators on the roadside, and they are all filming with their mobile phones.

Bai Junxin returned to the car, but it was useless, someone must have recognized her.

Celebrities, police officers, vehicles…Although the police will definitely make police reports, it was annoying to spread rumors at first.

Bai Junxin called Zhou Fang and asked her to think about the words and explain the situation.

“I’m having a headache. There are rumors on the Internet that you are driving under the influence of alcohol and speeding.” Zhou Fang complained.

Rumors spread the fastest.

“Are you not injured?” Zhou Fang asked worriedly.

“No.” Bai Jun’s heart was very good.

“Okay, don’t worry. Go back early, there will be no announcement tomorrow, take a good rest.” Zhou Fang said: “Leave the rest to me.”


Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-01-06 21:26:23~2020-01-07 23:36:30~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 385225551;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3852255520 bottles; I am 10 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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