The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 171

Chapter 171: The teacher who opposes Long Aotian 15

The Academic Affairs Office is now a computer office. On the night when the papers were handed in, they worked overtime to enter, and the total score and age ranking of the final exam of the senior year were completed and printed out at noon the next day.

The classification is completely screened according to the test scores. This process is completely operated by the computer. The teacher only reviews the list after getting the list, and does not intervene. The results will also be publicized, and there is no room for action.

At noon, Chen Junxin got the list of the new high school sophomore exam class, as well as the basic information of the students.

The average score for all subjects in the class is below the pass line. Mathematics is out of 150, with an average score of 46.

If you think about it optimistically, mathematics is the most difficult subject, and this final exam is also somewhat difficult. This kind of score is not surprising. Just seeing this kind of score, and the full x on the test paper, not to mention the students themselves, even the teachers are easily discouraged.

He saw several familiar names on the exam class list, and he also had contact with the parents of some students. This makes it easier for them to communicate later.

At 2:00 pm, the students came to the school. Teachers and students met with students in the new class, and the whole grade was full of voices and laughter.

Class division is common, but subject division is a novel experience, and the students are more or less excited when the results come out.

Of course, all this has nothing to do with the students in the exam class.

They were originally just living by, and it doesn’t matter. On the other hand, in this class, the study pressure has dropped sharply, and the friends who can play have been assigned to another class, and the whole class has meetings and fights.

When Chen Junxin walked into the classroom of Class 10 of Senior Two, she saw an angry and funny scene.

There were so two people standing on the table, they didn’t know whether they were dancing or playing, dancing all the time.

Next to a group of shimmering crowd watching the excitement and booing, they all laughed out loud.

Chen Junxin didn’t know what happened. There were so two people standing on the table dancing disco, and a group of people watching the fun beside them.

The whole class laughed and looked uncontrollably happy, as if they were celebrating.

But what’s so funny?

Celebrating your abandonment? How can I get them to wake up a little bit? !

There are 36 people in the class, how many people can still be moved by him?

Chen Jun closed the door with a heavy heart.

“Bang!” A loud noise woke the students who were immersed in joy.

Turning his head to see who disturbed their carnival, he found that it was Chen Junxin.

The angered boys who were about to fight people instantly turned off the fire, and sat down and kept quiet one by one, as if the hilarity just now was an illusion.

They just thought that the exam class was estimated to be the 11th class of Lao Zheng. Lao Zheng doesn’t care much about people, they can be considered relaxed.

But who knows that the head teacher of the exam class is the new Dharma Protector King Kong, who would dare to make trouble with the great Buddha Chen Junxin?

He is the head teacher, it is better not to be divided into classes.

Chen Junxin wanted to ask these students what are they happy about? But in the end he resisted the urge.

Scolding them in the face may really make them feel ashamed and autistic for a while, but after a few days, they will immediately forget all their shame and germinate.

All kinds of big truths, teachers and parents must repeat it over and over again and again, and their ears have heard cocoons since childhood.


Only their own experience and painful experience will make them change.


The classroom was quiet, and Chen Junxin stood slowly from the door to the podium. He picked up the chalk and slowly wrote his name on the dark green blackboard.

The handwriting is sharp and vigorous. The entire classroom was silent, save for the crunching, rising and falling of chalk.

Every student’s heart is suspended.

Because they know that the trouble just now went too far, and Chen Junxin is not a teacher to be easy to mess with, and they still don’t know how he will teach them.

“Introduce myself, Chen Junxin, I will be your class teacher in the next year and will be responsible for teaching you mathematics.” Chen Junxin introduced calmly: “We will be able to take exams. The goal is to get your graduation certificate today next year.”

Grades, teaching goals, these things are written on everyone’s face, don’t care, don’t care.

Chen Junxin is not ready to waste words in persuading now.

“Because it is an exam class, we will not make up classes this summer, nor will we start school in advance for tutoring.” Chen Junxin announced the school’s special treatment for the exam class.

If it weren’t for Chen Junxin’s restraint, the cheers of the whole class might not have resounded throughout the school. There were uncontrollable smiles on their faces.

“But…” Chen Junxin pulled the ecstatic students back with two words, “You don’t have to make up lessons, but you also have a two-month social practice task.”

A boy raised his hand, and Chen Junxin agreed with him.

“It’s the past social practice, which form should I fill out?” the boy said easily.

Everyone disagreed.

Social practice they still do not know? Starting from junior high school, there is a social practice table every semester vacation. Just ask the parents to go to any unit to get a stamp, and then hand it in and you’re done. The school will not check it, and they don’t know what the meaning of this table is.

Chen Junxin motioned for the boy to sit down.

“I’ve let you down. This social practice is not something you can fool by simply handing in a form.” He slowed down his speech and explained carefully to the class: “You are good at taking exams, and your goal is to graduate rather than take exams. University. This means that after one year, you will step into the workplace and enter the society ahead of time. The purpose of this social practice is to serve you for employment after graduation and help you choose a career in the future.”

Employment? Career choice?

The whole class was stunned. Most of them didn’t think about it.

They don’t want to learn, but they don’t even think about working!


Chen Junxin’s idea is that only by experiencing the difficulty of living with a low education can you generate the motivation to learn independently.

Even if they don’t have any feelings after practice and still don’t study, it’s good to work part-time for two months to accumulate work experience.

Supermarkets, fast food restaurants, advertising agencies, construction sites, electronics factories, auto parts factories, agricultural trade companies, clothing factories, insurance companies…

They are all reliable companies. Through the contacts of his two sisters, an internship agreement was reached.

The initial plan is to divide each group of 4 people into 9 groups. In a summer vacation, each group chooses to go to at least 4 locations for internships, and the number of internship days must reach one week to be considered successful. Within a week, if the employer is fired, the internship will fail.

The plan that Chen Junxin thought of last night made it possible for students to experience social life. He stayed up all night to write the plan, talked with the principal for a long time in the morning, and finally got the school’s approval. The consent of the parents and the students themselves is needed now.

The students themselves lack interest, and they don’t use it to play during the great summer vacation, so what social practice do they do?

Chen Junxin immediately threw out the bait: “This practical activity is paid, and everyone who participates has a daily salary. If the employer is satisfied with your performance, there will be additional bonuses. This money is not given to parents, no After the school teacher. The employer will send it directly to you.”

When it comes to getting money, everyone’s eyes lit up. The students who were originally negative were all positive and excited.

The classroom suddenly became very lively, and Chen Junxin didn’t mean to stop it.

“Social practice requires the signature of parents. I will send a form now, and ask your parents to bring it to the parent meeting tomorrow. If you have any questions, I will specifically answer them tomorrow.” Chen Junxin said while distributing the form.

This table not only shows the social practice situation, but also the salary and bonus provided by each internship unit.

“Your summer homework is to write a social practice report. I want to see your real work experience in the report. What kind of work do you do, please describe the work process in detail, and finally attach your thoughts on this work. The number of words is 800. More than words. I must stress that how many times you have had an internship, you have to write a report, even if you are fired after less than a day, you must write a report to record why you were fired.”

Saying that homework is a wailing.

“Work hard, there are only four reports for summer homework. The less you work, the more homework.” Chen Junxin emphasized: “Of course, it is not completely free to let your social practice. I will randomly check the internship situation every day, and go to 9 employees. One of the units.”

The overjoyed students froze instantly. They are very interested in working and making money, but why is there a supervisor? !

But when they saw the hourly salary scale, especially the high bonuses offered by advertising companies and insurance companies, this little unpleasantness disappeared.

After returning home, even if the parents had opinions on social practice, they all helped to speak and coaxed them to sign.


As a person who was ruthlessly cleaned up by Dharma Protector King Kong, Zuo Jun was full of awe for Chen Junxin.

But after being divided into classes, Chen Junxin did not hold on to their grades, nor did he start lecturing. Instead, help them consider employment and career choices. He thought that Chen Junxin was of one mind with them, and the year ahead would be very easy.

But two months later, Zuo Jun’s unsmart mind finally realized that he had been fooled.

Chen Junxin is really ruthless, and this social practice is a powerful medicine.

He didn’t know how others were, but Zuo Jun was almost poisoned.

When he first started social practice, Zuo Jun was full of expectations for making money.

He was always scolded by his parents for playing games in the Internet bar. This time he made money for entertainment himself.

Like most people, he chooses insurance companies and advertising companies with the highest dividends and bonuses to intern. But when the other party saw him, he was full of disgust. He worked in the two companies for less than a day and was finally fired. Get out of the group directly.

“Sorry you’re not tall enough.” The person in charge of the company told him directly that he was too short, and then he lost his job.

Although both jobs are for serious salesmen as assistants, he also has to meet customers.

Zuo Jun is less than 1.5 meters tall, and belongs to the very short ranks. Taking him out is like dragging a son to work, which really shows the company’s image.

Because of his short stature, he has been bullied and ridiculed since elementary school.

He hated going to school, hated studying.

His parents coaxed him, saying that he was just stunted, and that he would be fine when he left school, because there are still a lot of dwarfs in society.

But this social practice told him that he was not needed for many jobs if he was not tall enough.

Leaving school is not the same as leaving a despised environment.

Zuo Jun told himself not to care, there is no place for the master here.

He switched to supermarkets, fast food restaurants, auto parts factories, and electronics factories. The only feeling he felt was that he really couldn’t make money because of his inherent limitations.

Others work in supermarkets and fast food restaurants. They can go to the checkout counter and engage in product promotions to get bonuses. He is arranged to load and unload goods in the warehouse. Although the daily salary is not bad, there is no harm without comparison. Why do students in a class get more than they do, and he doesn’t even have the qualifications to stand in that position?

They told their grievances to their parents, who still comforted him, that he would grow taller sooner or later. This has been said for almost ten years, and it has no effect.

Zuo Jun realized that it was not as easy as the society to start working as he imagined. A high school degree can do a lot, but a lot of jobs aren’t open to him.

The factory does not value height, nor does it discriminate.

People are buried in the assembly line, and they have no time to pay attention to the height of the people they are being subjected to.

But the taste on the assembly line is not good.

There is no dark night in the factory, sitting on the assembly line 24 hours a day, the same one or two actions are repeated over and over again and again, and this is 12 hours. No need to use his brain, no need to think, he feels like a machine that can’t think. The man was numb and stiff.

Zuo Jun felt at a loss. Could this be his future a year from now?

Very few choices, can’t make money, and continue to work mechanically on the assembly line.

Days like this are dark.

Or open your own shop?

His parents are ordinary workers, and they have been mechanized for a lifetime. Let them pay for their own shop?

Zuo Jun shook his head, even if he had the cheek to ask for it, his family didn’t have so much money.

The arrival of a college student on the assembly line made Zuo Jun think a lot.

This college student is also here for an internship, and he doesn’t know anything. She is a girl about the same height as Zuo Jun, but she was directly airborne to be “offline”. Although it is only a small mobile manager on the assembly line, no matter how small it is, it is also a cadre. The salary is more than 20 yuan a day.

“Why? She doesn’t even know shit!” The classmates complained to him, and the college student was really upset.

They have been on the assembly line for half a month, which is really hard work. The fingernails were all torn due to work, and the fingernails were turned up, and I didn’t get a good word from the team leader. People do it when they come up.

“She’s a college student, so it’s not a job.” The old worker explained: “She’s here for an internship. If it’s a formal job, the position can be mentioned again.”

“College? What is a college!” The classmates were disdainful.

“Little dolls don’t understand. A diploma is a hurdle that many people can’t get over in their entire lives.” The old worker chuckled: “Without a diploma, unless you can make a relationship and flatter you, you have a high chance of working on the assembly line for the rest of your life. Once you get to a book, you are eligible for promotion. Junior college students are very popular now, after 2 or 3 years of study, your position level will be different, and you will have to get a lot of money.”

This is the first time Zuo Jun has faced the difference in education, and this is the first time he has begun to think about life.

Different educational backgrounds lead to different ways of opening up to oneself. Even if a person has flaws, a good diploma can make up for it.

From the factory where there was no night, he began to rush to work and practice reports.

Zuo Jun flipped through the math books that he couldn’t understand at all, but he felt very kind and wanted to understand them.

Is it useful to understand? He is in the exam class, and he is not scheduled to take the college entrance examination.

Zuo Jun’s eyes were a little wet.

He finally understood the purpose of Dharma Protector King Kong, but Chen Junxin was too ruthless and abused him for two months.

He woke up, is it too late?


Zuo Jun is the one who started fighting and using knives in the next world~~

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during the period of 2020-01-3123:57:39~2020-02-0123:57:39~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Newton’s coffin board; 10 bottles of Zhuxi Peach Blossom;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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