The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 191

Chapter 191: Unpromising real daughter 7

After taking Gu Ai to her studio, Gu Junxin realized that her studio was not suitable for people to live in.

Gu Junxin bought a house not to live in, but to work. So the renovation and reconstruction, the furniture configuration all serve the work. There are not many household items, and precious equipment and equipment for work are everywhere.

There are servers, computers and other equipment in the living room. This is where she develops software, writes codes, and occasionally writes texts and drawings.

The original large bedroom was transformed into a studio, where video recordings or live broadcasts are usually recorded. The small bedroom is a recording room, and the instruments take up a lot of space and are cramped.

There are basically no household items in the house, even beds. The 2-meter long sofa in the living room is her bed, and there is only one air-conditioning quilt. The large and small storage boxes placed next to it are her wardrobe.

In addition to a few formal suits for the mirror, Gu Junxin doesn’t need extra clothes. Two or three sets of cheap seasonal clothes are spared. After a season, the clothes are almost worn, and they are just thrown away and replaced, which greatly saves space.

She eats cheap meals in the school cafeteria and does not open fire at home. So the fridge is empty and there are no filling snacks.

“Come in, this is my studio, it’s simple, just get it done.” Gu Junxin led the people into the room.

“It’s pretty good here.” Gu Ai stood at the door, her eyes red from crying carefully looking at the environment.

“Go take a shower first, then rest on the sofa.” Gu Junxin’s tone was as gentle as possible: “I’ll go down and buy something.”

This kind of life is quite comfortable for Gu Junxin, but now that he has taken over someone who has nothing to support, he seems to lack everything. Everything has to be arranged.

“Okay, it’s hard work, sister.” Gu Ai was very obedient.

It was good that Gu Junxin was willing to take her in.

Gu Ai was taking a shower, and Gu Junxin went to the supermarket outside the community to shop.

I bought two sets of clothes, added a quilt, prepared toiletries, and also bought a la carte food by the way.

When she got home, Gu Ai was still taking a shower. She put the change of clothes on the stool outside the bathroom door and waited for her to come out.

The sound of the shower was loud, but it couldn’t drown out Gu Ai’s cries.

How can a person cry so much? Gu Junxin didn’t understand. But at least today Gu Ai’s tears are less tiresome.

The backrest of the sofa is lowered to form a simple double bed.

Sisters whose relationship is not so good slept together with their own quilts.

Gu Heiyi hesitated a few times and burst into tears, but Gu Junxin didn’t let her speak.

“Go to bed early today and talk about it tomorrow.” Gu Junxin advised.

Gu Ai nodded again and again. Although she couldn’t fall asleep, she thought that it was getting late and her sister must be tired, so she closed her eyes and tried to rest.

In the quiet studio, there are only regular and soothing breathing sounds and the subtle sound of the air conditioner.

Gu Ai couldn’t sleep for a long time, so she opened her eyes.

She stared at Gu Junxin, who was sleeping beside her, and unconsciously rubbed her body against her sister. Like a little beast longing for warmth, snuggling up beside the most reliable person.

Gu Ai knew that her sister had always been lukewarm and not very fond of her. Gu Ai was overjoyed that Gu Junxin could take her in at this moment, and she thoughtfully prepared everything for her, which was even more unexpected.

Sister…it’s really good.


Early the next morning, Gu Ai took the initiative to get up early to make breakfast, and simply made a bowl of egg noodles.

While eating, Gu Ai explained the situation.

Yesterday, her parents informed her that the person who married the Chen family had become her. She was only a freshman and was about to get married. Everything is as Gu Jun expected.

As an adopted daughter, in order to please the adoptive parents and adoptive mothers, many situations cannot help.

Although her adoptive parents dote on her, she is also not allowed to resist or go against their expectations.

Gu Ai actually knew very well that the parents regarded her as an object, a doll that could be manipulated at will.

But the two of them are kind to her after all. She is willing to make them happy. For this reason, she even hides their dreams for many years, for fear of hurting them.

But marrying someone she doesn’t love and accompany her ideals and happiness for the rest of her life is beyond the bottom line.

Gu Ai strongly resisted the marriage. This was the first time that Gu Ai had violated the wishes of her adoptive parents since she entered the Gu family.

She was severely scolded by her adoptive parents, and the two loving elders seemed to have turned into hideous monsters overnight.

“After raising you for so many years, it’s time for you to repay.”

“You think you have the right to refuse?!”

“It’s not that we adopted you. You are afraid that you are still fighting for food with a bunch of idiots in the orphanage. Are you really going to be disobedient?!”

It was hard for her to imagine that these slanderous words came from her adoptive parents.

“They asked me to marry Chen Xi, but I didn’t agree. In the end, it broke down.” Gu Ai’s eyes were wet, and tears fell unconsciously, but she was able to speak normally. She continued: “Mother said that if you want to be the daughter of the Gu family, you have to be obedient. So I took my ID and mobile phone and left without taking anything else.”

Gu Ai sucked her nose, crying and still crying, but not the raging tears of the past.

“It’s right if you don’t agree. What is the age, even if a commercial marriage is established, it should be based on consensual consent. Arranged marriages are not acceptable. Besides, Chen Xi is not a good match.” Gu Junxin reassured.

Gu Ai was very excited, her older sister stood by her side, and a ray of sunshine came into her originally gloomy mood.

“What are you going to do in the future?” Gu Junxin asked, “They should come over.”

They refer to the caregiver parents.

Gu Junxin ran away from home, and the Gu family’s parents did not ask much.

They didn’t care about her in the first place, whether she ran away rebelliously or refused the engagement, they never contacted each other, and they all tried to ignore her existence.

Gu Ai is different. Not only did they invest real money, but they also put in their feelings. Whether they treat Gu Ai as a daughter or a toy. Gu’s parents are bound to appear.

Besides, the Gu family didn’t have another daughter to marry, so it would be a matter of time before they found her.

At that time, how did Gu Ai choose?

If Gu Ai is determined to resist, then no one in modern society really has a way to force her to get married. Gu Junxin will help her adapt to an independent life.

I am afraid, but in the end, I love myself and retreat, and choose to sacrifice myself to fulfill my parents.

Gu Junxin has read romance novels like “Little Wife Who Runs From Marriage”, and she doesn’t want this world to be integrated into the **** plot.

“I won’t go with them.” Gu Ai lowered her head and whispered, “What are you planning to do… I’m going to realize my dream from childhood to adulthood.”

Although she cried, her attitude was firm.

“What dream?” Gu Junxin asked.

Gu Ai once mentioned her dream in the email she sent her, but she didn’t know what the dream was. My sister is a good cook, and if she dreams of opening a shop, she can provide some financial help. Of course, the amount is not much.

Gu Ai wiped away her tears, took a deep breath, and said as firmly as possible: “Sister, I want to sign up for the army! I want to be a soldier.”

Gu Jun was surprised: ? ! !

Xiaokubao’s dream is to be a soldier?

She really underestimated her.


To join the army and join the army, let’s not talk about whether Gu Ai can be selected, even if it goes in successfully, it is a small crying bag with uncontrollable sensitive emotions. How can we ensure that he will not cry to death in a difficult environment?

Looking at Gu Junxin’s expression, Gu Ai immediately persuaded.

Did your sister even hear this reaction? Gu Ai was a little discouraged.

“It’s good to join the army and serve the motherland.” Gu Junxin reassured her. She was afraid that her sister who was too disappointed would cry again, “You should know that the military camp doesn’t need tears, right?”

“Yes!” Gu Ai wiped away her tears, she understood that her crying problem had to be corrected.


A short chapter, to be a foreshadowing.

PS: Among the unpromising daughters, “unpromising” refers to not doing the right thing to engage in games, and it also means that being a real daughter will not coax parents not to be liked by their parents

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