The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: The female general of the country’s ruined family is the first

Returning from the small world, Jun Xin found that the library had undergone significant changes.

In the hall in the center of the first floor, a staircase leading to the second floor appeared.

Jun Xin has spent a long time in the library, and he is naturally quite curious about the high floors.

Before, he had tried to climb to the second floor.

Using the sofa and the bookshelf as a springboard, jump up directly and grab the railing of the second floor. From being out of reach at the beginning to easily climbing the railing, Jun Xin has gone through countless drills. But every time he climbed over the railing, he would find that he was still on the first floor.

There’s magic, or some kind of programming that puts him in an endless loop.

After many attempts, Junxin determined that the areas above the first floor were prohibited from entering.

Now that the stairs have descended, it means that his authority has reached the standard, and Junxin naturally wants to go up and visit.

The second floor is different from the first floor in terms of decoration. It is antique, elegant and unique, and it is quite poetic. The books on this floor belong to the past, and everything is antiquities.

In addition to rare ancient books, the second floor of the library also displays antiques such as oracle bone inscriptions, bamboo slips, paintings and calligraphy, jade, pottery, and porcelain, all of which are locked in glass covers and can only be viewed but not touched.

There is an 8K large high-definition ultra-thin tablet computer on the desk in the lounge area, and all ancient books can be viewed through this device.

The typesetting and characters of ancient people are difficult to recognize, and they are written in classical Chinese, which makes it difficult to read. After reading a few books, your heart starts to have a headache, and it is a little laborious to learn.

However, compared to the first floor, the second floor has many objects for entertainment.

The library also has seating areas. The rest area provides the four treasures of the study to relieve boredom by writing and painting, and also provides musical instruments to entertain yourself. The most surprising thing is that there is a pantry on the second floor.

The aftertaste of sweet water, fresh green tea leaves, and rich and mellow wine are all standing on a wooden shelf, ready to drink.

These resources are inexhaustible.

You didn’t touch your heart.

In the library, he didn’t need to eat or drink.

Besides, who knows if the things in this ghost place have any extras?

After the opening of the second floor area, Junxin mainly works on this When tired, he will return to the first floor to rest. The sofa on the first floor is more comfortable than the couch on the second floor.

The books in the library would still be forced to fly into his hands, and Jun Xin had to read them carefully in order to grasp the direction of the world in the future.

However, this time, the books selected by the library for him are all distinctive, either ancient stories or texts with distinctive characteristics of the times.

Jun Xin has a hunch, he is afraid that he will frequently travel through these times in the future.


As soon as he entered this world, he was greeted with pure white mourning banners.

The huge house was immersed in extreme sorrow. There were three rows of spiritual places on the mourning hall, and the spacious courtyard was neatly filled with thirty coffins.

The king’s heart is clothed in sackcloth and filial piety, and he kneels before the spirit to guard the spirit. Except for her, no one was mourning.

The servants were busy packing their things, and everyone was very nervous.

The masters were busy commanding people to prepare to evacuate, and their hands were not free.

Outside the house, the noise of galloping horses is very obvious, the current situation is not good, and everyone is fleeing.

Jun Xin looked up at the busy crowd, a beautiful woman about forty years old, hurried to her with a baby in her arms, and pulled her up hard.

“When is it! Stop kneeling!” The woman said, and shoved the baby into her arms: “Hold your son, this is the last bloodline of my Huo family! You take him and leave quickly!!”

The child was under one year old, and he was sleeping soundly. There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he had dreamed something, very cute. The panic in the outside world did not affect him in the slightest.

“Huo Junxin! What are you doing! Hurry up!” The woman kicked Junxin, she wanted Junxin to wake up quickly.

She recruited a team of twenty-four elite soldiers and ordered them to **** Huo Junxin and his son away.

There was sadness and determination in the woman’s eyes. She knew that this was a life and death separation.

“Go!” cried the woman. The only bloodline of the Huo family must be preserved.

Huo Junxin put the baby in her arms back into her arms.

“Mother, I’m not leaving.” Huo Junxin announced firmly and calmly.

The woman said angrily, “Are you crazy?! Qi’s army will break through the city immediately, will you die if you don’t leave?!”

“Why didn’t you leave, mother? Why didn’t the old lady leave?” Huo Jun calmly asked: “Even if I protect my son and escape, Qi will be able to conquer Cangzhou with a single horse, and drive straight in to take Xia without hindrance. Be a slave of the country!”


Yelu Liangcai, the Khan of Qi State, led the 300,000-strong iron cavalry into the Central Plains, and Yingzhou was in danger.

Cangzhou defender Huo Zhong, led the Huo family generals to Yingzhou for support, and fought hard to stop the Qi army outside Yingzhou city.

They waited for court support to defeat the enemy. But the reinforcements were late, but most of the food and forage they finally sent were deducted, and the equipment was all inferior.

The assistance of the court was not good, but the reinforcements of the prince of Qi, Yelu Jingyan, had already arrived.

Under the heavy pressure, Yingzhou City was broken.

The three generations of the Huo family’s ancestors and grandchildren, a total of 30 males, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers died on the battlefield. Their blood and lives could not stop the Qi Kingdom’s iron cavalry.

The Huo family was full of grief and indignation, and they held a funeral for the deceased man.

The corpses of their relatives were burned by Qi people in Yingzhou, and the coffins contained only their clothes.

But the funeral had just begun, and the iron cavalry of Qi State had already entered the city of Cangzhou.

The Huo family general was dead, and there were only 30,000 remaining soldiers in the city, and the court reinforcements could not come.

Cangzhou is doomed to fall.

The people in the city fled one after another, and the Huo family’s widow had to leave in order to preserve the last bloodline.

However, the old lady of the Huo family was not ready, and the woman who beat her and scolded her for letting her leave was not ready to leave.

In this ancient novel called “Rouge Red”, it tells the love story of the prince of Qi, Yelu Jingyan, and a daughter of a certain family in Qi. Yelu Jingyan is the male protagonist, their Huo family is the background board and stepping stone on the road of the male protagonist to dominate the world, and her Huo Junxin is just a villain.

The husband of the Huo family lost, facing the iron cavalry of Qi, and the widows of the Huo family did not leave, they decided to die for their husbands and the city.

But Huo Junxin was ordered to leave. She must keep the last fire of the Huo family – her son whose name has not yet been taken.

Huo Junxin was originally the adopted daughter of the Huo family and was raised as a boy since childhood. She knows martial arts, which is why the widows of the Huo family let her go, because only she has the possibility to survive.

Huo Junxin encountered many dangers along the way, and Huo Junxin and the soldiers who escorted her solved it with hard work, and also rescued many people.

However, the army of Qi State was smashed, and 300,000 cavalrymen marched south to the capital, and Huo Junxin was unavoidable.

At that moment, Huo Junxin realized that it was useless to escape to save his son’s life.

The emperor and courtiers fled south again with the minced fat and paste they looted, but Huo Junxin summoned a group of **** generals and courtiers to do the final resistance.

Huo Junxin broke out in despair and showed amazing resourcefulness. Under her leadership, the capital was held. Her prestige was accumulated in the defense of the national capital, and the people and soldiers were grateful to her.

But they held on to the capital, and they saw that they were going to win, but in the end they got the news that the rotten and absurd emperor ceded the territory and paid tribute to ensure peace.

The army of Qi State retreated, but Xia State became a subsidiary of Qi State.

Because of Huo Junxin’s contribution to defending the country, the emperor made an exception as the first female general of the Xia Dynasty.

The emperor wept bitterly and repented in front of the soldiers. She and the soldiers also believed the emperor’s promise, worked hard, fought hard, and prepared to regroup and recover the rivers and mountains.

However, the emperor was not willing to fight at all, and he regarded Huo Junxin and the other main war factions as thorns in the eyes. In ten years, he exhausted his means to get rid of the main battle faction one by one.

Huo Junxin’s prestige is very high, and he has been unable to shake her military power until Huo Junxin’s late husband Huo Zhao “resurrected from the dead”, and the situation has changed.

It turned out that Huo Zhao was not dead, and Huo Zhao was captured after being seriously injured in the Yingzhou battle.

Later, Huo Zhao was spotted by the male protagonist’s sister and became the consort of Qi.

And this time, Huo Zhao’s return to the Xia Kingdom was Yelu Jingyan’s plan to deal with Huo Jun Xinshi.

When Huo Zhao appeared, the emperor finally had an excuse to release Huo Junxin’s military power. In the name of maintaining orthodoxy, he ordered to “return” Huo Junxin’s general position to Huo Zhao.

The intelligent and brave female general was forced back to the inner courtyard, and the elite soldiers she brought out through ten years of hard work were also dismissed and retired, completely losing hope of recovering the rivers and mountains.

In the end, the state of Xia was naturally annexed by the state of Qi.

Compared with the loss of the country, the cowardly Huo Zhao and Princess Qi’s grievances to Huo Junxin are not worth mentioning.

The mountains and rivers were broken, and Huo Junxin committed suicide.

The last bloodline of the Huo family, her ten-year-old son, was entrusted to her confidant and once again lived a life of displacement.


Escape is useless.

The male protagonist Yelu Jingyan’s ambition to rule the world will not change. And Xia Guo, the incompetent emperor, where they go is the tragic fate of subjugation.

“Huo Junxin! As long as you live there is hope.” The beautiful woman – Huo Zhao’s mother, Huo Junxin’s mother-in-law and adoptive mother – Luo Ying shook Huo Junxin’s body vigorously, hoping that she would be obedient: “Mother and old lady are old. , can’t run can only be a drag, don’t let us worry, let’s go!”

Huo Junxin shook his head, stopped talking to Luo Ying, and turned to look at the twenty-four elite soldiers who were selected.

Huo Jun asked loudly: “Are you willing to run away like this?”

The soldiers couldn’t answer, they all knelt in front of Huo Junxin and looked at her with complicated eyes.

Are you willing?

How willing! They fought to the death and fought **** battles, but they ate the worst meals and wore the worst equipment. The brothers were buried in the battlefield for no reason, and died so aggrieved, how could they be willing?

The most unwilling thing is to see the guarded cities being destroyed by the enemy country one by one.

The country was destroyed and the family was destroyed, and the parents, wife and children of the family began to flee, and their life and death were uncertain.

Who can accept such an outcome? !

There is hatred and helplessness in the eyes of this team of elite soldiers.

They feel useless, but now, this is the situation. They have no hope.

Huo Junxin didn’t see the fighting spirit in their eyes.

Also, with such a huge disparity in strength, how could the soldiers have high morale?

Huo Junxin simply knelt down, and she kowtowed three times to these soldiers.

The soldiers were frightened, and they were excited to help Huo Jun’s heart, but there were differences between men and women, and they were suddenly at a loss. You can only kneel on the ground and lower your body.

“Brothers, you fought **** battles for your family and country, and Huo Jun is very grateful. If you don’t want to fight again, I will trouble you all to work hard again and **** the old lady and the Huo family to retreat.” Huo Jun heart begged: “If you dare Let’s fight again, dare to believe in my Huo Junxin once, and we can go to Cangzhou Camp!”

The soldiers looked up at Huo Junxin, and their eyes recovered for a moment.

“Huo Junxin, don’t talk about your dreams!” Luo Ying scolded, she wished to kick her daughter-in-law to wake her up quickly.

Luo Ying’s voice was choked and she couldn’t help crying.

She lost her husband and child, and was desperate. She is alive and dead!

But the only seedling in the family must be kept, Huo Jun has the ability to protect him, but her mind is not clear!

“You wake me up!” Luo Ying was about to beat someone after she said that.


An old but loud and powerful scolding sounded, and the white-haired old lady came over with a dragon-headed cane.

“Daughter-in-law, tell me, 300,000 cavalry soldiers are approaching the city, how can I win with the 30,000 remaining soldiers in Cangzhou?” The old lady asked calmly.

“I can’t win.” Huo Junxin responded very simply, there was no suspense at all.

Seriously speaking, as far as the weapons and equipment of the soldiers of the Xia Kingdom are concerned, even if a million soldiers gather in Cangzhou, they will be completely defeated by the 100,000 light cavalry and 200,000 heavy cavalry of the Qi Kingdom.

Their armament level is lagging behind. And this terrible backwardness is due to the greed of the monarch and courtiers deducting the army’s salaries.

“Then what are you going to do!” the old lady asked sternly.

Huo Junxin responded firmly: “Assassinate Yelu Liangcai and Yelu Jingyan, and behead the emperor and prince of Qi! Set fire to the camp of Qi!”

She’s going to form a death squad!

The risk of daring to kill is high, and it is very likely that there will be no return.

But once the male protagonist is killed, the Qi army will be in chaos, and the Qi country will be in chaos!

Anyway, it’s the end of the country’s ruin, it’s better to fight to the death! There might be a turnaround.


Happy National Day everyone~~ Did you watch the military parade again today? I’ve been addicted to it for a day now, super excited.

PS: This small world story is inspired by the Luo family’s daughter in the folk tale Yang Family General, Yang Shilang’s original wife.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

3 bottles of Xinglan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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