The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 73

Chapter 73: The female general of the country’s ruined family is the first

The splendid Taiji Hall is the place where Zhao Rui, the king of the Xia Kingdom, discussed state affairs with his courtiers.

For three consecutive days, the envoys of Qi State discussed with them and the content, and the two sides almost reached an agreement.

Qi State and Xia State made peace, not because they were afraid of the fight, but because they understood that it was no longer worth fighting to fight and turned to political means.

Huo Junxin went all the way north, and the territory that Qi State had seized for a hundred years was easily broken by Huo Junxin and lost most of it.

The important military fortress Youzhou was snatched back by Huo Junxin, and Qi retreated outside the Great Wall. The time and place were gone, and they were all taken away by the Xia Kingdom.

Qi State has abundant troops, and it is not without the possibility of victory that they can regroup and attack again. However, a moat in Yanshan kept them out of the gate, and the price of hitting them hard was too high.

Moreover, the Queen Mother Xiao Yan had just unified the imperial court, and she did not trust the generals.

Compared with the generals she didn’t know, Zhao Rui, the emperor of the Xia Kingdom, understood a little better and was easier to control.

Abandoning military action and resorting to political means is the best policy. Xiao Yan was young and seemed to be weak in the past, but this move was very good.

Huo Junxin couldn’t be bothered, but Zhao Rui was different. Zhao Rui, who is arrogant, extravagant, and weak and can be bullied, is a real confused and confused king. Moreover, the Xia Dynasty court, as early as decades of hard work by their people, was corrupt and they were not at a disadvantage in negotiating peace.

Qi Guo was obviously in a state of defeat, but Xiao Yan opened his mouth and put forward unreasonable terms for negotiating peace.

She asked Zhao Rui to cede territory and formally assign all the territories north of Yingzhou to Qi, and asked Xia to pay one million Ping An every year to maintain peace. She also asked Xia to send out a group of high-quality craftsmen and agronomists to help Qi develop agriculture and technology.

Such ridiculous negotiating conditions are impossible for anyone with a bit of blood to agree to.

But the court of the Xia Dynasty has long been corroded, and most of the people think that it is good to exchange for peace.

This group of people made a calculation in their minds. Thinking that the losses caused by the continuous war are definitely higher than the annual tribute, so in order to reduce expenses, this war is not fought, and the country is not needed.

“Imperial Father! There is no reason in the world to cede land and pay indemnity after winning a battle!!” The princes, led by Prince Zhao Qin, led a group of loyal ministers who still had a bit of backbone and begged Zhao Rui to think twice.

Just half a year ago, the princes still wanted to seize the throne. But a crisis of subjugation made them sober a lot.

Without a country, where would the throne come from?

Yes! Huo Junxin and the Huo family may be a disaster. But Huo Jiagong was in Sheji, and they stood at the forefront of the border, resisted the iron cavalry of the Xia Kingdom, and took back some of the lost territory of the Xia Kingdom.

The Xia people finally straightened their spines, but Zhao Rui, the emperor, was reluctant to stand up.

He would rather bow down to a cub who has just turned a month! What a shame to be in such a royal family!

“Drag the prince to me! What do you know!” Zhao Rui ordered the mortal’s son to be driven away.

He has long disliked this prince who is against him everywhere, as if he is the only prince in this world who is protecting Daxia, and he is not ordinary! Recently, these princes have been fascinated by the wind, and suddenly united, making him hard to guard against.

Wouldn’t he hesitate to sign this agreement? Is he willing to lose his power and humiliate the country? I don’t want to! But the situation forced him to do so!

In order to live happily, for his throne, he had to sign this word.

Is Huo Junxin taking back the north for Daxia? no!

Nominally, the territory she recaptured belonged to Daxia, but in fact the north already belonged to her Huo family.

Huo Junxin is even more of a threat than the country of Qi, which is far away.

Zhao Rui’s idea, after the signature, nominally all the territory will be assigned to Qi, but it is not certain whether it will be handed over to Qi to rule. Huo Junxin obviously won’t give him face, she should not recognize this contract. He marked out the site, and Xiao Yan went to get it by himself. In this way, Xiao Yan and Huo Junxin will clash again.

They fought on both sides, and the snipe and clam fought each other and both lost. Only then did he live a stable life as a fisherman, and he finally gained. Only then did his dragon chair sit securely.

Only in this way can the world be at peace.

“Your Majesty, sign it.” Pan Renliang, the chief assistant, carefully advised: “There are many night dreams. If Huo Junxin finds out about this, it will be troublesome.”

Pan Renliang was the culprit who instigated Zhao Rui to harm Huo’s army. He was a famous traitor and was reviled by the people.

Unfortunately, Zhao Rui cherished him the most, feeling that he understood his heart the most, was the most considerate courtier, and obeyed his words. After being reminded by Pan Renliang, Zhao Rui, who was still a little hesitant, immediately picked up the jade seal and prepared to seal it.

In the court hall, the prince and courtiers kneeling on the ground had disappointment and despair written on their faces, while those standing were numb.

Seeing that the jade seal is about to fall, the “peace clause” of losing power and humiliating the country will come into effect.

Eight hundred miles of urgent news came, Huo Junxin raised the dragon head and crutches and ordered the world, she wanted to execute the traitorous minister and the Qingjun side.


Zhao Rui’s hands were trembling, Yuxi didn’t hold it steady, and fell to the ground.

Since Huo Junxin beheaded Yelu and his son, Zhao Rui has had nightmares every day. In the dream, Huo Junxin came from the north carrying a few skulls and chopped off his head.

Now that Huo Junxin really led the troops to Lin’an, Zhao Rui only had the image of his head being chopped off in his mind.

The emperor shivered in disgust.

“Your Majesty, you have to be steady.” Pan Renliang helped Zhao Rui to sit on the dragon chair, and he reminded in a low voice, “Your Majesty, whether she has holy relics or not, she is rebelling now. Kill it first!”

As long as those in power don’t care, what about the crutches handed down by Emperor Taizu?

“No, no, you have to recognize what Tai Zu left behind!” Zhao Rui shook his head in denial.

The whole world knows that the Huo family has a crutch with a leading head that knocks out the king and the greedy minister below, and he can’t deny it.

Besides, the current situation is not a question of whether he recognizes the sacred object or not, but whether he can save his life.

When Zhao Rui thought about it, he felt that he was either beaten to death by the dragon head crutch, or Huo Junxin was beheaded with a knife!

Nope! He can’t die!

Pan Renliang was about to persuade Zhao Rui again, he hoped that Zhao Rui’s army would fight Huo Junxin more, maybe he would have the opportunity to assassinate Huo Junxin at close range to get rid of his confidant.

“Your Majesty…” Before Pan Renliang could say anything, Zhao Rui pushed him away.

Anyone who hinders his escape is not a good thing!

At this time, Zhao Rui completely forgot how much he favored Pan Renliang on weekdays.

“The Imperial Forest Army, **** and escort!” Zhao Rui shouted.

The soldiers guarding outside the hall rushed into the hall and guarded Zhao Rui firmly.

Zhao Rui grabbed the commander’s arm and pushed it down: “Go, go.”

He decided to escape from the palace through the secret passage under the protection of the Royal Forest Army.

The emperor was about to flee, and the court was in chaos, and everyone wanted to flee.

However, before they could run out of the palace, a pair of iron cavalry stepped into the luxurious and majestic palace.

Zhao Rui turned around and saw who was coming.

Huo Junxin, silver armor and silver armor, has an ice-cold face. She rode on a black steed in battle armor, holding a golden dragon-headed crutch in one hand, and holding the imperial edict of the Grand Ancestor in the other, she rode into the hall and stopped in front of Zhao Rui in a few steps.

Zhao Rui’s eyes were forced to meet Huo Junxin’s. He didn’t see the slightest wave in her eyes. She looked at her like a corpse.

“Huo Junxin, you are bold! You are not allowed to be wild in this Taiji Palace!” Zhao Rui scolded while trembling, he clenched the hand of the bodyguard, “Escort! Escort! Drive her out.”

Not only did the emperor want to escape, but the courtiers also wanted to live.

No one knew why Huo Junxin rebelled so quickly, and no one thought about how to deal with her, but how to escape.

Pan Renliang also wanted to escape, but was captured by the elite soldiers led by Huo Junxin, and tied them tightly with ropes.

No one in this Taiji Palace can escape.

Huo Junxin didn’t come alone, she had her elite soldiers behind her, and behind them were the soldiers, horses and people who had been summoned along the way.

The palace is surrounded by circles!


In fact, Huo Junxin didn’t expect her plan to go so smoothly. At first, her plans were not so bold.

She has been in the north for a long time and has been fighting since then, so she doesn’t quite understand what happened to the common people living under the emperor’s rule and the military officers who were bullied by the civil service group.

The people were almost driven mad by extortionate and miscellaneous taxes, and the soldiers could not get enough to eat. Insufficient food and grass, poor equipment is what most people encounter.

So when Huo Junxin raised the dragon head and crutches and proposed to Qing Jun, no one objected at all.

Not to mention that Huo Junxin just wanted to beat the emperor and kill a few corrupt officials, even if Huo Junxin really wanted to rebel, there would be many people in the world who would support her.

Huo Junxin, who was supported by many people, came to the palace smoothly all the way. She picked up the peace book on the imperial case with her sword and read it.

The agreement between the two parties was ridiculous, and what was even more ridiculous was that the jade seal of the Xia Kingdom was almost stamped on it.

It’s done, let’s just beat Zhao Rui to death today!

Huo Junxin stretched out the dragon head crutch, hooked and pulled, and the crutch clasped Zhao Rui’s head.

Amid the exclamations and begging for mercy, Huo Junxin dragged Zhao Rui out of the hall with a cane, threw the faint-hearted Emperor Dog to the ground, and then slapped him on the hip with a cane.

Zhao Rui screamed in pain.

The eunuch’s servants, the guards of the royal forest, and the courtiers of a pole hurriedly came to **** him.

A small group of soldiers with long spears stopped the man, and they shouted and desperately begged for mercy outside.

Zhao Rui lay on the ground in pain, and Huo Junxin hit him **** his buttocks with his crutches.

Countless old officials accused her of deceiving the king.

Huo Junxin raised the imperial decree and said, “Tai Zu gave you a dragon-headed crutch to knock you out! Zhao Rui, today I, Huo Junxin, teach you a lesson at the will of Emperor Tai Zu, you take it well!”

Zhao Rui burst into tears and was speechless.

She looked back at the officials surrounded by soldiers in the hall, and said, “You can’t run either.”

The people who were blaming Huo Junxin just now have all shut up, everyone is in danger, and they are thinking about how to escape.

The dragon head crutches hit Zhao Rui one after another. He wanted to ask for help, but the crutches kept falling down one after another, so painful that he couldn’t shout.

“Zhao Rui, one of your guilt is that you are timid and weak, lose your power and humiliate the country!” Huo Junxin threw the peace book on his face and beat him five times.

She knew that Shun Jun was not smart enough and might have made mistakes when negotiating peace. She didn’t even know that this guy was so absurd!

Zhao Rui lay on the ground and cried, which was painful and aggrieved. The king of a country is beaten like this by a woman, this is the loss of power and humiliation of the country.

He was crawling on the ground, trying to escape, not wanting to lose face.

But how could Huo Junxin let him go?

“Zhao Rui, your second guilt is arrogance and **** for pleasure, looting the people’s fat and anointing the people of the world and disregarding the suffering of the people in the world.”

What qualifications do you have to be on the throne, a dizzy monarch who doesn’t think about the people of the world!

One crutch after another, specifically hitting the bones, Zhao Rui’s lower body was beaten to a **** mess.

“General Huo, General Huo, spare my life!” Zhao Rui cried.

It’s better as **** than being beheaded.

It hurt, and the bones in his lower body were all broken. He not only smelled blood, but also smelled a foul stench.

Incontinence, how embarrassing.

Not only was he beaten, he was embarrassed!

Huo Junxin’s account has not been settled yet.

The whereabouts of the dragon head crutches continued, and she said loudly: “Zhao Rui’s third guilt, listen to the slander and frame Zhongliang, harm the people of Yingzhou and countless border soldiers, and kill hundreds of thousands of people. Your sins are monstrous!!”

Killing Zhao Rui and killing all the corrupt officials can’t pay back the lives of so many people! But this bad breath kills and will be done for the people!

“Don’t fight, don’t fight. General Huo, please raise your hand, the father is not in good health, and he can’t stand such a big punishment!” The prince led the princes and rushed over, all kneeling in front of Huo Junxin and begging for mercy.

“Not in good health? He is still preparing for the draft if he is not in good health?” Huo Jun said sarcastically.

The prince and his brother were flushed, they couldn’t refute, they just kept kowtow.

“Stop squatting, and kneel for me. When a father is so stupid, you sons are also a bunch of **** if you don’t dissuade them!”

All the princes obediently knelt down and listened to the training while reflecting on it.

Huo Junxin listed Zhao Rui’s guilt again, listing eight major items, and directly knocked the person unconscious.

She still held her hand, and after all, she did not kill anyone.

The imperial doctor had long been ready to carry the emperor out for treatment.

Huo Junxin turned around to clean up the officials.

Her soldiers took Pan Renliang up, and Huo Junxin cut off his head without a word.

The civilian officer who usually rides on the head of the military attache was so frightened that he burst into tears and was embarrassed.

“I don’t even know what’s the use of your group of officials, letting a spy from Qi climb to the position of the first assistant to control the government!”

After all, Huo Junxin asked people to bring up the evidence.

The secret letter she found in the army was finally cracked by the capable people in the army. It was a list of Qi’s spies. With this, Huo Junxin finally figured out why their army’s intelligence information was leaked.

Not only Pan Renliang, but many spies climbed to key positions, and some became the favorite concubine of the harem. They occupy a high position, and naturally they can easily get the information of the Huo family and control the government.

A court is in chaos like this, an emperor is surrounded by spies, is there any help?

Those who should be caught should be caught, and those who should be killed should be executed on the spot.

Those in the know conspire to kill. Those who do not know but become accomplices will be imprisoned and held accountable.

In one breath, there were more than a dozen people in the hall.

“Put all the heads on me, and let the messenger send them to the Queen Mother Xiao. It’s a gift to celebrate Yeluzhen’s ascension to the throne.” Huo Junxin ordered.

Of course, the peace messenger couldn’t escape, he was also detained and stayed in the main hall, and witnessed the fierceness of the Rakshasa woman Huo Junxin with his own eyes.

The spies sent by the Qi state were all their good brothers, but it was a pity that years of planning were ruined by this woman.

Holding the heads of compatriots one after another in his arms, he felt sad and humiliated.

You can rule the world with your eyes, why do you suddenly feel that the Qi Kingdom is over?


Beat the emperor, kill traitors, except spies.

The account was barely settled. Huo Junxin ordered the army to form a team, ransacked the treasury, obtained suitable food and grass, and the army withdrew from the imperial city.

When the matter was over, Huo Jun thought she was going to return to the north.

go back?

Everyone was puzzled, and the prince who was still kneeling outside the hall was also inexplicable.

In their opinion, Huo Junxin is rebelling.

With popular support and a huge army, they have absolutely no hope of saving their lives. But she just went back like this?

Since ancient times, those who put forward the slogan of the Qing Dynasty have ended up either becoming emperors or going to hell.

Huo Junxin came here to do so many things, and she just went back like this? Isn’t she worried that they will settle accounts in the autumn?

Huo Junxin stood in front of the princes and said calmly, “Your father will not die, but he is really unfit to sit on the dragon chair.”

The princes are nervous, and the prince is the most nervous.

Does she want to elect a new emperor and use the emperor as a puppet?

Huo Jun thought for a long time before deciding not to participate in the war of the heirs. She was unfamiliar with any of the heirs, whoever sat in that position was the same. If it’s good, keep it, if it’s bad, beat it and then replace it. It’s that simple.

“Who will take this position has nothing to do with me, you can discuss it yourself.” Huo Junxin promised: “As long as the incumbent is a wise man who protects the people, my Huo family will guard every checkpoint and line of defense on the border and take back everything that was lost. The territory, and the security of the homeland will always be maintained. But if the new army is with Zhao Rui all the way, it is also very convenient for me to come down from the north.”

Good things and threatening things have been said.

Huo Junxin jumped on the horse and disappeared from the imperial city with the dragon head crutches.

Leaving behind the ignorant princes, their moods are very complicated.

The next day after the palace change, Zhao Rui abdicated the throne and gave way to the virtuous.

Prince Zhao Yuheng ascended the throne, and the enthronement ceremony was simplified.

Huo Junxin quickly cleaned up and dealt with some courtiers, and there were many vacancies in the court.

Zhao Yuheng handled affairs together with his brother, and then slowly put the imperial court into operation.

Only after ascending the throne did Zhao Yuheng and his brothers discover what the **** the country had been eroded by the worms sent by Qi.

The court is in chaos, the people are suffering, and all aspects of Daxia are in chaos. Everything is going backwards, the world is a mess, and it is impossible to sort out.

Change begins with his first will. He wants to govern the country well.

As for the Huo family…

Zhao Yuheng didn’t know what to do with them.

But looking at the weak scene in the courtroom, it was useless to think of a way.

He can only hope that Huo Junxin will really fulfill his promise and continue to be loyal to the king and patriotic to safeguard Daxia.

The Huo family is a great threat, but now he can only choose to believe her.

And Huo Junxin, after experiencing the Qing Jun side this time, Zhao Yuheng is also willing to believe that she is dedicated to the country and has no two hearts.


(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~~Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

20 bottles of Feiling; 1 bottle of money in the pocket;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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