The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 87

Chapter 87: Inexperienced and incompetent son-in-law 4

In the middle of the night, the palace, which had experienced a **** storm, was completely quiet.

Prime Minister Zhao, who was staying in the palace, paced back and forth in the room. How could he fall asleep this night?

It was a cold autumn night, he came in a hurry, his clothes were thin, and it was a little cold. But the coldness of his body was nothing, his heart froze.

With the emperor all his life, he has experienced the cruelest and most dangerous crisis. There is nothing to say that the two people get along in harmony, and the older they get, the better their relationship will be.

It’s too good a relationship and makes him too slack. He forgot the unpredictable power of heaven, the ruthless emperor, and lost his vigilance.

Ning Youyue was strangled with white silk on the spot in the punishment department, and the seventh prince was forced to drink a glass of poisonous wine by Jin Yiwei in the palace. Ning Youyue was carried back to the Ning family, and the Seventh Prince declared that he had contracted a disease and died suddenly. The people in the palace of the Seventh Emperor were also cleaned up, and in a few days, the officials who were friends with him would inevitably be cleaned up.

It’s a bit over the top.

As the prime minister, Lao Zhao is naturally not a soft-hearted person. Knowing that Zhao Jun’s heart is being calculated, he also has the heart to clean up the seventh prince.

But according to the laws of the Great Jin Dynasty, whether it is Ning Youyue or the seventh prince, they are not guilty of death.

Ning Youyue was right, even if their plan succeeded, it was only a matter of reputation, not to mention unsuccessful.

Ning Youyue is fine, the seventh prince is a prince, and since he was so hasty, he was executed.

The emperor relied on Ning Youyue’s one-sided words and did not verify the truth, so he used the privilege to kill the Seventh Prince Man Clan. He didn’t even give the Seventh Prince a chance to defend himself.

The emperor didn’t care whether the seventh prince really planned this case, nor did he care whether he knew Zhao Junxin’s true identity or whether he really wanted to get rid of his eldest grandson. The emperor is killing the chickens and showing the monkeys. He wants to rub the spirits of the princes who are busy grabbing the heirs and tell everyone that he has the final say in this world.

The means are ruthless, unreasonable, and do not listen to dissuasion.

There is such a cold and cruel side behind the people’s respect and admiration for Mingjun and Renjun.

Old Zhao’s body was eroded by a coldness, and he couldn’t help trembling.

Looking back on this day, it seems that he has been making mistakes since the early morning. He was really old, lost his youthful sensibilities, and got the emperor’s true intentions wrong.

How could he be so confused that he thought that the emperor deliberately passed on him because of his love for the king?

The old emperor’s body is getting worse and worse, and his living sons are all about to move, and the courtiers are standing in line. This made the emperor who was accustomed to ruling the world feel a crisis. The princes seemed to be mediocre. Maybe they would pretend to be pigs and eat tigers to keep a low profile, and maybe they would be able to drive themselves to the throne one day.

The knife that can drop at the prince can be directed at him under the lure of power!

Not only did the emperor dislike one of his sons, but he also had murderous intentions for every adult son in his heart. He took a fancy to Junxin, not only because of his preference for his eldest grandson, but also because he was the only harmless and non-threatening person among the several candidates.

Zhao Jun thought he had no power or power.

Even if he really takes the top, the heart of the king who knows nothing will be in his hands, and he will not be able to run!

What Zhao Junxin loves the most about the emperor should be his innocence, romance and ignorance.

If Lao Zhao really tried to cultivate Junxin like his father according to the standard of the heir of the country, it would be a clear threat. Maybe the emperor’s poison will be delivered to Junxin, and their old Zhao family can’t escape.

Prime Minister Zhao huddled under the covers, a cold sweat on his forehead.

He reported to the emperor that Jun Xin was plotted by the seventh prince.

Now that I think about it, this move is incredibly stupid.

If he wants to pay for the king’s heart, he has countless ways to secretly calculate it back. But he lost his head because of the emperor’s intentional or unintentional disclosure, and reported it directly to the emperor, which led to the calamity of killing the seventh prince.

The emperor doesn’t care now. If he turns around, will such behavior be suspected of standing in line with himself? Will he regret hitting too hard and blame him?

“Hey, I’m still getting old.” Lao Zhao retracted into the bed and slapped his forehead hard.

People are separated from each other, who knows what the emperor thinks?

He can only try his best to speculate, not to step on the emperor’s thunder.


Prime Minister Zhao tossed and turned and couldn’t sleep, but the emperor rarely got a good night’s sleep today.

He lay alone on the spacious dragon bed, his tense nerves finally let go, and a satisfied smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

In the past two years, his sons have been disobedient one by one, and his hands have been stretched longer and longer. He has long wanted to chop off their hands and feet. And the seventh prince is the one with the longest hand. He didn’t have any regrets about the execution of the seventh prince, nor did he have any sadness or regret. He felt that his whole body was very happy.

The emperor, gradually losing his vitality because of his old age, found the feeling of his youth as he watched his son die.

Feeling uneasy all day long, what is the fear of my son usurping the throne? Decisive and decisive, this is the demeanor of being an emperor, and this is the joy.

Besides, he really didn’t have much feelings for those sons.

Except for the former crown prince plus a eldest grandson, Junxin, the emperor really didn’t take any other heirs seriously. I can count the number of times I have seen them in my life, what about the family relationship between father and son?

As for the heirs? He just wanted to choose someone who was good and easy.

The most obedient and obedient, and only his eldest grandson.

Halfway through the sleep, the emperor suddenly opened his eyes and asked, “What are you doing in the afternoon, little son?”

After being plotted in the morning, he went home and complained. What did he do at home in the afternoon? Will it leave a shadow on him when he is thrown down by a drugged woman? The emperor couldn’t help but worry.

The person hiding in the darkness knelt down and responded, “Go back to Your Majesty, the young master is studying how to save his Wei Zi in the afternoon.”

The emperor laughed loudly: “Children’s nature, don’t worry about everything.”

That’s it.

That’s where Zhao Jun’s heart is cute and innocent. He doesn’t need any changes, just keep his current innocence!

“Is Lao Zhao asleep?” the emperor asked curiously.

“The prime minister hasn’t fallen asleep yet.”

The emperor laughed a few times, and he knew that Lao Zhao would definitely not be able to sleep tonight, and he was very satisfied with the response of the courtier.

The emperor was not as suspicious of him as Lao Zhao guessed. He really trusted him, otherwise he would not have raised his eldest grandson.

Lao Zhao is his friend, but first of all he is his courtier. As a king, he needs his subjects to fear him.

The emperor was very satisfied with everything, and he slept well and had no dreams all night.

On the second day of the court meeting, he went to court refreshingly, and by the way mentioned the news of the death of the seventh prince.

A person who is still full of energy the first day will be gone the next day, what else can it be?

As long as you’re not too stupid, you can figure out what’s going on.

There are no fools who can stand in the Golden Palace, and they dare not talk too much.

No one in the court dared to mention the matter of establishing a direct descendant again, and the courtiers who formed gangs also kept a low profile, even if the slaughter knife would fall on his head one day.


On the second day, Zhao Junxin entered the palace.

Empress Empress is an amiable old man. Seeing his face, she warmly pulled him to greet him, just like a grandmother.

“I’ve made some winter clothes for you, try them on, see if you can wear them!” The Empress ordered the maid to bring the clothes, and she asked him to try them on on the spot.

The clothes made by the queen are very expensive. The style is very ordinary, the workmanship is not bad, but the details are not too delicate. It’s not a very good thing, it’s better than the heart. These clothes are all embroidered by the queen one stitch by one thread. Next year, on her 60th birthday, her eyes are already blurred, and she can’t see clearly. She has tied her hands several times in a show. But she doesn’t have much time to make clothes for the child. She can make more clothes while her eyes can barely see and her hands can move.

“Is it warm?” the Queen asked.

“It’s warm.” Zhao Jun smiled at the queen, being in a high position and being able to make clothes for a child himself, this thought was warm enough.

The queen looked very cute when he smiled, and of course her grandson loved him how he saw it.

“Keep everything warm.” The Queen said.

Zhao Junxin knelt down to thank him, but was pulled up by the queen: “I didn’t give you these clothes for nothing, you have to do things for me!”

“Listen to your mother’s order!” Zhao Jun said in his heart. His expression was serious, and he didn’t know what the queen needed him to do.

The queen said cheerfully: “You child, why are you so serious in front of me?”

The queen stood up and asked Zhao Junxin to help her walk in the direction of the Imperial Garden, talking as she walked.

The golden chrysanthemums are blooming and the scenery is very beautiful, but the queen has been in the palace for more than 40 years, and it has been like this every year, and she has long been tired of seeing it.

She wants to see something fresh.

The queen clapped Zhao Junxin’s hand and entrusted: “Junxin, I entrust you with a task. This task is time-consuming and laborious. You must be patient and persevering, and you must not give up.”

Zhao Junxin: “My lady, please instruct me, Junxin will make every effort to complete the task.”

“I’m getting old, my eyes are dizzy, and my legs and feet can’t walk. But the older I get, the wilder my heart is. I’ve been locked up in the palace for more than 40 years. I want to see me before I die. It looks like that.” The queen’s voice was gentle: “But I can’t walk away, and this old cold leg can’t walk, but Junxin, you are young and strong, able to run and dance. If you feel sorry for me, an old grandmother, just Take a walk for me. Forget it this year, you can go after the Spring Festival. Go see the mountains and rivers of Dajin for me, draw them all, and then pick a famous flower from all over the country and bring it back for me to see, like this Even if I go to see it, I will reward it.”

Zhao Jun was taken aback for a moment, the queen’s task is to let him travel across the country to sketch? It’s not difficult, just time consuming.

“Of course, you can’t finish the tour in a while. How about you go in spring and summer, and how about coming back in autumn and winter?” the queen asked, “How? Can this task be completed?”

Zhao Junxin responded: “Returning to the maiden, Junxin will definitely live up to the mission.”

“Okay, okay, why are you so serious today! Don’t be so restrained in front of your own family.” The Queen emphasized.

Zhao Junxin had lunch at the palace and was sent out of the palace.

The queen returned to the palace, and the maid who had been serving her for many years retreated, and whispered, “Niangniang, you are doing it against your majesty!”

The emperor intends to let his eldest grandson succeed the throne, but the queen Yi ordered Zhao Junxin to leave the capital and keep him away from the messy center of power.

The queen said: “If he doesn’t know, it doesn’t count as confrontation.”

The emperor looked down on her IQ and never doubted her. Her reasons are also very good. How can it be wrong for her grandmother to let her grandson do some filial piety? Besides, she didn’t make anyone go away completely. With what she knew about the emperor, he didn’t care at all.

Over the years, the two bastards, the emperor and the prime minister, didn’t know what they were doing, but she couldn’t stand it anymore. Her grandson should not be a puppet in the hands of these two! They say that if you raise the waste, you will raise the waste, and they say that if you succeed, you will succeed.

She is protecting her grandson and educating him.

She didn’t want a person as smart as Jun Xin to stay in the dark for the rest of her life, and she didn’t want Jun Xin to get caught up in a power struggle.

She asked him to travel, and asked him to open his eyes and gain knowledge along the way, to mature and grow slowly.

Zhao Junxin was unable to comprehend the Queen’s beautiful wishes for the time being, but now he is very worried.

Yizhi is down, and he has to prepare to leave.

But what about the Wei Zi at home? Can it be saved this year? What about daily maintenance? Who will take care of him after he is gone?

What about his eagle son? Take it away or keep it? Stay at home, who will feed? Who will fly?

Really a lot of trouble.


I’m going to the hospital tomorrow, take a day off.

The supporting roles are almost over, Junxin will start the travel mode in the next chapter and have fun.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for the king or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who voted [Mine]: Qianyue Nana 2;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated [nutrient solution]:

28 bottles of Xing Lan; 20 bottles of Yan Tongsheng; 10 bottles of Lianxianzi; 1 bottle of Xinglan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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