The Winner is King [Quick Wear]

Chapter 95

Chapter 95: Inexperienced and incompetent son-in-law 12

Another New Year’s Eve.

This year’s New Year emperor paid special attention, and the atmosphere was very warm.

Zhao Junxin’s time in the palace was longer than in previous years. During the various banquets in the court around the New Year, the emperor and the empress brought him by their side.

There are quite a few people who are jealous of him, and the only three remaining princes look at him with more and more wrong eyes.

God knows what the emperor and empress are planning, Zhao Junxin can only pretend to be ignorant.

After the seventh day of the first lunar month, Zhao Junxin packed up and set out again, with Dark Guard No. 1 and No. 2 still following him.

Lao Zhao hinted that he had better stay out longer this year, which coincided with Zhao Junxin’s plan.

This year, Zhao Junxin plans to explore the dragon veins of the Great Jin Dynasty. The first stop is the source of the dragon veins of the Great Jin Dynasty – Kunlun Mountain.

“Are you sure you want to take your son with you?” Zheng He asked.

“What should I do if he doesn’t want to stay at home?” Zhao Junxin asked.

Kunlun is cold, and Zhao Junxin, who dotes on his little cub, will not bring it with him this time. But this stupid eagle was used to flying around the world with him, and even if he was locked in a cage, he could try to escape from prison, wouldn’t he follow him closely? Now he is lying on Zhao Junxin’s shoulders and sleeping with his eyes closed. It’s all on the way, and it’s not easy to send it back.

Zheng He shook his head.

The doting of the old Zhao family is really unacceptable. Thinking that the two of them also lived in the days of carrying cages and birds to call friends and friends, but all the friends who were wine and meat broke up because of this stupid eagle. The eagle almost ate everyone’s ornamental birds, and the friends were frightened and never communicated.

He thought that Zhao Junxin would control this kid a little. As a result, the eagle grew up and became more and more clever, and Zhao Junxin’s indulgence and doting on him remained unchanged.

“You are used to this guy being so arrogant!” Zheng He said.

The dumb eagle let out a muffled cry in protest, and rubbed his head against Zhao Junxin’s face.

Zhao Jun laughed heartily and sighed again: “As soon as we say goodbye today…I don’t know when we will see each other again.”

Zheng He is his playmate and his friend in this world. Parting at this moment, will naturally worry about him.

The emperor’s decree came down. Zheng He is about to set off to become a county magistrate in a place with strong folk customs in southern Xinjiang.

Where bandits and cults were rampant, the emperor asked him to change the place for peace. This arrangement clearly stated that the emperor highly valued Zheng He and entrusted him with important tasks, but it was actually a distribution, and Zheng He’s life would be lost to the south.

General Zheng’s power is in the north, and he is completely unable to take care of Zheng He. There is still his nemesis in the south, and if he fails, he will be stumbled.

Danger is danger, but danger is accompanied by great opportunities. Zheng He is very satisfied, and he is willing to accept the challenge.

It is also a good thing for him to do one thing in a down-to-earth manner without being exposed to his father’s light.

“Write more letters to me if you can’t meet!” Zheng He grinned slyly: “You don’t like writing, so just draw me a picture.”

Zhao Junxin is famous all over the world, but now it is hard to find a painting. His friend also wanted a painting as capital to show off.

Zhao Junxin nodded in agreement, and decided to settle down and draw the plump Zheng He and send it to him.

Saying goodbye to friends, Zhao Junxin and others set out on the road.

No. 1 and No. 2 followed in their cars, and the guards who were hiding in the shadows accompanied them. Everything was no different from last year.


Zhao Junxin returned to the capital at the beginning of this winter.

The familiar city is less busy, and the streets of the capital are rarely so bleak and deserted. People walked briskly with their heads bowed, and no one followed.

The atmosphere is not right.

Entering the palace to meet the emperor and queen, the two were still cordial, pulling him to greet him, which was another reward.

They are very energetic, especially the emperor, who is flushed and full of energy. But Zhao Junxin noticed that both of them had gray hair.

It was only after I returned to the Prime Minister’s Mansion and asked a few older brothers that I learned of the thrilling event that happened this year.

This autumn, the fifth prince was caught by the emperor who planned a rebellion. The fifth prince committed suicide by slashing his neck, and the fifth prince Zhengfei slapped her head to death for her husband’s love. Except for the children under the age of ten in the Prince’s Mansion, all of them were killed by Jin Yiwei. The five princes’ henchmen, and those who participated in the rebellion, slaughtered and wiped out the nine clans.

Caishikou is a sea of corpses and seas of blood, and blood is said to dye the road of the capital red.

In the winter, a heavy snow fell, and the boundless snow cleared the blood stains on the ground, seemingly burying everything. But the fear that remained in people’s hearts lingered.

Zhao Junxin travels the world. Last year, he saw people living and working in peace and contentment. This year, he went to poor mountains and bad waters. People lived in hardships, but they could find a way out.

Life is very different, but the people all over the world are full of praise for the current saint, thinking that he is a rare saint.

But the greater the emperor, the more ruthless and ruthless. If he violated his inverse scales, even his own prince could be beheaded mercilessly.

Of course, it is not wrong that the traitor is killed without mercy.

It can only be said that the power struggle is indeed terrible, and every dragon chair is poured with blood.


Zheng He went to the southern border. When fertilizing the peony this year, Zhao Junxin had no one to accompany him.

“Little Master, Wei Zi didn’t bud this year, as did Yao Huang, Zhao Fen, and Ou Bi. Other varieties have buds. For the growth of the flowers, I pulled them all.” The gardener reported on his work this year.

Zhao Junxin nodded, affirming his work.

Looking at the condition of their branches, you can tell that they are well-raised, and their thin and weak state has improved significantly last year. This is also a joy.

As the Spring Festival approached, Zheng He’s letter was finally delivered.

It is impossible to see that this chubby friend of this family actually ended the bandits and cults in the county within a year, and also became a long-term friend with his father’s nemesis. In the letter, he also begged him to draw a tiger picture for his “old friend” to congratulate him on his 50th birthday.

Zhao Junxin inquired about it from Lao Zhao, that boy Zheng He was like a duck to water. His political achievements are outstanding, and he is already in the promotion list next year, and he is quite liked by the emperor.

And General Zheng, who was being stared at, fought with a small group of horse bandits in the summer and injured his leg. Because of the lack of timely treatment, the leg was abolished, so he voluntarily resigned from the post of general.

The emperor pretended to keep him, but General Zheng insisted on handing over the tiger talisman, and went back and forth three times.

Shortly after that, the Fifth Prince’s case happened.

The emperor took over the military power, and also eliminated the scourge of the court.

Zhao Junxin speculates that General Zheng should be unfortunate to stand in the team of the fifth prince, the emperor threatened Zheng He, and General Zheng reined in the precipice. Perhaps the list of the five princes was also presented, and the emperor wiped out the party of the five princes.

“Son, stop thinking nonsense, Zheng He is cunning, don’t worry.” Lao Zhao explained.

Zhao Junxin has undergone a transformation in the past two years. He used to be a cute and slippery little devil, but now he has matured and grown up, his temperament has become more stable, and his temperament is more and more similar to that of the prince of the past and his majesty before registration. Lao Zhao often wondered if the child knew something, but he didn’t say anything, except to grow flowers, draw pictures and write travel notes.

“Dad, if you say that, I won’t worry about it.” Zhao Jun didn’t think so in his heart.

If he is really Lao Zhao’s youngest son, of course he can sit back and relax and don’t have to think about anything.

But he is related to the Heavenly Family, so he can’t think of it. Who knows if the butcher knife of the suspicious emperor will fall on his head?

After thinking about it, it is still the best choice to be a dummy honestly.

The current emperor is a big boss who cannot be defeated. If he does anything to form gangs and cultivate power, it is estimated that only the fifth prince and the seventh prince will end up.

I sincerely thank the Empress, she really cared about herself and gave him the will to tour the world and let him avoid the **** capital.


In the plum forest of the Imperial Garden, the Empress and Zhao Junxin are sitting on the stone bench.

Mammy was making tea, and the white mist filled the air with the fresh and clear fragrance of tea leaves.

“Niangniang, you are free, you don’t have to be restrained.” Zhao Jun thought, the brush in his hand did not stop.

The Queen Mother thought that the painter could not move even when she was sketching, and after hearing what Zhao Junxin said, she immediately asked the little palace maid to pound his stiff shoulders.

The Queen glanced at Zhao Junxin’s painting and couldn’t help but sigh: “Junxin, your painting is getting better and better.”

“Thank you for the praise from the Empress.” Zhao Jun said in his heart.

“This year you only went to Kunlun and Tianshan, what are your plans for next year?” the queen asked.

In fact, this is also a disguise to drive the child away. The old emperor of his family may be crazy and doesn’t want any grown son alive.

Why did the fifth prince rebel? Wasn’t he forced by the emperor’s suspicion?

Her son died long ago, and there was little sympathy for the only two left. But she didn’t want the old emperor’s suspicions to fall on Jun’s heart.

“Next year, go to the southwest to have a look and try to climb the highest mountain in Dajin. It may not be successful, but it is necessary to go and see.” Zhao Jun thought.

“Pay attention to safety, don’t take risks.” The queen instructed carefully.

Zhao Junxin: “Thank you for your advice.”

After chatting with the queen for less than half an hour, Zhao Junxin finished painting.

The cold plum stands proud of the snow, and the gorgeous flowers are dotted in the snow-white world, which is extremely beautiful.

The Queen Empress, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes, but still lively with gray hair, held a piece of cake in her hand and joked. Behind her stood a gluttonous and playful little palace maid staring at the cake in a daze, while Mammy concentrated on making tea.

“Ouch, this painting is so wonderful, I have to hide it.” The Empress laughed, it was so funny and so funny.

The painters at the court would only paint themselves dead, in order to show the dignified and virtuous nature of the mother of the country. However, she is a lively person, and she loved to laugh and make trouble when she was young. With so many painters, only Zhao Junxin captured the real her. Or maybe only Zhao Junxin dared to draw a dignified and virtuous queen.

“Niangniang likes it, Junxin will paint more for Niangniang in the future.” Zhao Junxin said softly, his tone was extraordinarily warm.

This child is really filial, and the queen is both happy and sad.

Suddenly, a burst of intense emotions reverberated in her heart, and she couldn’t help holding Jun Xin in her arms, wanting to cry.

“Child, let grandma hug you.” The queen whispered, with tears in her words.

“Grandma…” Zhao Junxin responded slightly.

“Yeah!” The queen responded, tears in her eyes.

This is her grandson! The only treasure left to her after her son’s unjust death! But she couldn’t watch him grow up properly.

The two old **** thought they were smart and came up with a stinky plan to directly deprive her of the affection between her and her grandson. She waited for this grandma for twenty years!

Although the queen was excited, she was extremely restrained.

After a brief hug, the queen calmed down.

“Since you promised, I will wait for your masterpiece.” The Queen said.

Zhao Junxin said, “My lady, please rest assured.”


The scourge is left for thousands of years, and the good people do not live long.

When Zhao Junxin was returning from the Himalayas, he received an urgent report from the dark guards that the empress died without illness.

The emperor ordered him to return to the capital immediately. Zhao Junxin rushed back eight hundred miles, and finally arrived before the Queen’s burial.

The splendid palace was covered with white silk and white banners. The emperor’s hair was all white, and he was almost twenty years old in a month.

Zhao Junxin didn’t see the Fourth Prince and Seventh Prince in front of Ling, only a few married princesses.

“Jun Xin, come here and kowtow to your grandmother.” The emperor’s voice was like a bell.

Zhao Junxin was ignorant and at a loss, but the emperor announced Zhao Junxin’s identity in front of the queen’s spirit.

The posthumous son of the prince, the eldest grandson of the Dajin royal family.

A **** who was only good at painting, instantly became the prince of the Great Jin Dynasty.

Manchu civil and military did not respond to this change, but Zhao Jun was not happy, he felt very uncomfortable.

“Child, come here.” The emperor’s voice was very kind, but Zhao Junxin heard a hint of majesty that could not be resisted.

The circumstances were unclear, but he obeyed the emperor’s instructions.

Now it’s the funeral of the Queen’s Empress, and I’ll talk about what happens when my grandmother is gone.


The queen was happy and mourning, her wish was fulfilled, and she passed away peacefully in her sleep.

In the next chapter, the small world ends.

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