The Witch

Chapter 12

Chapter 11

Bei Fan was very frightened. Although the Liver Digging Demon said to his face that he didn’t like his bad liver, he still didn’t dare to go home alone. In the end, I took a rest in the studio rest area, planning to go to a colleague’s house when I was off work.

“This guy can sleep in seconds when encountering such things, and his psychological quality is really strong.” Shan Junyi came over with a thin blanket to cover the sleeping Bei Fan.

“He is not a strong psychological quality.” Dong Yongyuan is also pulling the curtain on one side.


“It’s because…” Dong Yongyuan said half-truth and half-truth when he glanced at Bei Fan’s grasp of the Dream Doll, “Maybe it is the credit of the Dream Doll.”

“It’s so good, then when I look back, I will also go to the proprietress to ask for one. Recently I changed the script. Dreams are all scenes in the script. I think this is a nightmare.” Shan Junyi joked.

Dong Yongyuan did not speak, put down the curtains and left.

On the other side, Ji Lang is persuading Wu Miaomiao to leave: “You still don’t stay here. The police said just now that the target of the liver digger is a young girl. He is now focusing on Beifan, and maybe he will explore nearby. If I accidentally see you, it will be troublesome.”

“Because I don’t stay up all night, is my liver healthier than Beifan?” Wu Miaomiao asked.

“…Even if it is.”

“It’s okay, I can protect myself.” Wu Miaomiao believed.

“The liver digger is different from the person last night.” Ji Lang explained patiently, “I know your witchcraft is very powerful, but the darkness of human nature is beyond your imagination. The so-called open gun is easy to hide from the dark arrow and difficult to defend. , Understand?”

If the liver digger is really evil spirits, he would not worry about Wu Miaomiao, but judging from the current situation, the other party is clearly an ordinary person, and sometimes ordinary people are more scary than evil spirits.

“But didn’t the police uncle just said that it doesn’t matter as long as I live alone? I stay here during the day and go home with you at night. Isn’t it safer than when I was alone?” Wu Miaomiao asked.

Ji Lang knew that Wu Miaomiao’s words were not unreasonable, but it was better not to be caught up in the first place than to be fearful.

But… Forget it, anyway, I was awake in my dream at night, and I could perceive a little change in the outside world, but that wasn’t a big problem.

“Let’s do it, I’ll go to work first, and ask me if something happens.” Thinking of this, Ji Lang didn’t persuade him, got up and left.

After Ji Lang left, Wu Miaomiao took out the novel she didn’t finish reading yesterday and continued to look. The more she looked at her, the more she liked her husband. This novel is not only good in plot, but also in writing.

Dong Yongyuan prepared another snack to Wu Miaomiao and gave it to Wu Miaomiao: “Yesterday the boss worked overtime because of the script. It shouldn’t be done today.”

“Thank you.” Wu Miaomiao had a very good impression of Dong Yongyuan, who always gave her food.

Looking at the Dreamy doll on the window sill not far away, Dong Yongyuan pretended to ask strangely: “Boss, that doll, why are you putting it on the window sill?”

“Baking in the sun.” Wu Miaomiao replied.

“The baby hasn’t gotten wet, why should she bask in the sun?”

“Can’t you tell?” Wu Miaomiao asked in surprise.


“You should see that there is a black air on the doll.” Wu Miao said.

Dong Yongyuan was surprised.

“Boss, what are you talking about, where is the black air coming from?”

“Can’t you tell? Is it because I feel wrong? You should know profound arts.” Wu Miaomiao asked in confusion.

“Understood… Understand what, what mystery? Although the boss’s book always writes some monsters and ghosts, we are a scientific society and don’t spread feudal superstitions.” Dong Yongyuan refused to admit it.

Do you say that I know mystery and mystery? As long as I don’t admit it, I am not.

Wu Miao fixedly stared at Dong Yongyuan for a few seconds. When Dong Yongyuan was about to lose her grip, she uttered a cry and continued to read the book with her head down.

What is this reaction?

“Old… the boss?”


“Um… Is there really black air on it?” It’s not that Dong Yongyuan is pretending. He really didn’t see any black air on the doll. Even if he is the least effective disciple of the teacher, he still has some eyesight. what.

“Well, but not much, just a little bit, the sun will dissipate.” Wu Miao said.

Bask in the sun? This black qi is nothing more than yin qi, evil qi, and hostility, but I haven’t heard of any kind of black qi that can disappear in the sun. It really should be so simple. The sun will automatically disinfect the world as soon as it comes out. There are so many ghosts and demons in the world.

The most important thing is, as the boss of Nightmare, can he still walk arrogantly under the sun? It is estimated that I have learned the vampires in Western stories early.

“Really, then I will also go out in the sun.” Dong Yongyuan thought that Wu Miaomiao was unwilling to tell him, so he did not continue to ask.

“What you don’t use, the negative energy in your body has not accumulated into black energy.” Wu Miaomiao persuaded, “Today the temperature is very high, you will get heatstroke after a long time.”

The college entrance examination just ended, it was the hottest time in summer.

Dong Yongyuan was stunned: “Negative energy?”

Wu Miaomiao said: “When people are in a bad mood, when they are under pressure, or when they are sad, a kind of bad energy will appear in the body. This energy is gray at first, but when it accumulates, it will turn into black energy. Individuals will have a little bit more or less in their body. If it turns into black qi, and the amount is large, it is easy to think about it. My master said that this is a life-and-death qi, which is not harmful, but many people have it. Now many people Don’t you all talk about negative energy? I think this aura is very similar to negative energy, so I just called it.”

“Negative energy, can’t think about it, isn’t it depression?” Dong Yongyuan subconsciously said.

“Yes.” Wu Miaomiao said, “but Xiaobei is not yet depressed. He is just overly frightened, and the negative energy is overweight. The problem is not big. Moreover, the good dream doll has already helped him absorb some of the negative energy, so I can sleep again today. no problem.”

So Haomengwa is a cure for depression? Dong Yongyuan was shocked by his own thoughts.

After he went home yesterday, he took the picture of the Good Dream Doll and asked his master. The master said that the role of the Good Dream Doll could not be seen from the photos, so he had better find a way to get the real thing back. Originally, he planned to borrow it from Beifan before get off work, but he didn’t expect Wu Miaomiao to tell him so happily.

However, is there really a way to treat depression in this world? He had only heard of maddening witchcraft, but he had never heard of it.

At this moment, the glass door suddenly opened, and a man full of heroic spirit walked in.

Dongyongyuan Dynasty Wu Miaomiao nodded and turned to meet him: “Hello, who do you call?”

“I’m looking for Ji Lang.” The man explained his intentions.

“Then, do you have an appointment?” The appointment is just Dong Yongyuan’s excuses. Their boss has no friends at all. The website editor calls for the draft, the director asks for the script, and even the studio pays the property fee and the utility bills. It’s him.

He asked this, but he didn’t want to blast people out on the spot, making it ugly.

“No.” Sure enough, the man shook his head.

“That’s very sorry, please come back after you make an appointment.” Dong Yongyuan smiled and saw him off.

“He is upstairs, can you help me ask, my name is Huo Mingzhi.” Huo Mingzhi said politely.

Dong Yongyuan was startled, could it be that this person really knew his boss. And as soon as this person entered the door, he felt strange. The heroic spirit between the eyebrows of this person was compelling, but the blood was hidden. The righteousness and merit of the whole body, but he was destined to be Gu Sha. To put it simply, a person is a good person, even a hero, but a fateful life. He is a person all his life, but he is not blessed.

The master said that most of this kind of people have a cause in their previous lives, to cultivate the next life. Regardless of the afterlife, this life will definitely be miserable. Dong Yongyuan couldn’t help but sympathize: “Okay, where are you from? What is it to find our boss?”

“I’m the policeman, ask your boss for help.” Huo Ming knew.

“The city criminal police team?” Dong Yongyuan subconsciously said.

“Yes, I just transferred here today.” Huo Mingzhi smiled.

It was the police who said earlier, I can stop you as soon as you show your credentials. Why are you talking nonsense for so long?

Dong Yongyuan immediately took the person to the second floor.

When Ji Lang saw Huo Mingzhi, he was a little surprised at first, and then slowly showed a sneer.

Dong Yongyuan was sensitively aware that the atmosphere was not right. Every time his boss laughed like this, he said that he was very angry. At the moment, he dared not stay anymore, turned around and ran, forgetting to pour a glass of water for the guests.

“Officer Huo.” Ji Lang folded his arms and leaned back lazily on the boss’s chair.

“You still remember me.” Huo Mingzhi’s reaction to Ji Lang is not strange at all.

“Officer Huo is impressive, but it is not so easy to forget. Why, come to me this time, which book I wrote has caught your attention again?” Ji Lang asked.

Huo Mingzhi was the captain of the criminal police who came from other provinces to warn him when he wrote “Notes on Crime”. Huo Mingzhi didn’t actually do anything to him back then, but Huo Mingzhi looked at him as if looking at a murderous demon that was about to grow into. And Huo Mingzhi is the sword of justice hanging over his head, ready to fall with a sword at any time.

“No, on the contrary, I want you to conceive a story.” Huo Ming knew.

Ji Lang raised his eyebrows: “Conceive a story, do you know how much my copyright fee is now?”

“Understand a little bit, I definitely can’t afford it.” Huo Ming knew.

“Huh.” Ji Lang sneered.

“You are very hostile to me.” Huo Mingzhi smiled bitterly, “It seems that the meeting a few years ago, I gave you a very bad impression.”

“Will you be impressed by changing places?”

“No.” Huo Mingzhi shook his head, “but the look in your eyes and breath at that time made me really uneasy. I’m not threatening you, I really hope you can listen to my reminders.”

At that time, Ji Lang was still a minor student, full of indifference to the whole world. He had been a policeman for more than ten years and had seen many perverted killers with such eyes. He still doesn’t understand why Ji Lang is like this. He knows that his parents are sound and his family is wealthy, so he wouldn’t be so.


“If it makes you uncomfortable, I can apologize. I’m sorry.” Huo Ming knew to apologize.

Ji Lang could see that Huo Mingzhi was sincerely apologizing, but what? Apology does not erase what happened in the past, and this person obviously has something to ask him today.

“What the **** are you looking for me?” Ji Lang suddenly became a little curious about what he asked himself to help.

“You said that when you wrote that book, you relied on logical reasoning. I have read every novel you wrote over the years. You have a very detailed description of human nature, and you are a natural criminal psychologist.” Seriously. , He is actually a fan of Ji Lang.

“It should be a natural criminal, right?” Ji Lang laughed at himself.

“As long as you have not committed a crime, you are not a criminal.” Huo Mingzhi corrected.

Ji Lang smiled indifferently, took a sip of the coffee on the table, and waited for Huo Mingzhi to continue.

“I was just transferred to the Hai City Criminal Police Brigade today, and the first case I took was the liver digger. As far as I know, the liver digger appeared at the door of your studio early this morning and spotted your employee Bei Fan. . So, I want to borrow your powerful logical ability…”

“Let me help you catch the liver digger?” Ji Lang heard it.


“Why?” Ji Lang asked.

Relying on conscience, on justice, on the basis that you are a citizen of this city, these are all reasons, but Huo Mingzhi also knows that these will not allow Ji Lang to compromise.

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