The Witch

Chapter 148

Chapter 147

When the car came down from the highway, Wu Miaomiao suddenly gave a soft voice.

“What’s the matter?” Ji Lang asked.

“There is a formation outside, it should be the people of the association.” Wu Miao said.

Ji Lang glanced at the outside of the car, his eyes were white, and he did not see any traces of the formation. However, in order to ensure that the battle tonight does not affect the ordinary people around, the existence of the formation is indeed necessary.

Ji Lang didn’t stop and drove straight into the formation, and just as they entered the formation, a thick cloud of mist suddenly filled the forest, covering the entire mountain in a blink of an eye.

Wawa was very curious about the fog that suddenly appeared, and she lay on the car window and pointed outside and yelled.

“Can the doll be fascinated by the formation?” Gui Gongzi asked.

“It should just be fun.” The formation set up by the association is just to shield the perception of ordinary people. It is just a layer of fog. Even ordinary ghosts can’t be trapped, let alone dolls.

The ghost boy uttered, and the car continued to drive forward. About ten minutes later, a strong ghost gas struck, and the three of them couldn’t help sitting upright and looking forward.

In front, there was endless blackness, like an abyss demon, lying prone on Lishan, like strong tentacles spreading all around.

“Ah.” The doll exclaimed, turned her head and plunged into the arms of the ghost boy, her body trembling tremblingly.

“The doll is scared.” The ghost son was a little surprised. He always thought that the doll was close to ghosts.

“The power of the ghost king is too strong, and the doll knows that she can’t bear it, so she is instinctively afraid.” Wu Miaomiao said, turning around and shouting to the doll, “Wah, come here.”

Hearing the sound, the doll raised her head tremblingly, glanced at the front with some fear, and finally mustered up the courage to crawl through the gap in the driver’s seat.

“The doll is afraid of things outside, right?” Wu Miaomiao asked while holding the doll, pointing to the black color that was getting closer and closer outside.

The doll nodded pitifully.

“Don’t be afraid of the baby, father will protect you.” Wu Miao said.

For a moment, the doll turned to look at Ji Lang.

Ji Lang also turned his head, smiled at the doll, and at the same time touched the doll’s head with one hand.

“So the baby must also protect his father.” Wu Miaomiao continued.

At this time, the car drove a lot forward, the ghost king’s momentum became stronger and stronger, the doll’s small body trembled, and another head plunged into Wu Miaomiao’s arms, and she refused to shout anyway.

The ghost son frowned and said: “When you **** the ghost king seal, you need the doll to open the formation, but the doll is afraid to be like this, how can he open the formation?”

“The baby can open.” Wu Miaomiao said firmly.

“It doesn’t matter if you can’t open it.” Ji Lang suddenly said, “Since the association has made up its mind to kill the ghost king, then the doll does not need to be left to him. After a while, if I lose, you will take the doll to reincarnate.”

Gui Gongzi took a deep look at Ji Lang’s back, then turned to look at Wu Miaomiao, who was holding the doll. Only then did he vaguely understand that, in fact, they might not be very sure about stealing the Ghost King’s seal tonight.

People in the association mentioned to him that when the ghost king appeared in the association, they had negotiated with Wu Miaomiao, saying that as long as Wu Miaomiao was willing to save his daughter with a doll, he was not only willing to give up his hatred, but even to help Ji Lang suppress the nightmare. force. For Ji Lang, who has always been afraid of awakening, this condition of the ghost king is not unattractive, and for Wu Miaomiao, being able to grow old with Ji Lang is also a huge temptation. But the two of them did not compromise for the doll. They really regarded the doll as their own children.

It is not surprising that Wu Miaomiao can do this. Gui Gongzi is not surprised. After all, the doll was raised by her, but Ji Lang is different. For him, the doll is more of Wu Miaomiao’s magical weapon. So, is Ji Lang for Wu Miaomiao?

After thinking about it, the car suddenly stopped, and the ghost boy dashed forward and almost hit the back of the front seat. When he looked up again, the outside of the car was already a different scene.

Countless ghost soldiers in armor stood neatly in front, there were as many as seven or eight phalanxes. In front of the phalanx, ten ghost soldiers riding dark horses and wearing silver armors stood by with horizontal knives. In the middle of the road.

The breath of these ten ghost soldiers is amazing. Although they haven’t reached the level of ghost generals, they are almost all on the threshold.

A fright flashed in the eyes of Young Master Gui, no wonder the Hades ordered that the ghost king must be excluded, these 100,000 ghost soldiers, and these ten participating generals who may advance at any time, if they really grow up, the consequences will be disastrous.

Ji Lang stopped the car, pushed the door and walked down. Wu Miaomiao saw this and got out of the car with the doll in his arms.

At this time, the baby was so scared that he could not move, and almost his whole body had to get into Wu Miaomiao’s down jacket.

“Nightmare.” A deep and long voice came from outside the sky, falling on everyone’s ears like thunder.

“General.” One hundred thousand ghost soldiers shouted in unison, kneeling in a uniform manner, with a magnificent momentum and a spectacular scene.

The Wawa was taken aback again, and her hand gripping Wu Miaomiao’s skirt tightened again.

Wu Miaomiao’s face was also a little pale, she finally knew why the Association’s top ten masters could not break through these 100,000 ghost soldiers. Not to mention the strength of this ghost soldier and the top ten participating generals, even the present momentum can’t be held by ordinary people.

Ji Lang seemed to perceive Wu Miaomiao’s discomfort, and took a step forward, blocking Wu Miaomiao’s body.

“Your answer?” Countless ghosts condensed above the ghost soldiers and turned into a grimace.

“War.” Ji Lang only replied one word.

“Then fight.” The ghost king didn’t persuade Ji Lang again, and just fought. As the ghost king’s words fell, one hundred thousand ghost soldiers suddenly yelled, and stood up again, with spears in their hands pointing at Ji Lang.

The ghost boy wrinkled his brows, and his soul flashed out, blocking Wu Miaomiao’s body.

“Retreat.” When the words fell, Ji Lang took a few steps forward, his eyes swept across a group of ghost soldiers, the power of the nightmare suddenly turned on, and swept toward the hundred thousand ghost soldiers like a tide. Where the tide passed, all the ghost soldiers that were enveloped were swallowed by the power of the nightmare and turned into a power belonging to Ji Lang.

“Retreat!” The ten major ginseng generals’ complexion changed drastically, and they all issued orders to retreat.

But where Ji Lang would make them easy to escape, the tide that nightmare power transformed into doubled fiercely, and rushed toward it even more fiercely. In just five minutes, the ghost soldiers who had just blocked the way were cut open by the power of the nightmare.

The screams of the ghost soldiers came one after another, short and sharp, as if they were only halfway through, and then they were silent.

The top ten generals looked at this scene in disbelief, how powerful is this human being in front of them? In other words, this is the terrifying part of the power of the nightmare, by devouring their ghost soldiers, to strengthen their own power.

“You all retreat.”

The ghost king’s voice sounded again, and an object flashing thunder and lightning suddenly appeared above the ghost soldiers in the dark, and a strong suction force emerged, sucking away all the remaining ghost soldiers in Lishan in an instant.

“It’s the seal of the King of Ghosts.” The Ghost Lord cried out in silence.

Wu Miao couldn’t help taking a step forward, staring at the ghost king seal.

Ji Lang was also looking at the Ghost King Seal, that powerful aura made him more confident in his guess.

With the appearance of the ghost king’s seal, the ghost king’s figure also appeared. Under his feet, the top ten generals had already dismounted and knelt down: “The subordinates are willing to fight side by side with the general, and live and die together.”

“Retreat, your existence will only increase his power.” Ghost King said.

The ten ginseng generals looked at each other and then at Ji Lang who was standing not far away. They were full of unwillingness, but in the end they returned to the Ghost King Seal at their orders.

“Miaomiao, wait behind.” Ji Lang turned to Wu Miaomiao.

“Yeah.” Wu Miaomiao hummed, holding the shivering doll, retreating to the side of the hillside, and at the same time, using the magic weapon that had been prepared a long time ago, he arranged a simple protective formation.

“The people of the association set up a formation outside.” The Ghost King walked to Ji Lang.

“I saw it when I came here.” Ji Lang said.

“Whoever of us wins tonight may end up in their hands again.” Ghost King said.

“Are you scared?” Ji Lang said.

“I just want to save my daughter.” Ghost King said.

“Me too.” Ji Lang said.

The association is only going to kill the two of them, so in this battle, no matter who wins or loses, as long as they can keep their daughter, they will win.

“Hahaha, good!” The Ghost King laughed, and the powerful ghost aura suddenly skyrocketed.

Ji Lang was not to be outdone, and his nightmare tide that devoured ghost soldiers also rushed up. The moment the two forces collided, there was a deafening loud noise, and the whole Lishan shook for a while. At the same time, dozens of colorful light beams suddenly lit up, forming a semi-circular protective array around Lishan, which firmly blocked the ghost energy that overflowed.

“Where’s the fog?” Huo Mingzhi set off only twenty minutes later than Ji Lang, and the drive was anxious along the way, so he was almost the Lishan where Ji Lang arrived together. It’s just that he was a step slower after all. When he reached the periphery of Lishan, the formation arranged by the association had taken effect, and the heavy fog blocked everything in Lishan.

“Team Huo, with such a fog, the road can’t be seen clearly, let’s go back.” Dong Yongyuan said.

“Aren’t you surprised at all?”

“What’s weird?”

“Why is there fog on a snowy day?” Huo Mingzhi asked.

“This… doesn’t the weather forecast mean that the sky will clear up? It’s normal to be foggy today.” Dong Yongyuan said with ignorance of his conscience.

“Really?” Huo Mingzhi pointed to the sky, “but the snow hasn’t stopped yet.”

Not only did the snow not stop, but the closer to Lishan, the heavier the snow fell.

“Oh, the country’s climate has been chaotic these days, what’s the fog?”

What Dong Yongyuan said, Huo Mingzhi felt reasonable instead. The climate in China during this period was indeed weird, and it was not impossible for a snowy day to fog or something.

“Team Huo, let’s go back.” Dong Yongyuan continued, “Driving in this snowy day is inherently dangerous, and coupled with this heavy fog, it is even more impossible to drive.”

Huo Mingzhi ignored him, but suddenly got out of the car, squatted down on the ground at the high-speed exit, and swept away the layer of snow with his sleeves, revealing a row of obvious tire marks inside.

Dong Yongyuan was still chained to the car. He didn’t know what Huo Mingzhi was doing. He could only see Huo Mingzhi squatting on the ground for a while, and then walked back again: “There is a row of tire prints at the front exit. According to the calculation, this car should have passed five minutes ago. We didn’t see a car on the way we came, so this car must be Jilang’s.”

How do you always find tire marks in such thick snow?

“Team Huo, our boss is really fine, you can contact him tomorrow.” Dong Yongyuan is dying.

“You probably don’t know me yet. As for me, if you want to figure out one thing, you will definitely figure it out.” Huo Mingzhi got into the car, fastened his seat belt, and started the car.

“But you can’t even see the road ahead.” Dong Yongyuan said.

“It’s okay, I have navigation.” Huo Mingzhi clicked on the car navigation and entered the address of Lishan Villa.

When Dong Yongyuan looked at the address, he became even more anxious: “There are so many villas in Lishan, how can you be sure that it is this one.”

“Because Ji Lang has been to this villa, I guess he went here this time.” Huo Ming knows, “but looking at your expression, I guess it’s correct.”

Dong Yongyuan’s expression froze.

“Don’t be upset, even if you don’t make any expressions, I will still go. My intuition has always been very accurate.” Huo Ming knew.

“Team Huo, this fog looks abnormal. We still don’t want to go in. What should I do if the car crashes?” Dong Yongyuan said, “You can care about life and death, but you care about my safety. I don’t want to die when I’m young.”

“Don’t worry, there are no cliffs near Lishan, and the probability of a car accident is not high.” Huo Ming knew, “And my eyesight is better than ordinary people. Even though the fog is thick, I can still see something.”

Dong Yongyuan suddenly became desperate. Even the people in his half of the profound door couldn’t see anything in the mist. Huo Ming knew that an ordinary person could?

Huo Mingzhi had no intention of discussing with Dong Yongyuan, and after he stepped on the accelerator, he turned into Lishan.

After the car drove for about ten minutes, Dong Yongyuan had already seen the ghost gas. The gloomy ghost gas got into the car and filled the whole car in a blink of an eye. Only the driver’s seat was covered by a golden-red halo. Can’t get close.

Dong Yongyuan’s eyes widened, and he saw the physical state of righteousness for the first time.


A loud noise came violently, as if the whole Lishan was shaking. Huo Mingzhi subconsciously stepped on the brakes and immediately opened Dong Yongyuan’s handcuffs: “Get off the car, there is an earthquake.”

When Huo Mingzhi jumped out of the car and was looking for a place to hide, a colorful beam of light suddenly rose up not far in front of the car.

“What’s that? A street light?” Huo Mingzhi was startled.

At this moment, a black gas flew straight out like an evil dragon. Just when Huo Ming knew that he was going to be enveloped by black gas, the colorful beam of light flashed fiercely, and the black gas seemed to be invisible. The thing blocked the general, was compressed into an upright plane, and stopped in front of it.

“What’s that black air?”

“Team Huo, can you see it?” Dong Yongyuan looked at Huo Mingzhi’s body, and his pupils shrank for a while, only to see that the golden red righteousness on Huo Mingzhi’s body was resonating with the colorful beam of light.

“What does it mean that I can see? So these are not my illusions?” Huo Mingzhi reacted very quickly, he turned around abruptly, and was about to walk into the formation.

“Team Huo, don’t go!” Dong Yongyuan was horrified, and he was going to Raho knowingly when he was chasing.

But Huo Mingzhiren was right in front of the colorful light beam and stepped into the formation in a few steps. But Dong Yongyuan’s hand stretched out was slammed out by the formation.

Dong Yongyuan was stunned on the spot, looking at Huo Mingzhi in the formation in disbelief.

Huo Mingzhi also saw the scene just now, and the expression in his eyes changed continuously. At this moment, he thought of a lot of things.

Black cat, corpse, Ji Lang, ghost king, extinction, abnormal heavy snow.

“Team Huo, don’t go, you will die.” Dong Yongyuan shouted wildly while patted the formation of the formation.

“Tongzi, whether this is a dream or not, I have to figure it out.” Huo Mingzhi showed a smile that was uglier than crying, and then ran in without hesitation.

The Huo team, which was broken in Sanguan, would really be uncomfortable if it didn’t fight again.

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