The Witch

Chapter 33

Chapter 32

City Criminal Police Team.

Huo Mingzhi took the materials sent by his subordinates, and became more flustered as he looked at it. The flow of funds in the accounts of the orphanage, the death dates of sick children each year, and the hospital’s medical records can all match the contents of Ji Lang’s book.

Although there are some discrepancies in time, the general direction of things is almost exactly the same.

“Team Huo, there are a lot of donations from the Red Heart Orphanage every year, but only these donations come from overseas accounts. I have traced the account information to colleagues in other groups, but failed to find the source of the funds.” The policeman responsible for collecting information Xiao Li expressed his suspicion, “There is also this, here, almost every year there will be such huge sums of money entering the orphanage. Although the name of the remittance is different, the path is not available. Moreover, every money comes in. time……”

“It’s all after a child died of illness in the orphanage?” Huo Ming knew.

“Yes, and I also checked with the hospital. As long as it is a child sent by Dean Hung for treatment, once the hospital announces that it cannot be cured, he will bring the child back to the orphanage again, saying that he can’t bear the child being alone. Stay in the cold hospital.” Police Officer Xiao Li is also Ji Lang’s book fan, or in other words, since the last liver-picking incident, everyone in the Criminal Police team has become Ji Lang’s book fan to a certain extent. , So this time Ji Lang opened a new book, and Officer Xiao Li also saw it.

In addition, Team Huo suddenly asked him to investigate the Red Heart Orphanage, and the results of the verification were so similar to the content of the book. It was difficult for Officer Xiao Li to not want to sell organs.

“Team Huo, what is written in the Divine Book of Zihe… will not be true.” It is the bounden duty of the police to solve the crime and find the culprit, but now Officer Xiao Li hopes that this is not true.

“Is it true? Check it out.” Huo Mingzhi looked at Officer Xiao Li, “Others can only guess, but we are the police and we have the ability to find the truth. If this incident is just a story, it’s better. ,if not……”

Huo Mingzhi’s eyes sharpened instantly: “You can’t let the devil get away with it anymore.”

“Yes.” Officer Xiao Li swept away his confused and decadent emotions just now, and his whole person became firm again. “I will check the abandoned orphanage before.”

“Bring someone from the technical team.” Huo Mingzhi reminded, “There is a time limit for the acquisition of human organs, so their operation must be in the orphanage. The organ dealers will threaten Dean Hong with video. As long as Dean Hong is not stupid, There will definitely be evidence of the organ dealer in his hand. Yang Ming is in the orphanage now, you ask the technical team to join him, take advantage of the fact that Dean Hong is still in the hospital, and there is no time to hide the evidence, turn over the orphanage for me Find.”

“Yes.” After receiving the instructions, Officer Xiao Li immediately took action, and rushed to the technical team when he left the house, and led people to the Red Heart Orphanage.

Huo Mingzhi grabbed the information on the table and handed it to another police officer: “Xiao Song, you and Xiao Fang go to the Beicheng Crematorium, go to the staff there, and see if anyone remembers that these children are cremation. Is there anything unusual before? For example, there are obvious stitched wounds on the body, or the body is…very light.”

The sick child is already thin and weak, if the internal organs are hollowed out, then…

Thinking of this, Huo Mingzhi’s hand holding the material shook again.

“Yes.” Officer Xiao Song received the information from Huo Mingzhi.

“If you find anything, call me as soon as possible.” Only when he has conclusive evidence can he get a warrant to go to the hospital to apprehend Director Hong.

This scum, he must go to the hospital to catch him personally.

“Yes.” The members of the Criminal Police Brigade had already read Ji Lang’s serialized new book at this time. They were all suffocating one by one, wishing to find evidence to go to the hospital and handcuff the hypocritical Director Hong back in the next second.

And those organ dealers, none of them can be let go.

Dean Hong is not a person who likes to read novels, so he doesn’t know that what he has done has been written into novels and published. He was still lying in the hospital at this time, waiting for Ji Lang to come and beg for peace.

He has carefully recalled these days. What he has done over the years has not left any clues. Except for the video of the operation that he secretly recorded for self-protection, only the organ dealer still has a video of the transaction. However, these two videos are both self-protection cards for each other, and they will not report the organ dealers, and naturally the organ dealers will not report themselves.

And Xiao Ning became a ghost after death, even if he knew about his organ trafficking, it didn’t matter, knowing that didn’t mean there was evidence. There is a Buddha beads on his body, and Li Gui can’t get close, so Xiaoning can’t know that he has recorded a video, and he doesn’t know where the video is hidden. So even if he tells others what he has done, there is no evidence. However, it is always uncomfortable to have a Li ghost staring at him, so Xiao Ning still has to disperse himself in order to be relieved.

As for the girl who came to the orphanage yesterday and the gloomy man who came to the hospital, both of them seemed to know about Xiao Ning. So these two people can’t stay either. When they take the puppets that Xiao Ning is hiding in, they need to contact the organ dealer again and let them find a way to deal with these two people.

“President?” At this moment, a girl in her early twenties walked in from the door.

“Xiao Li, why are you here?” Xiao Li is one of the first orphans adopted by Dean Hong. She has just graduated from university and started working this year.

“I heard Aunt Wang said that you were hospitalized, so I asked for leave to come and see you.” Xiaoli put the fruit basket in her hand on the table and asked with a look of concern, “How are you, why did you encounter a thief? ”

“It’s okay, the injury is not serious.”

“It’s not too heavy. I heard Aunt Wang say that the thief still wants you to reconcile. He changed his words and said it was an accident. Dean, you must not change your words and say it was an accident. This kind of villain should teach them a lesson.” Li said fiercely.

“The little girl was still young, because I was arrested on the spot and she was too scared to give birth to evil thoughts. If she really wants to change, we should also give others a chance.” Dean Hong Dadu Said.

“President, your heart is too soft, you are so easy to suffer…”

Suddenly a knock on the door rang, interrupting the conversation between the two. The two turned their heads and saw three people standing at the door, two of whom were still wearing police uniforms.

Huo Mingzhi strode into the ward and stopped in front of Dean Hong’s bed.

“Comrade police, this is…” Dean Hong asked suspiciously.

“Hong Zhenqing, we now suspect that you are related to several organ trading cases. This is an arrest warrant.” Huo Mingzhi took the freshly released arrest warrant and almost patted Dean Hong’s face.

Dean Hong stared at his name on the arrest warrant, his face was completely incredulous: “No…impossible.”

How could this matter be known, it is impossible for anyone to know, and it is impossible for the police to know!

Knowing that Huo Ming didn’t talk nonsense with him, the arrest warrant was withdrawn, and he handcuffed him backhand: “Take it away.”

The two policemen who followed Huo Mingzhi immediately stepped forward and unceremoniously dragged the “kindhearted” chief who had broken his leg off the bed.

“President!” Xiaoli chased out in shock, but couldn’t catch up with the speed at which the police took Chief Hong away. She could only turn back and ask Huo Mingzhi, “Comrade police, did you make a mistake? What happened to the dean? Will sell organs…”

“Who are you?” Huo Mingzhi asked.

“I am an orphan in the Red Heart Orphanage. I was brought up by the dean’s father. He is really a good person. Are you making a mistake?” Xiaoli said.

Huo Mingzhi opened his mouth, and finally said nothing, turned and left. He didn’t know how to tell this girl that the materials that raised her were bought by her former friends for organs.

The next day, Ji Lang was told as soon as he arrived at the studio that the new book he wrote yesterday was blocked on the website again.

Ji Lang was startled slightly, and immediately guessed that Huo Mingzhi had found evidence. Because only by proving that this book is related to a real case, not just a story that has been fabricated, can there be a reason to seal the book.

“Got it.” Ji Lang nodded calmly, and went straight upstairs.

As soon as he left, the group of four in the studio immediately surrounded Wu Miaomiao, eagerly asking about her being arrested one by one.

“Boss, what’s going on? Why are you going to the orphanage?”

“You were in custody yesterday. Didn’t you scare? Did the police attack you?”

Wu Miaomiao waited for them to finish asking, and then told them what had happened to them in detail, and immediately caused a burst of righteous indignation from the four of them, and they cursed Dean Hong for several minutes.

“It’s no wonder that the boss suddenly opened a new book yesterday, and he didn’t run away this time. The scumbag in the book must be the Dean Hong who framed the proprietress!” Yi Guandao.

“The books are all sealed, no problem, where will the website suddenly be sealed. At about four o’clock yesterday afternoon, the siren on the opposite road never stopped.” Shan Junyi said of his discovery.

“Last time the boss was for me, this time it was for the boss’ wife.” Bei Fan was moved again.

Wu Miaomiao was startled, and asked, “Has Xiang Gong opened a new book again?”

“Why don’t you know? The boss rushed to pick you up as soon as the update was completed yesterday. At that time, the tired station couldn’t stand still and insisted on going.” Bei Fan immediately gave his boss a sense of existence, but he could not let the boss. Become those fools who silently pay in the novel.

Wu Miaomiao naturally knew that Ji Lang was in a bad state yesterday, but she didn’t expect Ji Lang to become so tired because of the new book. Moreover, listening to Beifan and the others, this book seemed to have something to do with her.

Wu Miaomiao immediately took out her mobile phone to read Ji Lang’s column, but the new book was locked by the website, and even the title of the book became a series of ※.

“What is Xiang Gong’s new writing?” She stayed up all night in the detention center. After returning home, she took a bath and rested. When she woke up, the book had been sealed. It can be said that she missed the opportunity to read.

“Boss, let me tell you…”

Bei Fan was about to pull Wu Miaomiao to tell the content of the book, but Huo Mingzhi walked in at this moment and interrupted him: “Is Ji Lang there?”

Dong Yongyuan immediately replied: “Yes, the boss is upstairs.”

Huo Mingzhi nodded and was about to go to the second floor. He suddenly noticed Wu Miaomiao surrounded by four people. He remembered the interrogation last night and said: “Wu Miaomiao, Hong Zhenqing has admitted that he deliberately framed you. Your case will be dropped today.”

After speaking, Huo Mingzhi walked quickly to the second floor without waiting for other people’s reaction. Waiting until he disappeared, the five people underneath slowly reacted?

“Madame, your case is about to be dropped, which means you are all right.” Everyone was happy.

“But this Dean Hong is so insidious, how could he voluntarily admit that he framed you?” Yi Guan asked in confusion.

“Last time the liver digger was arrested, Team Huo seemed to rush over to find the boss with such an expression.” Shan Junyi said.

“Could it be…” Bei Fan seemed to have thought of something.

Dong Yongyuan suddenly sighed.

“Why are you sighing?” Several people looked at Dong Yongyuan in confusion.

“It’s nothing.” Dong Yongyuan smiled bitterly. Why do I have to make such a big mess every time? I can’t hide it even if I want to hide it. The people from the Metaphysics Association asked me, how should I answer? Could it be that the nightmare’s wife was bullied, so he drove it up in anger?

Yaoshou, why is my life so bitter?

“Bei Fan, please tell me about Xianggong’s new book.” Wu Miaomiao is still waiting to hear the content of the new book. Although she can guess that Ji Lang invaded Dean Hong’s dream for herself, it is precisely because of this. , The more she wanted to listen, every detail could not be missed.

This is all Xianggong’s full love for her.

On the second floor, Huo Mingzhi knocked on the door symbolically and pushed in directly.

Ji Lang frowned unhappy when he saw Huo Mingzhi: “Did I let you in?”

“I have something to ask you.” Huo Ming knows that he can no longer take care of so much.

Ji Lang put down the pen in his hand: “Is the man caught?”

“How did you know these things?” He interrogated Hong Zhenqing overnight, and his own description of the crime process was as high as 90% similar to what Ji Lang wrote in the book.

If Ji Lang referred to the previous books, and the story of the liver-digger was the process of committing the crime based on his own logical reasoning, then what about the case of Dean Hong? Dean Hong’s case is almost seamless. If Yang Ming hadn’t found Dean Hong’s video of the operation at the end of the orphanage, they would never have caught Dean Hong.

The most important thing is that there were no signs before this incident happened. Dean Hong committed the case and no one noticed it. How did Ji Lang discover it?

“You ask, am I going to tell you?” When Ji Lang wrote this story, he knew that Huo Mingzhi would come to him.

“Hong Zhenqing is very cautious. As soon as the organs of those children are exhumed, he will send the bodies to sparks the next day. In order to prevent the crematorium staff from discovering that the children’s body is abnormal, he will accompany the children throughout the process and personally take the children. Sent into the incinerator. Although I guess that Dean Hong will keep a copy of the evidence for self-protection, I don’t know where Dean Hong will hide the evidence, so I can only ask Yang Ming to search for it in the orphanage. As a result, you Guess, how did he find it?”

Ji Lang remained silent and did not respond.

“He searched the orphanage three or four times and found nothing. Finally, he thought of the book you wrote. According to the content of your book, he took all the things mentioned in the book that Hong Zhenqing had come into contact with. He found the corresponding things in the orphanage, and then opened them one by one. Finally, in the wall clock on the wall of the orphanage, he found the memory card storing the video of the operation.” Huo Ming knew, “You mentioned three times in the book. After being there, Dean Hong cared very much about time, so Yang Ming dismantled all the clocks in the orphanage.”

“So?” Ji Lang asked nonchalantly, “What are you telling me, what do you want to do?”

“How do you know this? I asked Hong Zhenqing. He only met you for the first time yesterday, and he didn’t really care about the time. You mentioned it in the book deliberately, in fact, you are implying that we are looking for evidence. You knew that the evidence was in the wall clock, didn’t you?” Huo Mingzhi stared at Ji Lang with sharp eyes.

“If I said, I dreamt about it, do you believe it?” Ji Lang asked.

“Ji Lang!”

Ji Lang curled his lips slightly, then looked straight, and slowly said, “The way you look now is very similar to the first time you talked to me a few years ago.”

Huo Mingzhi was startled.

“I still said that. I reasoned it out by myself. Whether you believe it or not, you can arrest me if you have evidence, and watch if you don’t have evidence.” Ji Lang said.

The ability of Nightmare cannot be explained by logic, no matter how round it is, it cannot be logically self-consistent, so he simply didn’t explain it. Anyway, Huo Ming knew that he had been monitoring him a long time ago, and now he has only given him one more reason for monitoring.

“I’m not trying to catch you.” Huo Mingzhi explained.

“Are you just curious?” Ji Lang asked rhetorically, “then I shouldn’t have an obligation to satisfy your curiosity.”

“…” Huo Mingzhi knew that he still couldn’t ask anything this time.

Five days later, the case of Dean Hong using the cover of the orphanage and the private organ trafficking of organs was exposed. Dean Hong, together with the organ sales organization, was dealt with by the police.

Although the details of this incident were not mentioned, the group of four in the studio knew that this incident was caused by their own boss, because the policeman who cracked the case was Huo Mingzhi.

Except for Dong Yongyuan, who knew the inside story, the other three were very curious about how their boss knew these inside stories, but they were too embarrassed that no one dared to ask in person. Only a few people could make up their minds in private, and in the end they all agreed with Bei Fan’s initial guess.

That is, his boss is actually a hidden hacker master. After Dean Hong framed the boss’ wife, the boss became angry and turned into a confidant. He hacked Dean Hong’s computer and mobile phone in the middle of the night, and checked Dean Hong’s ancestor for eighteen generations. It turned upside down. Then, based on the collected information, combined with his super reasoning brain, he completed the book “I Was A Good Person Originally”.

After listening to Dong Yongyuan, he just wanted to say that he deserves to be an editor. As long as the plot requires it, he can come back to it.

But this matter broke out after all, and I only hope that the report I handed in two days ago can pass the customs safely. And his fluke wish only lasted until ten o’clock in the evening before it was shattered.

Dong Yongyuan was called by his master, Master Xu, at ten o’clock in the evening.

“Yongyuan, I’ll ask you again, did Ji Lang deliberately use the power of nightmare to invade the dream of Dean Hong because Wu Miaomiao was framed by Dean Hong?” Master Xu asked.

“Master, boss… No, Ji Lang’s current strength is still very stable, he probably hasn’t actively used the power of Nightmare.” Dong Yongyuan tried to get through.

“Then how did he get into Dean Hong’s dream and write that book?” Master Xu asked.

“Because of Wu Miaomiao’s affairs, Ji Lang had contact with Dean Hong, so it may be when Dean Hong had nightmares at night…”

“Lie!” Master Xu picked up the water cup on the table and slammed it at Dong Yongyuan’s feet. “Xu Wei said that with the Buddha bead body guard on Dean Hong’s body, he would never have a nightmare. If it weren’t for Ji Lang deliberately invaded Dean Hong’s dream, it is impossible to know those things.”

Dong Yongyuan was startled and turned to look at Brother Xu Wei. Xu Wei curled his eyebrows and looked at him.

Dong Yongyuan knew that he couldn’t keep it secret: “Master, you should also know what Dean Hong did now. If it weren’t for Ji Lang, he is still selling children’s organs in the orphanage. Shouldn’t this kind of person be arrested? ?”

“It should be caught, but this is not the reason why you conceal Ji Lang’s ability to use.” Master Xu angrily said.

“I just don’t want to trouble the boss because of this. I think the boss did the right thing.” Dong Yongyuan said.

“He did this thing right, but have you forgotten the reason why I asked you to look at Ji Lang?” Master Xu shouted loudly.


“Why did I let you stare at Ji Lang?!”

“Because… Once the power of the nightmare is out of control, the entire world will fall into a nightmare. When the time comes, the anger will be disordered, the aura will be out of control, the hostility will grow, and the world will be chaotic.” Dong Yongyuan said, “But… but the boss has not done this yet. Things, those books he wrote, are all for catching bad guys.”

“Why are you so confused?” Master Xu cursed, “Nightmare is a bomb that can be detonated at any time, and it is also a nuclear bomb. Once his ability is awakened, it will get out of control. Who can stop it? Ji Lang Being a good person and a bad person is not actually the point. The point is that his abilities shouldn’t exist. Don’t you understand the principle of guilty of Bi?”

“But… but the boss hasn’t done anything yet. Will we be too unfair to him like this?” Dong Yongyuan said.

“This world has never been absolutely fair.” Master Xu sighed, “You know, when Ji Lang was discovered as a nightmare, the Metaphysics Association held a meeting to decide whether to kill Ji Lang.”

“What?!” Dong Yongyuan changed his color in amazement.

“At that time Ji Lang was only ten years old and was still a child. We also felt that he hadn’t done anything yet, and he couldn’t kill a child, so we changed to surveillance.” Master Xu said, “but we can’t let him go. It’s up to him to awaken the power of the nightmare and endanger the world. Therefore, we negotiated and decided that once Ji Lang learned the method to control the power of the nightmare, he would bring it back to the association for surveillance and detention. The level of danger must be obliterated. Obviously, he now controls the power of the nightmare.”

“No, no, the boss just has a dream. As a nightmare, it is instinct to enter the dreamland. This can’t be regarded as control.” Dong Yongyuan anxiously defended Ji Lang.

“Hong Zhenqing is dead.” Xu Wei suddenly said.

“What?” Dong Yongyuan stiffened.

“Two hours ago, Hong Zhenqing yelled in the prison and suddenly hit the wall and committed suicide.” Xu Wei said, “I asked the prison guards. During this time, Hong Zhenqing would have nightmares in prison every night. I called his soul to ask. Now, he said that since meeting Ji Lang, he has been having nightmares every night. And it is the same dream, recurring. He has worn the beads for more than ten years. It is impossible for him to have nightmares as soon as the beads leave. It is only possible that Ji Lang , Used the power of nightmare, changed his dream.”

“…Yes, shouldn’t this kind of scum be dead?” Dong Yongyuan asked.

“The question is not whether this scumbag should die, but Ji Lang, he has learned the use of nightmare power.” Xu Wei said.

“Then…what are you planning to do?” Dong Yongyuan’s voice trembled, and he was a little afraid of hearing the answer behind.

“The inspection team of the Metaphysics Association has gone to find Ji Lang.” Master Xu said.

Dong Yongyuan was stunned, and then subconsciously went to take out his mobile phone, but because he was shaking too much, the mobile phone was pulled out of his pocket but could not be held firmly, and it fell to the ground with a snap. He knelt down in a panic to pick it up, but someone picked it up before him.

It’s Xu Wei.

Xu Wei squatted in front of Dong Yongyuan and couldn’t help cursing: “I told you not to be an undercover agent. Look at what you are now. Even if you call Ji Lang, he Can he run? Where can he run? Now even you yourself have to be held accountable by the Association.”

Dong Yongyuan closed his eyes in despair.

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