The Witch

Chapter 44

Chapter 43

Although Sang Tian was hiding in the archives room, he had been paying attention to the situation outside. Knowing that his identity had been exposed, he did not hide anymore, opened the door and walked out. The moment he met his wife, Sang Tian’s eyes were red.

Without the hostility emanating from the depths of the soul, it was her wife’s original appearance, beautiful and gentle. When she laughs, a small dimple will appear on her right cheek, and her eyes will be slightly narrowed, revealing a light of joy. But this look, he hasn’t seen it in more than ten years.

For more than ten years, in order to keep his wife’s mind from being eroded by the grievances of Li Gui, he has to draw a spell every day to suppress his wife. The wife who puts the spell on will become quiet again, and sleep more than ten or twenty. hour. But despite this, long periods of inactivity, irregular meals, and a depressed mental state made his wife’s body weakened day by day, and finally she could not even walk steadily.

“Brother Tian.” The wife gently called her husband’s name.

“Jiayan, listen to me this time, okay?” Sang Tian said almost pleadingly, “I am a heavenly master, and I can suppress these hostility by myself.”

Bai Jiayan shook her head: “My body is already like this. Even if you move your hostility away now, it will be difficult for my body to grow well.”

“At least you have a chance to reincarnate.” Sang Tian said excitedly.

If the wife dies with the hostility of this body, then the moment of death will turn into a century-old ghost, and will lose the chance of reincarnation forever.

“You don’t want me to be a ghost, can I watch you turn into a ghost?” Bai Jiayan asked.

Sang Tian clenched his hand into a fist and kept trembling. The reason he wanted to hide from his wife was because he knew that once his wife knew the truth, he would not agree.

“Jiayan, we don’t want to be in the future, can we just look at this life?” Sang Tian said softly, “Your body is too weak to bear these hostile tempers, but I am different. These hostile tempers are on me. I have a way. Suppressed. If you transfer your hostility to me, you can stand up again, and my spiritual power may be affected, but I can still live like ordinary people. In this way, we can live together for a long time. Time, you can even see Xiaohao marrying a wife and having children. We don’t care whether we will turn into ghosts after death, whether we can reincarnate in the next life, will you stay with me in this life?”

Sang Tian had planned it a long time ago. If his wife has turned into a ghost and loses the opportunity to reincarnate because of him, then what qualifications does he have to reincarnate?

The tears in Bai Jiayan’s eyes fell instantly. Both of them hoped that each other would have a chance to reincarnate, but no one could convince anyone.

Dong Yongyuan and Sang Wenhao, the two cousins ​​standing by Bai Jiayan’s wheelchair, had already cried into dogs. Wu Miaomiao was a little moved when she heard it, and subconsciously glanced in Ji Lang’s direction.

In this conversation between the two of them, the only person who has no psychological ups and downs is probably Ji Lang. Ji Lang has already developed a heart of stone in countless nightmares. If he has to be sad and sad for other people’s stories every day, then he would cry long ago. Died countless times.

The studio was very quiet, except for the suppressed choking of Dong Yongyuan and Sang Wenhao, there was no other sound. The black formation is still spinning, and the hostile spirit drawn from Bai Jiayan’s soul is still beating on it. Suddenly, the hostility trembled violently, Wu Miaomiao’s face changed, and his hands hurriedly closed again, pressing on the magic circle.

“You make a decision quickly, I can’t hold it anymore.” It takes a lot of magic power to open a formation. The longer they drag it, the more power Wu Miaomiao loses. If the magic power is not supported, the formation If the method is disconnected, it is really a waste of toss.

Seeing that Wu Miaomiao’s face was wrong, Ji Lang glanced at Dong Yongyuan with a slight anger, then walked to Wu Miaomiao’s side, and said in a deep voice, “Miaomiao, you cancel the formation first, let them go back and think about it before coming back.”

Dong Yongyuan’s back became cold when Ji Lang’s eyes were swept, knowing that it would be really white tonight if it was consumed, and couldn’t help but urged: “Uncle, auntie!”

Sang Tian was also very anxious. He didn’t want to miss this opportunity, and he didn’t want his wife to suffer the pain of even one more day of hostility.

Bai Jiayan had a hard time making a choice. She didn’t want Sang Tian to accompany her to get rid of her soul, but she was afraid that she would not agree that Sang Tian would still stay with her after she died.

“I can support at most two minutes, once every two minutes, if the contract is not established, I will cancel the formation.” Wu Miaomiao’s impression of the couple is pretty good, don’t mind giving them two more minutes of thinking time .

“Thank you.” Bai Jiayan thanked Wu Miao with a grateful expression.

Wu Miaomiao smiled, and then turned to comfort Ji Lang: “Msang Gong, I will hold it for two more minutes.”

Although Ji Lang disagreed, but seeing Wu Miaomiao insisted, he didn’t say anything. Instead, his eyes fell on the group of hostility that was suppressed by Wu Miaomiao, but still trying to break free.

Was it this restless hostility that made Wu Miaomiao so tired?

Perhaps Ji Lang paid too much attention to that group of hostility, the black energy lingering around him unconsciously circulated, and rushed towards the group of **** hostility.

“Msang Gong!” Wu Miaomiao was startled and wanted to stop, but it was too late. The black energy on Ji Lang’s body was swept away by the formation she had opened, and the hostile spirit that had been drawn from Bai Jiayan’s soul disappeared.

“Boss.” Dong Yongyuan was also taken aback.

Ji Lang returned to his senses and wondered for a moment. Did he take the hostility of the formation just now? You have to go back.

Thinking of this, the black energy around Ji Lang suddenly became restless again, and the hostility that had just been absorbed by him suddenly separated from the black energy and returned to the formation.

It’s just that this cruel balloon is half smaller than the one he took just now.

Ji Lang was immediately embarrassed: “It seems… I swallowed half of it, okay?”

Wu Miaomiao blinked, and then said after a long time, “It should be…it’s okay.”

Anyway, the contract does not seem to be broken.

“That’s good, you guys continue.” Ji Lang immediately felt relieved when he heard that it was okay. He stepped back a few steps and walked aside, deciding not to interfere with Wu Miaomiao again.

“…” Everyone.

Go on, go on being a ghost!

“Mr. Ji.” Sang Tian reacted first, walking towards Ji Lang excitedly. What he saw just now was extremely real, that group of hostility that was drawn from his wife’s soul was only touched by the power of the nightmare lingering around Ji Lang, and it was half smaller. The most amazing thing is that Ji Lang himself has not been affected in any way.

This situation shows that the hostile mass on his wife’s body cannot have any influence on Ji Lang’s vast nightmare power.

“Can you please help, absorb the hostility, you can mention any conditions.” There is the best of both worlds. Sang Tian can’t take care of that much anymore. As long as he can save his wife, he can agree to any conditions.

“Boss.” Dong Yongyuan also looked to Ji Lang expectantly.

Ji Lang twisted his eyebrows and did not refuse in a word. Instead, he turned to Wu Miaomiao and said, “You decide.”

Everyone’s eyes immediately turned to Wu Miaomiao.

Wu Miaomiao coughed, and the corner of his mouth couldn’t hide the smile: “I’m going to make a move, then this is another price.”

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