The Witcher: Lord of the Empire

Chapter 22: Mousesack

The sword dance just now was just the product of imitating the witcher. If it were really used in actual combat, I am afraid it would not be able to achieve the so-called skill effect of 'attacking all enemies around you'.


On the contrary, he may be easily blocked by the first enemy, and then Lann will be surrounded by enemies from all directions.


What Lann imitated was just a 'sword move', not the 'ability' itself.


If Lann wants to use the game's skills and have them have the game's special effects, he still has to invest 20 ability points in the [Combat] branch and activate the [Whirl] ability.


Lann's eyes shifted. In addition to [Whirl], there was another third-tier ability that he was eager to have. Lann looked at another ability on the list that represented the [Strong Attack] series.


[Rend]: Ignore the enemy's defense and increase the chance of critical hit by 50%. Adrenaline Point gain: +5%. (5/5)


The super armor-breaking skill that ignores the enemy's defense.


Even facing monsters like rock trolls or mountain giants with thick rock skin that cannot be smashed with a siege battering ram, he can slash them all to death with a sword.


Just before activating these two third-tier abilities, which can be called ultimate moves, Lann still needs to invest 5 ability points in the second-tier abilities.


Now that [Fleet Footed] has reached its full level, the remaining choices in the second-tier abilities are relatively mediocre. What Lann covets the most is [Undying] who can use Adrenaline Points to restore vitality.


A passive resurrection ability. However, the [Battle Trance] series of abilities that [Undying] belongs to require the witcher's Adrenaline Points to be used, and now they cannot be turned on like the Signs.


Looking at a bunch of buggy abilities in front of you, but you can't learn them because you are not a witcher, this feeling is too painful.


In the end, Lann thought about it and decided to spend his ability points on the second-tier abilities of the [Fast Attack] series, and first honestly improve his basic combat ability.


[Precise Blows]: The chance of a quick attack critical hit is increased by 10%, and the damage of a quick attack critical hit is increased by 75%. Adrenaline Point gain by +5%. (5/5)


Lann is very much looking forward to how the so-called 'critical hit' and 'critical damage' will perform in the real world. Fear that in the later stages he will be able to pierce a heavily armored Knight with a casual stab with a wooden stick.


Old butler Enns caught Lann at the end of his daily morning exercise and handed him a towel and clean water so that his Earl could take a rest.


The old man stared at the several marks left on Lann's neck in the Rose Garden, and said: "My Lord, several families have sent us banquet invitations. Do you need to go and take a look?"


"Please refuse it for me." Lann was completely unaware of the old butler's gaze. "I'm not interested in banquets or anything like that, you know."


“Master, these are banquets held by your peers.” The old butler emphasized. "The ladies of their respective families will attend, as well as the young gentlemen and young ladies from other families."


Lann stopped and felt that the old butler today was weird. Normally, when he expressed his refusal to attend a banquet like this, the old butler would immediately handle it.


"Well... I probably understand what you mean, Enns." Lann considered his answer. "But I don't have any ideas about it yet, so please help me reject them all."


The old butler sighed and agreed.


Then he said: "Master, Advisor Mousesack came back this morning, and he will continue to teach Princess Cirilla from today on. You asked me to remind you before that you are going to visit after the advisor comes back."


This news cheered up Lann. The 'Mage' he needed was back!


"Pack my things, I'll go to the palace now, lest I be late and find no one!"


“I’ll give the order right away.” Enns nodded. “However, please wear more... decent clothes today.”


Lann asked doubtfully: "Huh? Are my usual clothes not decent enough? Don't worry, Uncle Mousesack won't care about this."


A moment later, Lann, who was wearing high-collared casual clothes, sighed and walked with three attendants on the way to the palace.


Lann blamed the three attendants bitterly: "You three have six eyes, why can't you see it? Why didn't anyone remind me?"


Facing the Earl's accusation, the more courageous Arrow Attendant Ace hesitated. "This...'Rose Seal' itself is one of the characteristics of the Rose Garden, and many people go there for this."


“But it’s my first time there, I don’t know! Is this how I look when talking to people all the way home!” Lann beat his chest and shouted: “I will never pay for you again!”


“Oh, no, my lord…”




Strictly speaking, Mousesack is not a sorcerer or mage in the broad sense. He is a learned and powerful druid. Although the expressions of power are similar, their lifestyles, principles of doing things, etc. are all obviously different.


Mousesack has maintained friendships with many kings and witchers and was once the protagonist's savior.


Many years ago, Mousesack was invited as a guest at the wedding banquet held by Ciri's mother. He witnessed with his own eyes the powerful burst of magic power of Ciri's mother Pavetta, and also saw the fateful entanglement between Geralt, the protagonist of the 'The Witcher Series', and the infant Ciri. After this banquet, he chose to stay in Cintra to teach the young princess. After Ciri was born, he also took on the task of teaching Ciri.


It is not about teaching magic, but about basic knowledge and enlightenment.


Queen Calanthe does not really need Mousesack's power as a druid. Most of the time, Mousesack only exists as an advisor and teacher to Princess Ciri, providing intellectual services to the queen.


It is worth mentioning that there was a deeper reason for Ciri's mother Pavetta's magic burst at that time, and this reason was also one of the reasons why Mousesack chose to stay in Cintra.


The Elder Blood. The ancient bloodline of Queen Calanthe, Pavetta and Ciri contains great power.


Lann also has it.


[Talent: Elder Blood (Unawakened)]


It was revealed that the main Elder Blood gene only appeared in the female line, while the male line could only be activator and latent, so it is of no use to Lann for the time being.


And Lann knew that Mousesack's ability was much more than that. After the destruction of Cintra, Mousesack will return to the Druid Circle to continue his studies and will eventually become a Hierophant of the Skellige Circle. He will then continue to play a pivotal role in subsequent plots of 'The Witcher Series'.


Now, the Druid instructor was packing up his books and preparing to go out to give lessons to little Princess Ciri. He happened to bump into Lann on the way out.


An expression as if an old father had seen his child grow up appeared on Mousesack's face. Both belong to the royal family, and as Ciri's childhood sweetheart, Lann himself often received Mousesack's teachings when he was a child.


“Lann!” Mousesack opened his arms and hugged him. “Long time no see, my little lion.”




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