The Witcher – Uchiha Madara!

Chapter 71 – Eastern War 06.

[Chapter Size: 2000 Words.]
Third Person POV

Northern kingdoms.



The fight with Cintra and Angren continued as the army of the eastern kingdom felt the pressure coming from both sides, trying to protect itself from the attack.

Now without command, the army was doomed to ruin, while some tried to take the general's position to put order in the fight, but it wasn't the same, as more people shouted orders from all sides.

"Kill him!!" Exclaimed one of the soldiers to Madara, still on his horse after killing the general.

Soldiers quickly began advancing against him while Madara quickly jumped off the horse and grabbed one of his scrolls, holding it in his left hand while he held the short sword he used to kill the general in his right hand.

He quickly began to move, dodging the soldiers trying to hit him, but he quickly regained his balance and began to attack, starting to cut down the enemies with ease.


The screams of the men being killed by Madara quickly drew attention.

"Someone stop that child!!" The men shouted, a little surprised by the boy simply killing them with ease, moving so fast that no one could react.

The shields still held some of Cintra's knights trapped while some managed to break through the blockade. Madara took advantage and opened his scroll with a jump in the air and began to remove his ninja tools, throwing them directly at the men with shields, quickly knocking them down easily.

This quickly made the shields begin to fall, while not even the soldiers of Angren knew how they were dying, falling one by one.

The fight continued, and Madara landed on the ground while he kept taking down the soldiers, just with blades, strange movements, and thrown objects that reaped the lives of everyone there. He did not activate his Sharingan or use other jutsus, not wanting to draw more attention than he was already drawing in this war.

"Let's finish these invaders!!" Lord Hugkil seemed excited as he fought his enemies, passing by Madara.

"Let's go!! For Cintra!!" Calanthe shouted as she continued fighting in the middle of the war, seeing the advantage with her soldiers destroying Angren from behind. They gained morale and began advancing, cornering Angren even more.

Madara kept cutting one here and another there, while the soldiers began to see that no one could defeat him, they even started to stay away from that child.

He saw the war with satisfaction, knowing it wouldn't be long before they achieved a crushing victory, but he had to take advantage of this time while the fight was still going on. He began advancing across the battlefield, fighting a few more times and killing a few more men until he was among the archers, where he began to cut some down with quick deaths and grabbed one of their bows.

He activated his Sharingan, looking for some on the battlefield and found his target, before raising the bow and shooting an arrow into the air, heading towards Cintra's soldiers.

He knew how to use a bow after copying the skills of Cintra's best archers during a tournament that took place in the capital. Even though he found it very slow and inflexible for his taste, he launched the arrow wanting to kill a single person within Cintra's army, as this wouldn't draw attention to him.

The fight continued, and Madara already took advantage to eliminate as many archers as possible, and the battle lasted another 20 minutes before Angren completely collapsed after losing most of their soldiers in this fight and not having command.

Angren's soldiers tried to escape to the sides where there were no enemies attacking, while most dropped their weapons, surrendering in the sea of bodies of their comrades.

"Victory is Cintra's!!!" Calanthe raised her sword while shouting for everyone to hear, as the soldiers quickly gathered, also celebrating the victory, spreading across the battlefield.





This lasted for a while, and Mousesack, who hadn't participated in the battlefield, was in Cintra's camp with a smile on his lips.

Madara was clean of blood, as he had taken care not to get dirty during the entire fight. He was about to leave, until Lord Hugkil, with his very excited personality, stopped him. "Haha. You did it, boy!! I saw you cut off that general's head!!" He exclaimed as many soldiers looked at the boy with impressed looks, after everything he had done.

"Madara Uchiha!" Lord Hugkil shouted.

"Madara Uchiha!"

"Madara Uchiha!"

"Madara Uchiha!"

"Madara Uchiha!"

His soldiers quickly joined in a collective chorus, and it began to spread among all the soldiers who had accompanied him. Calanthe, from a distance, exclaiming the victory, looked to the side where the soldiers were shouting and nodded with satisfaction at the name of Madara being proclaimed as a war hero.

After the heat of the celebration had calmed down, Calanthe began to issue new orders, commanding the battlefield to be cleaned and reports to be written, to be handed to her later.

As the hours passed, a new group emerged in the distance, with the prince himself arriving a few hours after the battle, finding hundreds of soldiers who managed to escape the battlefield as soon as the army collapsed.

"My prince... this is terrible..." Vergan looked at it with frightened eyes, while the prince and some other commanders of his group stood beside him with the same kind of look as that noble.

'First, I intend to end this war; the army of Angren will be destroyed in no time.' The words of that child echoed in his mind, with him swallowing hard that this had happened just as Madara had said it would.

"My prince... what should we do...?" His advisor asked, and Thorne saw that he needed to act. He sighed, trying to reason what would be best at that moment, after all, the war was over.

"Send a messenger, Cintra has thousands of our prisoners, we must negotiate our surrender..." he said finally.

"But my prince..." a commander beside him spoke.

"Can't you see what's happening here? This war is lost. The only thing we need to do is save our soldiers and see how we can compensate Cintra for this..." he said, and the men nodded in agreement in the end.

"So we lost 4,000 men... but we killed 10,000 of them..." Calanthe began reading the reports with her advisors.

"A great victory, my queen..." Commander Varys commented.

"Anyone important dead?" Eist asked.

"Well... not many more..." she raised an eyebrow at the name fallen on the battlefield. "Lord Rushford was hit with an arrow in the neck while on the right flank..." she murmured, and Eist looked at Mousesack, raising an eyebrow.

"A death in a war by an enemy arrow, there's nothing to say about that." Calanthe said finally, knowing what those two men were thinking.

"Have you heard about the boy... He eliminated Angren's general in the middle of the enemy army and began killing anyone who attacked him afterward, they say he was like a ghost." Eist commented with a smile.

"My queen..." one of the royal guards entered the tent at that moment, and all four of them looked at him.

"Proceed," Calanthe ordered.

"A messenger directly from Prince Thorne of Angren," he said.

"It seems he arrived only when the war was over..." Eist commented.

"All right, summon him, let's discuss his surrender." Calanthe ordered, and the messenger came to them, accompanied by Vergan.

"Summon your prince for negotiations under a white flag, I want to talk to him personally," Calanthe said finally, while the noble of Angren left the tent.

While Cintra's soldiers celebrated in the camp, the negotiations continued with the prince himself discussing terms with Calanthe. Angren was in a very disadvantageous position, with 10,000 men fallen and 3,000 under Cintra's custody, which did not guarantee the prince any advantage, and as the only legal representative, he had to make decisions that would affect Angren's treasury.

He negotiated with Calanthe as much as he could, and finally, the negotiations were concluded, with him returning to his personal camp, as Angren's army camp had been looted by Cintra after the war.

"My prince..." Vergan said in his tent.

"I need to think, Lord Vergan. I want to be alone," he said finally, and the noble understood and left.

"Have you already made your decision?" A new voice emerged in the tent as soon as Vergan left.

"You came..." Prince Thorne did not seem surprised by this.

"Didn't I say..." Madara said, stepping out of a shadow.

Thorne simply picked up his wine and poured it into his glass before drinking and turning to Madara. "I've heard a lot about a child leading 5,000 men against the rear of our army, guiding them through the forest and passing through our defenses and killing our general... it seems surreal, and no one will believe this in the capital when I have to talk about the reports of the lost war." He said.

"This will not change the outcome of the war..." Madara shrugged.

"Tell me, your eyes are different from the last time we saw each other, and no one saw a child with red eyes in the battle, only one with black hair and eyes cutting people like they were cheese." He spoke much calmer than the last time they met, seeming to accept the reality.

"I am an Uchiha..." That was the only response Madara gave.

"I don't know what that means, but I want to know one thing. Do you plan to kill me if I don't accept your condition?" He asked, and Madara shook his head negatively.

"I won't do anything to you, but you won't have my help to deal with your country." Madara said.

"Fair enough... I've been thinking about this since I saw how our army was destroyed, and you say that Nilfgaard will be an even bigger problem..." He murmured, and Madara nodded.

The prince sighed in the end. "All right, I'll accept your help. Now that the war was a failure, overthrowing my father will be easy, but I doubt the main nobles of Angren would like to have their heir on the throne. They fought tooth and nail to take over the royal family... I don't have much choice given the few allies I have..." He said, and Madara nodded.

"That's good, I will be accompanying you to the capital, but first, I will stay in Cintra to resolve some matters." Madara said, and Thorne didn't have much choice.

"I'll meet you in the capital, don't worry about how I'll find you or even enter the royal castle." Madara said and disappeared the next moment, with Thorne seeing this without being able to say anything else.

Three days later, the negotiations finally ended, and Angren began to leave while Cintra stayed for another four days celebrating before returning to the capital. The kingdom was in a festive mood at this time, while Calanthe had to announce some changes, as she planned to give all the properties of the Chips family to a young man on the rise, making him a high noble of Cintra in front of the entire kingdom, and no one could do anything about it.

Madara talked a little with Mousesack after that and then left for Angren a week later, where he would help the prince take the throne. He also had to train the rewards he earned after stopping the war in the system.


Raccoon here: There will be no saga in Angren; I will skip two years and start the arc with the fall of Cintra, summarizing the events of these two years in the first chapters.


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