The Witcher: Wolf School’s Hunting Notes

167. That Damn Reckless Elf!

"Of course, we can only cooperate now, right?"

Francesca was stunned when she heard this. It seemed she hadn't expected Allen to agree so easily. The pile of apologies and persuasive words she had prepared were now useless.

"You agreed?" Francesca still couldn't believe it.

Allen sighed deeply, glanced toward the entrance of the cave, and said softly, "You didn't give me a choice... so... yes, I agreed."

"No choice?"

Francesca instinctively followed the witcher's gaze. The large entrance was blocked by several flames. Narrowing her blue eyes, the elf's naturally keen vision allowed her to see even more. The cold gleam of spears, the glistening leather armor, and the well-organized formation...

Clearly, these soldiers were the elite troops of Kaedwen. The figure holding the torch in the distance was likely reporting the intrusion to the camp's leader. So, it wouldn't be long before more elite soldiers would gather at the cave entrance. And... the one who caused this situation was none other than her.


"No need to apologize again; we don't have much time. Once the guards in the camp are fully alerted, they will definitely come in to search... so let's get to the point."

"How do you plan to find your target?"

"And given that our goals aren't aligned, how do you plan to cooperate?"

Allen interrupted. If apologies were useful, Francesca might as well apologize to the soldiers outside. Maybe they'd pretend nothing had happened, ignore them, and continue their patrol as usual. Of course, Allen kept these thoughts to himself.

Francesca paused, her tone faltering. After thinking for a moment, she said, "Just hide here... and wait..."

"Great, so you don't have any effective plan."

Allen interrupted again, making Francesca frown. The little bit of guilt she had started to feel quickly vanished as she retorted, "Then do you have an 'effective' plan?"

What arrogance from a mere witcher!

They were both driven into the cave by the camp's guards, and now the entrance was blocked. Hiding and waiting seemed like the only option, didn't it?

Could he possibly have a better idea?

Francesca was indignant.

"Yes, I do."

Allen ignored the Valley Daisy's incredulous look, glanced at the flames at the cave entrance, and then turned to walk deeper into the cave.

"Follow me, you reckless elf..."

Francesca stood there stunned, watching Allen walk several steps before she snapped out of it and hurried after him. She didn't even care about the witcher's offensive nickname for her and quickly asked, "Where are we going?"

"To find my human couple and your elf."

"You know where they are?" Francesca asked again.

"Yes, I know where my couple is. As for yours, since you want to cooperate with me, it's likely that the elf and the humans are in the same place..."

"How do you know..."

"Shh!" The witcher turned back, raising a finger to his lips, interrupting Francesca's rapid-fire questions. He said, "Don't ask, just follow me."

"I'll make up for your recklessness and help you find your target..."

"Before the guards in the camp catch us, while there's still time..."


Francesca remained silent. The faint purple glow surrounding the witcher made his figure, which was about the same height as hers, appear especially mysterious. This witcher from the School of the Wolf, named Allen, seemed quite young.

Was he really reliable?


Francesca shook her head at herself. He should be reliable; otherwise, Aen Saevherne wouldn't have chosen him. And he was quite skilled. Instinctively, Francesca touched her right wrist, which still ached faintly.

Although the witcher's two swords were back in their sheaths, she knew that if she made any sudden moves, one of those swords would surely be at her throat before she could react.


Lost in her thoughts, Francesca was startled when her name was suddenly called, as if the sword was already at her throat, and she quickly took two steps back.

"What is it?" Allen heard the noise and turned back, seeing the startled elf clutching her throat. He asked curiously.

"Nothing," Francesca hastily lowered her right hand. "Why did you suddenly call my name?"

"Since we're cooperating, I think it's necessary for us to understand each other's abilities."

Allen didn't pay much attention to Francesca's strange behavior and said, "I'll start. I'm a witcher from the School of the Wolf, skilled in dual-wielding swords, Quen, Igni, Aard..."

As he continued to follow the trail of dark magical energy, Allen demonstrated his swordsmanship and various signs. He didn't know what awaited them at the end of the trail, and outside the cave, there were still three to four hundred elite Kaedwen soldiers and knights watching closely. He needed to understand his partner's abilities.

As for whether revealing his own skills might give Francesca an advantage...

On the one hand, given the Valley Daisy's current state as a reckless, runaway princess, that seemed unlikely.

On the other hand, even if conflicts arose between them later, as long as the Ice Shard spell wasn't exposed, Allen would only be revealing what most factions already knew about the School of the Wolf's dual-wielding style and the effects of his signs. But he had no idea what spells Francesca knew or what abilities her artifacts had. So, in an exchange, Allen stood to gain more.

Francesca curiously watched as the witcher extended his right hand, middle finger curled, sending out a telekinetic blast, followed by a flick of his index finger...

In an instant, the dark cave was brightly illuminated by a flash of fire. So, this was the sign magic that witchers used. It wasn't very powerful, but the casting speed was impressive. It was perfect for witchers to use in combination with their close-combat sword techniques.

Francesca crossed her arms, maintaining a composed posture, but her wide blue eyes betrayed her inner curiosity and excitement. After a while, Allen climbed up a rocky slope with Francesca, following the trail, passed through a gap in the cave wall, and reached a spacious area filled with large boulders.

By this time, he had demonstrated almost all his combat skills, except for the Ice Shard spell. So, After descending from the slope, he stood still and watched the oddly excited Francesca.

"What was the ability you used earlier to make yourself invisible?"

As expected, Francesca asked the question Allen had anticipated. Allen, having expected this, pulled out the Mirage Pearl from his collar and said, "It wasn't invisibility, but an illusion, using this magical artifact."

"Magical artifact..." Francesca leaned in to take a closer look at the crystal-clear orb, nodding in understanding. "So it's an illusion... no wonder the effect was so crude..."

Before Francesca could finish speaking, the mental link Allen had with the Mirage Pearl twitched, conveying a sense of dissatisfaction. After a brief moment of soothing, Allen stopped walking and focused on Francesca, waiting for her to demonstrate her abilities.

After a round of "no holds barred" demonstrations, the lingering hostility and unfamiliarity between the two had noticeably dissipated.

"How old are you, Witcher?"

Francesca asked curiously.

Allen was genuinely surprised that this reckless elf would ask such a question. He paused for two seconds, frowned, and replied: "Fourteen."


Francesca had guessed that Allen was young, but she didn't expect him to be this young.

Fourteen years old for a human... no... can a fourteen-year-old Witcher learn so many skills?

And be so proficient in each of them...

Francesca's astonishment made Allen feel a little annoyed, so he retorted bluntly: "How old are you, 'elf'?"

Francesca didn't get upset at Allen's tone.

On the contrary, she seemed to let go of some burden, completely relaxing her guard around Allen, and playfully winked with her right eye: "Definitely a lot... a lot older than you... little Witcher..."

Then, without waiting for Allen's response, she proudly raised her head: "Watch closely, Witcher..."


The wolf medallion trembled.


A mysterious incantation echoed through the empty cave, reverberating back and forth.


Allen, who was intently watching Francesca, suddenly cried out and quickly covered his eyes with his hands. Through the gaps between his fingers, a blinding light flickered in Francesca's right hand.

"You did that on purpose!"

Allen gritted his teeth.

"Sorry, sorry, I accidentally forgot!" Francesca apologized, but her tone was devoid of any sincerity.

The Witcher could tell from the creases around her mouth under the mask that this reckless and damn elf was definitely smiling happily. She did it on purpose!

Lowering his hands, Allen frowned deeply. They were already deep inside the cave, having twisted and turned through many paths, passing through several forks, so he wasn't worried that the light would be noticed. But this attitude...

Allen noticed something.

Ever since she found out his age, Francesca had become much more casual in her demeanor, even daring to joke with him—a Witcher who had once pressed a dagger to her throat.

How annoying!

Fortunately, Francesca also knew the situation was urgent. After a brief joke, she began chanting the incantation again.

"Aenyeaen'dreanAenyell'hael... Aenyeaen'dreanAenyell'hael..."

This time, the incantation was clearly much longer than the previous one.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

The fearsome wolf medallion jumped violently on the leather armor.

Allen became vigilant, glancing at the faint purple shield on his body.

[Ding! Your skill: Yrden Sign LV1 has been upgraded to Yrden Sign LV3 (0/2500)]

[Ding! Your level has increased to 30, earning 1 special skill point. Current special skill points: 2]

Never underestimate others, but always keep your guard up. He and Francesca were just strangers. Although their goals seemed aligned for now, he still needed to be cautious. At least to prevent this reckless elf from accidentally casting this powerful spell—just by the feel of it—on him.

Frowning slightly, he absorbed the knowledge related to the upgraded Yrden Sign.

After upgrading to LV3, the faint purple magic shield created by the Yrden Sign deepened in color and its strength at least doubled. Moreover, like the Quen shield, it added a new effect: after successfully blocking an offensive spell, it could absorb a small amount of magic from the spell.

That should be enough!

Allen thought.

Then he refocused his attention on Francesca.

Francesca's incantation took a long time.

After Allen finished absorbing the knowledge from the Yrden Sign upgrade, about another minute passed before the incantation echoing through the empty chamber ended. Such a long casting time would be practically useless in combat, especially in a cave scenario like this. But Allen patiently watched as Francesca completed the incantation.It was a matter of basic respect.

"Hmm?" Allen tilted his head in confusion, watching as Francesca bent over, panting heavily. The incantation was finished.

And then?

Why hadn't anything happened?

"Did you mess up..." The Witcher was about to ask.

But then he saw Francesca stand up, raise her right eyebrow at him, and suddenly thrust her right hand toward the largest pile of rocks in the corner of the cave.

"Buzz Buzz!!!"

The wolf medallion's buzzing reached a fever pitch.


Allen looked at Francesca in confusion.

Even though she was so exhausted that the black mask was soaked with sweat, she still held her head high, her eyes full of the kind of proud emotion a child would have when showing off a new toy or skin.

And then.


The Witcher stared in shock at the corner of the cave. Under that massive pile of rocks, a blazing red light suddenly emerged. In an instant, the entire cave felt like it was experiencing a volcanic eruption. The ground trembled violently as molten lava shot up four or five meters high, raining down on the small mountain of rocks.

The scorching heat surged through the cave.

Even from a distance of at least twenty or thirty meters, Allen could feel a burning sting on his exposed skin.

"How's that, Witcher?"

"This is an advanced spell, 'Flame Baptism.' Does it meet your expectations?"

A voice full of pride that completely contradicted its clear, spring-like tone came from behind him. Allen didn't turn around to respond. But he had to admit, this spell certainly looked impressive. It perfectly matched Allen's imagination of a fire spell.

"Just a bit too long in the chanting," he objectively evaluated in his mind, then turned around, "Reckless elf, what else can you..."

At that moment.

"Boom~ Boom~ Boom~"

Suddenly, strong tremors erupted from the ground. Even with all his earthquake experience, Allen struggled to stay on his feet due to the suddenness of the event.

What's going on?

Is the Flame Baptism spell not finished yet?

Is this spell really that powerful?

Damn it!

This reckless elf is messing with me again. If it wasn't over, she should've warned me. Is it fun to do this once, twice?

Allen quickly raised his head, glaring at the smug... no, now disheveled Francesca who had fallen to the ground. The blue eyes beneath her mask were filled with extreme confusion and panic.


Not this reckless one?

Then who...


A terrifying roar came from behind him.


The Witcher's body instantly froze.

At that moment, Opposite him, the confusion and panic had vanished from the elf's eyes.

Fear! Fear! Fear!

That was the only emotion left in those trembling, beautiful eyes. The Witcher, stiff as a rusted clockwork doll, slowly turned around, and upon seeing the source of the roar, couldn't help but shout: "Francesca, you damn reckless elf!"


📢20 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢
For advance chapters: [email protected]/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)
168. A Trap from Fifteen Years Ago.
169. Hurry Up and Teleport!
170. How Much Does a Wolf Pack Leader Cost?
171. Old Memories.
172. Mistakenly Entering the Conjunction of the Spheres?

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.