The Witch’s Convent

Chapter 37: Rampage and Loss of Control

Hawthorne felt an immense force suddenly surge from her arm. With his own strength, he couldn't resist it and was almost hurled to the ground in an instant!

Although his hand remained gripping her arm and the Purification continued, his expression drastically changed, unable to believe what he was witnessing!

What was happening?!

Regardless of her background or descriptions in the game, Yuta was characterized as "weaker than an infant." How could she possess such overwhelming strength?!


As he watched her body swell more and more, a terrifying thought burst into his mind: Could she be choosing to lose control and take me down with her?!

Damn it, that wasn’t part of the game!

How in reality could Yuta's personality be so fierce?!

Before he could confirm his suspicions, he heard the witch let out a sudden low roar: "Roar—!"

Then, beside her, a rusted blade abruptly became engulfed in black mist, immense chaotic energy surging around it, before uncontrollably soaring toward the ceiling of the room!


The chaotic energy exploded above, and instantly, the dilapidated roof was blown apart, sending countless stones crashing down toward his head!

"Damn it!"

Hawthorne couldn't help but curse, then quickly rolled to avoid the debris. However, with that roll, he lost the strength to hold onto Yuta's hand, the Purification abruptly ceased, and the witch completely lost control!


She screamed in agony as her body rapidly turned pitch black and began to swell, quickly expanding into an oval shape over two meters tall.

Numerous bloody heads appeared on her surface, and faint wails emanated from within. Anyone who saw this would be terrified into nightmares for days, even to the point of madness! 

This was the Blade Witch, her true form!

As a disheveled Hawthorne scrambled to get up from the dust, he found himself nearly holding his breath at the sight.

Damn it, how did things turn into this?!

There was no time left; he needed to run!

Without daring to delay, he hurriedly pulled out his Introduction to Silver Brush, expending its charge to cast "Longstrider" on himself.

This spell would increase his walking speed by over 30% for the next hour. With its aid, even an ordinary person untrained in running could easily outrun a world champion.

After buffing himself, Hawthorne lingered for just a moment before fully spreading his legs and sprinting away!

Behind him, once the transformation finished, the bloody heads on Yuta's surface began to call out in unison: “Human…”

Then, magical black mist emanated from her lower body, and she began to accelerate rapidly, chasing after Hawthorne! 

Outside South Harbor, Deep Sea Bottom.

Heidi's form slowly sank into this place, gradually reverting to her true shape: a massive tentacle monster with countless green tentacles, its central mouth resembling that of a lamprey, following a swirling pattern, and covered in sharp fragmented fangs like hooks.

Since she would lose control and revert to her true form when Witch's Night arrived anyway, it was better to transform into this shape from the start, making it easier for her to maintain control.

Beside her, various baits were scattered, emitting an enticing aroma that attracted nearby fish.

She needed to feed. During the madness of Witch's Night, if she couldn’t find a target to slaughter, she could potentially lose control and harm herself. Therefore, she needed to attract some fish to avoid inflicting harm on herself.

As time passed second by second, when the twin moons appeared on the eastern horizon, a familiar surge of infinite Magic Power flooded into her body.

It’s here!

Her spirit invigorated as she prepared to relax her will, surrendering her body completely to the uncontrollable Magic Power. From her experience, resistance during this time was futile; it was better to give in early to suffer less.

But this time, she was wrong.

As the power from beyond the world filled her body, the anticipated loss of control did not occur. She felt as if her soul had opened a channel, allowing the extraneous, unfamiliar powers that might cause her to lose control to surge out through that channel, keeping her body in a constant state filled with Magic Power—slightly swollen yet devoid of pain!

As a witch, her very being was primarily composed of Magic Power, and maintaining this stable state allowed her strength to experience a slow but perceptible increase!

This discovery left Heidi momentarily stunned.

What is happening?

Not only did I not go mad during Witch's Night, but I...

Am in a better state and even growing stronger?!


Is this the reason I failed to sense the signs of Witch's Night approaching? 

But why would this happen? This clearly contradicts the rules. I am a witch, one of the magical creatures most susceptible to the influence of chaotic Magic Power in the multiverse...

She couldn't understand, so she calmed herself and focused on sensing the direction from which the Magic Power was escaping, trying to figure out where all that power had gone.

One thing she was certain of was that the Magic Power was flowing upward and then to the north...

That direction was toward the slum in South Harbor District...

Wait, could it be...!

Is it because of the Master?!

Suddenly, she thought of that only possibility, and excitement made her tremble all over, unable to contain herself!

Yes, half a year ago, everything was fine, and there were no unusual occurrences. The greatest change that had happened to her over these six months was being purified by her Master, which filled in the gaps in her body and established a pact with her soul!

Ah, it must be like this. My great Master not only solved the emptiness in my heart but also helped me resolve the painful flaw of Witch's Night...

She felt overwhelmed with emotion, wishing she could immediately return to Hawthorne's side. However, since she had yet to master teleportation, she could only wave her numerous tentacles vigorously and propel her massive body quickly toward the surface of the sea.

The Master is going to subdue Yuta tonight, and the place he mentioned is in the Slum!

With this joyful thought, a faint, fearful, and discordant emotion surfaced in her heart, leaving her utterly confused.

Why do I feel this way?

No, this isn’t my emotion; rather...

It’s the Master!

The Master is in danger right now!

Realizing this, her mood became extremely anxious. She summoned the surging Magic Power within her, releasing it as if it were free, like a powerful jet engine. Instantly, her body accelerated again, swimming swiftly back to the port.

Fortunately, the direction in which the Magic Power flowed served as her best navigation, allowing her to worry little about getting lost as she headed straight for Hawthorne.

How do you feel about the revelations regarding Witch's Night? Do you think Heidi’s newfound abilities will change the game's balance? And what about Yuta—do you think she can be redeemed or will she ultimately pose a threat?

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