The Witch’s Ichor

Exclusivity [25]

This chapter is totally super gay and nsfw!!!
Also it was released 4 days early on my patreon ;)
Enjoy, but not too much!

The salty smell of pretzels fills the restaurant where Zoe and Tracy sit. Zoe takes a big bite of the large soft pretzel Tracy bought her. The warm doughy thing has an impeccable texture, and an even better taste. Tracy is watching Zoe eat, her chin resting on her hand.

"You're always so gosh darn cute when you eat, Zoe." Tracy sighs.

Zoe blushes ever so slightly as she chews her pretzel. The dark haired girl takes a drink of her lemonade before replying to Zoe's words.

"Thank you, but I don't think Theo would like you flirting... or me... flirting back... I dunno." Zoe rambles anxiously.

Tracy narrows her eyes as she listens to Zoe. Something about the way Zoe is treating this feels off. It is almost as if Zoe never verbally promised anything to Theo.

Wait. Maybe that's exactly what's going on?

"Zoe, could you call Theo real quick?" Tracy asks.

Zoe glances up from her pretzel to give Tracy a quizzical look. She finishes another bite of her food before voicing her concerns.

"Um, I guess I can, but Theo hates using the phone... Why do I need to call him?" Zoe asks.

"I want to ask him a question." Tracy offers unhelpfully.

Zoe sighs softly, and pulls out her phone. She dials Theo's number and hands her phone over to Tracy. Zoe watches curiously as Tracy waits for Theo to pick up. It takes a few rings, but he does.

"Hello?" Theo greets.

"Hey, this is Tracy!" Tracy replies.

There's a brief pause as Theo processes the implications of her using Zoe's phone.

"...Why are you calling me using Zoe's phone?" Theo asks, understandably confused.

"Well I was on a little shopping trip with her at the mall and I wanted to discuss some things with you... About Zoe and you." Tracy says ominously.

"I don't see why our relationship is any of your concern, Tracy." Theo replies coldly.

Tracy takes a deep breath, sighing softly.

"It's my concern because I want to take a bite of this adorable girl, but she seems to think she owes you her heart now that you've gone on a date." Tracy says in a husky tone, betraying her desire.

Theo takes a few moments to collect his thoughts before responding.

"Truthfully I do not require her exclusivity as of now... it is still too early for such constraints." Theo says hesitantly.

Tracy quirks her brow and frowns. She replies, her voice laced with venom.

"Are you saying that because you have other girls you want to see, Theodore?" Tracy asks coldly.

"No. I will only be seeing Zoe for the foreseeable future." Theo refutes immediately.

"Then why?" Tracy asks, exasperated.

Theo pauses as he contemplates how to go about this. He deigns to explain the circumstances of the agreement he made with Derek and Jamison.

"...I have promised Derek and Jamison that I would allow them to also confess their feelings to Zoe, in due time." Theo explains in a hushed tone.

Tracy's eyebrows go up as she realizes just how complicated Zoe's love life is going to get. She purses her lips in thought, and then looks at Zoe. Zoe's adorable self is looking at her with a pretzel stuffed in her face. From the girl's soft pinchable cheeks to her ample bust, she is downright gorgeous in Tracy's eyes. It's no wonder all three boys are pining for her.

"...I understand. Mind if I join the fray?" Tracy asks cheekily.

"I-I don't... I can't really stop you from doing so, Tracy." Theo grumbles.

"True. Tell you what, I won't steal her away for myself if you tell her she can go on dates with me too. Deal?" Tracy offers slyly.

Theo processes her offer briefly before agreeing. He doesn't have much room to argue.

"You have a deal, Tracy." Theo replies.

Tracy smiles and passes the phone over to Zoe. Zoe is looking at her curiously, as the conversation sounded bizarre from Zoe's perspective.

"Hello?" Zoe greets.

"Hi, Zoe. I wanted to make two things clear." Theo starts.

"Uhuh?" Zoe nods.

"First off, I will not be interacting romantically with anyone besides you, Zoe." Theo says seriously.

Zoe's cheeks flush slightly at his words, and bites her lip. Theo continues.

"Second off, I am giving you some time to... date freely. I do not want you to rush into things with me and limit yourself, so you can feel free to date others with my blessing." Theo finishes.

"Wait, really? Isn't that like... what's it called... a cu-" Zoe replies with uncertainty

"Zoe, I am not a cuck." Theo cuts her off.

"Jeez, okay!" Zoe giggles.

Tracy smiles as she watches Zoe. The adorable way she laughs is one of Tracy's favorite things about the dark haired girl.

"Now go enjoy your date." Theo urges.

"You're sure it's okay?" Zoe replies hesitantly.

Theo pauses. It's clear he has some misgivings, but he's given Tracy and his friends his word.

"Yes. Goodbye, Zoe." Theo says softly.

"Bye bye!" Zoe chirps.

Theo ends the call, leaving Zoe with Tracy at the mall. Zoe glances up at Tracy to see her staring at her like a carnivore does its prey. Zoe's face gradually reddens as Tracy smiles at her. The athletic girl glances down at Zoe's unfinished pretzel.

"Eat your food, Bunny." Tracy urges.

Zoe blushes a deeper shade of red at the unfamiliar nickname. Tracy grins at this reaction. Zoe obediently picks up her pretzel, and munches on it nervously. It only takes her a minute or so to finish her food. Tracy smiles wide, standing up and approaching Zoe.

"Up." Tracy says sternly.

Tracy's commanding tone isn't too forceful, yet Zoe finds herself quickly standing to fulfill Tracy's order. The way her body jiggles ever so slightly at the sudden upward motion puts a warm fuzzy feeling in her tummy. Tracy takes Zoe's hand and leads her out of the restaurant with casual strides.

What even is happening right now?!

Zoe's boots make a soft 'tak tak' sound as she follows Tracy closely. Zoe marvels at how different Tracy's hand is from Theo's: Tracy's fingers are slender and delicate. Zoe can't stop smiling as Tracy leads her out of the mall.

Tracy doesn't bother glancing back at Zoe to confirm the girl's feelings. She can feel Zoe's excitement in the way her little hand grips onto her. After some time, Zoe's eyes are trained on Tracy's butt. The way it moves in her shorts and flexes is downright hypnotic. This is when Tracy glances over her shoulder.

"Like what you see, Bunny?" Tracy suddenly taunts.

Zoe's eyes snap up to see Tracy looking at her over her shoulder. Zoe's face goes beet red as she quickly covers her eyes with her free hand. Her voice comes out stuttering.

"I-I was just impressed! You're very... toned." Zoe whines.

"Haha... It takes a lot of work. I'm glad you appreciate it~" Tracy winks.

The blush burning up on Zoe's face is almost as hot as the feeling burning between her legs. Tracy pulls her along toward her place. The walk feels like it takes hours, but it's really just a few minutes. Zoe glances at the familiar flower garden as Tracy unlocks the door.

"Mom, I'm gonna be up in my room!" Tracy shouts as she enters.

Tracy's mother is nowhere to be seen, but a voice not too dissimilar from hers can be heard from another room.

"Mkay!" Tracy's mother acknowledges.

Zoe is quiet as a mouse as she follows Tracy upstairs. The pictures on the walls catch Zoe's attention, and she realizes that Matthew is the boy in some of them. Realization dawns on her as she recalls Matthew's resemblance to Tracy.

Huh. So he's Tracy's brother?

Tracy pulls Zoe out of her reverie by literally pulling her into her bedroom. Zoe yelps as she's pressed close against Tracy's firm abdomen and soft chest. Tracy shuts the door, locking it with reddened cheeks.

"You've no idea how badly I've wanted to do this..." Tracy whispers huskily into Zoe's ear.

Zoe's face is already flushed as she feels Tracy's slender fingers trace her chin. Tracy lifts her face, making eye contact. Zoe purses her lips for a moment before pouting at Tracy.

"Wanted to do what, exactly?" Zoe whispers.

"This." Tracy replies.

Tracy's hand gently pulls Zoe's face to her own, and their lips meet in the middle. Zoe's plush lips elicit a moan from Tracy as she kisses the shorter girl. Zoe's heartbeat quickens as she feels Tracy's smooth lips embracing hers tenderly. Zoe can hardly believe how different kissing a girl feels.

She's so soft!

Zoe's eyes flutter open slightly as Tracy pulls away. Tracy flashes a cocky grin as she grabs Zoe by the hips, and lifts her like she weighs nothing. Zoe's eyes widen in surprise as Tracy carries her over to her bed without breaking a sweat.

"W-Warn me next time you do that!" Zoe squeaks.

"Do I have to? It's easy to carry around a little bunny, you know?" Tracy replies coyly.

Tracy doesn't give Zoe a chance to protest as she pins Zoe beneath her. Tracy's hand grips Zoe's head firmly as she kisses her aggressively. Zoe's heart pounds and her body warms as she feels Tracy's primal urges taking over. The way Tracy sucks in Zoe's bottom lip only to gently nibble at it sends tingles up Zoe's spine. It feels like Tracy is a hungry beast, and Zoe a helpless rabbit.

"Mmh- Mwah- Ah-" Zoe whimpers.

"Shhh, Bunny. You don't want anyone to hear, do you?" Tracy teases quietly.

Zoe shakes her head emphatically as Tracy sits up to look down at her. Tracy grips the hem of her own top, and pulls it off over her head. Zoe's eyes widen a little as she takes in the sight of Tracy's almost completely bare upper body. Her toned arms look well defined, yet slender enough to give off a feminine aura. The round shape of Tracy's breasts in her bra is accompanied by her stiffened nipples poking into the fabric. Zoe is practically beside herself with desire as she ogles Tracy's toned tummy, wherein a firm set of abs glistens with a thin sheen of sweat.

"You're so fucking hot, Tracy..." Zoe breaths lustily.

Tracy responds by leaning down and gently playing with the strap of Zoe's dress. She playfully tugs on the strap as if hinting at her desire to strip Zoe bare. Zoe blushes deeply, biting her lip. No words are exchanged as Zoe carefully uses her small delicate hands to push her dress' straps down. The fabric slides down toward her tummy. Tracy sucks in a breath.

"You're a goddess, Zoe." Tracy whispers.

Zoe's previously modest cleavage is now a veritable ocean of sex appeal, or at least that's how Tracy sees it. The deep valley of pale flesh draws Tracy's green eyes like a magnet. Tracy carefully reaches out her hand, and cups Zoe's breast.

She's grabbing them... Oh my gosh...
This is really happening!

Tracy's slender fingers spread out over Zoe's ample breast. She brings her other hand to Zoe's other breast, and begins to squeeze. The sensation of Tracy's slender fingers sinking into her pliable bosom is more intimate than anything Zoe's experienced. She can feel her nipples swelling with arousal as Tracy rubs her thumb across some of Zoe's exposed cleavage. Tracy's face is a mixture of fascination and arousal as she fondles Zoe.

"I... Hah. I can't help myself, Bunny..." Tracy murmurs in a low, sultry tone.

Zoe's chest rises and falls as she pants. The heat of the moment pushes Tracy's urges over the edge, and she casts reason aside. Zoe watches in fascination as Tracy lowers her head toward Zoe's cleavage. Tracy's green eyes stare up into Zoe's dark ones as she gently plants a warm kiss upon Zoe's exposed flesh.

The sensation isn't immensely arousing, but the act and context of it more than make up for that. Zoe gasps as Tracy gently slides her tongue along the curve of Zoe's ample breast. The sensation of Tracy's warm tongue getting closer and closer to where her nipple is hidden drives Zoe crazy with anticipation.

Knock knock knock.

"Tracy! I know you're probably busy, but I need your help getting the old desk out of the attic... It's going to kill me if I try to do it alone, haha." Tracy's mother says through the locked door.

"Fuck... Okay, Mom! I'll be right out!" Tracy curses under her breath before calling out.

Zoe's eyes roll as she lets out a quiet groan of annoyance. She pulls her dress back up whilst Tracy throws back on her top.

I swear this always happens when things are about to get good...

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