The Witch’s Ichor

Helping Hand [29]

This chapter was also released 2 days early on my patreon :3

"Z-Zoe I don't-" Jamison tries to protest.

Zoe's grip on his crotch tightens ever so slightly. The tall boy looks down at the much shorter girl with wide eyes. She carefully traces her small finger along the outline of his staff.

"Jamison. Did you happen to do anything with these before handing them back to me?" Zoe asks suggestively.

Zoe is referring to her panties, held against Jamison's nose. Jamison shakes his head in denial. Zoe's small fingers gently pinch Jamison's base through his jeans. She pulls her old panties from his face.

"You didn't? Then why are you so excited by them?" Zoe deadpans.

"I-I am just reacting to you." Jamison says sternly.

Zoe quirks a smile at that. Her small hands gently slide up from his crotch to his jeans' button. She pops his button open, and unzips them. Jamison looks away. His face is reddening. Zoe's nose twitches at an unfamiliar scent.

What is... this..?

Something churns in Zoe's core as she suddenly pushes her face toward Jamison's crotch. Jamison yelps in surprise as Zoe comes very close to making contact with his underwear clad self. She stops short, and takes a few sniffs.

The intoxicating musky scent wafting off Jamison is like a drug. Zoe nearly loses herself in the urge to press her face against him, but she holds firm. Zoe stiffly pulls her head away before bringing her hand to Jamison's midriff. Jamison is staring at her like she's a ghost.

"What's the matter, Jamie?~" Zoe asks coyly.

Jamison swallows the lump in his throat. He pushes her behavior out of his mind and focuses on her appearance instead. Her top is low cut enough to give him a view of her cleavage, and he can hardly maintain eye contact. She smiles at his predicament.

"I've kind of always wondered what this would be like..." Zoe says softly.

Jamison stiffens up as Zoe's hands grip the hem of his boxers. He relaxes as she slides them down his body. His erection is finally exposed to the girl he adores. Zoe blinks in surprise at it. Her doe eyes glancing at it before looking back up at him.

"Okay, time out! Why is it so big?" Zoe questions.

The sultry mood is put on hold as Zoe voices her concern. Jamison blinks down at her before turning his attention to his engorged staff. There's nothing special about this particular erection.

"Uh... It's normal?" Jamison replies.

Zoe looks back at it and blushes. The look of irritation on her face confuses Jamison. He yelps when she grasps it with her soft hand. The girl's grip is a little too tight. She flinches at his obvious pain, and eases up immediately.

"S-Sorry..." Zoe mumbles.

Jamison breathes out slowly as Zoe's smooth hand slides along his length. The sensation of it sends pulses of pleasure right to Jamison's brain. Zoe is staring at his length in her hands. She's blushing just as much as him.

Blood gradually fills Jamison's length as Zoe stimulates him with her hands. Her confidence returns as Jamison starts to unconsciously buck his hips into her hands. Her lips curl into a smirk as she slows her stroking motions to a stop.

"Huh..?" Jamison murmurs dizzily.

Zoe steps away from Jamison and carefully squats down. Jamison's eyes widen as he watches Zoe pull off her panties right in front of him. The short girl stands back up with the black garment in hand. She's blushing again.

"I'm sure you'll enjoy this, Jamie." Zoe says seductively.

Jamison feels the silky fabric of Zoe's panties wrap around his shaft. The warmth of the fabric fills Jamison with lewd thoughts. He can't help but imagine the vulnerable place this fabric was pressed against moments earlier. Zoe starts to slide her panties along with her hand up and down Jamison's length.

"This... Jesus Christ..." Jamison murmurs.

Zoe giggles as her small hand begins to move faster along his length. It takes a lot of self control for Jamison to not pounce on his small friend. Her brown eyes are sparkling with lust.

Jamison gently leans down toward Zoe. She looks up at him in understanding, and happily presses her plush lips to his. The warmth of Zoe's mouth coupled with the stimulation on his erection is driving Jamison over the edge. He slips his arms behind Zoe.

The squish of Jamison's hands against her butt startles Zoe. Jamison's fingers squish into the doughy flesh as they continue kissing. Zoe's hand continues to jerk her panties up and down his length. Heat rises in Jamison's body. He separates his lips from hers.

"Z-Zoe I-" Jamison stammers.

Zoe's eyes flit from Jamison's face to his nethers. She quickly wraps the soft black fabric of her panties around the end of his shaft, and kisses him. Jamison's eyes widen a little as he feels her tongue slip between his lips. He releases.

The hot pulsing sensations wracking Jamison's body overwhelm him. Zoe keeps her hand on him, letting the discharge soak into her panties. Jamison helplessly bucks his hips against her hand. She carefully squeezes out the last of his orgasm with her hand.

"Feel better, Jamie?~" Zoe asks in a sultry tone.

Jamison whimpers softly.

"Y-Yeah. We should really get back downstairs..." Jamison replies.

Zoe carefully uses her panties to wipe off Jamison's deflating member. He pulls his clothes back on whilst she sniffs her sullied undergarment. Jamison looks over at her with an embarrassed frown.

"I-It smells, sorry..." Jamison apologizes.

Jamison's eyes widen as Zoe slips on her soaked panties without a complaint. The sheer depravity of seeing the dark haired girl slide a piece of fabric covered in his essence up against herself is incredibly arousing. Zoe wiggles in place with a look of uncertainty on her face.

"Feels kind of weird, but not bad." Zoe murmurs.


Tracy frowns as she finishes her glass of soda. Derek and Theo have finished their pizza and drinks, too. The three of them all look at one another with the same thought. The faint sound of footsteps coming down the stairs catches their attention.

That took a suspicious amount of time...

Jamison leads the way for Zoe. The way he avoids his friends' gazes coupled with his flushed complexion is telling. Tracy glances over at Zoe to see her smiling brightly. Whatever happened, Zoe clearly enjoyed it.

"Took you long enough." Derek commends snidely.

Derek gets up from the dining table. He sidles up to Jamison with a scowl adorning his features. He looks Jamison up and down before frowning even more. Zoe walks over to the table and grabs a slice of pizza, eating it.

"So... What happened?" Tracy asks casually.

"Mfh?" Zoe says with her mouth full.

"Did you two fuck, or..?" Tracy elaborates.

Zoe nearly spits out her pizza. She grabs her glass of soda and gulps it down before turning back to give Tracy a pointed look. The way Zoe's cheeks are reddening gives her away.

"So you did!" Tracy exclaims.

"No, We did not!" Jamison defense

Derek scoffs at Jamison's words. Derek wastes no time in pointing down at Jamison's unzipped fly. He tilts his head toward Zoe. They all understand the implications. Zoe is turning a little redder.

"W-We didn't have sex." Zoe defends.

The awkward silence following her statement is quickly broken by the front door opening. There's a tall man with greying hair wearing a suit. He has an uncanny resemblance to Jamison. Jamison blanches as the man steps inside. He looks around the room warily before sighing.

"Jamison, who are these children?" The man asks.

Jamison awkwardly approaches the well dressed man. He clears his throat, and straightens his posture. Everyone else stays quiet.

"They're my friends from school, Sir." Jamison replies respectfully.

The man glances at the teenagers.

He carefully looks at Theo, and nods. 

His gaze passes to Tracy, and he squints. His scrutinizing look softens after a few moments.

 His eyes move over to Zoe, and he scowls at her. Zoe shrinks back.

The man's sharp eyes finally settle on Derek. Derek's lopsided grin does little for him.

The man shakes his head and turns to address Jamison.

"I thought I told you to stop associating with certain crowds, Jamison?" The man asks coldly.

"Won't happen again, Sir." Jamison replies stiffly.

The man walks past Jamison without another word. He opens the fridge and pulls out something. Jamison gestures to the others to follow him outside. They all shuffle quietly out the door, leaving the man behind.

Outside, a rather expensive looking car is parked in the driveway. Jamison takes a seat on the porch. The others follow suit. Tracy turns to Jamison with a curious expression.

"Was that your dad?" Tracy questions.

Jamison tenses up slightly. He nods.

"Yes. He prefers I call him Sir." Jamison replies.

Tracy makes a face at that. Zoe scoffs quietly from her seat.

"He's such a weirdo. Why'd he have to glare at me like that?" Zoe bemoans.

Derek glances over at Zoe. His eyes flit from her shoes to her hair, and he lets out a low chuckle. She's dressed in a lot of black, and the amount of skin showing is nothing to sneeze at.

"I think he's worried you're a harlot coming to snatch his son away." Theo voices Derek's thoughts.

Zoe blushes slightly as she looks over at Jamison. Their earlier moment of intimacy lends some credibility to Jamison's father's concerns. She did in fact initiate that whole ordeal, and she did totally commit some lewd acts with his precious son.

"Oh, and I'm not?" Tracy retorts.

Theo looks at Tracy with a blank look on his face. His eyes trace the curve of her toned body, and he stops at the outline of her bust. Tracy promptly kicks him in the shin.

"Ouch-" Theo yelps in shock.

"That'll teach you to gawk." Tracy huffs.

Theo blushes, holding his shin tenderly.

"Sorry, I was just trying to discern what Jamison's dad thought was so bad about Zoe..." Theo apologizes weakly.

The group all turns their attention to Zoe, and then back to Tracy. Tracy sighs softly as she looks down at herself.

"Yeah, it's got to be the boobs." Tracy says plainly.

"Yep." Derek agrees.

"Probably." Jamison adds.

"Definitely." Theo confirms.

Zoe blinks at her friends in shock. Heat rises to her face. At this rate she'll turn into a tomato, considering how often she's turning red. Her lips form a soft pout as she wraps her small arms around her chest in an effort to cover herself.

"I-I hate you guys." Zoe mumbles.

Tracy immediately pulls Zoe into a gentle hug. She rubs the shorter girl's back as she and the boys exchange guilty looks.

"Sorry, Zoe. We didn't mean to make you uncomfortable..." Tracy apologizes softly.

Zoe calms down a little. She stays cuddled up to Tracy. Jamison stands up hesitantly.

"I should get back inside. He'll be expecting me." Jamison says dryly.

Jamison moves to enter the house, but Zoe's small hand stops him. She's grabbing him by the wrist. Jamison frowns bitterly at her.

"Are you going to stop talking to us like he said?" Zoe asks.

Jamison's eyes flicker away from Zoe's gaze. He carefully uses his other hand to pry Zoe's little fingers away from his wrist. He turns the handle and opens the door. Zoe's face twists in confusion as he starts to shut the door.

"I'll text you guys. Just... hang in there." Jamison says quietly.

"But Jamie-" Zoe starts.

The door shuts in Zoe's face, cutting her off. The four teenagers stare blankly at the front door for several moments. They snap out of it when Zoe stomps off toward the sidewalk. Tracy turns to follow her. Derek and Theo glance at the girls before looking back at the door.

"Do you think Jamison is gonna be alright?" Derek asks quietly.

Theo purses his lips at the question. He can't say for certain.

"Let's hope so. I'd hate to see Zoe upset... well, more upset." Theo replies.

The boys' gazes turn to watch Zoe walk away from Tracy. Tracy is doing her best to comfort the smaller girl, but it isn't working. Derek and Theo step off the porch. They follow the girls.

The sun is setting.

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