The Witch’s Ichor

Romantic Tension [7]

This chapter may contain cuddling, flirting, and internalized phobias!

Several missiles fly across the screen, destroying a cloaked mech in seconds. Theo lets out an irritated groan as Ryker flies past the wreckage of his mech. Derek's round mech crashes into Ryker's mech half a second later, ending the match suddenly.

"God, you are so annoying!" Ryker growls.

"He's annoying? You figured out how to kill me while I'm invisible!" Theo complains.

Ryker giggles cheekily as Derek basks in his victory. Jamison glances at his phone, checking the time. He sets his controller on the table and stands up.

"I think it's time we have some real food, and maybe watch a movie?" Jamison offers.

The other three all nod in agreement. Gaming with your friends for a couple hours works up an appetite that chips and soda cannot quench. Jamison moves into the kitchen, preparing the countertop grill. Derek snags a couple hot dogs from the fridge and puts them on the grill eagerly.

"Dude, it's not even hot yet." Jamison says.

"It won't take long. You got any condiments?" Derek replies.

Derek opens the fridge with a hungry glint in his eyes. The mustard, ketchup, and relish are all there. Derek sets them all out on the counter.

"Help yourself." Jamison replies dryly.

Theo and Ryker enter the kitchen with hungry looks on their faces.

"It'll be a bit before they're ready." Jamison says.

Theo takes a seat at the dining table without complaint, but Ryker lets out an annoyed groan. The pout on his feminine features brings a small smile to Jamison's face. He opens the pantry and hands Ryker a chocolate chip cookie.

"Wait- You've got the good kind!?" Ryker says excitedly.

"Yup, the good kind. Think of it as an appetizer." Jamison says.

Ryker takes a small bite of the cookie as he sits down with Theo at the table. Theo watches him eat with a thoughtful expression. Ryker swallows, raising his brow at Theo.

"What're you staring at me for?" Ryker asks.

Theo pulls out his notepad and pen, flipping to a new page. Ryker gets a brief peek at the previous page. Several bullet points and a sketch of a girl are visible for a half second.

"I'm curious if your transformation is affecting your taste buds. You always liked those kind of cookies, but is there anything different you've noticed?" Theo inquires.

Ryker looks down at the cookie in his hands with a conflicted expression. Ryker listens to the soft sound of the hotdogs sizzling on the grill as he thinks. He looks back up at Theo, and continues.

"Honestly some things do taste a little different, but not that much. I think it might be messing with my head, though." Ryker wrinkles his nose in disgust.

Theo writes down something on his notepad. He looks back up from the notepad, studying Ryker's face. Derek takes a seat at the table with a set of four hot dogs on his plate. Each one is lined with a heavy dose of mustard, ketchup, and relish.

"What makes you think that?" Theo prods.

"Honestly I keep having these weird dreams, and stuff just feels... different." Ryker says softly.

Ryker's introspection is put to a stop when Jamison sets down a plateful of hotdogs in front of Ryker. The wavy lines of ketchup topping the hotdogs puts an excited smile on Ryker's face. Jamison seats himself to the left of Ryker, digging into his own food. Ryker takes a bite before answering Theo.

"Like, last night I had this weird dream where I was getting married to Jamison?" Ryker recalls.

Jamison's usually calm demeanor is shattered. He nearly chokes on his hot dog. Jamison takes a big gulp of mountain dew to wash it down. Derek whistles at Ryker's words, smirking a little as he sets his elbow on the table.

"Damn, someone's got a crush!" Derek laughs.

"It's just the potion, you jerk." Ryker protests.

Derek puts his hands up, and let's Ryker get back to the interview. Ryker's train of thought resumes. He twirls a lock of dark hair around his finger thoughtfully. Theo is sketching something on his notepad.

"Actually, now that I think about it, that macho knight guy in my dream last week was totally Derek..." Ryker mumbles just loud enough for everyone to hear.

Derek's amused smile falls away. Theo writes hurriedly, speculating on paper. Something about Ryker's statement gives Theo pause. He looks up at Ryker.

"Hold on. You said you had that dream about Derek last week?" Theo inquires.

"Uh-huh." Ryker affirms.

"And what exactly was this dream about?" Theo continues.

"I was like a princess in a tower, and a knight-who was Derek-saved me from the dragon." Ryker explains.

"So you have been having dreams about being a girl and fantasizing about boys for at least a week?" Theo extrapolates.

Ryker scrunches up his little nose in disgust. Theo's words are perfectly logical, but the implications unsettle Ryker. Derek and Jamison are both processing what they've just learned.

"I don't like where this is going..." Ryker grumbles.

"Ryker, are you sure you aren't transgender-" Theo asks.

"I'm not! I'm just a normal boy!" Ryker snaps.

Theo stiffens a little at Ryker's outburst. Jamison and Derek both stay quiet. Ryker makes eye contact with Jamison. A wordless plea for help.

"How does everyone feel about watching a scary movie?" Jamison offers a change of topic.

Ryker relaxes as Jamison lists off a few good options for movies. Theo puts away his notepad, and mouths the word 'sorry' to Ryker from across the table. Ryker smiles, mouthing back the words 'its ok' silently.

"I'm all for watching something scary, but it better be good." Derek agrees.

"Of course! I heard there's this new one about tarot cards or something. It looked good?" Jamison offers.

"No, anything but that!" Theo cuts in suddenly.

Derek and Jamison turn to him with matching looks of skepticism.

"Did you watch it already?" Derek asks.

"I have heard stuff about it online, and it's horrible." Theo shakes his head.

Ryker watches the other three talk while chewing on his hotdog. Derek and Jamison trust Theo's judgement on movies, so the movie about tarot cards is tossed out. Ryker is finishing up his meal when Jamison turns to him.

"What about you, Ryker? You good if we watch Blair Witch?" Jamison asks.

Ryker wipes his face with a napkin before nodding enthusiastically.

"Of course! I love that movie!" Ryker exclaims.

"We should have known Ryker has seen it... He's way too into the creepy stuff." Derek laughs.

Jamison nods in agreement. The boys rise from the table, and migrate over to the living room where their assortment of soda and chips await them. Jamison gets the movie ready. Derek and Theo watch Ryker, waiting for him to sit down. Ryker plops his small self down on one side of the couch. Derek manages to slide into the spot beside him before Theo can.

"Did you really just do that?" Jamison asks with a knowing smirk.

"I don't know what you're referring to?" Derek plays dumb.

Theo doesn't say anything as Jamison sits down between him and Derek. Ryker doesn't get what they're talking about, but he's too excited to watch one of his favorites to care. Jamison reaches behind the couch and flicks the nearby light switch, bathing the room in darkness. The mood is set. The movie starts.


The movie is just as good as he remembers it being so far. Ryker watches with rapt attention whilst his friends all show varying degrees of enthusiasm. Derek is laid back casually. Jamison is quietly soaking in the movie. Theo is... asleep.

"Is he seriously asleep?" Ryker whispers to Derek.

Derek hears Ryker's soft words, and turns to look at Theo. Theo's glasses are slipping down his face, and he's using the arm of the couch as a headrest.

"Uh... yeah." Derek replies, whispering back.

Ryker scoffs quietly. He hates it when his friends don't pay attention during movies he's into. Then again, that is probably true for almost everyone. He looks back at the movie.

The cushion Ryker is resting his head on feels super comfy, but why is it warm? Ryker turns in his seat to look behind him. His doe eyes widen a little.

Derek has his arm around me?

Ryker's heartbeat quickens. The intimate situation causes him to wiggle his hips, squirming in place. Derek's husky voice causes Ryker to jolt.

"You comfortable?" Derek asks softly.

It takes all Ryker has to nod shyly to Derek. The situation is something straight out of Ryker's shameful dreams.

Derek gently slides his arm down lower. Ryker's lower back comes into direct contact with Derek's hand. The warmth and firmness of Derek's arm is strangely comforting. Ryker feels his face heating up.

This is amazing!

The movie's more intense scenes pull Ryker's attention back in again. He loves the realism, and the portrayal of the characters in the movie. The climax is approaching.

"Relax. You're all stiff." Derek whispers.

Derek's warm minty breath hits Ryker's cheek as he speaks. Ryker's brown eyes flit over to Derek's face. It's close enough to touch. The rigidness in Ryker's body is a result of him anticipating the movie's finale. He takes a deep breath, yet fails to still his beating heart. Derek's beefy arm behind him and the warmth of his body on his is far too much.

The movie is picking up, so Ryker puts his eyes back on the screen. Multiple perspectives feature in this final segment. The effect is profound, and the climax is unsettling to say the least. Ryker is shrinking back into Derek's embrace by the time the credits roll. The warm sturdy guy makes a perfect shelter.

"That was pretty good." Derek comments.

Jamison stands, stretching as he pauses the credits. He glances down at Ryker with a complicated look in his gentle eyes.

"You two look comfy." Jamison comments.

Ryker's cheeks flush as he grows more self conscious. Derek wraps his arms fully around Ryker, holding the small effeminate boy in an affectionate manner. Ryker's surprised squealing wakes Theo with a start.

"We sure are!" Derek laughs.

"N-No!" Ryker protests.

Derek gently lets go, allowing Ryker to move as he pleases. The small boy stands up so fast he nearly falls over. Jamison gives Ryker a once over. Derek looks like a kicked puppy.

"You okay?" Jamison asks cautiously.

"I-I'm fine." Ryker stammers.

Jamison walks over to the closet. He grabs a few blankets, pillows, and assorted linens.

"Alright, here's the bedding." Jamison says.

Theo sleepily takes his helping of bedding. Derek takes his own bundle with muted enthusiasm. Ryker waits expectantly for a bundle, but Jamison shakes his head.

"You can sleep in my room. Feel free to lock the door, or whatever you wanna do." Jamison explains.

Ryker shakes his head, protesting by reaching for the linen closet with a stubborn look on his small face. Jamison gently grabs his wrist, barely holding it with an apologetic look. Ryker glares up at him with a huff.

"I know you are still one of the guys, but right now I think it's best to keep the cuddling to a minimum, ok?" Jamison says softly.

I wasn't cuddling!

"Fine, but just for now. Once I'm back to normal I want to be treated like usual." Ryker replies.

Jamison walks Ryker upstairs. Family photos line the walls. Ryker doesn't remember ever seeing Jamison's parents. Jamison stops at the third door down, and holds it open for Ryker.

Ryker steps inside and flicks on the lights. Jamison's bedroom is almost exactly how Ryker imagined it. Plain monochrome furniture. An exceptionally tidy bed. No clothes on the floor. A guitar sitting in one corner. Ryker brushes his small hand along Jamison's bed, smiling to himself.

"It's funny, this is exactly how I pictured your room." Ryker giggles.

Jamison smirks at that whilst shaking his head softly. Ryker sits down on the bed with a bounce. He kicks his feet, enjoying how spacious Jamison's bed is.

"I didn't realize I was so predictable." Jamison replies.

"You're always super consistent!" Ryker says smilingly.

Jamison raises his brow at his small friend's words.

"Is that a good thing, or are you calling me boring?" Jamison asks. 

Ryker's soft lips pout as he realizes what Jamison's thinking. He quickly shakes his head. His dark unstyled hair swishes this way and that.

"No! You're awesome! Not boring." Ryker corrects.

"Well that's a relief." Jamison chuckles.

Jamison leans on the doorframe. He gives the room a once over before nodding in satisfaction. He gently pulls the door mostly closed, giving Ryker a soft wave.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Zoe." Jamison says.

Ryker is stunned briefly. Jamison quietly makes his way downstairs while Ryker is still processing the strange warm gooey feeling welling up in his chest.

He called me Zoe!

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