The Witch’s Ichor

Spontaneous Shopping [5]

This chapter contains more anatomy, internalized transphobia, teenagers flirting, etc.


Firm knocking wakes Ryker with a start. His bleary eyes blink rapidly as his sunlit bedroom comes into focus. His mom gently opens the door, and Ryker frantically pulls his blankets up to cover himself. His mother scans him up and down. If she notices anything she doesn't say it.

"Jamison's here. He said you were gonna go with him to grab the snacks and stuff for your little party tonight..?" She explains.

"O-Oh shoot! Yeah!" Ryker affirms.

Silence ensues as the feminine voice that just came out of Ryker's mouth shocks both mother and son. Ryker quickly brings up an excuse for his odd pitch.

"A-Ahem... S-Sorry, I've been feeling a little sick." Ryker lies.

Ryker's mother gives him a disbelieving look. She leaves the room wordlessly, gently shutting his bedroom door. Ryker takes a deep breath.

Oh my god that was embarrassing!

Ryker leaps out of bed and practically throws himself into his closet. The dirty clothing gets him to wrinkle his button nose in disgust.

How did I live like this?
There has to be something clean in here!

Stained shirts and greasy jeans form a hefty pile. The occasional pair of boxers or crusty socks is the icing on the unhygienic cake. Ryker finally settles for a mostly okay smelling shirt and a slightly dirt stained pair of jeans. One look in the mirror makes him cringe at how obvious his bust is.

The hoodie is a must!

Ryker feels a little stuffy as he slips into his hoodie. At least his chest doesn't look so obviously feminine now. Ryker hurries out of his bedroom, taking the stairs two at a time.


Jamison yawns lazily. The sun is already halfway up in the sky, and birds are chirping as they do every morning. The sound of the front door opening catches his attention. He turns to greet Ryker. Instead there's a girl he doesn't recognize. Her black hair stops just above her shoulders, and the hoodie she wears fails to obscure the telltale curve of her breasts. Jamison averts his gaze.

"H-Hey sorry I kind of overslept!" She says.

Her voice is a little familiar, but not immediately recognizable. She has this sheepish smile on her face that Jamison finds adorable.

"It's alright, but who are you..?" Jamison asks casually.

The unknown girl turns pale. She stammers a bit as she avoids eye contact with Jamison.

"I-It's me, Ryker!" She whines.

Something clicks. Jamison's eyebrows go up as he appraises the person standing in front of him. This person looks almost five feet tall, yet Ryker was five feet and eight inches tall last he heard. This person does have an uncanny resemblance to Ryker.

"Hm. Prove it." Jamison challenges.

"You're a real jerk, you know that?" So called Ryker protests.

Jamison smirks at the girl's reaction. She's pretty similar to Ryker, but there's no way Ryker just suddenly grew boobs overnight. The girl claiming to be Ryker crosses her arms over her chest, glaring at Jamison.

"If looks could kill-" Jamison starts to tease.

"The potion." She suddenly says.

The girl's tone is deathly serious. The trip to the witch's shop a couple nights ago comes to Jamison's mind.

"Wait, so it actually did something?" Jamison asks hesitantly.

"Y-Yeah." Ryker affirms shakily.

"What happened to you? Are you... Are you turning into a girl?" Jamison voices the obvious.

Ryker's expression contorts into one of disgust and shame as he looks at his own feet. Jamison's own face wears a puzzled look.

"I-I don't know." Ryker replies shakily.

"I believe you. We probably shouldn't have made you drink that stuff..." Jamison says apologetically.

Ryker's mood shifts to anger. He lifts his head to glare at Jamison, pointing a finger at him accusingly. Ryker's other hand rests on his hip.

"It is so your fault!" Ryker scolds.

"In my defense, Derek started it." Jamison argues.

The sudden feeling of a small finger being jabbed into his chest startles the usually relaxed Jamison. He looks from Ryker's small finger to his adorable angry face. Jamison can't help but start laughing in amusement.

"W-What's so funny?!" Ryker stammers.

Jamison holds a hand over his mouth as if to stifle his mirth. Ryker's hand is gently pushed aside.

"Y-You're just really cute when you're angry!" Jamison chuckles.

Ryker's face goes strawberry red. He balls his little fists into his hoodie pockets, and walks past Jamison onto the sidewalk. Jamison calms himself down while following.

"What's the matter-" Jamison asks.

"Shut up. We're buying the snacks." Ryker cuts him off.


Relaxing jazz music plays over tinny speakers embedded in the mall's ceiling. Water cascades down the fountain's tiered surfaces in the center of the entrance. A few other customers mill about.

"So Derek wants me to grab some mountain dew, doritos, and hot dogs." Jamison lists what Derek requested.

"You need to grab the hotdog buns too." Ryker adds.

The effeminate voice that he speaks in brings some pink to his cheeks. Thankfully Jamison doesn't tease him about it. The two of them step into the only grocery store contained in a mall within existence.

"Welcome." The cashier greets them.

Jamison gives the teenage boy manning the cash register a polite nod. Ryker's dark eyes flit from the boy's face to his own shoes. Something about being in public like this really makes him nervous.

What if someone figures out I'm not a real girl?

Jamison leads the way through the store. He snatches two bags of doritos off the shelf as they pass through the chips aisle. Ryker grabs a bag of hotdog buns.

The hot dogs and soda are close together, so those last two items quickly find themselves in Jamison's arms.

"Let me carry some of that-" Ryker starts.

"Nu-uh." Jamison interrupts.

"What? Why not?" Ryker questions.

Jamison glances over at Ryker's hoodie clad body with a frown. He pointedly looks at Ryker's arms. He looks to his own semi muscular ones.

"No offense, but you're way weaker than you used to be." Jamison comments.

Ryker's face reddens as he shoves Jamison lightly. Jamison doesn't react to the push at all.

"S-Shut up!" Ryker whispers.

Jamison sets the items down on the checkout counter. The cashier helps him scan all the items while Ryker glances down at his phone.

Theo: Hey

Ryker quirks his brow at the out of character greeting. He replies.

Ryker: Hey? What's up?

Theo: I was just wondering if there have been anymore changes

Ryker: Uh well kind of. Jamison knows. I'm shopping with him rn.

Jamison grabs the grocery bags after paying. He walks out with Ryker in tow. Ryker scoffs at how he doesn't have to carry anything.

"I'm not actually a girl now, Jamison." Ryker says sarcastically.

"Could have fooled me." Jamison replies.

"Dude! Ugh. Let's just finish shopping and go to your place already." Ryker grumbles.

Jamison and Ryker walk down the mall corridor for a few minutes. Jamison walks into a department store, and Ryker follows. The items here are kind of pricey for Ryker's taste.

"You getting yourself something fancy or..?" Ryker asks.

"I'm getting you some clothing that fits you properly, knucklehead." Jamison retorts.

Ryker glances around as Jamison leads them into the women's section of the store. His face gets a little pink as he realizes what Jamison means.

"B-But these are women's clothes!" Ryker hisses quietly.

"So what?" Jamison replies at normal volume.

"I can't put them on. That's just weird!" Ryker stammers.

An employee who's working in the area turns to look at them. She spots Jamison's tall masculine self in the women's section and takes it upon herself to approach him. Ryker nearly has a heart attack when they get confronted.

"Did you need help with anything?" The employee offers.

"Yes actually, my friend here needs a wardrobe update." Jamison gestures to Ryker.

Ryker looks away. The employee's blank look turns to a bright smile as she starts talking directly to Ryker about the things he needs.

"So did you need undergarments, tops, or?" The woman asks.

"I mean I don't have any of it, but can I just go with some regular shirts?" Ryker replies dumbly.

"Oh goodness no, you... You'll want the support." The woman explains.

Ryker's cheeks flush at her words. He avoids Jamison's eyes as the woman pulls a few bras off the shelves. She holds them up for Ryker to decide. He chooses the plain black one, and she hands two to Ryker.

"Do I really need more than one..?" Ryker asks meekly.

"Well of course. They can get sweaty and you don't want to wear a dirty bra." She lectures.

"O-Okay." Ryker nods.

The employee then moves over, grabbing a couple pairs of matching plain black panties. Ryker's jaw drops as she hands them to him casually. Jamison is wisely looking away from the situation at hand.

Girl underwear, seriously?!

"Now since its nearly winter you'll want something warm. How's this?" The woman asks.

She's holding up a white sweater which leaves the shoulders exposed. Ryker meekly nods at her, so she puts it with the other items. The employee grabs a long sleeved shirt with a cartoon graphic on the front.

"Isn't that too childish?" Ryker asks hesitantly.

"What? No!" She objects.

"It'll look cute on you, don't worry so much." Jamison interjects.

Ryker's face feels hot. The employee smiles a little at the exchange. She grabs a pack of black socks and hands them over to Jamison before turning back to Ryker. She has two pairs of black leggings.

"These okay for bottoms?" She checks with Ryker.

"Yes?" Ryker replies, unsure of what he's being shown.

The employee passes the leggings over to Ryker. She smiles brightly at Ryker, and nods as if proud of herself for helping pick out a couple outfits. Her eyes fall to Ryker's worn out sneakers.

"Oh, you need shoes..." She trails off.

"What's wrong with mine?" Ryker pouts.

"Honey those are really beat up. How about getting a pair like these?" She offers.

The employee is holding a pair of black leather boots. They're a little punk, but not too over the top. Ryker's eyes light up before he looks away.

"I-I'm not sure I can afford all of this..." He stammers.

"I told you, I'm paying." Jamison reminds him.

The employee gives the pair a knowing smile as she guides them over to the counter. The items all cost more than Ryker could afford, yet Jamison pays for it all.

"You can get changed in our changing rooms. They're at the back." She points them out.

Ryker meekly nods. Jamison leads Ryker over to the changing rooms, and hands over the outfit with the shoulderless sweater. Ryker takes the items tentatively.

"I-Is this really okay? I feel weird mooching off you, and wearing this stuff!" Ryker whines.

"Yes it's okay. You don't have to be a girl to wear girl clothing, silly." Jamison comforts.

"But I-" Ryker protests.

"No buts. Go on and get changed." Jamison stops him.

Ryker pouts as he enters the changing room. Taking off his dirty clothing is a relief, but putting on the feminine undergarments is a trial for Ryker. He tears up a little when he realizes his manhood is missing.

"Everything okay?" Jamison asks softly through the door.

"N-No! It's gone!" Ryker whimpers.

"What? What's gone?" Jamison asks.

Ryker doesn't explain himself. He slips into the matching panty and bra set before sighing in relief. The comfort provided by the bra is more worthwhile than he expected.

The leggings are a bit cumbersome to slip on. They're really tight on his hips especially. The top is as easy as any normal sweater, albeit a bit colder. The socks and new boots come last.

Holy shit!
I look adorable!

The full length mirror provides a view of his new outfit on his new body. Ryker looks like an ordinary cute girl. Ryker's dopey grin falls as he realizes that he's not really the girl in the mirror.

Why do I feel so sad all of a sudden?

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