The Witch’s Ichor

Uneasy Alliance [17]

Chappy contains medical emergencies and some flirty stuff, also protective dad energy!

The electronic beeps and boops of the arcade machines provide an air of nostalgia. Two teens sit across from one another in a booth. The tall boy, Jamison. The short girl, Zoe.

Zoe squints at Jamison's face. He's acting like he's fine, but Zoe can tell something is wrong. Zoe takes another bite of her cotton candy.

What's he hiding from me?

The sound of the nearby door opening catches Zoe's attention. She looks over to see Theo and Derek walking over with sour looks on their faces. Derek looks even agitated more than usual.

"What happened? You guys seem super out of it." Zoe questions.

Jamison's finger taps out a rhythm on the table. He offers a flimsy excuse.

"Oh nothing really important. Let's just eat for now, yeah?" Jamison replies.

Zoe is content to eat more of her cotton candy. Her brown eyes flicker to Theo's face. He's so pale he looks like a ghost, and he's trembling slightly. Zoe shifts her attention to Derek. The beefy boy is grimacing as if in immense pain, but he forces a smile upon noticing Zoe's gaze. She turns back to Jamison and nearly drops her cotton candy.

"You're bleeding!" She yelps.

Jamison's eyes widen as he realizes he's been caught with blood trickling from his nose. Zoe immediately reaches over with a napkin to wipe off the blood, but she can't reach. Derek and Theo give Jamison a death glare as Zoe leans over the table. Jamison wisely takes the hint and stops Zoe from helping him as she attempts to get closer.

"I-I got it, don't worry." Jamison insists.

"But you're bleeding! Let me help!" Zoe complains.

Jamison uses a napkin to wipe his nose before gently putting pressure on it. Zoe pouts up at Jamison like he's just committed a grave offense. The looks Derek and Theo give Jamison ensure he doesn't waver. Jamison carefully removes the napkin to reveal his unbloodied nose.

"All good now, see?" Jamison replies.

Zoe sighs, nodding her head in agreement.

"Well at least it stopped bleeding... Did you hit your head or something?" Zoe questions.

Jamison gives Derek and Theo a panicked glance.

"I-I uh... I just tripped and smacked my nose on a dumpster out back." Jamison lies.

Derek and Theo give him a thumbs up. Zoe glances at them, so they immediately pretend they weren't doing anything out of the ordinary. Their 'not doing anything' faces are ironically highly conspicuous.

What's up with these dorks?
I've never seen them all so nervous.

"That's pretty clumsy of you... Usually you're so nimble!" Zoe remarks.

Jamison is sweating bullets. He swallows the lump in his throat, and tries to act like everything is fine. That's when Theo's head hits the table. The sound of him falling face first onto the table startles the whole crew, and Zoe squeals in shock.

"Oh my god, did he just pass out?!" Zoe squeals.

Derek and Jamison exchange a panicked look as Zoe pulls the unconscious Theo up in his seat. Her small hands gently check his pulse. He's burning up terribly, so she pushes her cold unopened sprite to his forehead. Zoe's hands slips over his as she tries to comfort her weakest friend.

"Z-Zoe maybe you should... Ah..." Derek stammers.

"He passed out!" Zoe defends her actions.

Theo's eyelids flutter as he comes to. He feels the cold can on his forehead and a soft hand holding his. The first thing Theo sees as he opens his eyes is Jamison's accusatory glare. The gentle sensation of Zoe's hand in his is almost enough to convince him to ignore Jamison. Almost.

"I-I'm fine now, Zoe." Theo murmurs.

"You're fine? Theo, you just lost consciousness!" Zoe argues.

Theo manages to pull his hand from Zoe's grasp. He smiles apologetically as he takes the can from Zoe and holds it to his own forehead. Jamison's glare relaxes. Derek's eyes also lose their edge as Theo honors their unofficial truce.

"God you guys are just so intent on ignoring your own health!" Zoe complains.

"Nah, we're just made of tougher stuff." Derek argues.

Zoe turns to Derek as if to argue, but her eyes catch on the boy's arm. There's no potion to blame for her attraction now. She squeezes her bunny to her chest before glaring up at Derek.

"You guys are just acting tough." Zoe grumbles.

Derek puts his arms behind his head as if he doesn't have a care in the world. He leans back in his seat casually. Jamison is giving Derek a threatening glare.

"Not acting, we are tough. Well maybe not Theo, but Jamison and I- ouch!" Derek starts to gloat.

Derek's face twists into a pained grimace. The cushioning of the chair puts enough pressure on his wound to cause excruciating pain.

"Fuck- ouch... ah..." Derek curses, and then realizes Zoe is looking at him.

"...Is your back hurting?" Zoe asks coldly.

The accusatory look in Zoe's doe eyes makes it tough to lie. Jamison gives Derek a shake of the head. Theo is too out of it really care. Zoe gently pulls Derek's shirt up and pulls him to check what's going on with his back. Jamison makes a neck slicing motion at Derek.

"Z-Zoe, knock it off." Derek protests.

Derek doesn't really fight the girl's efforts. Her eyes linger on the toned muscle she's just exposed, but she forgets that after seeing the bloodied state of Derek's back. Her small hand starts to tremble. Derek tugs his shirt back down.

"Zoe, are you okay?" Derek asks worriedly.

Jamison's expression shifts to one of concern as Zoe shakes like a leaf. Derek gently holds her shoulders, and brings his eyes to her level. Zoe slowly stops shivering and looks back at Derek.

"Y-You're really hurt! It's all scraped up!" Zoe whimpers.

Zoe grabs Derek in a hug, but she makes sure not to put her hands where his wound is. Derek gives Jamison a helpless look. Theo is awake enough to see what's going on, and he watches with a complicated expression.

"I-I'm totally okay, Zoe. Please don't worry so much-" Derek starts.

"No you're not! Of course I'd worry about my best friends... You guys are like brothers to me." Zoe argues, her face in Derek's chest.

There's a very long awkward silence after that. Jamison looks a little ill, and Derek doesn't look much better. Theo's complexion doesn't change, albeit he was already white as a sheet. Derek gently removes Zoe from him. She whimpers as she's pulled off Derek's sturdy body.

"I... think we should take you home." Derek says quietly.

"What? No! It's... well it is past eight..." Zoe replies.

"Yeah I think your parents would kill us if we didn't bring you home, Zoe." Jamison adds.

Derek slips out of the booth and stands. Zoe follows him with a forlorn expression. Theo follows them with shaky steps. Jamison helps Theo up. Derek and Jamison wordlessly help Theo walk. Zoe smiles at how they help one another unprompted.

"I'm glad we're all such good friends." Zoe comments with a naïve smile.

"Y-Yeah, haha." Jamison laughs awkwardly.

The walk out of the arcade is quite the ordeal. They manage to get Theo back on his feet by the time they're outside, but it's slow going. The passing cars draw Zoe's attention. Zoe purses her lips as she looks from the road to Jamison.

"Jamison, how come you don't drive to school?" Zoe asks.

"Oh I do sometimes, but gas does cost money." Jamison replies.

Zoe nods in understanding. Jamison does come from money, but his parents are very strict on how much he spends. Zoe isn't really sure what his parents are like. Her only knowledge on them comes from Jamison's stories.

"Hey Jamison... what're your parents like?" Zoe questions.

"My parents? Ah... They're alright, I guess." Jamison replies indifferently.

Jamison frowns slightly as he walks side by side with Zoe. The group is entering the suburbs now. Jamison's eyes linger on a particular house's porch. There's a child's bike leaning up against the brick wall. A mismatched set of chairs sits around a well used table. Chalk drawings adorn the sidewalk leading up to the door.

"They're never home." Jamison adds.

"Why not?" Zoe prods.

"I guess because they're working all the time. Off at meetings, company events, and other stuff like that." Jamison replies bitterly.

Zoe's expression shifts to one of concern as her tallest friend's mood goes sour. She looks ahead to see a familiar street, and an idea worms its way into her head. She skips a few paces ahead of the group, and starts walking backwards.

"Hey Derek, you remember what you said when we saw the witch's shop?" Zoe asks.

Derek's pained look fades as he recalls their trip to the witch's shop. Derek said a lot of things on that outing, but he can't remember anything specific. Derek shakes his head.

"Nah, I don't really remember. What was it?" Derek replies.

Zoe keeps walking backwards toward their destination. Derek's words bring a sneaky smile to her face. She blushes as if she's about to say something embarrassing, and shouts.

"Last one there's a pussy!" Zoe shouts.

The boys can hardly believe their ears. Zoe immediately spins around and starts running toward her home. Derek starts to laugh as he watches Zoe's dark hair flap in her wake. Theo breaks into a sprint without hesitation.

"Guess we'd better start running?" Derek remarks.

"You go on ahead. My head is fucking killing me." Jamison replies.

"Suit yourself, pussy." Derek jokes.

Derek feels a strange sense of deja vu as he runs after Theo and Zoe. Last time it was a forest. Now it's a suburban neighborhood. Derek's legs carry him forward faster than his peers. He passes Theo quickly, and catches up to Zoe.

"You- Huff- Are so- Huff- Fast! Hah-" Zoe pants out.

Zoe's house is just around the corner now. Derek could pass her and take first place, but he'd rather let Zoe win. Her smile should be worth it.

"I WIN! Hah... haha..." Zoe yells.

Zoe flops onto the grass after proclaiming her victory. Derek walks up beside her, and sits down. Zoe's usually pale cheeks are flushed bright red. Her smile is enough to melt the coldest of hearts. Theo is the next to arrive.

"Hah... That was... not bad." Theo wheezes.

"You feel better?" Zoe asks him.

"Yeah. I think I needed the workout." Theo replies with a chuckle.

Theo takes a seat on the sidewalk in front of the other two. The boy pulls off his glasses, and wipes away sweat with his shirt. Eventually Jamison shows up, and he's last place. Zoe sits up when she hears his footsteps.

"Heh. You're the pussy." Zoe mumbles hysterically.

"Yup, you got me." Jamison agrees.

The sound of the front door to Zoe's house opening catches the teens off guard. Standing on the porch is Zoe's father. The imposing man's gaze first fixes on Derek. The way his brow twitches gives Derek goosebumps.

"Hey, Dad!" Zoe exclaims.

Jamison's height puts him next on the list; Zoe's father gazes at Jamison like he's calculating the best way to cut down an unwanted tree growing in his front yard. Jamison shudders.

"You boys best run along, now." Zoe's father says ominously.

Derek and Jamison immediately start walking. Theo is still sitting on the sidewalk when Zoe approaches her father. Zoe and her father embrace one another, but her father stares down. Theo's toes start to tingle. He gets up, and speed walks away.

"What the- where did they go?" Zoe wonders aloud.

"They probably went home, kiddo." Zoe's father replies.


Three figures sit around a fire. The flickering orange flame licks at the darkness like a dragon's tongue. Each figure is obscured by a hood, and they sit upon carved oak stumps. The tallest figure tosses a dry gnarled branch into the fire, and it crackles with life.

"The terms of the pact?" The tallest one beckons.

The shortest of the three pulls a leather-bound tome from behind his back. The suspicious book is branded with a triangular rune. The shortest figure flips to the first page, and begins reciting the scripture in a hushed voice.

"The first term: thou shalt not touch the chosen." The shortest whispers.

The bulkiest of the hooded ones stomps his foot into the black soil beneath the brazier. His dissatisfaction doesn't stop the ceremony.

"The second term: thou shalt not speak foul things to the chosen." The shortest hisses.

Another outburst from the bulkiest of the three. His obscured hands clench into fists. The tallest turns to look at the bulkiest for a moment, but does not speak.

"The third term: thou shalt not bestow offerings to the chosen." The shortest murmurs.

Finally the bulkiest grabs the firepit by the rim, and overturns it! The flames scatter harmlessly into the black soil, yet the tallest and shortest figures stand with a shout.

"Dude, what the fuck?!" Theo shouts.

Theo pulls his hoodie's hood aside, and clutches his 'tome' to his chest. The bulky figure tears off his jacket and tosses it to the ground in a fit of anger.

"This is bullshit! I don't want to do this." Derek snaps.

The tallest figure removes his hood with a flourish. His hand gently grips Derek's shoulder.

"I get how you feel, but Zoe sees us as her brothers." Jamison argues.

Derek's anger wavers. He takes a seat with his head in his hands. The signals all feel so mixed, and he's afraid to ask Zoe how she feels. Jamison and Theo take their seats.

"...This is for Zoe." Derek mumbles.

Jamison nods resolutely. Theo tosses the 'tome' into the still burning flames.

"For Zoe."

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