The Wizard’s Fairy Tale

Chapter 12 Reorganize the Formation

Jacques Porter was hung on a frame at the entrance of the village, and the villagers could see his pain as long as they turned their heads.

No one dared to speak for Jacques Potter.

Even Jacques' father and brother didn't have the courage to stand up.

On the contrary, the whole family lowered their heads, almost burying their heads in the ground, for fear that their breath would disturb others.

The whole place was oppressively quiet.

At this time, no one dared to question William's authority.

Even if he looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, even if he didn't look strong or ferocious, even if he only brought a few entourages with little force.

All the villagers are waiting for William to call the shots!

Violence, though not the strongest method of governance, is always the fastest and most efficient method of governance.

William stepped onto the stone platform again, and Old John and the others stood beside him in high spirits, with their heads held high.

Although no one dared to speak anymore, William couldn't help frowning due to the chaotic situation below.

The villagers below saw it, and they all became frightened. They didn't know who had offended the brutal lord again, and they all prayed in their hearts that it would not be me, not me, not me!

William really couldn't stand it anymore, and wanted to let his entourage organize the formation, but he was afraid that they would not understand his intentions, so he had no choice but to leave the field himself.

He walked down from the stone platform and came to the front of the few villagers.

When the villagers saw William approaching, they were all trembling with fright.

William didn't care about this, he directly ordered a villager to take a few steps forward.

Although the villagers were afraid, they did not dare to resist. They resigned to their fate and walked to the location designated by William, waiting for the arrangement of fate.

Unexpectedly, William ignored him at all, but called five villagers from other places to stand at a place parallel to but not far from the position of the first villager!

Six villagers stood terrified.

At this time, William shouted to the villagers again, Anyone who lives with the people in front should stand behind, one by one!

As soon as the words came out, the villagers became commotion again.

They thought that William would not spare even the family members of the villagers.

Only old Gretel in the center of the crowd was thoughtful.

Among the few villagers standing in front of him, one of them burst into tears, and he said to William weeping bitterly, Oh, lord, if there is a mistake, please punish me, my family is innocent, no I should be implicated because of my fault, please, kind lord, please let my family go!

As soon as he said this, the others who hadn't cried before also started to cry, and all of them begged William for forgiveness.

Old John came over and shouted loudly, Damn it, you untouchables, are you ordering the baron to do something?

Master John, that's not what we mean! Look at your son, please help us plead with the lord to let our family go! The villagers were flustered when Old John said it, and they hurriedly pleaded.

Hearing the villagers call him Master John, old John's eyes flashed with a trace of complacency, but he always knew the source of his honor and did not lose himself.

He took a peek at William and found that his brows were tightly frowned, thinking that he was still angry, he immediately adjusted his position in his heart, made a fierce look on his face, and said cursingly, Stupid untouchables, why wait until winter comes? Why don’t you know you need to store food until you’ve made a mistake? Why wait until you make a mistake and know it’s wrong?”

Enough, shut up! William couldn't help shouting angrily.

Old John and the villagers were frightened and obediently shut their mouths.

William looked around and finally landed on the villagers in front of him. He sighed and said helplessly, I don't intend to punish you and your family...

hear this,

Those few villagers and their families were overjoyed.

However, if you don't do what I ask, it's hard for me to guarantee that I won't vent my anger on you.

The few villagers became panicked again.

Now, you stay where you are, and ask your family members to stand behind you! William shouted expressionlessly.

The voice passed.

Soon a young villager stepped out from the crowd and staggered towards one of the villagers.

With the first, soon there is the second.

Not long after, the family members of those six villagers came out and stood behind them.

But then a new problem arose.

There was a family member of a villager, who didn't know if he was stupid or stupid, and a bunch of people piled up behind him, making a mess.

This caused the unknown fire in William's heart to reignite.

He walked over angrily, grabbed one of the villagers, pinned him behind the villagers in front, and then cursed at the villagers who were emitting a foul smell, Damn it! Row one by one, one by one! Otherwise, I'll hang you all behind, with that Jacques!

Fear motivates people.

The villagers were frightened by William, and they didn't dare to breathe immediately, and they lined up obediently.

Seeing the six relatively straight lines, William felt a little relieved.

He called again, Old John!

My lord, I will always be by your side!

According to my method, you put these villagers behind them in an orderly manner one by one! William pointed to the remaining villagers.

Yes! Your order is my will! Old John answered, called his son, blacksmith and carpenter, and went to rectify the remaining villagers.

It took almost the time for a candle to burn, and when the sun turned the whole village golden, all the villagers were lined up in six long zigzag lines with families as units.

There is no way to compare it with the tofu cube army formation in the previous life, but it is better than the messy situation in the morning.

At a glance, it is clear at a glance!

And also organized.

The venue seemed much wider, instead of being crowded with people like in the morning, there was almost no place to stand!

Old John praised him right next to William, My lord, you are the wisest lord I have ever seen, as radiant as the sun in the sky!

Okay, old John, don't say these words. What I hope is that you can learn this management method as soon as possible, so that I can relax a bit, okay? Not these beautiful words! Old John, you are like my Left hand and right arm, I hope that one day, you can help me with anything like my arm. I also hope that one day, I will call you Sir John instead of Old John. Little John should also be like A real knight, on a horse, in all directions! Say it, my Uncle John!

Old John's eyes were suddenly filled with shame, and his face flushed.

A baron who personally went out to deal with the untouchables, and a baron who personally rectified the village team, was not showing his outstanding ability, but the shame of their followers.

Lord Baron, I swear on the life of me and my child that I will not let you down! Old John said heavily.

Well! I believe there will be that day! William nodded calmly, and then said, Take out those two pieces of parchment, go down, count each house for me, and see who hasn't come?

Old John's eyes lit up as he listened.

William had asked him to check the number of people in the village and write them down on parchment, and now they line up according to family units.

In this way, as long as we look at the parchment and investigate each family unit, we can quickly know the specific situation of each family.

The situation of the territory is as clearly visible as the palmprint on the lord's hand!

Unlike other lords who have only a half-knowledge of the situation in their territory, they call the villagers for a meeting, and they don't know who will come and who will not!

Of course, the premise is that other lords have called the villagers to hold a meeting!

William's methods are really high! too high!

Old John couldn't help but said to William again, Master Baron, please allow me to express my best wishes to your wisdom...

Old John, let's do something. William shook his head, interrupting Old John's involuntary flattery.

Yes, Lord Baron. Old John's face turned serious, he answered, and went to work!

With William suppressing him, no one present dared to move.

After another candle was burning, John Sr. and his son John Jr. finally counted their attendance and reported it to William.

Lord Baron, I found out that there are a total of twelve people who have not come. When Old John said this, his expression was a little angry. His Excellency wanted to speak, but he dared not come?

Lord Baron, I think these people are ignoring your authority and need to be severely punished! Old John suggested.

Let their family members call them here first!

Lord Baron, I've already ordered someone to call. Old John said hastily.

Well, not bad. William boasted casually, and Old John was immediately elated.

The village is not big, and it didn't take long for these twelve people to be called.

Rows of villagers dared not speak, so they could only watch them.

This made the twelve villagers who were already flustered even more frightened.

With such a mood, they walked up to William.

The fate of Jacques Porter being hung at the entrance of the village, and the quiet performance of the villagers made these twelve villagers dare not be presumptuous at all.

One of them, wanting to explain, hurriedly said, Noble Lord Baron, I am here for...

William waved his hand to stop him from speaking.

Old John immediately scolded, Untouchable, the Baron didn't speak, who told you to speak without authorization! Your mouth should be sewn up so that you can't eat any bread and starve to death!

The villager was trembling with fright.

William shook his head helplessly again, stopped Old John, and said, Enough, Old John.

Only then did Old John shut his mouth.

William looked at them and said, I don't care what your reasons are, but it's a fact that you didn't attend my meeting!

Old John, write down the new regulations on the parchment! The second regulation of Dikasland, whoever is absent from the important meeting of the lord without reason and does not report in advance, depending on the situation, can be whipped five to twenty times. and so on, from a silver franc to a pisc.

When it came to whipping, the twelve villagers didn't have much reaction, but when it came to punishing a franc silver coin or even a piss gold coin, the faces of the twelve villagers immediately turned pale, Master Baron, please Tolerance! We will never dare again!

Old John's salary is only 9 silver francs a month now.

And a kilogram of rye only sells for 3 copper coins.

Villagers have to sell about thirty-five kilograms of rye to earn one silver franc.

The punishment here is too heavy for them.

Old John remembered cheerfully, in his opinion, these untouchables should be punished before they are obedient!

At this time, William changed his pen and said again, However, when I asked Old John to notify you, I didn't say that I would not be punished, so I don't care about today's matter!

The twelve villagers kowtowed desperately excitedly, My lord is merciful, my lord is merciful!

However, from today onwards, those who are absent from the meeting without reason and who disturb the order like today will be punished by the laws and regulations of Dikas Territory! Do you know? William looked at the rows of villagers below with serious eyes, asked loudly.

Understood! The villager replied weakly.

I can't hear you, speak up! William said coldly.

I know! At this moment, the villagers used all their strength to make humans!

William nodded in satisfaction, called the twelve villagers down, and started today's speech.

At this time the sun has risen high!

Villagers, good morning! I am your lord, the son of Grand Duke Odyssey VII, the owner of the principality, Baron William Odyssey. You can call me Baron William or Baron Dikas!

What happened in Dikasland in the past, whether it is right or wrong, is yesterday's chapter and has passed.

Now, you must follow my rules!

William said domineeringly.

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