The Wizard’s Fairy Tale

Chapter 26 Guard One

Five days later, in the small earthen house in the center of Nisai Village.

It was near noon, and the sun was a little bit hot. William stood alone in front of the earthen house, his face sinking like water, and he looked ahead motionlessly.

Old John walked over heavily with a few villagers, and the villagers all carried several rectangular rough wooden shields in their hands.

When he came to William, Old John asked the villagers to put down their wooden shields, and waved them away.

Old John reported to William, Master Baron, the ten wooden shields you asked to make have already been made! Each weighs about five pounds!

William casually glanced at the rough wooden shield brought over.

It may be the pursuit of speed, there are still wooden thorns on the wooden shield that have not been cleaned, but these are minor problems, as long as there is no problem with the general structure, it does not insist on how excellent it is!

William hummed lightly, indicating that there was no problem, and turned his head again, looking forward.

Most of the villagers went out to find the treasure that William wanted, or they went to work in the fields. There was nothing in front of William, and they didn't know what he was looking at!

Old John didn't leave, hesitated for a moment, and reported, My lord, because your request is urgent, and Charles couldn't make it by himself, so he asked Merton, a carpenter in the village, to help. He has enough wood there. For each wooden shield, he was paid fifty copper francs. Merton was given four francs in silver.

Military products are indeed huge profits!

People with skills can find food everywhere!

These are the two thoughts that flashed through William's mind instantly.

But that's all! His current focus is not on money!

As long as money buys him what he wants, it's not a problem.

So he just said to old John, Okay, put it on the account.

Because the recent expenditures are too large, William can't just rely on Old John's brain to check the accounts. This is not a matter of trust, but a problem related to the future system.

So William used a blank piece of parchment and recreated a new financial form.

It can't be called a financial form, it can only be said to be an accounting form, or a simplified version.

The horizontal column is the time, and the vertical column is the expenditure item and expenditure amount.

William asked Old John to fill in the expenses according to the date of the day as long as he had expenses. This way, it is much simpler and clearer.

It will be convenient for William to reconcile accounts in the future.

William doesn't care much about money, but he cares if others fool him like a fool!

Although he felt that Old John would not do this, what about the others?

Beware of unburned!

Yes, Lord Baron! Old John replied, but did not leave, but stood silently beside William.

William didn't say anything either.

Huchihuchi... da da da... hu chi hu chi... da da da...

At this time, a mess of running and panting sounds came from the front.

Accompanied by this voice, a crooked team appeared in front of William and Old John.

Seeing this scene, William frowned, but Old John was happy.

This crooked line is not long, and there are only ten people at full count.

These ten people were the first members of the escort that Old John had found.

The one in the lead is a strong man with a beard on his face. He pants more gently and looks relatively relaxed. Who else is not Jacques Potter who offended William and was hanged at the entrance of the village by him?

After Jacques Potter was punished by William, his prestige in the village plummeted!

The villagers are not as afraid of him as they used to be!

He didn't dare to extort food from other villagers at will like before!

But his appetite was too big, and there were several boys in the Potter family, which could not satisfy his appetite.

So Jacques Potter was hungry every day.

Until William's recruitment notice spread in the village.

Jacques Porter, who heard food included, decided to sign up.

His father and brothers all beat him, saying that he had offended the Lord Baron, and the Lord Baron would not recruit him into the guard, and told him not to appear in front of the Lord Baron, lest the Lord Baron take his anger to their house!

Because of Jacques Porter's matter and the matter of exchanging gold grass for money, Old John has never given their family a good face!

The Potter family was afraid that Jacques Potter would add fuel to the fire, and they would get out of control when the time came, and the consequences would be disastrous!

As a result, Jacques Potter became angry. He quarreled with the old Potter and his brother, and shouted, I would rather be beaten to death by the baron than starve to death!

Then I ran to Old John to sign up.

Many villagers were full of hatred for Jacques Potter, and they were all ready to watch Jacques Potter's jokes.

Unexpectedly, Old John, who was in charge of the registration, asked Jacques Porter's age (he was 20 years old), then pondered for a long time, looked at Jacques Porter several times, and finally went to the earthen house to ask William's opinion.

William was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and let Jacques Porter come in to guard the team!

William is confident and capable, and he is not afraid of Jacques Porter turning upside down!

The selection of Jacques Porter broke the glasses of the villagers in the small village of Nisai, and aroused the enthusiasm of the villagers to sign up.

Some village households who had no intention at first also asked their children to sign up with Old John and accept the screening!

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………

Running in the second position, a short distance away from Jacques Porter, is a relatively clean and upscale boy!

little john!

Old John's son, sweetheart!

Drake John!

15 years old this year!

His face was flushed with sweat, his teeth were gritted, his face was staring, and he was running desperately, chasing the back of Jacques Potter.

He is also the reason why Old John didn't leave to busy with other things for the time being.

Seeing his son working so hard, Old John felt distressed.

He only had this child when he was older, and he has always been very fond of him!

He wanted to tell William to reduce the intensity of training, but seeing William's silent face, Old John shut his mouth again, and could only cheer his son up in his heart.

Not far behind Derek Old John, are the youngest son of the Old Gretel family, Little Gretel, the two sons of the Miller Adams family, Kyle Adams and Rick Adams, and the swineherd Hurst family. Jerry Hurst, the oldest son, Greg Flake, the cattleman boy, Jack Smith, Big Farmer Smith, Mike Chris, Big Farmer Colliss, and running last, Physique The skinniest Kerry Mark.

Except for Kerry Mark, the only child from a poor family, the others are basically the sons of rich families in the small village of Nisai.

With the exception of Jacques Porter, few others had the physique that William required.

But this is already the best source of soldiers in the village!

William had no choice but to start training from scratch.

In about a minute or two, Jacques Porter ran up to William and stood in a certain position, a little proud that he was the fastest and best runner.

Jacques Porter panted slightly, looking at William, waiting for his instructions.

William was sullen and said nothing.

This made Jacques Porter a little disappointed.

Another minute or two later, Derek John also ran up to William, and stood beside Jacques Porter, panting, looking at William, feeling a little apprehensive and ashamed!

Jacques Potter glanced at Derek John with disdain in his heart, wanting to compare me to Jacques Porter, you are still far behind!

After Drake John stood still, several other members of the guard team also ran up to William one after another, each standing in a fixed position, panting heavily.

Ten people stood in a straight horizontal line.

No one dares to speak, no one dares to line up indiscriminately!

This is the rule that William set with them three days ago, the day the guards were first formed.

This is an unquestionable and firmly enforced team rule!

Anyone who violates the team rules will be punished!

From the most basic push-ups—the baron calls the action of putting your hands on the ground and lifting your body up and down—to whippings, and the most serious ones are directly expelled from the guards!

The day the Guardians were formed, everyone except Drake John and Kerry Mark was punished.

They don't want to be fined again!

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