The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 434: 1 everything is in my calculations

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Earl Kiri's mansion.

in the conference hall.

The pharmacists present looked at Ryan, Sophia and Earl Kiri in horror.

In this world, there are ultimate creatures that surpass human beings, and there are extraordinary powerhouses who can defeat the army by one person. This extraordinary creature is called Gorefiend, and the hero that humans fight against is called Bloodhunter.

This is the truth hidden in the darkness of this world!

Ninety-nine percent of people don't know this truth. Even if they hear rumors, they just think it's an ordinary myth and legend, but pharmacists are different!

Pharmacists are the professions in the world that are most likely to come into contact with such extraordinary creatures, and the professions that are most likely to know the truth of this world.

The pharmacists present were all great pharmacists.

Many of them have never seen Gorefiend, have not talked to Bloodhunter, or even know how to use cursed medicinal materials, but they have heard the legends about Gorefiend and Bloodhunter.

Among them, there are very few pharmacists who have even cooperated with Gorefiend Bloodhunter.

So in the face of the terrifying power that Ryan, Sophia and Earl Kiri suddenly showed beyond the limits of human beings, they were terrified, they were afraid, they were trembling, but they were not at a loss.

Looking at the reactions of the pharmacists present, Sophia frowned and looked dissatisfied.

Although a few pharmacists were frightened at first sight, as long as she made a slight gesture in her eyes, they would immediately kneel in front of her, willing to do whatever she said.

But most of the pharmacists don't know if they are used to being pampered, or if they are really determined and unwilling to cooperate with the human enemy Gorefiend. Although their bodies are trembling and their faces are afraid, their eyes look extremely stubborn.

Sophia was annoyed, "It seems that to get them to cooperate obediently, the stimulation just now is not enough, and they have to suffer a little."

It would be simple if all the pharmacists present could be turned into blood servants directly.

Too bad it can't be done.

Because after accepting the blood of the Gorefiend and becoming a blood servant, the negative emotions of people will be greatly expanded, and the human brain will be greatly oppressed, resulting in people who can only act by instinct in a short period of time, unable to carry out complex thinking.

And this "short time" is not as simple as days or months, but years, ten years or even decades!

After such a long time, it will definitely be discovered, after all, the blood hunting organization is not a dry meal.

If all the pharmacists present were willing to be obedient, that would be the best, otherwise she wouldn't mind using a little **** violence.

Before using those methods, she said to the pharmacists kindly: "Our purpose is just to let you help refine the pharmacy, as long as you are obedient and obedient, it will never endanger your life, and after success, it will be given to everyone. A heavy reward, if you need me, you can even play with my body at will."

"And in the process of refining the medicine we need, you will also have a great harvest."

"You should all know our identity as Gorefiends, right? Then you should also guess that the potions that you need to refine must be unusual, right?"

"That's right, it's a potion that needs to be refined using a variety of cursed medicinal materials!"

"In order to refine that bottle of potion, we collected a lot of cursed herbs, found out how to deal with a lot of cursed herbs, and found many recipes and refining methods for potions."

"We will use these things for you free of charge!"

This remark made many pharmacists present excited.

Some people are coveting Sophia's promised heavy reward, and Sophia's own beauty.

Some people want to improve their level of pharmacy out of the heart of specializing in pharmacy. Whether it is the curse material or the potion formula that Sophia promised to provide, they can make their pharmacy enter a new level. world.

It may be for one reason or another. In short, most of the pharmacists present are excited, but they are only heartbeats, and their heartbeats have not been turned into actions.

Because of the one thing they care about the most - will they survive?

If Sophia directly regrets killing them after using them, do they have a place to appeal?

They looked at each other, and both saw the hesitation in the other's eyes, and the other's plans.

When they were thinking about choosing a representative to negotiate with Sophia, a pharmacist who looked very resolute stood up and shouted at Sophia: "You demon! Even if we die, it is absolutely impossible to have a relationship with Sophia. You cooperated!"

As the man stood up bravely, several others came out and cursed at Sophia.

Most of the remaining pharmacists were horrified by the performance of those few radicals. What if they angered the other party?

They don't want to die yet!

They really wanted to kill a few of you who were clamoring for "not willing to cooperate even if they died" on the spot, but out of self-esteem they didn't dare to do that, they just stepped back a few steps to make a clear distinction with those people.

"Crack!" Sophia clenched her fists in the face of the guys who pointed at her nose and cursed constantly.

Her expression changed from the gentleness before, and became extremely cold. She said solemnly: "I really want to cooperate with you. We can talk about what conditions you want and what you want."

"Talk about the fart!"

"Want us to help you? Don't even think about it!"

"Isn't it death? Do you think we are afraid of you?"

Sophia laughed angrily, "Good! Good! Good! Since you don't want to live anymore, then I will fulfill you!"

When she wanted to torture the pharmacists who would rather die than to die, her face changed suddenly.

She ducked to the side, dodging the sneak attack from behind her, and it was only at this time that the sound of breaking the air entered her ears—the attack that attacked her unexpectedly surpassed the speed of sound!

"Who is it?"

She fixed her eyes and found that the person who attacked her turned out to be her blood servant Ryan!

"How can it be?"

Even if the person who attacked her was Earl Kiri, she would not be so surprised.

Because she and Count Kiry are just a cooperative relationship, both sides do not trust each other, and the relationship may break down at any time.


That was the loyal blood servant she spent a lot of blood to create last night!

"What the **** is going on?"

"Could it be that the blood hunter named Theodore did something to my blood servant before he died?"

"Or is it that the Blood Hunting Organization has mastered some kind of secret technique that allows them to have their own will after accepting the blood of the Gorefiend and incarnating as a blood servant?"

Looking at Ryan who wanted to continue the attack after missing a hit, Sophia snorted coldly and kicked Ryan in the face.


In a piercing sound of bone shattering, Ryan screamed and flew out.

If it wasn't for Sophia who still had questions to ask Ryan, she had the strength to kill Ryan with one blow just now.

"Clang clang-"

Lane's body flew out uncontrollably under Sophia's powerful kick. Along the way, the tables and chairs shattered and the floor cracked. After smashing countless pieces of furniture, Lane's body finally stopped.

Sophia looked at Ryan with a frosty face, and walked towards Ryan step by step. She asked word by word, "Tell me, what's the matter with you?"

"Haha, hahaha..."

Ryan laughed, and had no regrets because of the failure of the sneak attack.

No, judging from his expression and reaction, he has no regrets, instead he looks like a successful sneak attack!

Ryan's weird performance made Sophia speechless: "Hey, are you crazy?"

Ryan laughed and said, "My stupid Sophia, do you know the difference between natural disasters and man-made disasters? Do you know how people react when faced with natural and man-made disasters?"

"The so-called man-made disaster is simply a man-made disaster."

"And natural disasters are unstoppable, they are bound to happen, and the victims can only sigh that their lives are not good..."

"Simply put..." Ryan pointed to Sophia and said, "I have the intention to kill you, and attack you while your body is relaxing. Whether I succeed or fail, I am a man-made disaster for you."

"If a butterfly in my garden flapped its wings, and without my knowledge, there was a hurricane on the other side of the ocean that displaced countless people, do you think this is a man-made disaster or a natural disaster?"

"If you say that when you hit me, a person or a creature was touched by the blood that I splashed out, and that drop of blood happened to be a deadly poison, do you think this is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?"

Lane's remarks stunned everyone present.

They heard vague explanations about Ryan's natural and man-made disasters, but they understood one thing completely, and that was - Ryan's attack was just a pretense, and the splashing blood was the real killer move!

Suddenly, the pharmacists present, Sophia and Earl Kiri hurriedly checked their bodies to see if they were stained with Ryan's blood.

Seeing the panicked appearance of those people, Ryan laughed again, "It's just a metaphor, just a metaphor, if my blood is strong enough to poison the Gorefiend Prince just by touching it, how could I be okay? What? Sophia, how did you not notice when you poured the blood of the Gorefiend into me last night?"

Sophia gritted her teeth and glared at Ryan, and said angrily, "Is he afraid that he won't die badly enough, so he decided to fool me before he died and angered me completely?"

Lane said: "Everyone can easily perceive a malicious attack against themselves. The stronger the strength, the more powerful the perception, the easier it is to perceive."

"When I attacked you just now, the speed exceeded the speed of sound, and you couldn't hear the sound at all."

"You trust me so much that you never thought I would betray you."

"My sneak attack timing and skills, as well as the concealment of killing intent, are all very advanced. It can be said that there are no flaws."

"However, you still sensed danger and avoided the attack, why? Because I have the intention to kill you in my heart, you are in the dark, maybe it is the sixth sense or the seventh sense, in short, you sensed and escape."

"What if I attacked you without a trace of malice?"

"What if my attack itself doesn't do you any damage?"

"Aren't you going to run away?"

"Of course, just like humans don't worry about being hit by advancing ants, when you hit me just now, the blood that splattered, the pieces of the surrounding tables and chairs, the dust flying all over the sky, you don't have all of them. Dodge?"

Facing Sophia, who was still puzzled, Ryan explained: "Even if it was man-made, such as the butterfly that caused the hurricane, but someone was injured due to a series of coincidences, this can actually be understood as a kind of natural disaster. "

"Using natural disasters to kill people is definitely the highest level of killing skills."

"Many people understand this truth, but they just can't put it into action, without him, because it's too difficult!"

Ryan pointed to Sophia and said, "I attack you, and you fight back. In the process, an unrelated existence is implicated. Is this plan good? Is it good?"

"Miao is naturally wonderful, and of course good is also good, but the computing power required is too huge!"

"It's huge..."

"Only I can do it in this world!"

Ryan's eyes crossed Sophia and landed on a certain creature.

Sophia, Earl Kiri and all the pharmacists present looked towards Ryan's line of sight, and what entered their sight was a fluffy Persian cat.

This Persian cat is the same pet that Earl Kiri often keeps on his lap!

At this time, the Persian cat was playing with a tooth with its paws, sniffed it with its nose, and licked it with its tongue, and that tooth was spit out when Ryan was attacked by Sophia!

Could it be that?

The pharmacists who didn't know anything just thought - "What's wrong with the cat? Could it be that Ryan's real target was the cat?"

And Sophia and Earl Kiri, who knew the true face of the cat, were 100% sure that Ryan's goal was that cat!

Sophia looked at the cat, swallowed her saliva and asked anxiously, "Mello?"

The cat named Mello looked at Sophia, at Earl Keery, at Ryan, and then looked down at the tooth in its paw, "Meow?"

The Persian cat's body suddenly trembled violently, it lay on the ground screaming in pain, and its paws made hideous scratches on the hard floor.

"Meow meow-"

With its screams, its body gradually grew larger, turning into a human body that seemed to have had its skin peeled off.

This hairless, skinless, blood-colored human body was lying on the ground, struggling in pain, screaming, and the blood in its body tumbled violently like boiling water.

Sophia looked at Ryan in horror, "What the **** did you do to Lord Mello!"

Ryan said with a smile: "Before I came here, I did a lot of transformations on my own body. That tooth is one of the organs that I have transformed. It contains a kind of poison that can dissolve blood vessels. Your Gorefiend's nemesis!"

The power of Gorefiend and Bloodhunter comes from the bloodline. Without the bloodline, they are no different from ordinary people.

If you want to eliminate the extraordinary power of eliminating blood demons and blood hunters, you only need to find a way to eliminate their bloodlines.

There is a way to remove the bloodline in this world. Rickon's father Rick used a secret method to strip Rickon's bloodline when he was a child. A few months ago, Rickon died of the sequelae of the bloodline stripping.

What makes Ryan happier is that the blood of this world is very similar to the wizarding world, and there is no shortage of methods for blood in the wizarding world.

He concocted potions that could burn out the blood of his enemies, and hid them in his teeth.

Then he planned a sneak attack on Sofia through Phoenix's huge computing power, so that the teeth were knocked out by Sofia, and finally the surface was just a Persian cat, but in fact it was powerful enough to make Sofia surrender to the horrible blood demon named Merlo Poisoning plan.

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