The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 5: Genius Lane

   Lane had never thought that practicing knight breathing is such a dangerous thing, but he didn't mean to flinch at all.

   Seeing Ryan's eager look, Baron Tabor nodded in satisfaction.

  The more cautious the practice of knight breathing, the better, but as a knight and heir to a baron, courage and courage are equally important.

  Because Ryan likes to read books, he sometimes treats his servants and subordinates too much. Not only is he very similar in appearance to his dead mother, but he also has the same character. Baron Tabor was worried that Ryan would become a cowardly and cowardly person.

   Seeing Ryan's fiery eyes desperately eager for power at this time, he knew that his previous worries were unnecessary.

   Baron Tabor patted Ryan on the shoulder and laughed, "As expected, he is my good son."

  After explaining the knight breathing method several times in detail in Baron Tabor, and demonstrating it several times in person, Ryan finally began to practice it.

Ryan, who was instructed by Baron Tabor, said, “There are seventeen movements in the knight breathing method, each of which corresponds to a set of breathing methods. A set of breathing methods is divided into six breathing changes. You don’t have to rush to learn them all at once. The breathing method corresponding to each action..."

As Baron Tabor was talking, his speaking rate became slower and slower, and only a wide open mouth and shocked pupils remained behind, because Ryan had completed a knight breathing practice cycle extremely smoothly, and he guided him. It's exactly the same, no mistake!

   There is nothing special about the movement of the knight breathing method itself, it is very easy to learn, and it only takes a few days to do it.

   But breathing is different!

   Exhale faster, use a little more force when exhaling, air stays in the stomach for not long enough...

   As long as there is a little accident, it is quite a failure.

   Baron Tabor is quite talented among the past patriarchs of the Albert family, but it took him a month to successfully complete a cycle of knight breathing.

How long did    Lane use?

   succeeded the first time?

   Is his son a genius beyond his imagination?

   Baron Tabor was shocked, he immediately said excitedly: "As expected of my good son, your future achievements will surpass me, you will definitely become a high-level knight, and lead our Albert family to a more glorious future."

   Compared to the excited Baron Tabor, Ryan frowned.

   Baron Tabor wondered: "What's the matter? Is there any accident?"

   Lane said, "Give me another piece...three pieces of mountain spirit."

   Although Baron Tabor was full of doubts, he still cut three pieces of mountain spirit and handed it to Ryan.

   Lane spit out the Sanjing tablets that had lost its effect in his mouth, and held the new three Sanjing tablets in his mouth.

The effect of the three pieces of mountain essence is much stronger than that of one piece. Ryan just put the three pieces of mountain essence in his mouth, and immediately felt a surging heat spreading around the body with his mouth as the center, and the whole body became extremely hot. The skin is flushed, and the nose is swollen, as if blood will flow out at any time.

   Lane immediately muttered in deep silence: "Phoenix, analyze the matching degree of the knight breathing method and the body, and optimize the knight breathing method."

   Phoenix’s cute and naughty voice came in his mind, “Successfully established the optimization task of Cavalry Breathing, and is collecting and analyzing the related information of Cavalry Breathing.”

   Lane asked: "How long does it take to optimize the knight breathing method?"

   Phoenix replied: "At this stage, there is insufficient information. It is necessary to provide five more times of knight breathing practice information before the first stage optimization can be carried out."

   Lane nodded, and immediately entered the knight breathing method training.

   Lane adjusted his breathing while doing weird movements.

   His movements are sometimes slow and fast, sometimes beating and croaking like an ape, and sometimes motionless like a tortoise...

   As the action changes, the breathing changes accordingly.

   His breathing became extremely powerful, and he could see a clear air flow every time he exhaled.

  As Ryan continued to practice knight breathing, he felt a faint electric current spreading around his body centered on his lungs.

   Under the stimulation of the electric current, the muscles of his whole body trembled slightly like the weather was chilling.

   The amplitude of the tremor was getting bigger and bigger, and it was no longer a tremor but a jitter. In the end, it even upgraded to a trembling, which felt very similar to a thigh cramp.

  Ryan's muscles all tremble with a strange rhythm, and the amplitude and intensity of the tremor are very large.

   This kind of muscle jitter is like doing high-intensity training, which consumes a lot of physical energy.

   Ordinary exercise is like running a marathon. It is not a problem for a master to run a few hundred kilometers.

  The law of breathing of a knight is like a 100-meter sprint. A person with strong endurance runs at the speed of a 100-meter sprint, and he will collapse and fall to the ground if he can't run very far.

   It is precisely because the knight breathing method consumes a lot of physical energy, so every time you practice, you must prepare a big tonic, especially for novices.

  Because the novice is not proficient in the knight breathing method, it will consume a lot of extra physical energy, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com will often overdraw the body.

   If there is no big tonic for timely energy replenishment, the sequelae of overdrawing the body may affect the whole life.

And if there is no big tonic, the time for beginners to get started with the knight breathing method will also be greatly extended, because every time you practice it takes a long time to recuperate, you can learn it in one or two months, maybe it will take a while. Two years.

   After another knight breathing practice cycle ended, Ryan's brows were still frowned.

   Baron Tabor said: "You should be happy. As a beginner, you are already perfect. There is no problem at all. Sometimes it is not a good thing to ask yourself too much."

   Lane said: "This has nothing to do with high requirements, but something went wrong when I practiced the knight breathing method."

   Baron Tabor immediately worried: "Where is the problem?"

   Lane said: "The first time I practiced breathing, there were three muscle strains in the body. In the second time, six more muscle strains were added, and the bones also felt great compression."

   After listening to Ryan, Baron Tabor breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought something big happened, it turned out to be this." Baron Tabor patted Ryan's shoulder and said, "It is natural that you will hurt your body when you practice. When you first learn knight swordsmanship, your hands are not right. Have there been a lot of blisters? The blisters broke and reappeared, appeared and broke again, until the hands were covered with thick calluses and no more blisters. This is a normal practice process."

   As he spoke, Baron Tabor's tone suddenly became high, "Only by pushing the body over and over again and again, can the body become stronger and reach a higher level."


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