The Wizard’s Order

Chapter 55: You can also have blood

   The green plague wizard waved his hand vigorously and said, "Because she has awakened her blood!"

   Lane asked in confusion: "Bloodline? I seem to have heard the term from Felika, what is this?"

   The green plague wizard asked: "Have you ever thought that the reason Yinji Felica is so strong is because she is not the same species as us humans?"

   "What silly thing are you talking about?"

   "Did you know? Many animals in nature can walk and remember things when they are born. Even if they are not taught by humans, they can naturally learn language and hunt when they grow up. Even without any exercise, they will grow up to be stronger than humans..."

   "What the **** do you want to say?" In fact, Ryan had already guessed in his heart.

"What I want to say is that the reason why Yinji Felica is so strong and the reason why her growth experience looks so amazing is because she contains non-human blood! She is a monster in human skin! All The Paladin is like this!" said the Green Plague wizard.

   As soon as this conclusion came out, Ryan suddenly realized.

   His long doubts that had been binding him for a long time were solved at once.

   Why did the poison not die when Felika was still a fetus?

  Because her natural anti-drug ability is stronger than that of humans!

   Why can I walk and remember in only six months and think like an adult?

   You must know that among the many animals in nature, the one that grows up like humans is an outlier.

  Why can Felica create her own breathing method?

   In fact, the breath created by Felica is simply a failed product, and it is logically impossible to cultivate and become stronger with that failed product.

   But Felika still got stronger, and she became a Paladin at the age of twelve.

  Why do cows have the power of a cow when they grow up naturally?

  Why does a tiger have the power of a tiger without practicing?

   If Felika hadn’t lied, then there is only one real reason for her strength—

   That is, with the passage of time and age, her physical fitness has naturally become stronger!

  The reason for this is because Felika has blood. She is not a human in essence, but a monster in human skin.

   The Green Plague wizard looked at Ryan's shocked expression with satisfaction, and said: "A pure human being cannot be a paladin in his lifetime because he cannot awaken his bloodline or possess the bloodline power."

   Knowing the truth, Ryan's face suddenly became extremely pale, and his body was shaky because he couldn't stand the shock.

   He asked with a vibrato: "What the **** is blood? Why do some people have blood?"

The green plague wizard replied: "The legendary gods and demons are real. They are not as sacred and untouchable as people think. They are just some extremely powerful beings. They also have seven emotions and six desires, and they will interact with humans. Give birth to children..."

   Before the Green Plague Wizard finished speaking, Ryan had already understood.

   In mythology, the link between gods and mortals to give birth to demigods is nothing new.

   It's just that he didn't expect that humans like "demigods" really exist, and they are all over the world. What made him unexpected is that only "demigods" with the blood of gods and demons can become Paladins.

   After the shock, Ryan quickly reacted.

   He asked: "No wonder people say that wizards are evil beings who trade with demons. That's how it is."

   The green plague wizard smiled and said, "What do you understand?"

Ryan replied: "The Paladin is a demigod who is born to awaken the blood of gods and demons. In order to gain the ability to be comparable to the demigods, ordinary people without blood can only trade with the demons and let the demons grant blood. Am I right? ?"

   "Kuku, Kuku Kuku..."

   The green plague wizard laughed happily, "As expected, he is the person I value, and his head reacts so fast. You are definitely a born wizard."

   Lane said coldly: "Don't be delusional! I will never become a wizard!"

   The green plague wizard asked: Why? Don't you want to get power? Don't you want to be a Paladin? Don't you want to be near your goddess Felika? "

   "Of course I want!" But Ryan shook his head, "Nevertheless, I will never degenerate into an evil wizard who trades with demons for power!"

   The green plague wizard smiled and said, "It seems that you have a deep misunderstanding of the wizard."

   Lane wondered: "Misunderstanding?"

  The green plague wizard sneered and said, "Yes, do you think every wizard can communicate with the devil and make a deal? Do you want someone else to give you blood? A delusion!"

   "Huh?" Ryan really didn't understand now.

   "The nature of the wizard and the paladin are the same, they both cultivate bloodlines, but bloodlines can increase the concentration the day after tomorrow." The green plague wizard explained.

   After hearing these words, Ryan suddenly understood.

   Why has no one awakened the blood in the Idosi family for 300 years? But Felika has awakened?

   because their blood is not strong enough!

   There is a saying-"Whose ancestor has never been rich?"

   There is another saying-"The rich but the three generations but the poor but the five generations!"

   If the blood of everyone in the world traces their origins, their ancestors were once nobles, and UU reading had blood, so theoretically everyone has a weak blood in his body, but he just can't wake up.

  Since the blood vein concentration is too weak to wake up, can't it be enough to find a way to increase the blood vein concentration?

   Lane said in shock: "Do you have a way to increase the blood vein concentration?"

   The green plague wizard nodded and said, "That's natural."

   "Can you teach me?"

   "As long as you are willing to worship me as a teacher and become a wizard, I will naturally teach you."

   Listening to these words, Ryan fell silent for a moment.

   He lowered his head to think, his face was constantly twisting, and his heart was struggling.

   The green-robed sorcerer was quietly waiting for Ryan's decision with his arms folded.

at last-

   Ryan raised his head to look directly at the wizard of Green Plague, gritted his teeth and said, "I really want to gain power. I really want to be a Paladin, but no, I still can't promise you that I can't be a wizard."

   As he said, Ryan picked up the long sword that had just been dropped, preparing to fight the green plague wizard to the death.

   Watching Ryan's movements, the Green Plague Wizard covered his mouth and smiled: "This kind of thing will come out of your mouth. It's ridiculous."

   Lane snorted coldly: "I am a righteous knight who believes in the eight virtues of knights. I sit upright and act with a clear conscience. What's so ridiculous?"

   "Oh?" The green plague wizard smiled coldly, "You can't hide from others, but you can't hide from me, in the underground laboratory of Albert Castle, what do you say about the people you used to do experiments?"

Ryan's body shook, but he quickly clenched the hilt of the sword again, "Those are all death row prisoners who committed serious crimes, they are **** robbers who harm civilians. I just let them radiate warmth at the last juncture of their lives in order to build a peaceful world. ."


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