The world begins with Hunter x Hunter

Chapter 132 Taking Medicine


Hearing this, Qing Wasabi stepped forward, carefully picked one, then wrapped it in cloth and put it in her arms.

"Benefactor, look, my father's disease only requires one pill, and there is still so much left. I heard that this elixir can improve your cultivation. How about you try it?"

Tai stepped forward and looked at Aoi Aoi affectionately.

"This elixir is very precious. My wife should take it first! As a wife-loving person, how can I take this elixir first?"

"No, no, no, my benefactor, you have been working so hard all the way, and you are always busy. What's the point of taking a magical medicine?"

"Honey, if you don't dare to take this magical medicine, is it because you have something wrong with you?"

"Uh! Hahaha! My benefactor, you just like to joke! Okay, okay! I'll eat, I'll just eat!"

Green wasabi gently picked another fruit and looked at Tai with a smile.

"Alas! What a blessing it is to take the magic medicine!"

The fruit is so small that Aoi was eaten in two bites.

“It’s fragrant and delicious, it tastes really good!”

"Look, are you okay? Eat! Eat as soon as possible! After eating, we will go back to save father immediately."

Tai pondered for a moment and looked at her deeply.

"Okay, I'll eat it!"

Tai picked one randomly, put it into his mouth in front of her, closed his mouth, opened a small space crack inside, put it into the small world, and then made a swallowing motion, pretending that he had eaten it. .

"Okay, we've finished eating, let's go!" Tai held Aoyama Aoi's hand and said with a smile.


As soon as he turned around and took a step, Tai immediately knelt down and covered his stomach with his hands.

"What's going on? My stomach hurts so much all of a sudden! Ah! I can't help it anymore, it's getting more and more painful!"

Tai fell to the ground, rolling from side to side, looking like he was in unbearable pain.


Aoi Aoi calmly took out a piece of blue paper, drew a five-pointed star on the paper with her right hand, and read in her mouth.

"Come! Soldiers! Fight! All! Array! Arrange! In front! Hurry like a law!"

In an instant, a five-pointed star array appeared under Tai's body. The blue paper emitted golden light, floated above Tai, and issued a strong suction force, trying to suck Tai in.

Tai immediately burst out with demonic energy, blocking the suction.

"What's going on? Wife, what are you doing?"

Aoi Aoi looked shocked at this time.

"How is that possible? Shouldn't your demonic power be sealed? Why are you still using it?"

Tai was stunned for a moment, sealing the demon power? If you hadn't told me earlier, I would have thought it was poisonous! It made me act so hard.

"Ah! What's going on with my demon power? Why is it getting less and less? Aoi, what's going on?"

As the demonic energy in Tai's body became less and less, his body was gradually pulled by the blue paper. Seeing that nothing happened, Aoi Aoyama also smiled proudly.

"Hmph! Now that you already know, I won't hide it from you!"

"Actually, I am the most talented onmyoji of this generation of the Tsuchimikado family. My name is Tsuchimikado Yori."

"After learning about you, a big monster, our family hastily arranged all this and tricked you into coming here in order to subdue you and make you my shikigami."

too:? ? ?

"Isn't it arranged by Zhu Jiuyin?"

"Of course not. How could you monsters have such a smart strategy? The family will also arrange for people to subdue the seriously injured monster later."

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