The world begins with Hunter x Hunter

Chapter 159 Trust

The black cat ate half a fish in just a few bites without even chewing it!

"Brother! I'm hungry, I want to eat more!"

Listening to the black cat's baby voice, Tai was not excited at all, but a little overwhelmed. He had raised a cat before, and it was a heavyweight orange cat, but it didn't eat so much. What should he do now?

"Well, well, is this okay?"

Tai took out a fruit tentatively and put it next to its mouth.

The black cat sniffed it, looked at Tai, and then licked it with its cute little tongue. After confirming that it was edible, it opened its mouth, and the fruit quickly became smaller. With a "whoosh", it was sucked into its stomach.

"Brother! That, it's a little little, I'm not full yet!"

The black cat's voice came again, but this time Tai was full of confidence.

"It's okay! I'm your brother, how can I let you starve?"

After saying that, Tai waved his hand casually, and the floor was filled with various fruits, conservatively estimated to be about two hundred.

"Eat as much as you want! Ask me for more if you don't have enough." The black cat looked at the fruits that filled the room with shining eyes, and without saying a word, he opened his mouth and started to eat! A large number of fruits rushed to be sucked into the black cat's mouth, and it was quickly eaten. The black cat burped cutely, jumped onto Tai's bed and lay down. Tai: This is my bed! "From now on, you will be called Xiaoye!" Tai also lay down and touched the black cat beside him. I don't know if it was Tai's illusion, but I always felt that Xiaoye had become a little bigger, and as time went by, it became bigger and bigger! This made Tai fall into deep thought. Could this also be Xiaoye's ability? The reason why he sleeps after eating is to digest and then grow quickly? Tai yawned loudly. Whether it was or not, he would find out in the future that it was more important to sleep now. It was almost dawn. Tai hugged Xiaoye and felt indescribable warmth in his heart! At the beginning, when he was a child in the first life, Tai could almost be said to be deserted by everyone, even his friends who had played together since childhood betrayed him. At that time, almost everyone in the class bullied him and excluded him. They had to find reasons even if there was no reason.

Classmate: How could someone like you do homework? It must be your brother or sister who helped you do it.

Classmate: What? Did you do it with Yongjie?

Friend: I didn't, don't talk nonsense, I don't know anything!

Classmate: As expected! Trash who can even lie about this!

Although Tai can understand that friend, after all, he is not the only friend of Tai, and it is impossible for him to offend others for Tai, but understanding does not mean forgiveness.

Tai knows that all this was started and guided by the teacher. Even if he has to blame, he has to blame the teacher, but no matter whose fault it is, Tai has lost the ability to trust others.

Even after reincarnating in so many worlds, Tai has never really trusted anyone. No matter who he is, he will hide a part of himself to ensure his safety.

Just like when he first crossed into the world of Inuyasha, he also confirmed that the foundation of the fox clan was dead and he could fight against the whole clan, so he exposed part of his resources.

It seems that in this life, Tai obviously has vanilla that can cure all diseases and can try to cure Misaki's eyes, but Tai doesn't trust the parents of this family, so he didn't take it out.

Because Tai is afraid that once it is exposed, they will do something to Tai for money!

Because he lost the ability to trust others, so at that time, Tai's only and true friend was the cat who always accompanied him, and the cat would never betray him.

Even in the hot summer, when the temperature was 40 degrees, the cat would immediately run over to him and act coquettishly in his arms when he saw him coming back. Although it would soon be too hot to bear and lie on the ground to cool down, it never changed its heart.

This is also why Tai likes cats so much. Cuteness is only one aspect, and more importantly, cats are loyal to him.

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