The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 152 Emma And Jane Visit

Three Months later, in Moonlight Empire Port, Berrun City:

After Maximus became a core student.

The Etherium Embassy and the Etherium Gold Chamber of Commerce generously handed Berrun City over to Maximus.

Although it was situated in a barren land, its defensive formation array surpassed that of the Moonlight Empire.

With vigorous construction efforts, the city expanded exponentially, drawing visitors from all corners of the world.

This was also where newly bought people orderly registered.


In the registration building for visitors:


"Emma Eryndor."

"Eryndor? Do you know Magnus Eryndor?" the receptionist couldn't help but inquire.

Magnus Eryndor was the king of the former Faerie Kingdom.

The receptionist was familiar with him because they had been one of the palace guards protecting the king.

"It's my father," Emma sighed.

"Princess Emma?!" The receptionist finally recollected.

Princess Emma had been a highly talented princess back then.

The king, Magnus, frequently took Emma and Francis, the two most gifted children, on his outings.

"Princess? I'm no longer worthy of such a title..." Emma said sadly.

Originally, during her escape, she had planned to go to the Arcane Continent to pursue her training.

Unfortunately, her family background, the Eryndor Family, had proven to be more complicated than she had thought.

The Eryndor Family is one of the ancient ruling families that governed a vast empire in the Curse Continent.

When she was on Elnor Island, about to journey to the Arcane Continent with her friend Jane.

The Eryndor Family, stationed on the island, detected her bloodline.

Curious, they inquired about her origin and various details.

Emma thought nothing of it and briefly shared her background.

Little did she know that upon hearing her father's name,  they reacted strongly, especially regarding his death.

Magnus had originally been a young prince of the Eryndor Family.

However, due to complications, he escaped and reached the Arcane Continent.

The Eryndor family had assumed that Magnus was merely going through a rebellious stage.

To their dismay, he had not returned even after hundreds of years.

They had even mobilized their manpower in the Arcane Continent in search of him, but Magnus remained elusive.

They had believed Magnus to be long dead, unaware that he had settled in the Curse Continent.

Upon hearing Emma's itinerary about the life of their young prince, and the news of his passing, they reacted strongly.

"Emma," Jane shook her out of stupor.

"Oh, I'm fine."

Seeing that something was amiss, the guard didn't dare to delay any longer and proceeded to register them.

"What is the purpose of your visit and how long?"

"Tourists... Three months..."

Soon, the temporary identification token was finished.

"Welcome to Moonlight Empire~" The receptionist smiled.

"Hmmm." Emma remained non-committal, apparently lost in thought.

"Let's go! Just take this as a vacation," Jane said, dragging her.

"You're right!" Emma suddenly became energetic.

As the port of the empire, Berrun City was comparable to the most prosperous cities in the Moonlight Empire.

Emma and Jane walked around the city as real tourists, taking in the welcoming atmosphere.

Seeing the vibrant sights and the lively atmosphere, Emma and Jane couldn't help but smile.

"This place is really fun and full of life," Emma commented.

The Eryndor territory, although more prosperous, was fraught with oppression from within.

Here, it seemed to radiate hope and life.

Genuine smiles were on display everywhere, whether from the rich or the poor, the powerful or the less fortunate.

Even the people brought by star sea traders were welcomed warmly.

"It would be wonderful if we could stay here," Jane muttered.

"I really hope..." Emma sighed.

The reason they had come here was due to the recent amalgamation of wills.

In the Curse Continent, there were fewer than a thousand empires that are currently experiencing this phenomenon.

As one of the top rulers in the Curse Continent, they needed to keep an eye on all powerful and potential enemies.

Moonlight Empire had been one to start the era of imperial domination.

Now, it could even produce the phenomenon of amalgamation of will quickly.

Many empires, especially the top ones, had already sent various spies to infiltrate Moonlight Empire.

Emma and Jane had been sent here because they were more familiar with the land.

"Don't worry too much; maybe if we bring important information, we'll get sent back here," Jane cheered.

"I hope so," Emma didn't really want to go back to the Eryndor territory.

As the daughter of the deceased young prince Magnus, Emma held a high status.

She had everything she needed, from training resources to her environment.

However, all of this came at a price.

Emma had to become a puppet; from her very thoughts to all her actions, she had no say.

Although she felt like she was not a living being, she could still manage.

However, the turning point in all of this was the arranged marriage with the Westle Family.

It wasn't that she was delicate and couldn't handle such an arranged marriage, but the man she was to marry was a monster.

Due to his cultivation, her supposed fiancé had become physically deformed.

Besides that, he also had a violent and perverted temperament.

By now, he had already killed and tortured countless women who married him.

Knowing all this, the Eryndor family didn't care.

The marriage between two top empires was too significant to worry about these little details.

Besides, there would be a contract, so even if Emma died, their alliance would not be affected.


A few days later, Emma and Jane arrived in the capital of the empire, Moonshadow City.

"It has changed so much!" Emma muttered.

"Yeah, I remember when we passed by here, it was only a tiny city," Jane replied.

"I wonder who the ruler of this empire is," Jane wondered.

"That's why we came here, to investigate," Emma whispered.

While they were walking, they sensed a group of Tier 5 Powerhouses in the sky.

"What is that?!" Emma couldn't help but mutter.

"Tier 5?!"

"I thought that Tier 4 was already the strongest here?!" Jane was also puzzled.

These days, they had basically confirmed that the strongest in Moonlight Empire were Tier 4 individuals, such as the teachers and visitors.

Tier 5 individuals were not allowed inside because the Empire's formation array wasn't finished yet.

But now, they saw tens of Tier 5 individuals flying leisurely around them.

"What's all the fuss about?" a passerby muttered upon seeing their reaction.

"What do you mean? Aren't you concerned?" Jane asked.

"Concerned about what? They are His Majesty's subordinates; why would I be worried?" 

"Huh, subordinates?"

Wasn't the king of Moonlight Empire supposed to have no background?

The only known information was that he was a student at Origin Arcana Institute.

Even so, it wasn't enough to recruit Tier 5 individuals as subordinates to this barren continent.

Unless the ruler of the Moonlight Empire possessed enough strength, he couldn't control such powerful subordinates.

"What an ignorant tourist..." the passerby muttered and left.

"It seems that there is more to this empire's ruler than meets the eye," Emma muttered curiously.


In the City of Arcana, at Maximus' Manor:

Maximus reclined, basking in the sun, with his wives beside him.

His wives had already mastered the consummation technique that Hina had taught them.

So today, they decided to take their time and relax.

As for Maximus, he had nothing to do.

With the energy bestowed upon him by the world origin, he didn't need to train.

His only task was to wait for his potential points to accumulate and condense an elemental soul path accordingly.

By now, he had already condensed 127 soul paths out of the 1,118 elements.

"Husband, how about you try my new trick?" Isabelle said seductively.

"What did you learn?" Maximus asked expectantly.

"Hehe, you will see," Isabella said, slowly walking toward him.

The others just rolled their eyes.

They had hoped that after learning the consumption technique from Hina, they would be able to give birth soon.

However, that was wishful thinking.

Maximus already had 11 children, so giving birth was becoming increasingly difficult.

The more children there were, the more challenging it became.

With this information, Hazel and the others had to compromise.

They knew that their husband, a beast, would never stop at them.

Thus they decided against giving birth.

If they gave birth now and maxed the children's quota, what about Maximus's future wives?

Although they could be cruel and have Maximus impregnate them and then give birth to stop him from finding another wife.

But something inside them prevented them from doing so.

Perhaps it was their love for Maximus or something else entirely.

In any case, the idea of plotting with their husband to prevent him from seeking other wives was quickly dismissed.

The reason they continued to train with Hina, despite their compromise.

Was because Hina had not only taught them the law of consummation but also the art of it.

Seeing Isabella approaching Maximus, they could only think of blessing them, bringing another member into the family.

"Let's take this upstairs; it's quite cold here..." Maximus suggested, hugging Isabella.

"Husband, you're all mine today~," Isabella said seductively.

"As you wish. Let me see what great thing you've learned..."

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