The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 206 God's Intricacies

Chapter 206 God's Intricacies

A few hours later, after several teleportations, Elysienne reached the God Domain.

As a new god, she was not yet familiar with the various coordinates of the Etherium realm.

Otherwise, it would have only taken her a single teleportation to reach the God Domain.

"What a magnificent God Domain..." Elysienne thought longingly.

Even her panic seemed to calm down within the magnificence sight of the God Domain.

From architecture to the flora and fauna, everything seems to be the embodiment of Gods.

The holiness spread in place can convert a mortal without belief to the most devout believer immediately.

Moreover, if ranked accordingly, the God Domain is the richest, most populated, and most magnificent place in the world.

It is said that 98% of the Divine Continent's wealth and power is concentrated in the God Domain.

Even the Origin Domain, the center of power in the whole Etherium realm, cannot match the place.

When it comes to power, the Origin Domain is only the nurturing place of geniuses, not the concentration place of the strong.

As for wealth, the Arcane continent is not ruled by a single individual but by multiple apex sovereigns.

Even Fealan, the strongest in the Arcane Continent, needs to seek permission from his peers if he wants to do something significant.

Unlike the Arcane Continent, the Divine Continent is simply divided into four strata.

First is the Supreme God, Readius, the God of the Sun, the God of Light, the God of Gods.

The second group consists of High Gods, those who have fully mastered their authority.

They were mostly the managers, keeping the Divine Continent as it is.

The third group is the New gods, individuals who are new to their Authority or can barely control their authority.

These God are the most in number, using millions as a start

Lastly, the puppet gods, who have become assimilated with their authority and possess very little power over the laws.

These Gods were usually treated as a scourge, the vermin of the Divine Continent.

Other Gods are usually tasked with eliminating them so that new gods can immediately replace them.

With this structure, the Supreme God Readius can do whatever he wants.

The God Domain is his territory, so the concentration of wealth within the land is only natural.

Just as Elysienne was daydreaming, an annoying pest seemed to notice her.

"Elysienne, when did you come to the God Domain? Why didn't you tell me?" Oragon, the god of Desire, asked obsessively.

Seeing the annoying pest, Elysienne's frown deepened.

Oragon was the lover of the previous goddess of love.

As the one who inherited her authority, Oragon became obsessed with Elysienne to the point of annoyance.

Fortunately, Oragon was also a new god, so he couldn't force her.

"What's wrong, Elysienne, my love? Don't you miss me?" Oragon teased.

Just as he was about to continue teasing, he felt a hint of love emanating from Elysienne's authority.

This usually only happens when the goddess of love develop her love to a man.

The previous goddess of love also had this.

She loved him so deeply that her consciousness collapsed, becoming assimilated with her authority.

This was actually his plan so that he could devour the authority of love.

As for his feelings for the previous goddess, that was just a hoax.

As a god, his need for women could be satisfied with a snap of his fingers.

Why would he bother himself with another god?

However, just when he was about to succeed.

A pesky believer suddenly pops up and robs him of all his hard work.

Seeing the changes, Oragon had no choice but to repeat his plan and transfer his sights to Elysienne.

Feeling the hint of love within her, Oragon felt happy for a while.

However, upon further inspection, gloominess replaced his smile as he felt the presence of another man.

"WHO IS IT?!" Oragon suddenly yelled as his aura flared up.

How could he stand his goddess loving another man beside him?

"You don't have to care," Elysienne replied emotionlessly.

"Hmph! Tell me, and I'll kill the man!" Oragon said, putting pressure on Elysienne.

"You'd better be careful; this is the God Domain," Elysienne warned.

As the territory of the Supreme god, fighting is forbidden here.

Any damage would label you as a puppet god, making you a target for all other gods.

Oragon also calmed down, though his killing intent was still apparent.

"Can you get out of my face now? My business has nothing to do with you."

"Hmph!" Oragon didn't bother any longer and left.

However, before he left, he imprinted the man's presence in Elysienne's body to his mind.

Once he met the man, he could kill him in Elysienne's very own eyes.

This should pollute Elysienne's authority, giving him a chance.


After dealing with the annoying pest.

Elysienne came to the Council of Gods, hoping to seek help.

Previously, the idea of venturing into the extreme virtual world to fix her curse of the zealous witch also came from this council.

It's just that Elysienne didn't know what went wrong, and another problem came up.

Upon entering the most magnificent building she had ever seen, Elysienne was greeted by a devout believer.

"I am humbled in your divine presence, O Goddess of Love," the believer chanted.

"You are welcome, my child. May love and beauty shine through you," Elysienne replied with a smile.

This is one of the codes of conduct for gods.

When meeting any believer, you must show your holiness so as not to shame the name of the gods.

Unless you are the Supreme god, you must follow all these etiquettes.

Especially for the new gods, they are like stars in the sky, although unreachable, they should give light and holiness to their spectators.

After dealing with all the troublesome etiquette, she finally met Ruliana, the goddess of governance and affairs.

Ruliana was one of the high gods directly under the Supreme god, Readius.

"The Goddess of Love, pleased to meet you," Ruliana greeted.

"I've met Lady Ruliana," Elysienne greeted respectfully.

"Why have you come here? Did the treatment I proposed last time not work?"

"No, Lady Ruliana, it's just that a new problem has come up," Elysienne said a bit embarrassed.

She then released the pollution attached to her authority.

Oragon could sense it immediately because of his relationship with the previous goddess of love.

Others, without deliberately sensing it, would not notice.

"Oh, a hint of love? You should conquer this to become stronger," Ruliana teased a little.

"Anyway, you just need to solve the root of the problem or become stronger."

"This is after all your authority; I can't do much about it," Ruliana shook her head.

"That said, can Lady Ruliana at least help suppress it?" Elysienne requested.

Given the rate at which the hint of love within her was growing, it would only take a few years before it fully erupted.

"Of course, it's easy," Ruliana agreed immediately.

As one of the managers of the Council of Gods, she liked to see more and more gods promoted to high god status.

Those new and puppet gods were merely decorations when it came to a true apex sovereign.

A talented Tier 8th being in the Arcane continent could easily overpower any new or puppet god if given the chance.

This is also why, despite having millions of gods in the Divine continent, they were still no match to the Arcane continent.

Yes, there are millions of gods, and each has the authority of a fragmented version of law.

Authorities like desire, love, lust, beauty, etc., are all somewhat similar and can be merged to create a stronger authority.

"Thank you," Elysienne expressed her gratitude after Ruliana finished suppressing the pollution in her authority.

Elysienne estimated that she still had thousands of years to find the perpetrator or become stronger to eliminate this pollution.

"No problem, this is how it should be," Ruliana didn't take it to heart.

New gods came to her all the time with their problems, and Elysienne was just one of them.

After some more pleasantries, Elysienne exited the building and returned to her territory.


In Elysium Domain:

After Elysienne returned, she gathered her devoted followers to address them.

"My children, this is the mark," Elysienne stated, imparting the breath of the offender, who polluted her authority.

"As soon as you find the person who matches this, report to me without delay."

"O Goddess, can you guide us to the whereabouts of the wrongdoer?" One faithful believer stepped forward and asked.

Elysienne then realized that finding an unknown individual solely by their breath would be an impossible task.

Considering this, she thought for a while and replied, "In the Arcane Continent, the Origin Domain should hold the answer."

This was the conclusion she reached—the one responsible for sullying her divine authority could only be someone hailing from the origin domain.

More precisely, a person who has a connection to the Origin Arcana Institute.

With this new insight, her devout followers immediately sprang into action, ready to carry out the will of their beloved goddess.

"We shall heed your command without delay, O Goddess Elysienne."

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