The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 208 Moonlight Academy Graduation

Chapter 208 Moonlight Academy Graduation

A month later, in Moonlight Empire:

A festive atmosphere pervaded as the first batch of students of the Moonlight Academy was about to graduate.

On the podium, Maximus was delivering a speech.

"First of all, congratulations to students who are graduating this year."

"These ten years must have been tough for all of you," Maximus joked a little.

The graduating students also smiled.

"Your Majesty, it's not that hard!"

"That's right, we think it too easy and needs to be harder," one student said, giving an evil idea.

"No! It's already super hard!" Those who had not yet graduated wailed.

The standards of study in Moonlight Academy had already increased so much that even the top talents, if lazy for a second, could be kicked out of the academy.

It could be said that when it comes to intensity, Moonlight Academy would not lose to the Origin Arcana Institute.

From resources, teachers, facilities—all of it was complete up to tier 6.

"Don't worry; I will not be the one deciding that," Maximus said, patting the somewhat sober Dean, Silver Atom.

"Now that you are graduating, it's time to go into the outside world."

"For now, Moonlight Empire is still too small to accommodate all of you."

"Some of you may be reluctant to part ways with this land."

"However, the journey can't begin if you always stay at home."

"You need to get out there, to the four continents, to the chaotic sea."

"You need to find what you are worth, the meaning of your life."

"Our Moonlight Empire can't babysit you forever."

"The Empire also needs nurturing, the support that you bring in."

"Now, dear students, again, congratulations on graduating."

"May you find what you truly are outside these boundaries."

"However, always remember, Moonlight Empire is your home."

"If you're tired outside, you always have a home to come back to..." Maximus ended his speech.

Soon, a resounding cheer filled the place.

Millions upon millions studendts couldn't help but be moved by their Majesty's speech.

These graduating students thought about their grueling but peaceful life in the academy.

Now that they were graduating, they would either stay in Moonlight Empire or venture outside.

As the most talented individuals in the empire, they couldn't just rot and suck blood from the place that nurtured them.

Thus, most of them decided to venture outside, giving back to the one who nurtured them.

What moved them the most was the home they could always return to.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty; we will not disappoint..." Most of the students vowed.


In the castle, Maximus and Lux were arguing.

"Father! I don't really want to study!"

"It's a waste of time and money," Lux said with distress.

Time is money, and all the school stuff keeps wasting it.

"You can skip school, right? Why do you still have this problem?" Maximus asked in puzzlement.

"There are various activities that I need to attend; otherwise, the teacher will punish me," Lux said pitifully.

Skipping school is fine, but you need to finish all the assigned tasks before you do so.

And this is a problem.

For money-oriented tasks, Lux can do it without breaking a sweat.

But other than that, even if Lux uses all his brain cells, he can barely achieve anything.

It's not that he is stupid, but his study is only concentrated on various economics, the situation of the market, etc.

Lux needs to keep track of all this throughout the day.

How can he still have time to study other knowledge?

As for why go through all the trouble, for him, this is his life.

Stopping it means stopping to breathe.

"Please Dad, can you exempt me from the school?"

"No, you must go to school; your brothers and sisters can finish it, you should also," Maximus didn't relent.

"But Dad, I can't really handle school." Lux teared up.

Lux even tried to bribe his teacher with some money; who knew that he was given an even harder task.

All this school stuff was really too much for such a little child.

"Then what are you going to do?"

"Of course, to start a business!" Lux's eyes lit up.

What has he been studying all this time if not to start a business?

"Dad, you are wasting all your resources if you do not start a business."

"The mere potion-making alchemy shop in the arcane continent is not enough."

"What Dad has the most is manpower; letting it sit in the empire is a waste."

"For example, the Aetherium Pavilion established by Dad in the early days."

"Although they were quite prosperous in Moonlight Empire, becoming the largest controller of wealth, it's not enough."

"How can a single place satisfy such a great wealth?"

"There is also Dad's guild; it's quite embarrassing to use such talented people as construction workers."

"They should be out there fighting and earning resources."

"There are even those graduating students earlier."

"Venture outside? That's sending them to die."

"They should shoulder the burden of the empire and earn some money to support it."

"How can we let them be free and be wild?"

Lux talked endlessly about his idea, leaving Maximus speechless.

It's not that Maximus didn't think about what Lux pointed out.

It's that he didn't bother to waste his time for little money.

His hands were already full of things; how could he still manage a business?

"Alright, Alright, you are great," Maximus stopped Lux from talking any longer.

"Does that mean I'll no longer need to study?"

"No, you still need to study."

"Oh," Lux wilted down like a plant.

He thought he could convince his father somehow.

Who knew that he was as stubborn as an old cow?

"However," Maximus continued.

"However what?" Lux look exited seeing that there still a change.

"However, you only need to attend the exams and no longer need to bother yourself with activities and tasks."

"I will talk to the school about this later," Maximus said after thinking.

With the success of the final test he suggested earlier.

Maximus's relationship with the Lumina Crysalis guild was closer.

He heard that the guild was even praised by Dean Fealan for such a good job.

"Are you for real, Dad?!" Lux asked excitedly.

"Hmm, just be sure that you don't tire yourself too much."

"Don't worry, Dad! I have unlimited energy."

"What else do you need? I can fulfill you now that I'm in a good mood," Maximus said after thinking.

"Then thanks, Dad!"

"I just need all the information regarding the Aetherium Pavilion, Jewel Crown Pavilion, and the students graduating this year."

"Furthermore, the authority to make changes and manage these groups," Lux requested.

"Alright, I'll ask Doran to give you some authority and the information that you want."

"How about a budget? You don't want some?"

"It's not needed, Dad. I still have a few trillion magic crystals," Lux said proudly.

These are all the money he earned through blood and sweat.

If not for the stock market being too volatile, Lux could ramp up his money to an unimaginable amount.

Yes, there is a stock market.

With the virtual world, Etherium Realm 2.0 serving as a communication hub from all over the world.

The daily transactions of such a stock market can reach billions of trillions every day.

Such an exchange of wealth can be said to be heaven for Lux.

Unfortunately, he is too weak and inexperienced right now.

The changes in such a stock market can be said to be faster than the speed of light.

Without a fast information channel and a quick brain, he would only be throwing his money into a ditch.

Furthermore, there are diviners and seers all over the place.

Without the protection of his strength or some item, he can easily be misled and cheated.

Thus, he can only settle for small changes and work hard to make it bigger.

As for Maximus, he also tried this stock market once.

Unfortunately, he lost tens of trillions of money in just a few seconds.

Even with all preparations, transcendent mastery of stock marketing, information on the market, divining, calculations—all that he could think of.

However, as soon as he put in the money, it was swallowed faster than the abyss.

Maximus noticed that he was just being guided by some being to lose money.

Because of this, Maximus quit quickly; he didn't want to waste his time on such bullshit any longer.

What Maximus didn't know is that the one who cheated him was a tier 9 apex sovereign, Goldfiend Vanderbilt.

He was the founder and creator of the stock market and Etherium Realm 2.0.

When it comes to wealth, it can be said he is the richest and can rival several domains.

Of course, he is not yet to reach the wealth of Readius and Alabaster.

The two own the Divine Continent and Beast Continent.

How can a businessman like Goldfiend match the two?

As for why he cheated Maximus for just a few trillion?

It's because he felt a huge wealth flowing from Maximus.

He thought that such a newcomer would be stubborn and would rather lose his fortune than admit defeat.

Who knew that Maximus escaped faster than a rabbit?

Goldfiend can only give up, and search for new targets.

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