The World I’m Wearing is Wrong

Chapter 1

Chapter 1: Hostage

“Brother Tian, wake up, Brother Tian, don’t die…”

“Brother Tian, hold on, someone will definitely come to save us, you have to hold on woo woo…”

“It’s all my fault, it’s all me who hurt you, if I hadn’t gone to the border, we wouldn’t have been caught by the gangsters, and we wouldn’t have been held hostage by them. I’m fine, I don’t care if you hit me, I won’t say a word, I just want you to be okay, wake up quickly…”


“Shut up.” In the darkness, a low and slightly hoarse voice finally responded.

Fu Xia whimpered and babbled abruptly, but it only lasted three seconds of silence. The next moment, he wept with joy: “Brother Tian, you are still alive! Brother Tian, are you still alive? Brother Tian, talk to me. , say two more, no, even one more word!”

“…Fu Xia?” The hoarse voice sounded again, revealing a little hesitation.

“It’s me, Brother Tian, it’s me, Brother Tian, are you all right? Where is the injury? Are you seriously injured?” Fu Xia’s tone was a little anxious and worried, but when he got here, he started choking again: “It’s all my fault for my lack of exercise. If I can persist, you won’t fight alone, it’s me who dragged you down, I’m the one who hurt you, Brother Tian, I’m sorry…”

Bu Tian listened to Fu Xia’s words silently, and didn’t say anything for a long time.

He was a little confused about the current situation. He clearly fell asleep after staying up for a few nights. The tiredness made him fall asleep in seconds, but as soon as he fell asleep, he heard someone muttering repentance in his ear. He wanted to completely extinguish the source of the sound, but his last sense made him realize the familiarity of the sound.

Fu Xia, he is small in the real world.

Yes, the real world.

Six years ago, due to his accidental soul, he entered a game called “Swordsman Love Online III” (referred to as Sword III), and his soul entered the body of an indigenous teenager from the martial arts five poisons. Since then, he has only been surrounded by a group of strangers. .

But the voice in his ear was indeed Fuxia, and he had already discovered that the place where he lay was no longer the bamboo bed in his house, but the hard and cold concrete floor.

It was very dark in the room, and only wisps of light came out from the door, far from reaching the point of lighting. Bu Tian has a special physique, and his night vision ability is stronger than ordinary people, so he can barely see clearly after getting used to it.

This is an empty room. Except for the sturdy Fuxia who is tied beside him, there is only a ball of hemp rope beside him. thrown on the ground.

Or, where he is lying now, there should be another person, and the identity of that person…

“…Brother Tian?” Fuxia didn’t hear Bu Tian speak for a long time, and called out nervously and tentatively.

“Where is this?” Bu Tian had a lot of questions, but at this time he didn’t bother.

“Tian, Brother Tian, you, you, don’t you remember?” Fuxia choked again and worried: “Did they hurt your head? Are there other wounds besides your head? Is it serious? Brother Tian, you Don’t move around, I’ll try to move, I’ll untie the rope for you…”

“Fu Xia.” Bu Tian interrupted him, “I’m fine, you answer my question.” After a pause, he said, “My rope has been untied, I’ll untie it for you.”

Fuxia was very surprised, and his eyes filled with tears, and he was moved: “Brother Tian, you are so amazing, you are so kind to me.” After being moved, his tone was quite low, “If it wasn’t for me, you ran alone, those people I’m sure I can’t catch you, it’s all my fault…”

Realizing that he had strayed again, Fuxia hurriedly stopped and asked cautiously, “Brother Tian, do you remember why we were arrested?”

“I don’t remember.” Bu Tian said concisely.

“Then… remember this is Yunnan Province?” Fuxia asked again.

“Dian Province?” Bu Tian said with doubts, why are they in Yunnan Province?

Although Fuxia’s face could not be clearly seen in the dark, he was indeed crying and grimacing: “Brother Tian, have you forgotten that we came to Yunnan to relax?”

Relax? Who needs distraction?

Bu Tian was silent for a while, and then asked: “What year, what month, what day is today?”

This time, Fuxia’s tears really came out, and he choked and replied: “April 2022…22nd, we have been kidnapped for about two days. This is a basement, and there is no sunlight coming in, so I can’t judge the specific time.”

In 2022, the sixth year after he entered the game, the time flow of the real world and the game world will be synchronized.

“Why was it kidnapped?” Bu Tian asked.

Fu Xia is like a baby answering questions, he asks Bu Tian, he answers honestly, and doesn’t dare to hide it at all.

On April 15th, the two came to Yunnan Province for a tour. Tourism was the second, mainly for relaxation. The reason for the relaxation was vaguely passed by Fuxia, but Butian did not ask in detail. The solution to the current predicament is more important than the cause of distraction.

On April 20th, Fu Xia excitedly took Butian to the border to take a look. There were a few other people along with him. Who knew that he had not yet reached the border, but unexpectedly encountered a group of desperadoes. The southwest of Yunnan Province, which borders Laos and Vietnam, is also where drug traffickers are active. Compared with other border areas, it is more chaotic and dangerous.

The group of desperadoes was already at the end of the force. The Chinese police were chasing after them, but the clinker allowed them to capture eight or nine large living hostages. Those gangsters killed three people on the spot. Fu Xia shot, but was almost shot down. But one of the outlaws recognized him—the third son of the Bu family in the capital.

The Bu family has been involved in the military, politics and business. Now the master of the family, Mr. Bu, was the head of the armed forces. Even if he has retired now, his majesty is still there. In addition to him, many of the Bu family and their in-laws also hold important positions in the army and have a huge network of connections. It is an exaggeration to say that the Bu family occupies half of the capital, but a quarter is still sufficient. “Bu Tian” instead became the only one above the other hostages, and Fu Xia, who had a close relationship with him, was lucky enough to escape.

The gangsters tied them up and took them to a private house in the mountains. Fuxia was first thrown into the basement. It was about half a day after “Bu Tian” was thrown, and he fell into a coma after only talking to him. never woke up.

“How many gangsters are there in total?” Bu Tian asked after listening.

Fuxia couldn’t see his expression clearly, and answered honestly: “Fifteen, or sixteen, it’s a big group.” After speaking, he pursed his lips and said worriedly: “Brother Tian, don’t think about it. Provoking them, they all have guys in their hands, and most of them have seen blood, which really makes them anxious, even if you have Grandpa Bu and Brother Ming behind you, they will not blink.”

Bu Tian didn’t respond, and his fingers fiddled with a bracelet on his left wrist. It was a bracelet composed of eleven flat rectangular silver ornaments of different sizes. The silver ornaments and the silver ornaments were strung together by black woven strings, which were simple and simple.

But this bracelet is not just an ordinary bracelet, the eleven silver cuboids are actually eleven silver boxes, and each silver box has a Gu, some of which can kill people, and some that can heal wounds and diseases. Gu, and… Gu that is said to be able to bring back the dead.

Bu Tian stayed up late for many days, precisely because of the Phoenix Gu, which has the effect of bringing back the dead, but whether it can be brought back to life, he has not tested it yet, and he will not experiment easily, because once the Phoenix Gu is planted, it will not be the same as other people. Gu can also return to the master after it takes effect.

Closer to home.

Bu Tian didn’t speak, and Fu Xia didn’t speak. In the darkness where the needle could be heard, he could hear every movement clearly, but his vision was limited, and his other senses were more sensitive.

“Brother Tian, have you… did you hear, hear what sound?” Fu Xia heard a small sound, which was very small, but not fixed in one place.

Bu Tian was sharper than him, and in addition to the sound, there was also a shallow taste, which he was very familiar with.

“Also, there is still the wind…” Fuxia felt the slight wind, and the fear and anxiety of the small dark room for two days made him very sensitive, and the slightest movement made him feel like a big enemy.

“Scorpion, butterfly.” Bu Tian gave him four words, indicating that he should not be nervous.

He said that scorpions and butterflies are not to comfort Fuxia. In fact, in addition to the holy scorpion and a group of more than a dozen blue butterflies, there are spirit snakes, jade toads, sky spiders and wind centipedes, five poisons and blue butterflies. The pets under the five poisons and two mental methods in the game settings.

Of course, the pet skills set in the game are not suitable for local residents. The five poisons of the indigenous people are basically used for making poisons and medicines, and so are the five poisons of Butian.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that when he returned to reality from the game world, Wudu and Bi Die also followed. The eleven Gus on his wrist are understandable. After all, he wears the bracelet close to his body, so it’s not surprising to follow him back, and he won’t sleep with pets.

But if he came, he had a better chance of dealing with the desperadoes.

“Fuxia, I want to go out and have a look.” Bu Tian said.

Hearing this, Fuxia was shocked, and without thinking, he jumped up and hugged him and shouted, “Brother, don’t do something stupid, you will lose your life!”

Bu Tian doesn’t like to have close contact with others, especially now that he has all the pets, except for Bi Die who has no attack power, the five poisons will take the initiative to attack those who attack him. His wrists were wrapped in the old place, if he hadn’t stopped him in time, Fuxia would have to lie down by now.

“Brother Tian, listen to me, the police have already learned your identity from the gangster, and they will definitely contact the Bu family. They all know that we have the best relationship. Brother Ming knows that my family must also know that I am in the hands of the gangster. They will not sit still.” Fu Xia said very quickly, “It’s been so long now, if there is no accident, the rescuer must have arrived, maybe they have been ambushed around, as long as those gangsters relax a little, we will You can be saved. Brother Tian, you must not be impulsive!”

Bu Tian slowly said: “Fuxia, fifteen or six gangsters, this number is not small, they can escape all the way under the pursuit, and even thought of taking hostages at a critical moment, using my identity as a cover, they are not stupid, maybe Smarter than you think.”

Fuxia’s lips moved, but he couldn’t say anything to refute.

“If I’m not mistaken, they will ask the police to provide transportation. Once they escape safely, what will happen to the hostages? You like watching police and bandit movies, and you have been exposed to real cases. This kind of plot is not unfamiliar, right?” To frighten him, but the truth is, waiting for rescue is tantamount to waiting for death.

As if catering to Bu Tian’s words, his voice fell, and the sound of the helicopter’s propeller was faintly heard outside.

Fu Xia’s face suddenly turned pale, like falling into an ice cave.

“Bring those two pigs up, hurry up!” A rough voice came from far above through the door panel, but it was not difficult to hear the excitement in the voice.

“Yes!” Someone immediately responded in a high voice.

The hurried footsteps approached the basement quickly, and in a blink of an eye, he reached the door. He pushed the latch on the door, and Fu Xia suppressed his fear and whispered, “Brother Tian?”

Bu Tian pulled Fu Xia’s hand away and stood up, without even running, only his left foot slammed on the ground, and the whole person flew out like an arrow from a string.

The weak light entered along the crack of the door, and as the door opened, the person outside the door also revealed his figure, a smiling face with the corner of his mouth grinning to the back of his ear.

The moment he stepped into the basement, his neck hurt violently, and he was not able to face even the surprise. Then, the luster in his eyes faded, and a handsome and coquettish face briefly stayed in his pupils, and immediately fell into darkness.

The author has something to say: May 1 officially updated, please support the fairies, there are red envelopes in the messages in this chapter!

In this article, the important thing must be said three times.

In this article, Brother Du is set up as a cold and steady character. There are not many words. The goal of Xianyu is to not collapse the character of Brother Du!

If it crashes, please let me know in time!

PS: Fuxia is not subject, Fuxia is not subject, Fuxia is not subject!

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