The World I’m Wearing is Wrong

Chapter 146

Chapter 145: Phoenix

“Qi, Qi vomits blood?” Bu Yang was stunned when he learned the truth of Bu Tian’s vomiting blood.

Bu Tian let out a light hum, and didn’t explain any further, his eyes still looking straight at the Lantern Festival in the intensive care unit.

Bu Yang wanted to say something, but when he saw the melancholy and worry on his face, he couldn’t help feeling apprehensive.

It was good that Bu Tian was safe and sound, but Lantern walked through the gate of hell, his heart stopped beating for an hour and he was pronounced dead. If Lantern really passed away, what would happen to Bu Tian?

Even if there is no lover, Bu Yang, who has acted in movies and TV, can still feel the same. It is definitely not the pain that he is willing to experience for the second time.

But since Bu Yang is here, it is impossible to do nothing, at least he will urge Bu Tian to eat when it is time to eat, and he can take care of him for a while when Bu Tian wants to accompany him around Lantern Festival.

Even though Bu Tian was still worried, he wasn’t so stubborn that he didn’t eat or drink and stared at Lantern Festival without blinking. The Lantern Festival’s condition was obviously improving. If something went wrong, he at least had the strength to deal with it and wake him up. he.

The brothers spent three days outside the intensive care unit by turns, and their expressions were a little haggard. The good news is that all the signs of Lantern Festival returned to normal values. They also woke up for a few minutes in the middle, and their consciousness was still blurred. past.

After a week of observation, the doctor determined that Lantern Festival really came back from the gate of hell, and he couldn’t help but shouted a miracle in his heart.

The family members of the doctors were happy when the Lantern Festival came back to life, but the doctor who should have reminded it anyway.

“The person is fine now, but the patient has been injected with a large amount of heroin. The nerves and cardiovascular system have been strongly stimulated, and he is also addicted to drugs. The family members are advised to send the person to a withdrawal center.”

Hearing these words, both Bu Tian frowned, and the doctor added: “Drugs are not harmful to people. For the sake of health, you should abstain when you should, and you should not be soft-hearted.”

Bu Yang glanced at Bu Tian, nodded and said to the doctor, “We know, thank you doctor.”

The doctor left temporarily, and Bu Yang said: “The doctor is right, the dumplings are now out of danger, but the real hardship is yet to come.”

Bu Tian lowered his eyes and pondered, and after a while, he raised his head and said, “I’ll call eldest brother.”

“Huh?” Bu Yang didn’t respond.

Bu Tian lowered his voice and said one word: “Medicine.”

Bu Yang suddenly realized that the drugs that their eldest brother researched for the treatment of addicts have been put into clinical practice. If the treatment is effective, Lantern will not have to suffer from withdrawal.

“Why don’t you say that auspicious people have their own celestial appearance, Tangyuan, you are lucky, but you must be safe, Yuanyuan is still waiting for you.” Bu Yang took an apple from the fruit basket and prepared to peel it. .

“…Hmm.” A muffled sound that seemed to come from his nose responded to him.

Bu Yang shook his hand, the apple fell from his hand, and Gulugulu rolled away.

He stood up from the chair with a “ho”, with a surprised look on his face: “Dumplings, are you awake? Is there anything uncomfortable, do you want to drink water?”

Lantern’s mind was probably still a little confused, and it took a while to hear his voice. He rolled his eyes and looked around in the ward. He didn’t see Bu Tian, his heart tightened, and he asked in a hoarse voice, “Bu Tian?”

Just as Bu Yang was about to say that Bu Tian was calling his eldest brother and called him, the door of the ward was pushed open.

As soon as Bu Tian opened the door, his line of sight collided with the Lantern Festival on the hospital bed without any hindrance. His heart throbbed, his body was faster than he was conscious, and he walked to the hospital bed in three steps.

“Yuanxiao?” Compared with his excessive movements, his voice was extremely soft, as if in front of him was a delicate glazed doll, and a slightly higher decibel could shatter him.

There was no expression on Lantern’s face, and his black eyes looked deeply at the person close at hand. He could see distress, joy, guilt and caution in Bu Tian’s eyes. It was the first time he saw Bu Tian since he knew him. There were so many complicated emotions on Bu Tian’s face.

On the other hand, when Bu Yang saw Yuan Xiao’s expression, his heart froze. Could it be that Yuan Xiao wanted to break up with Bu Tian because Bu Tian did not protect him well?

Bu Yang felt extremely uneasy, but Bu Tian and Yuan Xiao didn’t speak for a long time, and he couldn’t speak freely, so he could only stand there and worry.

Finally, Bu Tianxian couldn’t help but move, he raised his hand and gently stroked Yuanxiao’s obviously thin cheek, but the moment it touched his skin, Yuanxiao turned his head away.

Bu Yang’s heart suddenly came to his throat, and his heart was full of only two words – it’s over!

Immediately afterwards, he heard Lantern say in his hoarse voice, “If you dare to let the goblin take my place, I will pull out your hair and make you ugly.”

Bu Yang: “……” What did he hear? Did he hallucinate?

But Bu Tian couldn’t help but raise the corners of his lips, leaned over and lowered his head, lightly touched Lantern’s slightly pale lips, and almost murmured, “Only you are the little goblin, only you.”

Lantern finally no longer maintained his cold expression, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he continued: “When I’m healed, I’m going to dive.”

“Okay.” Bu Tian replied with gentle eyes.

Lantern Festival continued to make the request: “I also want to go on a hot air balloon ride.”

“Okay.” Bu Tian still replied gently.

Yuanxiao rolled his eyes and said, “I want to hear those three words from you.”

In exchange for Bu Tian’s light kiss on his forehead, “Want to drink water?”

“Think.” Lantern almost drowned in Bu Tian’s overly gentle eyes and tone, his head was dizzy, and he instantly forgot to hear the three-word request.

Bu Yang: Can I be okay, please? I’m still here.

However, after finally waiting for his lover to wake up, Bu Tian only has his lover in his eyes, and Yuan Xiao, who came back from the gate of hell, only has Bu Tian in his heart. Pulling out the foot that stepped into the gate of hell, I am afraid that this time it really gave some little goblins a chance!

The little husband and his wife said nothing to me, and the second brother silently picked up the apple that rolled to the corner, peeled it and ate it, without attracting any attention.



Lantern’s physical fitness has always been good. Even if he suffered internal injuries during the fight with Xie Li, and his face was scratched by bullets, it did not hurt the root. Except for the addiction that may occur at any time, he can eat and sleep.

Of course, the doctors didn’t know that Lantern’s internal injuries could recover so quickly, not only because of Lantern’s good health, but also because of Butian’s use of Gu to treat him, especially the slightly hideous bullet scratch on his face, it stands to reason Even if the trauma is healed, it will leave scars, and a minor surgery is needed to fully recover, but Lantern has only been hospitalized for a week, and the injury is almost healed. No traces were left.

Lantern spent two weeks in the hospital, but he couldn’t stand it any longer. The doctor also said that he had completely recovered and could be discharged from the hospital. Bu Tian followed his wishes and went through the discharge procedures.

“Bu Tian, please help me to see if I have a rash on my back, it’s so itchy…” As soon as Bu Tian arrived at the ward, Lantern Festival seemed to see a savior, he stretched out his collar and let him look back.

Bu Tian deeply felt that this was a new trick that the little monster came up with, the kind that seduced him.

If it were before, he would probably have replied, “Don’t be naive,” and then be criticized for being too blunt, but now, he is happy to follow the little monster’s seduction.

It’s just that Bu Tian was looking at it casually, but when he saw the blood on Lantern’s back, he became serious, and immediately said: “Take off your clothes.”

“Ah?” Lantern was startled.

Without giving him time to hesitate, Bu Tian pushed him towards the hospital bed, while his other hand had already removed his sunscreen jacket.

Yuanxiao also realized the seriousness of the matter, and no longer hesitated, and immediately unbuttoned, he was a little beaten in his heart. He won’t suffer from some strange disease again, right?

At this time, Bu Tian had already seen Yuan Xiao’s back, his pupils shrank slightly, and an indescribable emotion surged into his heart.

Almost immediately, Bu Tian thought of the phoenix Gu that disappeared from Lantern’s body. On his fair skin, it was a phoenix that was reborn from ashes, exactly the same as the phoenix he saw in the ancient book when he made the phoenix Gu. !

“Bu, Butian, what’s the matter?” Butian’s silence made Lantern a little uneasy, and the whole back was not only itchy now, it was burning like fire, he desperately wanted to scratch to relieve the discomfort.

“Don’t touch it.” Bu Tian grabbed the hand he wanted to scratch back, and said in a low voice, “Get down.”

Yuan Xiao trembled and slumped back to the hospital bed, and Bu Tian knelt down on one knee to the edge of the bed, his cool fingers touched his skin, causing him to tremble. *.

Bu Tian looked at the red phoenix intently, not like a tattoo floating on the surface, but integrated with the skin, as if it was born.

“Yuanyuan, mom and eldest brother come to see…” The door of the ward was opened with great interest, and the voice stopped abruptly when the scene in the ward was clearly seen.

Bu Yang regained his dignity in a second, blocked Tang Hui and Bu Ming behind him, and apologized solemnly: “I’m sorry for disturbing you, you guys continue first.” Then he resolutely exited the ward and closed the door.

Lantern Festival: “…” Wait, you come back, we didn’t do anything!

Bu Tian took a deep breath, all thoughts were temporarily put on hold because of Bu Yang, he took the fruit knife from the table and cut through his palm.

“What are you doing, Bu Tian?” Lantern’s voice suddenly changed.

Bu Tian pressed him back and whispered in his ear, “Don’t worry, I’m fine.”

Yuanxiao wanted to say that you are fine and self-inflicted, but the words came to your mouth, but because of Bu Tian’s sudden move to seal his lips, there was no sound. hand of day.

“It’s Phoenix Gu, it saved you.” Bu Tian stepped back a little and explained.

Lantern Festival was clever and said incoherently: “Then I’m now… I’m carrying…”

“You have a phoenix reborn from ashes on your back. The phoenix Gu has completed its mission and left traces of its existence in this way.” With red lines, penetrated into the skin of Lantern Festival, the red phoenix seems to be more bright.

There is no doubt that this scene is quite unscientific, but Bu Tian is the master of Phoenix Gu, and his blood can comfort Phoenix Gu.

After a full hour, Bu Tian and the well-dressed Lantern Festival left the ward.

When facing the gazes of the three people outside, especially Tang Hui, who was standing in the middle, his face was full of indescribable words.

Sure enough, the next moment, Tang Hui reprimanded him with a cold face, and finally said: “Return to the capital Tangyuan and live in Ziyu Huafu, you are calm and calm alone.”

Bu Tian opened his mouth to explain, but Tang Hui waved his hand: “Tangyuan, let’s go home.”

Bu Tian: “…” Was he kidnapped by his daughter-in-law? ? ?

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