The World I’m Wearing is Wrong

Chapter 26

Chapter 25: You Are Responsible For Me

When Bu Tian rushed to the hospital in a hurry, Lantern had just dealt with the wound. His upper right arm was wrapped in a thick layer of white gauze, and his face was not very good-looking.

“Yuanxiao.” Bu Tian approached and shouted.

Hearing the sound, Yuanxiao raised his head, met his gaze, and the corners of his mouth turned up, greeting him with his signature smile: “Mr. Bu, are you here?”

Bu Tian glanced over his upper arm, frowned slightly and asked, “What happened?”

Lantern didn’t answer and asked: “I’ll talk about it later. Have you got the surveillance downstairs in the community? Did anyone get on it first?”

When he asked, Bu Tian frowned deeper.

An hour ago, he received a call from Lantern Festival, in a hurried but clear tone, he asked him to go to the property to get the surveillance of the apartment downstairs, otherwise it might be ruined if it was too late, and he hung up on Lantern Festival before he had time to ask about the situation. cut off the phone. Although he had doubts, he still followed suit. There was another person who arrived at the same time as him. Unfortunately, he knew that person and was a driver of Cui Wenbo.

The driver saw that Bu Tianhou’s expression management was out of control, he turned around and ran away regardless of the task, and was subdued by Butian.

The surveillance video clearly captured the scene of the “kidnapping”. The person in the car did not show up, but it was clear that the kidnapper was using handcuffs.

Bu Tian immediately realized that it was Cui Wenbo who had attacked Lantern again, and was about to follow Cui Wenbo’s license plate to check his route when he received a call from Lantern. Lantern asked him to directly copy the evidence and take it for backup, and then hurriedly ended. call.

Lantern frowned and said, “It’s not that I don’t want to make it clear, it’s really that my phone was ‘killed’…” He took out the phone that was divided into two from his pocket, the battery was deformed, the screen was broken, and his face felt distressed.

Compared with the dead cell phone, Bu Tian is more concerned about the kidnapping case and Lantern’s injury.

Lantern gently touched the wound on his arm and said with a complicated expression, “It’s a gunshot wound.”

“Gunshot wound?” Bu Tian’s expression changed slightly.

Huaguo has strict control over guns. Although it is not to say that everyone acts according to the law, but instead of keeping a low profile with guns, they use guns to injure people, which is tantamount to provoking legal authority.

Yuanxiao thought the same thing. When he saw Cui Wenbo’s bodyguard open the car door and put a hand holding a gun in, he was shocked, and he almost thought he was abroad. However, he quickly calmed down and his mind flew. Although the other party held a gun, he guessed that it was mostly used to scare people. After all, if the crime of illegal possession of a gun and the number of people with gun injuries were combined, it was not a misdemeanor. So he took a gamble that the bodyguard wouldn’t dare shoot.

As he expected, the bodyguard did have some scruples, and he also took the opportunity to give the other party a hard kick. He didn’t know how to fight very much, but he had the strength to step down and almost broke several ribs of the other party, and the bodyguard lost his mobility in an instant.

But just when he touched the phone and called the police to call Bu Tian, Cui Wenbo picked up the bodyguard’s gun and fired it at him. The muzzle deflected, and he doubted that he would be headshot on the spot and die.

The phone didn’t break down when he smashed it, and he repaired it despite the injury, but unfortunately he only persisted until he made a second call to Bu Tian.

Closer to home.

After Lantern explained the process, he looked around again and saw that there was no one nearby, he leaned in to Bu Tian and whispered, “Mr. Bu, I’m serious, the surnamed Cui is really a pervert. If you really like men, I strongly don’t recommend it. find him.”

Bu Tian’s eyelids twitched, his heart filled with depression, he asked, “What did Cui Wenbo kidnap you for?”

“He originally wanted to send me away for one million, but I refused…” Lantern’s tone was very indescribable, “It’s not that I can’t get along with money, but his attitude is really disgusting.”

“And after that?” Bu Tian asked again.

“After that, he threatened me and scare me.” Lantern said.

Bu Tian: “How to threaten and scare?”

Lantern Festival stopped talking, Cui Wenbo didn’t say it in detail, but he could guess Cui Wenbo’s intentions, which was really hard to say.

“Mr. Bu, listen to me, the surnamed Cui is really not a good person. I sincerely advise you to keep your distance from him.” Thinking of Cui Wenbo’s words, “I will show him the photos and videos, and I will let him spend the rest of his life. If you hate having sex, whether it’s a man or a woman”, the Lantern Festival will be disgusting.

Bu Tian was silent, and Lantern did not speak again.

After a long time, Bu Tian said, “Sorry.”

“Huh?” Lantern was stunned for a while, but immediately realized that Bu Tian was apologizing to him, waved his hands hurriedly, and accidentally pulled the wound after the anesthesia, his face turned pale.

“Don’t move.” Bu Tian frowned slightly.

“Okay…” Lantern didn’t dare to move, after all, the wound was really painful.

Bu Tian asked him, “Did you hurt any muscles or bones?”

Lantern shook his head: “I’m lucky, but it’s just a little scratched.”

Bu Tian nodded, indicating that he knew.

“Let’s go,” he said.

Lantern Festival didn’t move. He looked at Bu Tian and said slowly: “Mr. Bu, the surnamed Cui has a combination of kidnapping, illegal possession of a gun, and intentional wounding today, and is currently under criminal detention.”

“Well.” Bu Tian naturally knew.

“…You have nothing to say?” Lantern couldn’t help but ask before waiting for his next sentence.

Bu Tian asked back, “Do you want to hear what I have to say?”

Lantern Festival was at a loss for words, and he hesitated for a long time before he said: “The Cui family has power and power, will the surnamed Cui release the stool of the detention center without sitting on it?”

Bu Tian stared at him for a few seconds, then said slowly, “I thought…”

Lantern Festival didn’t wait for the next sentence, and could only ask: “What?”

Bu Tian stared at him for a few more seconds, until his scalp was numb before he slowly said: “You will be more worried about his revenge.”

Lantern Festival: “…”

It seems reasonable.

He rubbed his hands together and said, “Mr. Bu, will you cover me?”

Bu Tian raised his eyebrows.

Lantern hurriedly said again: “This matter is really not my fault, it was you who abandoned the surname Cui first, I was implicated, and you have to be responsible to me if you are in love and reason.”

Bu Tian: “…………”

Seeing the words “indescribable” written on Bu Tian’s face, Lantern realized that his words seemed a bit ambiguous, and he coughed twice and then remedied: “You are responsible for my safety.”

Bu Tian stared at him for a long time before spitting out a few words: “I have nothing to do with the surnamed Cui.”

Lantern Festival: Ha ha.

Big pig’s hoof is talking about you.

Bu Tian was speechless, he took a deep breath, put aside the topic, and said, “Let’s go.”

“The one surnamed Cui…” Lantern asked subconsciously.

Bu Tian glanced back at him and said lightly, “It’s him who violated the law and committed the crime, it’s not you who should be worried.”

Lantern Festival didn’t see it. Bu Tian turned his face after saying this, his eyes were full of killing intent. He warned Cui Wenbo, but it was obvious that Cui Wenbo ignored his words and wanted to find fault with him. He didn’t mind Fang Ming. Swords and spears come, but innocent people can be implicated, and the means are despicable and cruel, unforgivable!

After returning home, Bu Tian contacted Song Yingshao and asked him to prepare the information of the Cui family. Then I contacted Qiuzi. He was followed before, but he didn’t ask about it later, but strictly speaking, following others is suspected of violating the other party’s right to ** and violated the law, but whether to be punished by the law depends on the specific circumstances. Cui Wenbo’s The behavior is not considered serious, especially if he took the evidence memory card secretly, the other party can completely deny the account.

As Bu Tian had expected, Qiu Zi reported that the follow-up procedure did not have much follow-up. Several foreigners who followed them insisted that they were following them for the purpose of protecting their minds. They did not even mention the name of Cui Wenbo. The evidence was only the locator. Only a few days in detention and some fines, it’s not a pain in the ass.

“Three Young Masters, what happened?” Qiu Zi was very keen on this, “Did Cui Wenbo do something else?”

Bu Tiandao: “Cui Wenbo is suspected of kidnapping, illegal possession of a gun, and intentional homicide. Keep an eye on him, don’t let him go through the back door and get people in.”

Qiu Zi was shocked when he heard the words, “Has San Shao hurt you?”

“No.” Bu Tianhui, “It’s not me that hurts.”

Qiuzi breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said with a serious face: “No matter how strong the Cui family’s background is in foreign countries, since they are in the territory of China, they have to abide by the laws of our country, and if they violate the law and commit crimes, they will definitely make him suffer. Walk!”

Bu Tianxin said Qiuzi, your last sentence is a bit heavy…

“Be careful,” he urged.

Qiu Zi vowed: “Don’t worry, San Shao.” After a pause, he said: “Three Shao, the Cui family has developed a lot of connections in recent years, and they have contacts in the upper class. , some good people may be able to find you here.”

That means trouble.

Song Yingshao had already sent the information about the Cui family that he had found temporarily by email, and he looked at the information while looking at the information, and said, “The Cui family has offended many people, and the methods are not clean. Find an opportunity to give the media some information. “But not talking about trouble that might come to you.

Qiuzi’s heart moved slightly, and he lowered his voice and asked, “How much do you want to achieve?”

Bu Tianping looked at the information on the computer, and said, “Let the Cui family get out of China.”

When Qiuzi heard this, he suddenly became energetic and told the Cui family to get out of China, not just out of the capital… San Shao, is he planning to get serious?

Bu Tian is not a man of his own accord. He personally has a very bad impression of Cui Wenbo. If Cui Wenbo is in front of him, he may give him a lesson he will never forget, but he has no intention of lynching, let alone rising to the point of being with the whole family. The Cui family was an enemy, but the information Song Yingshao investigated made him decide to do something bigger.

In doing business, especially big business, it is impossible to say that there is no need for any means, and it is as clean as a piece of paper, but there should always be a limit to everything. During the few years when the Cui family returned to China to develop, on the surface, they were legitimate businessmen. Conspiracy and intrigue are all used in secret, Song Yingshao alone found out that no less than 20 companies were murdered, at least six people were killed, and more than ten people were missing. Everything is suppressed or done without leaving a trace, and all victims can only bear all the harm.

The Bu family has a decent style. Bu Tian was taught by Mr. Bu since he was a child. He is upright and just. There are some things he doesn’t know or doesn’t step on his bottom line.

After chatting with Qiuzi, Bu Tian continued to look at the Cui family’s network in China.

“Knock-knock-” The study door was knocked gently twice.

“Come in.” Bu Tian said without raising his head.

He and Yuanxiao were the only ones in his house, so it was the Lantern Festival who knocked on the door.

Yuanxiao opened the study door but didn’t come in. He only poked his head carefully and asked, “Mr. Bu, are you hungry?”

Bu Tian held the mouse’s hand for a while, and glanced at the time in the lower right corner of the screen. It was nearly seven o’clock, and it was already his usual dinner time.

“What do you want to eat?” He put the computer on standby, got up and left the study.

“…I wanted to ask you what to eat. There’s nothing in the refrigerator. I’m going to go out and buy two.” Lantern said.

“You’re injured, take a good rest.” Bu Tian said, took out his phone, glanced over his wrist, saw a red mark on his wrist that he had ignored before, and frowned: “What’s going on?”

Yuanxiao followed his line of sight and looked down at his wrist, “This is what I left behind when I broke the handcuffs. The skin is not scratched, and it doesn’t hurt. It will go away in two days.”

Wen Yan Butian’s expression is a little subtle. There may be scenes in the movie where someone breaks the handcuffs with their bare hands, but in fact, the density of human bones and flesh is far less than that of steel. It is very difficult to break the handcuffs. Maybe this is still possible.

Lantern Festival?

He looks so skinny, and his handcuffs are broken, which is really unrealistic.

But Butian thought again that he kicked Cui Wenbo’s custom-made security door before and replaced it with an ordinary security door. He might not be able to resist his kick. So, does this kid really have a lot of power?

“Gululu…” A roar interrupted Bu Tian’s thinking.

Lantern clutched his stomach and wanted to find a seam to get in.

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, Bu Tian felt a little amused, and asked, “What would you like to eat? I’ll ask the hotel to deliver it.”

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