The World I’m Wearing is Wrong

Chapter 72

Chapter 71: Cheated

Lantern’s body froze obviously, as if he had just recovered, and looked at Bu Tian in astonishment.

Bu Tian looked at him and saw the sadness on his face.

After a long silence, Yuanxiao said dryly: “You’re here so soon…” After he finished speaking, he realized that he still had a cigarette between his fingers, and hurriedly threw the cigarette **** to the ground.

Bu Tian looked down, only to find that there were several cigarette butts on the ground, but he hadn’t seen it before because of the angle.

Lantern still explained in a dry tone: “I don’t usually smoke.” Unless he was really irritable, he would want to find a way to vent, but he was not drinking well, so he resorted to smoking.

Bu Tian didn’t have a bad time smoking because of Lantern Festival. He knew Yuan Xiao for two months. He knew very well that Lantern Festival was a self-disciplined person. He lived under the same roof for the past two months. He never smelled cigarettes on Lantern Festival. He was basically certain that he didn’t smoke. Also not addicted to smoking.

He didn’t speak, and Lantern didn’t open his mouth when he was worried.

After a long time, Bu Tian said, “Let’s go.”

Lantern hesitated and didn’t move, but asked, “Is there any water in the car?” Seeing that Bu Tian was puzzled, he said again, “Rinse your mouth.”

Bu Tian brought him water, and gave him two mints. He put these mints on his own two days ago, because drivers sometimes take a nap and get sleepy. Mints can make people feel sleepy. Wake up. In the end, Bu Tian didn’t use it yet, but he chewed it first.

The cool smell of mint instantly dilutes the smell of smoke in the mouth, the coolness hits the forehead, and the whole person is refreshed.

He also didn’t take most of the packs of cigarettes and lighters on the concrete. Which co-worker was lucky to pick it up.

“What happened?” Bu Tian started the car and glanced at him when he turned the corner.

Lantern took a deep breath, and the coolness of the mint was cold until his throat, a little too cool, and he almost vomited the candy.

“…Let’s talk about it when we go home, okay?” At this moment, he was still quite depressed, and he hadn’t sorted out his thoughts, so he didn’t know how to tell Bu Tian.

Bu Tian didn’t force it, and drove the car quietly.

On the way, Yuan Xiao kept his eyes down and stared at his hands, but there was no focus in his eyes, as if he was lost in thought.

All the way to the apartment unimpeded, Lantern quietly followed behind Bu Tian and went home. Bu Tian had just changed his shoes when suddenly he felt a heat source attached to his back, and a pair of hands hugged his waist tightly. .

“What’s wrong?” he asked in a low voice.

Lantern didn’t say anything, like a child dependent on his parents, he simply hugged him and didn’t want to let go.

Bu Tian didn’t know how to comfort Lantern Festival. In fact, he didn’t know where to start comforting Lantern Festival without saying anything.

While distracted, Lantern let go of his arms and turned him around, then pushed him… Unprepared, he was pushed down and sat on the shoe changing stool. In the next second, the shadows shrouded him, and Lantern was sealed. hold his lips.

The mint flavor did not completely mask the inferior tobacco flavor. It is acceptable for a single flavor, but it is not very good when mixed.

Lantern’s kiss was more intense than any of their previous kisses. Bu Tian even felt the power of devouring from this kiss. Lantern seemed to swallow him whole.

He couldn’t help clasping Yuanxiao’s waist, pressing Yuanxiao tightly to himself, against the customer’s request.

In the end, it was natural that Lantern, whose lung capacity was not as good as Bu Tian’s, disarmed and surrendered first. He straddled Bu Tian’s lap, buried his face on Bu Tian’s neck, and breathed rapidly.

He managed to catch his breath, and he used his slightly hoarse voice to tease: “Okay~ I want to sleep~ You~ Ya~”

Bu Tian knew that he had nothing to say, so he squeezed the hands around his waist.

“Hey… it hurts…” Lantern jumped three meters away, glared at Bu Tian while clutching his extremely ticklish and unbearable waist, accusing him, “You murdered your husband!”

Bu Tian Liangliang glanced at him, and in his eyes clearly wrote a sentence – whoever flirts first is cheap.

Lantern Festival: “…”

Those who flirt first are cheap, and kill them without complaint.

Should he be thankful that his man didn’t beat him to death in a fit of anger?

But he didn’t tell a lie. He really wanted to put Bu Tian to sleep, okay? Isn’t it normal that Bu Tian was pushed down by him, and then they became a loving couple?

In a time of cowardly, aggrieved, and innocent thinking, Bu Tian has calmed down that little overthinking, got up and left the entrance, and left two words when he passed by Lantern: “Change shoes.”

Lantern Festival: “…” It’s really ruthless, okay? I want to dump my boyfriend every day!

However, every day I want to get rid of it, but I can’t get rid of it every day. No, I am reluctant to dump it.

Lantern let out a heavy sigh, and the stagnation in his heart dissipated a lot.

He quickly changed his shoes and followed Bu Tian to the living room, but Bu Tian was not in the living room, but took two bottles of pure water from the kitchen, and when he saw him, he handed him a bottle.

“You… don’t you ask me what’s wrong?” Yuan Xiao followed Bu Tian back to the living room, Bu Tian turned on the TV and sat down on the sofa again, as if nothing had happened before, which made him a little disappointed.

Bu Tian glanced at him and said, “I’m waiting for you to tell me.”

Lantern said in his heart that I really didn’t see it, he took two sips of water, and was silent for a few seconds, then put the bottle on the coffee table, then took out his mobile phone, and said, “There are eighteen people in my mobile phone address book, except you. Apart from the two managers I know from a part-time job, the other fifteen are all my acquaintances on the construction site, and most of us work with Brother Zhang.”

“Well, then what?” Bu Tian asked.

Lantern exhaled a breath, but did not answer, but dialed a number called “Du Yong” in front of him.

Bu Tian gave him a puzzled look, he showed no expression and clicked on the speakerphone.

“Hello, the number you dialed is on the phone, please try again later. Sorry, the subscriber youdialedisbusynow,pleasetryagainlater.”

Lantern hung up the phone and dialed the second name in the address book—Fu Dajun.

“Hello, the number you dialed is currently on the phone, please try again later. Sorry…”

Both numbers are the same reply, coincidence?

Lantern quickly made a third call.

“Hello, the number you dialed is talking…”

Fourth, fifth…

After each call is made, there is only one answer, and the call is in progress.

Bu Tian frowned: “They blocked you?”

The Lantern Festival had already dialed the last call, and the last one was a name that Bu Tian knew – Zhang Ping’an, the foreman of Lantern Festival.

Did you block him too?

Soon, Bu Tian heard the female voice of the system.

“Hello, the number you dialed is empty, please check it before dialing.”

“Empty number?”

“Yeah, empty account, I even skipped the blacklist.” Lantern laughed at himself, his strength seemed to be taken away, spread his hands to his sides, and the phone slipped from his hands.

Bu Tian hesitated for a moment and asked, “Is the number wrong?” Although he asked that, he was very sure that the number was not wrong. The original owner of the number canceled the number.

Lantern tilted his head to one side, looked at Shang Butian’s eyes, and said calmly, “Yesterday, I called Brother Zhang to ask when and where to pay the wages, and he replied, ‘The west gate of the XX construction site, three o’clock in the afternoon’. ”

“He didn’t show up?” Although the question is a question, the tone is affirmative.

Lantern put his head straight again, stared at the TV with empty eyes, and said to himself, “Actually, I can guess what he is thinking, and I also know that my family sent people to find him, and even the one million is just nothing. An excuse to make me embarrassed and compromise with my family. One million is far from enough to cover the loss of him and Aunt Wu. However, I work hard with the spirit of compensation, even if I can compensate them for their limited amount every month. , I try to make up for it as much as possible, but it’s not enough after all…”

Bu Tian seemed to see the sad and lonely young man smoking a cigarette at the gate of the construction site again, and his heart ached slightly.

Lantern did not look at him, and continued: “You will definitely think that I am hypocritical and the heart of the Virgin is overflowing, but in fact, there is no. I attach great importance to Brother Zhang and Aunt Wu, mainly because they took me in when I was the most difficult and difficult. , do you know the mood of a person who only has an ID card but can’t do anything, finds a job but is destroyed within three days and can only leave? At that time, I was like a stray dog every day, even sleeping in a stray bridge hole. Han is also freer than me, because ah, as long as I go to sleep in the bridge hole, the ‘dogs’ in my house will smell it, call a wave of city officials, and drive me away along with those innocent homeless people.”

“Brother Zhang and Aunt Wu took me in. Brother Zhang taught me to hide myself with natural makeup like tanning. Aunt Wu will make us delicious food. I live in their house, and they only charge me a small amount of utility bills. , Brother Zhang also took me to the construction site to work. On the construction site, we were disheartened every day. Even if the person who knew me the most in the past stood in front of me, he would definitely not recognize me. During the two years in their house, I was twenty years old. Two of the most fulfilling and free years of my life, and I am grateful to them.”

However, they eventually betrayed you. Bu Tian’s lips moved, but he suppressed the sentence again.

However, Yuan Xiao seemed to understand his heart, smiled at him, and said, “I don’t blame them.”

“But you are sad.” Bu Tian pondered.

“Yeah, I’m really sad…” Lantern didn’t deny it, but his eyes dimmed: “In the first fourteen years of my life, I was surrounded by housekeepers, teachers, and servants, but they never They will say one more thing to me, they won’t care about me, they won’t communicate with me, they are very respectful to me, they always keep their heads down in front of me, they don’t dare to look at me more, I have always been alone, learning alone, alone Sleep, grow up alone…”

“After I went abroad, I made my first friend, but ‘they’ found out, and ‘they’ felt that the time I spent chatting with my friends would affect my studies, so ‘they’ forbade me to chat with them again My friends come and go, go to class every day, and they surround me like iron buckets and don’t allow anyone to get close.”

“Later, my belated rebellious period came, and I began to sneak away from ‘them’, I learned to smoke, and drinking was on my course, but unfortunately I was born with alcohol intolerance, no matter how low the alcohol level is Pour a cup, hehe…”

“Of course, then I slipped away and was found, and they looked at me more closely, but I learned computing, and my friend, the teacher who taught me computing, communicated in another ‘language’ for three whole days. Years, no one found it.”

Speaking of this, a smile appeared on Lantern’s face, with a canary flying out of the cage and running towards the sky.

After talking about Lantern Festival, the whole person felt a lot more relaxed. He kept these words in his heart and couldn’t find a person to talk to. Therefore, once he opened his mouth at this time, it was like opening the floodgates, and he couldn’t hold it back for a while.

“Uh, am I talking too much?” He turned his head, and when he saw Bu Tian, he looked at him like that, guessing if he was talking too much, after all, he had said nothing.

Bu Tian handed him water at the right time. Lantern Festival was a little flattered. After taking it, he took a small sip before saying, “Thank you.”

Bu Tian shook his head and asked, “How did you leave?” Listening to his description, there were people staring at him all the year round.

Lantern was stunned for a while, then replied: “The airport has a lot of people, I…” He paused before continuing, “My grandma arranged for someone before she died to create chaos at the airport, so that I could escape.”

Bu Tian took a breath, “I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” Lantern asked.

“Your grandma…”

“This…” Lantern smiled, “Actually, my grandma is dying, and she was very peaceful when she left. I’m not sad.”

Bu Tian’s lips moved, not knowing how to answer.

On the contrary, Lantern Festival added: “My grandmother arranged for me to put me on the bus bound for Beijing, but they only gave me a hundred yuan, not even a single ticket.”

Bu Tian: “…”

Can’t even answer the call.

He could only move the topic back to the foreman Zhang Ping’an, “Zhang Ping’an lied to you for one million, what are you going to do?”

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