The World I’m Wearing is Wrong

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Ex-Boyfriend

Bu Tian really wanted to throw Lantern Festival from the 16th floor, but he was a law-abiding citizen and didn’t really put it into practice.

“Brother, can I borrow your bathroom to wash and change my clothes?” Lantern asked shyly.

Bu Tian wanted to return the word “can’t” to him, but he saw that he had one foot huddled, his body was dirty, and he looked at him expectantly, and told himself in his heart: Just do a good deed that day.

“Clean up after use.” He showed no consideration for the injured.

“Definitely, definitely, thank you brother!” The Lantern Festival responded again and again.

Bu Tian: I don’t have your brother.

When Lantern Festival went to the bathroom, it was convenient for Bu Tian to talk to Liu Minjie.

It can be seen that Liu Minjie was very cramped when facing him alone, swallowing nervously.

Bu Tian put a glass of water in front of him, and the sound of the bottom of the glass touching the coffee table made him tremble with fright, “Thank you, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Bu Tian’s voice was light.

After taking a sip of water, Liu Minjie calmed down a bit. He organized some words and said, “Ten days ago, on April 13, I received a call…”

The content of the phone call was to ask him if he would answer. The content of the shooting was very simple. The people on the opposite side were filmed through the screen door. He didn’t need to follow anyone, and he didn’t need to worry about being beaten if he was discovered. And entering is not realistic. And if you are careful, you will not be found.

For three months of fixed-point shooting, there was a salary of up to seven figures. Apart from not being able to go out, it was difficult, but the paparazzi lacked patience most, and there were takeaways that could be delivered to your door. It was transferred to his card on the same day, and the next day he received the key to the high-end apartment in Yanhu Community.

“Your employer only asks to photograph the entry and exit of my family?” Bu Tian raised the key points from his somewhat topsy-turvy words.

Liu Minjie nodded, thought about it, and added a little: “Especially young men, young men with good looks.”

Wen Yan Butian frowned slightly, “Young and good-looking male” is a strange request, why should it be emphasized on purpose?

Just as he was thinking, the phone on the coffee table suddenly rang. The phone was new, and there were only a few numbers stored in it. The incoming call was a string of numbers, not one of his new notes.

He slid away to answer, but didn’t speak.

The other side of the phone did not speak immediately, but asked after five seconds, “Bu Tian, is Liu Minjie with you?”

“You hired him to spy on me?” Bu Tian’s voice was suddenly cold, and he looked at Liu Minjie.

Liu Minjie wished he could shrink himself into a quail. The employer had instructed him to send the photo to the employer as soon as he photographed someone entering and leaving the house. He had already sent the photo before opening the door and informed him of what he had discovered. employer.

“…Sorry.” On the other end of the phone, the man’s voice was low, but there was no guilt or apology in those three words.

Bu Tian didn’t say anything, he could basically judge that the man on the other end of the phone was someone “he” knew.

After another half-minute of silence, the man said again: “I’m sorry Bu Tian, I just don’t want to see you with other people, at least now I really can’t accept it, you are the most special thing I have met in so many years. Alone, I like you…”

“Ka-” The thin and light phone was crushed and the screen was broken from the middle.

Liu Minjie was stunned, how hard is this, this, this, this, to squeeze this latest cherry phone into this shape with his bare hands? Are Cherry Phones Made of Paper?

Bu Tian threw the phone on the coffee table with a cold face, and turned his eyes back to Liu Minjie. Liu Minjie took a breath and really wanted to form a ball and hide behind the sofa so that Bu Tian could not see himself, otherwise he suspected that the next one would be pinched. will be your own neck.

Fortunately, although Bu Tian’s mood fluctuated a little because of the content of the phone call, he did not lose his mind. He said, “Go away, I will let you go this time.”

Liu Minjie was instantly overjoyed, but Butian came to another turning point: “But, this is the only time.”

Liu Minjie nodded like pounding garlic, “Definitely, definitely, definitely.”

Bu Tian didn’t embarrass him anymore, as if he had been granted amnesty, he almost walked out of Bu Tian’s house in a **** posture.

The mobile phone on the coffee table became a “corpse”, and he couldn’t help but have a headache. If the caller was a woman, he might not have such a big mood swing, but what a man, and the voice sounded like a mature man, “he “With a man?

“Brother!” A clear voice interrupted Bu Tian’s thoughts.

“I’m not your brother.” Bu Tian was in a bad mood, and naturally his tone was rarely emotional.

Lantern was stunned for a moment, and quickly changed his words: “Mr. Bu.”

Bu Tian: “…”

Bu Tian calmed down, he didn’t have the habit of angering others, whether it was an acquaintance or a stranger.

After washing his head and putting on clean clothes, Lantern Festival was much more refreshing. Although the T-shirt and jeans were still cheap, he couldn’t hold back his outstanding appearance and temperament.

“Mr. Bu, I want to ask you to borrow some spray or medicinal wine, can you see it?” Lantern asked embarrassedly.

Bu Tian looked down and saw that his feet were a few shades whiter, and the ankles were a little red. When he got up, he asked, “Isn’t it serious?” He was referring to the sprained foot.

“Yeah.” Yuanxiao touched the tip of his nose, thinking that he had said that he was a bit shy to kick the door open with one foot. Fortunately, he didn’t use all his strength at the time, and the sprain was not serious. If he had used all his strength, he would have broken a bone by now. .

There is a small medicine box at home, and there are also Yunnan Baiyao aerosols, which are bruises and medicines. After Butian took them out, they picked them up during the Lantern Festival, and they applied the medicines by themselves. And for the convenience of going to work tomorrow, he also wrapped it with a bandage, but it couldn’t be too strong.

“Okay?” Lantern was admiring his “masterpiece” when he suddenly heard the word “cold” thrown by Bu Tian, and instantly felt that he was being poured cold water.

“Well, okay.” He nodded obediently.

Bu Tian said lightly: “Pack up, let’s go.”

“Where to go?” Lantern blurted out, and immediately realized what Bu Tian meant, and said pitifully, “Mr. Bu, I really have nowhere to go, please do me a favor, take me in for a month, no, twenty God, I will rent a house immediately after I get this month’s wages…”

However, Yuanxiao said whatever, his lips were dry, but Bu Tian didn’t let go.

Not a relative, not a friend, taking a stranger at home, unless Butian wears it again and hurts his brain, it is estimated that he will do this.

“Mr. Bu, brother Bu, brother, please, I will only pay one hundred and two yuan. If the fine is not enough for sleeping in the bridge hole, you will…” Lantern spent the shameless accumulated for 20 years. I almost hugged my thighs, but I didn’t dare, only my arms. The latter words were not finished, because after Bu Tian opened the door, the two found a man standing outside at the same time.

It was a man of about 30 years old, about 1.87 meters tall, wearing an elegant suit. His facial features were three-dimensional and handsome, his eye sockets were deep, and he had a mixed-race style.

There was no such person in Bu Tian’s memory, but it didn’t prevent him from perceiving the danger that could not be concealed from this person.

Just as he was about to ask what was wrong with this man, the man’s face darkened at a speed visible to the naked eye, his eyes were sharp as a knife, and he shot at Lantern Festival.

Lantern Festival: “???”

He glared at Lantern and shrank back behind Bu Tian, but it was this move that made the man’s eyes even more fierce, almost turning into a sharp blade, lingering him.

Bu Tian could feel the real killing intent in the man, and an absurd thought flashed through his mind.

“Bu! Heaven!” The man finally took his eyes away from Yuan Xiao and landed on Bu Tian’s face, almost clenching his teeth to squeeze out these two words.

Bu Tian’s heart skipped a beat, this voice was clearly the voice from the phone call he answered ten minutes ago.

“Are you so hungry and thirsty?” The man was furious, with a few blue veins bulging on his forehead, and his handsome face looked hideous and distorted because of his anger.

Bu Tian’s left eyelid twitched, and the unknown filled his heart.

The man clenched his hands into fists and stared at him: “Have you slept with him?”

Bu Tian frowned and didn’t explain that he was not familiar with Lantern at all, and that this man made him feel quite bad. He didn’t want to be too involved with this person, so he said coldly, “It has nothing to do with you.”

“It has nothing to do with me?” The man sneered as if he had heard some joke, “Yeah, we both broke up, it really has nothing to do with me, but Bu Tian, aren’t you afraid that I will expose you as gay?”

Hearing this sentence, Bu Tian and Yuan Xiao trembled at the same time, the former’s guess was confirmed, “he” did have a special condition; while the latter… Lantern’s expression became strange, and his hand quietly retracted from Bu Tian’s arm.

Bu Tian didn’t care about Lantern’s little actions, his heart was turbulent, but he didn’t reveal the slightest, only said: “I’m not gay.” At least not now.

“No?” The man laughed even more sarcastically when he heard this, “Bu Tian, you are not gay, is it a ghost who has been with me for three months?”

Bu Tian frowned, and the ominous premonition was confirmed again.

“Bu Tian, you are from the Bu family. Guess, if you have another homosexual scandal on your body, would you have the courage to go back to the Bu family? The Bu family will still accept it…” The man’s voice stopped abruptly, and he was punched by Bu Tian. It flew and fell more than three meters away.

“You…” The man obviously didn’t expect that Bu Tian would strike without a word, and the punch was almost unrelenting, making his eyes gleam with gold stars and bleeding from his nose and mouth.

Bu Tian squatted down half-body, grabbed his collar with one hand and lifted it up, as if it was not a big man, but a chicken.

“I hate threats, and I want to expose it to you. It’s not your turn to discuss the Bu family’s affairs.” His eyes were cold and his voice was like frost and snow in the cold winter.

The man was stunned by his eyes, but he couldn’t react for a while, the Bu Tian in front of him was so unfamiliar, so unfamiliar that he almost suspected that the person standing in front of him was a stranger.

After Bu Tian finished speaking, he let go, stood up, looked down at the man, and said in the same tone, “Also, I don’t like men.”

Originally, the man’s sluggish expression became vivid again because of this sentence. He got up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes passed through him and fell on Lantern standing in the door again.

Lantern suddenly felt as if he was being stared at by a hungry wolf, and all the hairs on his body stood up.

“Because of him?” The man’s gaze was not as vicious as before, but the maliciousness in his eyes was clear. When he turned back to Bu Tian’s face, he had put away the maliciousness. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb, and walked towards each other with no expression on his face. Tiandao: “Bu Tian, I don’t force you to stay below, I can accept the breakup, but I can’t accept you being with another man so soon.”

“I’m not, I don’t have that kind of relationship with Mr. Bu…” Lantern finally found his voice and hurriedly wanted to clarify, but he injured his foot and walked with a limp. In the eyes of the man, it was obviously something sequelae.

The man looked cold and looked at him deeply, as if he wanted to take revenge by remembering his appearance in the back of his mind.

Bu Tian took a half step to the side, blocking the man’s sight.

“Are you protecting him?” The man narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Bu Tiandao: “I’ll say it again, I don’t like men, it’s your freedom to do what you want, but if you touch my bottom line, I won’t be polite to you.”

Hearing that, the man was not unhappy, but smiled again, but the smile did not reach his eyes. He stared at Bu Tian and said slowly, word by word: “Why are you being rude to me, I’ll wait and see.” He paused for a moment. Seconds, he tilted his head to look behind Bu Tian again, and continued: “Before I didn’t allow you to develop new feelings, anyone who had intimate contact with you, whether it was Man Rufeng or this one in your home now , you’d better be optimistic, otherwise…” He believed that Bu Tian knew it well.

After saying this, the man turned around, and instead of entering the elevator, he used the password to open the door of Liu Minjie’s temporary apartment.

Bu Tian narrowed his eyes, stared at the high-end custom door for half a minute, then turned around and faced the Lantern Festival with a face full of indescribable words.

Lantern looked at him with a complicated expression. After a long while, he said slowly, “Well, Mr. Bu, I think I won’t disturb your rest. Goodbye.” After that, he took his ragged canvas bag and was about to leave. .

The author has something to say: Brother Tian: I don’t have your brother.

Tang Yuan: If my brother can’t make it, can my daughter-in-law make do with it?

Brother Tian: …you can try it.

Remember this “ex-boyfriend”, Xianyu worked hard to be beaten every time he played [smile.jpg]


Thanks for the mines fed by the fairies (there is no nutrient solution), what is it (╯3╰)

Cha Cha threw 1 mine

Mingyue Gathering threw 1 mine

Frontier Cold Moon threw 1 mine

Nameless threw 1 mine

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