The world is frozen: I let you stock up on goods, but not on goddesses!

Chapter 79 Escape! The old guy joins the Expendables! Take off your clothes when it's hot

"How's it going? Is this journey going smoothly?"

"Is the water in the underground pipes frozen?"

"Fortunately, boss, although there is still a lot of domestic water flowing, the depth of the underground pipes is deep enough, and the insulation under the ground is excellent. There is only a little ice in the pipes, and they are not completely frozen... .The only problem is that it’s dirty.”

"How's the stormwater pipe going? Have you found the entrance or exit?"

After a long time is over.

Bai Ankang took the lead in caring about rainwater pipes.

Compared with sewage pipes, rainwater pipes are definitely better to go.

The premise is that there is not too much poisonous snow in the rainwater pipes, and there must be suitable entrances and exits. The entrance is found in the basement of Longdu Home. If you can't find the exit here, it will be a waste of time.

But the good news is.

On the way, Bai Ankang received the news that the troops were divided into two groups and another group.

The rainwater pipe that Chen Xuewen and Yang Kaiyun walked through.

The message I got was that the inside of the storm drains were clean.

Although some snow fell inside the pipe at first, it was not red poisonous snow. This reminded Bai Ankang that before the poisonous snow fell, there had indeed been ordinary white snow for a while.

It was precisely because of the white snow at that time.

Many community owners who have never seen snow happily went to play in the snow in the yard.

Poisonous snow fell on the way, and corrosive injuries occurred.

Everyone was so scared that they didn't dare to go out.

So the first layer of poisonous snow.

It has become an isolation layer between the poisonous snow and the ground. With this isolation layer, the snow will almost never melt not to mention the current extremely cold weather. Even if there are some factors that cause some melting, it will be the first to flow into the rainwater pipes. It won't be poisonous snow, but the bottom layer of ordinary white snow, which is at least thirty to forty centimeters.

This is obviously for Wednesday Dao Bai Ankang and others.

It's absolutely good news.

"I found the entrance to the rainwater pipe closest to the house. I'm still digging... Now, I found some 'good brothers'."

Wednesday Dao’s eyes were full of meaning.

Bai Ankang understood instantly.

Wednesday Dao brought Bai Ankang and others to the workplace.

The manhole cover must be dug out for smooth operation.

They had already found steel plates in advance.

Throw the steel plate onto the snow from above.

When digging below, you only need to dig smaller than the steel plate so as not to cause the steel plate to fall. The steel plate is responsible for supporting the falling poisonous snow. You are worried that it will be too corrosive and will be damaged too quickly. The thin steel plate is enough. It's enough to do three floors.

even so.

The excavation was also difficult.

"This poisonous snow is indeed too corrosive. Those shovels were originally full of lumps. After digging for a while, it felt like they had been soaked in sulfuric acid. All the rust stains disappeared and turned into a shiny... ...It’s a bit corrosive. If the wooden handle accidentally touches the poisonous snow, it’s best to wipe it off in time, otherwise it will be dissolved and broken in about ten minutes.”

Follow the guidance of Wednesday's Knife.

There were broken wooden handles there.

And a shiny shovel head.

The severely corroded steel plate has perforations.

"But the good news is."

"Although it is highly corrosive, it is not easy to corrode and destroy steel plates in a short period of time. This shovel requires at least more than an hour of continuous operation before some corrosion holes will appear. To completely destroy it, it will take about three hours. .”

"The difficulty now is human safety."

"These damn bitches are so afraid of death that they keep doing this work."

"If I didn't have to use them, I would have killed them long ago."

Wednesday Dao said harshly.

The boys behind them all looked like overseers. They all had guns in their hands at the moment. Needless to say, the guns were all obtained from the prison. When they cooperated with the inmates to escape from prison, they killed the prison guards in the prison. Guns naturally became their weapons.

Although not many people will use it.

But it doesn't affect showing off.

Bai Ankang successively taught everyone how to use these submachine guns, pistols, etc., as well as the key points, precautions, etc., and they even went to the second floor to practice shooting directly.


The gunshot startled those who were working.

I saw poisonous snow falling on the snow hole I finally dug out due to the sound of gunshots.

Wednesday Dao was shocked!

"Stop shooting randomly, there's almost an avalanche down there!"


The rainwater manhole cover was finally dug to the bottom.

The moment the manhole cover was revealed, Wednesday Dao let out a sigh of relief.

Worried about encountering poisonous snow when going down the manhole cover.

Both sides were dug very wide, with an overall width of two meters, so that there was no need to worry too much about going up and down. For the sake of safety, Zhou Dao still found a lot of things to cover the poisonous snow on three sides to prevent falling and corrosion damage.

"Brothers, get ready to go down the well!"

Wednesday's knife is a thief.

Let a few younger brothers go down first.

Almost halfway down.

Someone walked out a few hundred meters later.

Then I came back to confirm that there was no problem.

Fortunately, Chen Xuewen and Yang Kaiyun, after exploring the twists and turns along the way, also came to the prison to meet up with Zhou Dao. After the three parties were together, there was no time to reminisce about the past. The first task was to leave immediately from the rainwater pipe.

"Fuck, the rainwater pipes are so clean!"

"It's not like the sewage pipe, where it's dirty and smelly and there's dirty water under your feet!"

Bai Ankang was the last to get off the manhole cover.

He did not close the lid to prevent other criminals from coming down, but he warned everyone with a gun that they would be shot if they didn't come down again in ten minutes.

Due to the power of the gun.

These criminals who have worked as coolies must not dare not listen.

I’ve been waiting for days, and there’s still ten minutes left.


ten minutes later.

Among the group of people who sped away for at least two kilometers, Wednesday Dao took out a remote control from his arms. This was a remote control bomb made by one of his younger brothers in prison. The moment he pressed it, there was an explosion. Came from above the prison rain manhole cover.


The explosion was comparable to a grenade.

Directly blow up the entrance to the manhole cover.

Along with the poisonous snow collapse cover.

The few coolie criminals who kindly rescued other criminals were desperate when they saw this scene. The good news was that they were not hit by the bombing because they rescued other criminals. The bad news was that the entrance to the manhole cover was paralyzed by the bombing.

Even if the covering snow is dug away.

It's almost impossible to escape from here.

"Damn, this Wednesday Knife is such a bastard!"

"They want us to die here!"

"What should we do, shall we find another rainwater manhole cover?"

"Don't think about it. We have already checked out the manhole covers on Wednesday. This is the nearest manhole cover. We have to go out to the other one at least ten meters away. These ten meters are covered with poisonous snow with a thickness of more than three meters. Who dares to go and who can go? "

"Are we going to wait here to die?! You bastards!!"

"Wait, sewage pipe!"

This group of people seems to have found hope of survival.



Longdu Home.

Fang hopes to collect the body of his son Fang Peng.

Zhou Goucheng collected the body of his wife Gao Guilian.

At this time, there is no way to organize a funeral but to park the body at home. Even if the temperature at home is high, it is difficult to rise above zero, and the body will not rot in a short time.

Just now.

Fang hopes to be with Zhou GouSheng.

The desire for revenge can no longer be suppressed.

There are a few people who have the same thoughts.

Zhou Dali's father and Dong Siwen's father knew that the three of them fought to death, but they did not believe that the result was what they saw. Regardless of whether Shen Liangcheng admitted it or not, they had already assumed that Shen Liang had killed them. My son's murderer.

As for Zhou Gou Sheng.

Even if his wife wanted to kill Shen Liang and made the poisoned wine, even if the person who fed Gao Guilian the poisoned wine was not Shen Liang, Zhou Goucheng still blamed Shen Liang for all this.

Zhou Goucheng was also a little crazy.

He was the one who advocated finding a few people to join forces to take revenge on Shen Liang.

Zhou Gou Sheng even found an old partner.

Sun Daming's father, Sun Fengshou, is across the street.

For the first time, two pairs of father and son from the Sun family and Zhou family.

It was Shen Liang's family who went together. Later, the two families were fucked together. The sons of both families were paralyzed in bed. They have not recovered yet. Even... the daughters-in-law of both families were detained by Shen Liang as playthings. It lasted more than two hours, and they didn't even dare to think about what they had done during this period.

When I heard that Sun Fengshou didn’t want to participate.

Zhou Goucheng took out the knife ferociously!

"Old Sun, if you don't go, I will kill you!"

"I tell you, I don't want to live now. You'd better not mess with me. Besides, I don't want to kill you, but your son was done like this by Shen Liang, but you still don't want to take revenge. We have such a good opportunity, why don't you still What are you waiting for!"

"If you are really such a loser, I will not only kill you, I will kill your whole family!"

"Then I will go find Shen Liang for revenge!"

Sun Fengshou was frightened.

Revenge is still compulsive?

But Zhou Goucheng also made sense.

His son was left paralyzed and impotent.

My daughter-in-law's legs hurt from Shen Liang's pain for two days.

This kind of hatred cannot be justified without revenge.

at this time.

Sun Daming's second son and daughter-in-law were also there.

"Dad! Uncle Zhou!"

"I heard your conversation just now!"

"Uncle Zhou, although you are a little anxious because of the situation, I still think you are right. We have to avenge dad's revenge. My brother is like this. He can't get out of bed for several days. If my brother is paralyzed for the rest of his life, What to do in bed?"

"Aunt Gao is dead, and so is Fang Peng!"

"Zhou Dali is also dead, and Dong Siwen is also dead!"

"Everyone who has anything to do with Shen Liang is dead!"

"Dad, do you really think you can be alone?"

"If you don't take advantage of this good opportunity and work together to get revenge, will you be able to deal with it when Shen Liang comes to our house alone in the future?"

"I'm going! Dad, we, father and son, are going together!"

"Including Uncle Zhou, Uncle Fang, Uncle Dong...there are so many of us. Although the number may not be the largest, Shen Liang would have to kneel down and call him grandpa even if it means risking his life!"

Although Sun Erming is the second eldest son in the family, he looks extremely strong. He is 1.9 meters tall and weighs more than 200 kilograms. He looks much stronger than Sun Daming. His wife Liang Nuanyu is a petite little wife, a head shorter than Sun Erming and has a very tall figure. The breasts are also very bold but very small.

Keep pulling on the side.

Ask Sun Erming not to go.

Sun Erming pushed his wife onto the sofa with his backhand.

"Don't worry about women!"

Sun Fengshou sighed heavily.

He looked at his son and then at Zhou Gou Sheng.

"It's not that I can't go."

"But there are rumors that the deaths of Director Ma Jinsuo and those dozens of people were all caused by Shen Liang... We only had about ten people in total, and dozens of people were killed. Can we do it? "

"I heard that Shen Liang has a robot and ten vicious dogs..."


Zhou Gou Sheng said with a cold face.

"You don't have to worry about that."

"Shen Liang has robots, vicious dogs, and robbers, right?"

"We also found guns, and there were three guns!"

"Gun?! Really?!"

"Don't ask too much, it's absolutely true. And we also found an armored vehicle. Although it's for civilian use, it's bulletproof enough. We can hide in the vehicle and have a gunfight with Shen Liang. At worst, we can just hit his door. Crash in and kill him!!!"

There is a gun.

There are civilian armored vehicles.

The car is Knight XV.

Really strong and powerful enough.

Sun Fengnian sighed. The matter had come to this, and he would not be able to survive if he did not go on this pirate ship. However, he did not want his second son to participate. If both of his sons were destroyed, he would have no descendants.

But Sun Erming was very insistent.

This is the only option.

Sun Fengnian took Sun Erming and followed Zhou Goucheng to find Fang Hope and others for a meeting. Several old men came here with the determination to die. Only Sun Fengnian and his son did not want to die, but they had no choice but to bite the bullet. I just hope to succeed and not fail.


After Sun Erming left.

His wife Liang Nuanyu found his sister-in-law Dong Zuoai.

The two sisters-in-law were sitting together, and Liang Nuanyu seemed very worried and nervous.

"Sister-in-law, we can't let Dad go with Er Ming!"

"You quickly find a way to stop them, I'm worried about them..."

In this regard.

Dong Zuoai sighed with a complicated expression.

Last time she and Zhang Yazhi went to rescue their husbands.

The price paid was two hours of swimming in Shen Liang's swimming pool.

At first they were filled with hatred.

But in the past few days since returning, Dong Zuoai has been thinking about this incident. It seems to be her husband's fault from beginning to end. Did Shen Liang do anything wrong? He didn't take the initiative to provoke anyone except being ruthless. The reason why he was ruthless and ruthless , not because others came to provoke Shen Liang.

Especially after seeing the latecomers for a few days.

The person who provoked Shen Liang.

One after another died.

Aunt Ma Jinsuo led a large number of people to find Shen Liang.

Half of them died later.

Others are not sure about this.

But Dong Zuoai is basically determined to be done by Shen Liang.

Thinking back on it, Shen Liang didn't kill Zhou Jiandong and Sun Daming. Is that considered merciful? If they hadn't been paralyzed, they might have joined the security team later and would have been killed by Shen Liang, right?

Those who kill will always be killed.

Dong Zuoai didn't understand before.

I think Shen Liang is a ruthless and unjust bastard.

Now she understands that those who died were all worthy of death, and they all coveted Shen Liang's food and warm villa, and Shen Liang was always defending himself from the beginning to the end, even if Shen Liang distributed delicious food in the group every day There is a suspicion of hate fishing.

But Jiang Taigong fished for those who wanted to take the bait.

You are greedy for other people’s things!

Want to rob, steal or even kill people?

In the end he was killed by someone else, who should be blamed?

"Nuanyu, you are a good woman."

"If you believe my sister-in-law, will my sister-in-law take you to see Shen Haohao, whether it's Sun Erming, Sun Fengnian, or some old guy like Zhou Gouchen... If you go to die this time, you will definitely die."

"Don't think it's Shen Liang's fault. He's right."

"This...sister-in-law, you!"

"It doesn't matter if you don't go. You'd better swallow what I say. If you want to go again, you can contact my sister-in-law. My sister-in-law... is waiting for you at Shen Liang's place."

"Look, it's my sister-in-law, Brother Daming?!"

"Him? Ever since he and Sun Fengnian planned to give me to Shen Liang in exchange for their lives, we have no love. His life and death in the future has nothing to do with me."

Get sister-in-law.

Change yourself?

Are Brother Daming and father-in-law like this?

Is it true?

Would Sun Erming do this to me?

Liang Nuanyu was stunned!

Dong Zuoai obviously thought more thoroughly than Zhang Yazhi, but Zhang Yazhi also understood the compassion. After the two women met, Dong Zuoai persuaded them and they hit it off.

Send a message directly to Shen Liang.

"Shen Liang, Sister Yazhi and I... want to join you."

"If you are unwilling to accept our sisters, we can go there with a piece of information. Let me tell you directly, Sun Fengnian and the others want to fight you to the death."



Shen Liang did not reply to Dong Zuoai in time.

Mainly because we have guests at home.

On the first floor of the villa, on a large luxurious sofa.

Zhou Yameng took off her down jacket and wore a sweater and warm pants. She still felt hot all over. She always felt that the temperature was very high when she turned on the air conditioner and floor heating at home. However, under the impact of the extreme weather outside, the maximum temperature in the house could hardly exceed 10 degrees. .

But Shen Liang's home?

Directly 28 degrees? ? ?

"Oh my God, brother Shen Liang!"

"It's too warm in your house, I...I'm so hot~~~~!"

Zhou Yameng kept fanning herself with her hands.

The red face looks very cute.

Looking at it up close, this face really looks like a royal lady.

To be precise, there is still a bit of pure lust.

Shen Liang doesn't quite understand what pure desire is. In his understanding, it's probably the kind that makes you obsessed with one glance and can't be pulled out after another glance. The white moonlight in everyone's heart can be seen when walking on the road in school. An innocent girl who has fascinated thousands of teenagers?

At least Zhou Yameng deserves this description.

"It's so cold outside, the heater must be turned up to keep it warm."

"If it's hot, take off some clothes."

"Huh? But...inside me, there are only...Pangji and Doudou..."

Zhou Yameng blushed.

Thinking of her pink panty with the fat blue printed on it and her pink lace pocket, Zhou Yameng couldn't let Shen Liang see anything she said. It was too childish and too shy. Brother Shen Liang would definitely laugh at me. ~!

That's right.

Her first thought was childish.

Worried about being laughed at by Shen Liang...

Shen Liang understands well why he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

So he acted decisively like magic.

He found a thin piece of clothing and handed it to Zhou Yameng.

"That's the bathroom over there."

"You should be able to wear this."

This is a loose t-shirt.

It's said to be a T-shirt, but it's extremely long.

Even if Zhou Yameng is very tall, it can just cover her cute and charming little butt, but this T-shirt... seems to be a little too thin, almost transparent.

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