The World of Deities

Chapter 111 - : The First Badge

Chapter 111: The First Badge

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio  Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

In order to become a legend, the previous head of the Agra family had consumed a large amount of resources. In the end, he failed and died. The family’s vitality was greatly damaged and had not recovered until now.

However, this family had a deep bloodline relationship and was well-known. Moreover, the one who was representing the family in this cooperation was the second son of the current head of the family, a black iron warrior, and had a decent reputation.

The most important thing was that this hero family believed in the strength of Plato Workshop, would not take shares for free, and were willing to buy the shares using their family’s restaurant in the Noble District.

All the conditions were met and everyone was happy.

Su Ye decided to meet at the Dolphin River the next night. However, Kelton said that the other party was a noble and could not possibly go to a place like the Dolphin River. In the end, he decided to go to the restaurant in the noble district to sign the contract.

After sending Kelton away, Su Ye sent a letter to Niedern, hoping to meet the noble that he knew tomorrow.

After a long while, Niedern replied.

“The other party did not send anyone, but they gave you a token. Tomorrow, you can ask me for the token, and you can also come to retrieve the first Mana Source badge and the remains of the flame gnome.”

“The item is here? That’s great, thank you teacher!”

“Tomorrow, I will teach you how to use your ‘honorary representative’ identity.”

“Tomorrow morning, I will go. Don’t oversleep!”

“Alright, see you at the office tomorrow morning.”

Su Ye was extremely happy. After studying efficiently, he went to bed at 10:30 pm on time and set the alarm for 5 am.

The moment the alarm rang, Su Ye quickly washed up and headed straight to school.

As for the housework at home, Su Ye had already asked his neighbor Uncle Figo to help him. He gave him two silver peacocks every month for his slaves to help him with the housework. Anyway, he was living alone so everything was kept simple.

When he arrived at school, Su Ye did not go to Niedern’s office first. Instead, he entered his own class first. When he saw that there was no one inside and confirmed that he was the first one to arrive at school that day, he left with satisfaction.

“Hello teacher!”

Su Ye knocked on the door and entered. He greeted Niedern seriously and stared at him with his sparkling eyes.

The morning light was dim. Niedern’s red hair was like charcoal that was about to go out, a fading red.

He nodded and said, “Sit.”

Su Ye immediately sat on a chair at the side. His gaze fell on a wooden box that was more than half a meter tall under Niedern’s feet.

Niedern said, “This wooden box is the remains of the flaming gnome. Take it home tonight. Oh, right, you want to sign the contract with the Chamber of Commerce. You can come and pick it up tomorrow.”

“I’ll just take the remains of the flame gnome home first before signing the contract,” Su Ye said.

“Do as you wish. This is the Mana Souce badge.”

Niedern flipped his right hand and handed a twelve-pointed-star badge to Su Ye.

Su Ye took the badge.

It was slightly cold to the touch and had a slightly matte texture.

The foundation of the Mana Souce badge was pure black, and there was a blue ocean in the middle of the circle. Su Ye could tell with a glance that it symbolized mana.

As the badge moved, the blue liquid inside would constantly move, looking very much like a real Mana Source .

Niedern said, “Don’t underestimate this badge. This badge represents the highest achievement of the Congress of Magic in the field of magic stacking. This Mana Source badge has solidified a spell, that is, the Formless Robe.”

Su Ye was stunned and said, “Isn’t that rumored to be the most useless legendary spell?”

“Yes, this spell is very famous. Because it is clearly a legendary spell, only a legendary master can construct its magic array diagram, but its power is pitifully small, so pitiful that its defensive ability is equivalent to a black iron spell, and it is a weakening type, not a defensive type. This spell cannot even completely block the weakest flame arrow; it can only slightly weaken it by less than 1%. However, very few people know that this spell is theoretically one of the strongest spells.”

“What do you mean?” Su Ye asked.

“That is because this spell can be stacked indefinitely. When stacked to a certain extent, it is still unable to completely block the weakest flame arrow. It can only weaken part of the power of the flame arrow. But this kind of weakening is the weakening of the entire world,”Niedern said.

“The weakening of the entire world? Are you for real?”

Su Ye found it hard to believe, because the significance of the weakening of the entire world was that it could weaken all kinds of power, whether it was magic, divine power, or even the power of true gods.

Up till now, the only power that could be considered the weakening of the entire world was the power of gods.

Only gods could resist gods.

Niedern said, “Every time you obtain a Mana Source badge, you can strip off the magic array diagram within it and fuse it into your main Mana Source badge. After more than a hundred, the power will gradually appear. Legend has it that if you gather ten thousand Mana Source badges, the power will be astonishing.”

“I understand… Let’s get down to business first. No wait, doesn’t the magic array diagram need to be re-carved after being peeled off? How can a legendary mage have so much time?” Su Ye said.

“The power of the Formless Robe on the Mana Source badge is inferior to the real Formless Robe, because it is a spell imprint. You know nothing about magic,”Niedern said.

Su Ye did not rebut. He really did not know much about magic. He said, “You are right. Laker became a magic apprentice for three months and grew 15 magic leaves. I only grew 12 leaves in three months. My magic level is indeed not good.”

The corner of Niedern’s mouth moved slightly. He recalled that it took him a year to grow 10 leaves. He snorted and said, “Then how many magic array diagrams have you carved?”

Su Ye counted his fingers and said, “Seven. They are elemental detection, poison detection, floating radiance, wind dagger, water creation, flame arrow, and magic rope.”

“Why didn’t you learn all ten apprentice spells?”Niedern asked.

“I will advance to black iron right away. What if I am not left with enough magic leaves to carve magic array diagrams? Those unimportant apprentice spells can wait. I will think about them when I have too many magic leaves in the future,” Su Ye said.

“Hmm, not bad. This is called… how did you praise yourself before?”

“Delayed gratification. Only those who know how to delay gratification will not be confused by the apparent gains and mistakes in front of them and have greater achievements,” Su Ye said seriously.

“Okay, the time for self-praising is over. It’s time for studying. Now, I’ll teach you how to use the Mana Source badge…”

Then, Niedern demonstrated the use of Mana to connect the Mana Source Badge and the magic book.

Su Ye followed suit and quickly connected the two. He discovered that there was a magic map in the magic book.

This magic map was tens to hundreds of times more detailed than the ones in geography class.

Su Ye opened the magic book and saw a line of white light projected into the sky. It interwove into a three-dimensional magic image of a planet with a diameter of more than a meter.

Su Ye was stunned for a moment. This planet was different from the blue planet in his impression. It felt much bigger than the blue planet.

The planet was mainly composed of four continents, namely Northern Europe, Roman Greece, two rivers, and Egypt. At the same time, there were many other small continents and islands scattered around.

Other than that, half of the planet was an ocean, and most of the ocean was shrouded in fog and was not explored.

Su Ye curiously pointed at the Greek peninsula, and the magic planet quickly zoomed in.

The high and low peaks, fields, forests, and tall cities appeared before him as if they were real.

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