The World of Mercenaries: The National Boss Is a Girl

Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Final Judgment

“I don’t know how you settled this kind of thing, and now you can confidently say that you have dedicated your youth to your students! But I know… you must have been poor at that time, because you spent all your money on stuffing up and down. Live in the crowd!”

“The female student is the only child in the family, and the family sold the land for her to go to school.”

“When she died, the family collapsed.”

Shen Dongyang’s voice suddenly grew louder, with incomparable domineering and indignant: “And you! Have you ever apologized in person?”

Li Meili didn’t know how she knew such a thing, seven years ago she was probably a ten-year-old child, and all the details of those posts were deleted seven years later.

Can’t find it at all.

She took a step back uncontrollably, and the shock this student brought her made her unable to escape.

Wen Cheng’s face darkened. He had just been the director for two years, and he had no idea about all this. A teacher who should lead by example in teaching and educating people would actually do such a thing.

Terrible and hateful!

Tears fell from her finely-lined face, while Shen Dongyang was still pressing on.

“Don’t think that you can still make a comeback if the posts of the year have been deleted on the Internet.”

“I tell you, if you do something wrong, one day you will have to pay it back, or double it!”

Li Meili’s feet softened, and she fainted unbearably.


Yimei fast food restaurant, Shen Dongyang took a taxi and returned to the store at night.

The two negotiated, and Shen Dongyang was satisfied with the punishment of Li Meili by the director of the Education Bureau. He directly banned them, and took the money received to give 200,000 yuan to the parents of the girl who caressed the blood. The rest were confiscated and imprisoned for five years. Evicted from the city.

I’m afraid that in this lifetime, if she doesn’t hide her name and change her face, the pressure of public opinion on the Internet will directly crush her, and she will no longer be able to make a fortune.

When Li Meili woke up, after hearing the verdict in the court, she fainted again, capsized in the gutter, and fell into the hands of a poor student of unknown origin.

It is unstoppable regret.

Seeing Shen Dongyang coming back, the store manager picked up the mobile phone he was flipping through and immediately greeted him.

“Dongyang, are you back? How is it, is everything going well?”

Shen Dongyang nodded, “Well…it’s pretty good.”

“Look at Dongyang!” The store manager said and held out his phone in front of Shen Dongyang.

Shen Dongyang fixed his eyes, Beijiang City News, the latest update has come out.

On the page, there are several enlarged and bolded black characters: [To be a teacher in vain, evil will be repaid]

The following is a line of subtitles: [The teacher hit the students indiscriminately, and the students gave back two slaps in disgust. They didn’t get angry at the Education Bureau for a while, but unexpectedly revealed the teacher’s bribery and the truth about the suicide of the female student seven years ago. 】

There are also a few pictures of Li Meimei’s court acceptance, as well as photos of Shen Dongyang’s face being mosaicked.

Shen Dongyang took the phone and flipped it down.

A little walnut: [When I was in school, I was bullied by my classmates and reported to the teacher. The teacher said: He doesn’t hit others, so why does he hit you? At that time, I really felt hopeless in life. Call for classmates and dare to point out the darkness. 】

The first lover: [Upstairs, pity each other with the same disease. 】

Scala 927: [I remember one time, when I couldn’t get a question, I went to ask the teacher. The teacher called me a stupid pig in public and went home. The math teacher in the junior high school is still my nightmare. 】

Pippi Shrimp: [A classmate in the class was molested by the male teacher, and then committed suicide the next day. There is a lot of darkness in this world. I hope you, kind strangers, can protect yourself well. 】

jhihfgyfvnji: [How can such a person without teacher morality be able to be a teacher for 20 years? surprise! 】

You are polite: [The classmates did a great job, this kind of teacher should be beaten! 】

Too lonely haha: [Teachers receive gifts and insult students. This kind of thing happens one after another. I hope that when choosing a teacher, you can check the teacher’s character. If you want to teach, you must learn to be a person first! 】

Don’t say I’m laughing: [There are many teachers who bully others and please the rich. Fortunately, our head teachers are very good, treat them equally, and never be unreasonable. 】

Strange adventure: [Upstairs, our head teacher is also very good, and I feel very lucky. Although there are many dark things in this world, there are also kind and warm existences. 】

Little Guitou: [Am I the only one who noticed that my classmates are handsome? Although he was hit with a mosaic…but he is tall and has a good figure…and his hands are really beautiful! 】

Mmmm sauce: [Upstairs, not only you, but also me. 】

gig slaps: [After reading this reminds me of a sentence, Skynet is sparse and not missing. 】

Shen Dongyang lowered his eyes secretly and pushed the phone to him. What happened to those strangers… made her heart hurt.

ninth day.

The second and seventh classes of high school, the sun is shining brightly, this is a Tuesday.

“Hey, have you read the news from Beijiang City? Our head teacher has been arrested and sent to jail!”

“What? Where is where, let me see.”

“Why do I feel that the person in the court is very familiar, is it Shen Dongyang?”

“I woke up early this morning and saw a new push message. The matter of Shen Dongyang has actually caused trouble to the Education Bureau…”

“I rely on me, look, look, it turns out that seven years ago, a female student was forced to death by the head teacher!”

“The head teacher takes bribes!”

“…Do you still remember what Shen Dongyang said that day? I heard Shen Dongyang clearly say that the head teacher is not worthy of being a teacher…”

“Do you think Shen Dongyang is handsome?”

“Of course!” Meng Yuanyuan looked proud, as if Shen Dongyang belonged to her family.

“Unfortunately… I guess I don’t know when to go to school, or he just didn’t go to school.”

Zhao Xiaole, who had been leaning against the corner of the wall, folded his jacket tightly and tucked it into the table cavity.

Feeling lost and sad in my heart, I thought, “He… won’t he come?”

“Shen Dongyang! Shen Dongyang! You little girls remember Shen Dongyang! He doesn’t even dare to fight with me, even if I beat him, you still talk about such a spineless man all day long!” Hu Ping just came out of the toilet When they heard that they were discussing Shen Dongyang again, they couldn’t help but get angry.

Lin Fangfang, who was smoking under the air conditioner, immediately explained, for fear that Hu Ping would misunderstand that he, like other girls, liked Shen Dongyang: “Master Hu, I didn’t discuss him.”

The younger brother following him hurriedly flattered and said: “Hu Shao, what kind of spineless man is Shen Dongyang? He’s a woman, hahaha, Shen Dongyang is a woman!”

Meng Yuanyuan gave him a dissatisfied look, and Zhao Xiaole clenched his fists tightly while clenching his teeth.

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