The World-ruling Dungeon

Ch 4 – A weird hug and good snacks

I closed my eyes and focused on using my floating vision, since that one could not be seen and sent it floating towards her position. God, controlling this thing is complicated, feels like flying a drone. Anyhow, let's see what this girl looks like.

After just a minute wobbling about, I managed to learn how to properly control the vision and proceeded towards her. After  another minute or so, I could see a girl, dirty, cowering in the corner of the cave, almost as if hiding from something... It smelled fishy, but I had to pry a little deeper. As I was approach her she suddenly turns and looks straight at me. I freeze, scared she had somehow noticed me, but as she turns away and I relax, I realize I must have been just a coincidence of sorts. After this me had no body. When she turned I could have a glance at her face. she was using a hood I only saw a little bit, but I realized she must be younger than me. Her face was very tender but her expression showed a lot of fear. From even closer I now could see the marks, she had red marks on both her wrists, and broken chains hanging from her ankles... She must be an escapee prisoner, I think... Or worse. Still, I know little about this world, and she didn't look to be an evil person. So I decided to approach her with my human form.




I ran so much my legs feel like they are burning. They ran after me for hours, I was almost caught many times... I really hope they don't find this cave... What is this? I feel like I'm being watched!?

I turn around to doublecheck. I'm too tired to walk but I am sure no one entered the cave after me...  I looked straight where my guts told me the gaze came from, but there was nothing there... Maybe it's something from my head... Eating this badly for so many days must be taking its toll on me. This cave is very cold... But I don't have anything to make fire or heat myself with so all I can do is curl up and hope the night will pass soon... I need food... Hmm, the feeling is still here... Who's watching me... or What? Geez. I need to leave this place. But where do I go? I was betrayed by my own uncle... I don't even have anywhere to go...


"plac" "plac" "plac"


What? those are steps? Oh shoot, there was someone in this cave? Ah.


"Handsome." Shit I thought out loud.




It took me a couple minutes to get to where the girl was by walking. I hadn't realized yet how big this cave really is... Guess having that form of vision blurs my spatial perception.


I could already see her curled up behind the corner of the cave. This girl must be desperate... I feel bad for her to be honest. But there's not much I can do since I just fell in here. Still, having her in here gives me a decent amount of EP. Oh, I didn't even check how much stuff costs... How can I say 1 EP/h is "decent"... Well, I'm comparing to what I got fighting the goblin so... Should be fine though...  Also, had forgotten... I didn't even check the rest of the Status...

I'll see it later. First, let's check this girl out.




Wha~! Did I hear something wrong? Did this girl just call me handsome? Oh, well, that just makes life easier.


"Thank you for the compliment."


Oh, crap, she is curling up even more.

"Are you okay?"


"Ah, yes, sorry for bothering you..." She answered in a very soft voice... I knew something was wrong.


"Are you really okay?" I asked while approaching her carefully, being stabbed would hurt quite a lot this time.

"Do you need anything?"


"I... I... Uwaaa"


What? Did this girl just...

Yeah, the girl jumped at me, hugged me, and started crying. Imma let her be for a while but jeez, she reeks... Let's see if I can get what she needs with the first hours' worth of EP.

"Hope you are feeling better... But you can let me go now"


"Oh... Sorry..." She answered, flushed, while taking a step away from me.

"Thank you for caring about me..."


"You're welcome but... What's going on here?  Why are you in this cave?"


"Ah, sorry... It's... I'm hiding..."


"That part I had already realized. Who are you running from though?"


"How do you... Nevermind, its pretty obvious right? I'm running from slave traders."


"Huh? You don't sound like a poor person. Did your village get raided or something like that?"


"Yeah, kinda... I was kidnapped after being sold by my uncle..."


"Tough times huh? Are you hungry?"


Open Consumable Store.


< Consumable Store >

<                  >

< Food             >

< Hygiene          >

< Potions          >

< Others           >


Open Food


< Consumable Store      >

<                       >

< Bread  1EP            >

< Bolinho Ana Maria 1EP >

< Crackers  1EP         >

< Cheese Sandwich   2EP >

< Next Page             >


Huh, there's food from my world here? Gloria?


<< The dungeon System is based on the Dungeon Master's Knowledge, the dungeon itself is considered as a something apart from the world it belongs. >>


Oh, that's actually handy, Give me one Bolinho.


The sweet, stuffed bun appeared on my back pocket as I had wanted, still in its original packaging... Wow... That is actually very good.


"Here, take this." I hand the girl the now unwrapped bun, because the printed wrapping would be far too suspicious, but man her reaction went overboard.

As she took her first bite she looked at in awe and asked in a terrified tone:


"HOW! How can you have something this expensive out in the nowhere?!"


Oops, forgot I know nothing about this place... maybe she can help me learn a little.

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