The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

Chapter 161 - Testimonials

Penalty kick is a kind of shooting technique in football game. It takes a certain amount of footwork and strength to play this kind of ball. The reason it is called a spoon is because the arc drawn by the football in flight resembles the shape of a spoon.

“Spoon” is one of the most difficult and aesthetic in volley. The use of footwork emphasizes “rubbing” rather than “picking”, so the movement is more covert and more difficult. This kind of kicking is a kind of hanging shot. Because in the face of penalty kicks, goalkeepers often choose to pounce in one direction, so some players who take penalty kicks deliberately lift the penalty kick to the middle, making the goalkeeper unprepared.

Not everyone dares to use this technique in penalty kicks, because it requires several requirements, such as kicking a “spoon penalty”, which requires a certain amount of footwork and strength; kicking out a spoon not only requires a higher level of player footwork, but also There are very high psychological requirements; it must be very deceptive before kicking, pretending to shoot to the goal side but actually sling gently to the middle, and also master the speed, height and timing of falling; The free thrower must have extraordinary courage, if a little incomplete, the goalkeeper will see through the intention and pounce.

In the 1976 European Cup final, the former Czechoslovak star Palenka invented such a delicate and beautiful shot in the game against the former West Germany team, and finally the former Czechoslovak team won the cup.

In the eyes of the Italians, the best person is the Italian team’s Totti. In the 2000 European Championship semi-final against the Netherlands in the penalty shootout, “spoon” was used to thoroughly tease Van der Sar and Italy advanced. From then on, the spoon penalty became Totti’s gold signboard.

In fact, before this, Totti’s spoon penalty was the most impressive.

Then, it was Zidane’s spoon kick in the World Cup finals in 2006. Unfortunately, people haven’t seen it yet. Only Dong Fangzhuo has seen it.

In such a tense penalty shootout, Dong Fangzhuo, who was the last to play, completed the lore in a most elegant way.

In the future, when people talk about a whistle penalty, his name will also be listed, and the rebirth will make this guy feel calmer and dare to play any action.

In this game, his brain is big enough. The tie-breaker that equalized the score for Manchester United is actually playing like this. The penalty he created is actually…

When the ball lay quietly in the net, the Old Trafford stadium completely boiled.

Manchester United entered the League Cup final.

This event, which fans consider to be tasteless, makes Manchester United fans so crazy at the moment.

Not only because of entering the final, but because Manchester United’s opponent is Chelsea, the strongest enemy in the Premier League this season.

And their final opponent is-Liverpool.

This season, they will meet again, in the near future…

In the stands, Maradona’s hands were gently applauding. When Dong Fangzhuo scored the penalty kick, Maradona gave him applause. No one knows better than him how much courage it takes to shoot a spoon in a penalty shootout. This is not something ordinary people dare to do.

He still doesn’t like Dong Fangzhuo’s personal ability, but he has to admire Dong Fangzhuo’s courage and courage.

He was the ball king and was beaten, but he was not stingy to give applause to Dong Fangzhuo…


Lost in a muddle. Mourinho stood on the sidelines with a melancholy sigh, but could not leave immediately because he had to wait for his disciples to come off the court and give them a hint of comfort. As a coach, this is the minimum to do.

It was so uncomfortable to stay at Old Trafford Stadium. He wished he could walk into the player’s tunnel immediately and quickly pack his luggage and take the bus to leave.

His disciples were filled with frustration and disappointment on their faces, pulling their heads, one by one, as if losing their souls.

Turning around, he walked into the player’s tunnel. In the mixed area, he saw Dong Fangzhuo in an interview.

There is no doubt that Dong Fangzhuo dominated this game and became the best player.

Mourinho has never been optimistic about Dong Fangzhuo, but has always been worried that this guy caused Chelsea trouble, and the game turned out to be because of him, Chelsea lost the game.

He doesn’t like to play smart players, Dong Fangzhuo is obviously this type…

Can’t understand why he can always take advantage of Chelsea players? Did Terry and Bridge encounter a curse, why did they always feel a little abnormal when facing him?

He just looked away from Dong Fangzhuo, and he seemed to have found the answer.

Crackling, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky.

Terry and Bridge were actually fighting in the passage!

It really happened too suddenly.

Perhaps it was the reason why Chelsea lost. When the two of you punched me and punched each other, the other Chelsea players did not come up to stop.

The reporters who originally interviewed Dong Fangzhuo directed the spotlights and the lens to the two men.

Dong Fangzhuo glanced at it and knew that the two men completely tore their faces and turned their heads into enmity…

No one knows what is going on, only Dong Fangzhuo knows.

Although he felt a little guilty, he felt that he had actually done a great deal of help to Bridge. Knowing that, now he has kept him from wearing green hats for several years…

It’s worth it to exchange for a final…

Afterwards, the media almost reported the game under the headline of Terry and Bridge, and believed that Terry and Bridge were the main culprits of Chelsea’s defeat.

And the magical English paparazzi quickly dug out the real reason for these two people to dry up, all of this, only because of a woman named Vanessa.

The omnipotent “The Sun” reported with some seriousness: Bridge recently dated a French model named Vanessa. Unfortunately, this Vanessa met Terry before, and Terry was in both of them. During the date, they got together and the two often cheated, because Bridge knew about it, so he and Terry did it. It seems that this thing should have happened a week ago, otherwise the two of them will not behave so bizarrely in Chelsea. Mourinho and Chelsea can only sadly pay for both of them…

Everything seems to fall out.


Mourinho angrily threw away the “Sun”, but at that moment, he suddenly thought of Dong Fangzhuo.

Could it be that That guy actually knew this?

Mourinho, who often pays attention to details, soon discovered a little problem.


If this is the case, how terrible the child’s mind is.

He shook his head, unwilling to believe that things would be so terrifying…

At this time, Dong Fangzhuo was receiving a commendation from a famous face, and King Cantona talked in front of the Times.

“In my opinion, he should be the most suitable candidate for Manchester United’s future captain.”


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